9 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Mooseheart Legion For Men and Women $33.80 and the money was given to the women. This was one of the best Frolics ever held by Gem State Legion, and the interest manifested and the enthusiasm aroused can not help But redound to the good of the several lodges in that district. Rochester, N. Y., No. 61 is coming like “a house on fire.” At the Frolic held April 2 in Elmira, N. Y., a class of 255 neophytes was initiated into the mysteries of the second degree of the Order under the leadership of Great North Moose William M. Smith and Herder Willard A. Marakle. The third section was exemplified by the Rochester Degree Staff headed by Director Fred Martin. The membership of No. 61 is 774, a gain of practically 100 per cent since September, 1920. The leaders predict “1,000 strong” before the Toledo convention. But little time is available from now until the close of the free trip to MOOSEHEART or Toledo Contest. No one can tell at this time who the winners will be but on May 31st, the contest will close and the record of each Chapter that is entered will be checked up and the winners announced just as soon as possible. Many a contest has been won during the last few days thereof and we hope that every Chapter will make an honest and earnest endeavor to be among the winners. The contest has been more than interesting from its' very inception and to those who are fortunate to be selected as delegates for this trip it will be an event not soon forgotten. A letter from C. H. McCants, Dictator of Santa Barbara Lodge No. 605 indicates that when a California Lodge decides to institute a Chapter of the Women of Mooseheart Legion, they (Continued on Page 19) women the time will never be. It seems to me that every brother throughout the land should have a profound appreciation for the good already accomplished and should stand ready and willing to do all in his power for the perpetuation of the work and the accomplishment of still greater results in the cause of humanity. In. the vista beyond, the Angel of Hope not only ratifies our faith and our deeds, but beckons us on to an era of greater usefulness. Yours for Mooseheart, RODNEY H. BRANDON, Grand Regent In changing the headquarters of Legion No. 138 from Sioux City to Omaha, Neb., the first frolic at Omaha, was a pronounced success. The Frolic was under the personal supervision of Deputy Grand Regent, Brother W. A. Barron, and from the little uneasiness he caused Supreme Dictator, Darius A. Brown, Associate Justice, Edward L. Bradley and officers of the Nebraske Humane Society, everything was just about, as it should be. The name of the Legion was changed to Nebowa Legion No, 138. Gem State Legion No. 162 held their recent Frolic in the hustling Idaho city of Twin Falls. There was a street parade one-half mile in length; the conspicuous features of which were school children riding in appropriate floats representing Moose ideals and accomplishments, and 50 candidates for the second degree of Moosedom, all members of Twin Falls Lodge No. 612. A sumptuous banquet was served by the wives of the members of No. 612. The women are fitting up two rooms in the Lodge club. Two cakes were auctioned for the land, and is proving the “golden cord” that shall unite men and women in a universal movement for the good and uplift of humanity. The Chapters of the Women of Mooseheart Legion may fuss and fume a little over what men call trifles; and this is perfectly natural because it is only recently that they have been accorded the God-given right of freedom and expression, but they are with us heart and soul in every great movement that has in it the betterment of humanity. The glory of woman’s emancipation, with a voice for franchise and freedom, love ^and justice, will be guided by her intelligence in making iaws and conditions she is forced to obey and comply with. She will never disgrace Old Glory until the red turns to blood, stains the purity of the white and blots out the blue. Every star must shine for justice, every stripe the lash of love and every color paint the beauty of “Peace on Earth, good will to men.” The record of the women in this great work in which we are engaged is as bright as the spotless moon on the midnight sea, and as pure and invigorating as the breezes that blow from off the ocean. With a membership of 250,000 Le-gionaires, and that accomplishment is not far distant, there is nothing MOOSEHEART cannot accomplish for the benefit of the families of our departed brothers, and for dear old Father and Mother, whose lives are prophesies, and ours the fulfillment. No necessity can be so dire as to exhaust the freely gushing fountains of our love and protection to those less fortunate than ourselves. The time has never been when the great rank and file of this splendid Moose membership refused to respond to the just demands of MOOSEHEART and the children here, and now with the co-operation of the Legion of men and To All Legionaires: Greeting. A talk without an object is scarcely worth the talking and a life without an ideal is scarcely worth the living. We agree that the Golden Rule is the life blood of civilization; justice the legal tender of prosperity; brains the measure of the man; but, dollars count. In substantiation we call attention to the cut on this page illustrating the five buildings bought and paid for by the Legion department of this great organization that will always stand as a monument of their love and devotion to MOOSEHEART and the children, and the objects and purposes for which the Loyal Order of Moose contends. This means that in addition to all previous efforts we have, within the past few months, contributed $50,000 and have actually turned this amount over to the Board of Governors of MOOSEHEART. Due to the delay in locating the Old People’s Home, and before we became really active in the movement, the Board of Regents decided to provide for this lasting memorial here at MOOSEHEART. When we consider that the Legion department is not yet four years old, and fully comprehend what has already been actually accomplished, the heart of every Le-gionaire should beat with pride and exultation, because we are still gathering strength for future work and destiny. The Legion is the Simon-pure, unadulterated, philanthropic branch of this great organization. While it affords an opportunity for an occasional vacation and a royal good time with a bunch of royal good fellows, its greatest magnet is the responsibility voluntarily assumed and fulfilled, and the open field to do something more for MOOSEHEART,—the children now here and those to come. The movement is growing and developing throughout the length and breadth of The Men and Women of the Legion Have Presented All These Buildings to Mooseheart