No Money _ Delivery I'fcS- r*a!d 0!ICA send your name and vUol address, no money and I will send this embroidered summer wash skirt and voile waist to you. You don't pay one penny until they are delivered by the postman. The skirt is ф made of u This is a wonderful opportunity of saving about $2 this skirt and waist. Embroidered Skirt and Waisi » ; m a u e or v heavy, serv-• iccable, fine u a 1 i t y f Ramie linen, \ which will \ wash and iron perfectly ׳:Has broad girdle belt anc : two serviceable pockets i trimmed with buttons ■j The entire bottom of skirl is encircled with a hand■ j some star design em-j broidery. Colors : Old I Rose, Copenhagen blue 1 P»־ white, Sizes: 22 to 3* .inches waist measure: 3( to 40 inches length. The waist is made of good quality voile. Collar and front trimmed with lace. % length sleeves. Color: White. Sizes: 32 to 46 bust. The waisi and skirt must be ordered together. The skirt alone is worth the price we ask, so you are getting the waisi absolutely free. Be sure to give sizes and color. P©l8¥0FV Free •iust send your name and ad- , •I ^ 3 dress—no money. When the skirt and waist arrive, pay the postman $2.69 foi them. We have paid the delivery charges. If you don t find them all you expected, send them back and 1 will cheerfully refund your money at once. Could anything be fairer? Order by No. 40. Walter Field Co.. Dept, aaio. Chicago **Success in Music and How to Win It” Sousa and nine other world-famous musicians , tell how you can quickly learn to play saxophone, cornet, trombone, clarinet, *־ any band or orchestra instrument and double your income and pleasure. Free Trial Any Conn Instrument Used by and solo of all to card for details of C. G. CONN, Ltd. 3, Conn Bldg., Elkhart, Ind. FREE for 10 Days’ Wear Send no money—just tell us which ring to send— Send no money—just tell us which ring No. 102 or 103. We will send you one of these genuin sparkling Tifnite gems mounted in solid gold — o 10 days’ FREE TRIAL. Don’t miss this offer. Sene Put It Beside ni'im/itHJ how beautiful it is. If anyone can tell if UfafllUlIlI from a diamond, send it back and w refund deposit. If you buy, pay the balance at.$3.00 pe month until $12.50 is paid. Write today. Send Btripofpape fitting end to end around finger joint for ring size. 511S. PlymouthCt. Dept. S 595 Chicago THAT! DSE FLOWERS NEVER The Japanese (everlasting) Straw Flower NEVER FADES, Will keep indefinitely after being cut. It is an ornament when growing and es-,^fJ^pecially prized for all '■h&gL kinds of decoration. For vases in winter it cannot be beat. To intro- duce our catalogue of rare plants and seeds, we will send a package of the above seeds, mixed colors, for IUy^ Will Grow Anywhere. Japan Seed House, Box 921 So. Norwalk, Conn. FREE DIAMOND RIN G OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian lm diamonds--the greatest discovery r the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay post-master$1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return, and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Pppt.110 Masonic Temple, Chicago SiOOS&HE/IRT MMG.GZÌNB A Letter From Our Director General Now that I am in t?!e service of the United States let me make my position clear to everybody. I am in the National Capitol as the Secretary of Labor of all the people, the employers and employees, the trades-unionists and the manufacturers. Capital has rights; Labor has prerogatives, and the general public is vitally interested in every industrial dispute. My province will be to see that everybody gets a square deal and even-handed justice. If I can be of service in bringing about a better understanding between the men who work and the men who pay I will be content. In short: It is my purpose to make the United States Department . of Labor the clearing house where all parties affected To My Brothers of the Loyal Order of Moose: It is with both pleasure and regret I announce to you that President and Brother Warren G. Harding has appointed me Secretary of Labor in his cabinet and that I have accepted the appointment. A man would not be human who did not own to a feeling of pride in being called upon to act as one of the advisers to the President and I must plead guilty to being human. It cannot be denied, either, that the Order is greatly honored by selection of one of its leaders to high place in the government of the country. I hesitated long before I accepted this appointment mindful alike of the honor bestowed and Home Coming of Director General James J. Davis at Mooseheart April 2nd. by industrial relations may meet on common ground, look each other in the eye man fashion, thresh out whatever differences may arise without bitterness, without personal rancor and arrive at amicable understanding that will serve as a basis for ultimate industrial peace. In conclusion: No matter where I am my heart beats in unison with the Loyal Order of Moose. My interest in the Order never, never will flag. My hand will ever be extended in fellowship to my 600,000 Brothers and if ever one of you journeys to Washington remember that a hearty welcome awaits you at the Department of Labor and that the greatest hurt you can inflict upon him who has been and ever wall be your warm personal friend is to visit Washington and not call on Jim Davis. Yours as ever in P. A. and P., (Signed) JAMES J. DAVIS, Secretary of Labor. the heavy responsibility devolving upon the Department of Labor in this crucial period of reconstruction. But this was by no means all that was involved. It is easy enough to change from one avenue of activity to another when only the question of remuneration is involved. But to give up a “heart-job” is distinctly different. My personal relations to MOOSEHEART, to the loyal men and women of the Order, have become so intertwined with my daily life as to render it impossible to disentangle them. It was not until convinced that the President’s tender could be considered in no other sense than an imperative call to service and I had been assured acceptance would not operate to sever all my relations with the Order as a Supreme Officer and that I could at least take part in the monthly meetings of the Board of Mooseheart Governors that I finally consented and was sworn as a member of the President’s cabinet. 2 ’ Silk Satin Beautifully Beaded -Georgette Crepe Special Summer Colors Tunic style Order by No. 6A33 This beautiful Silk Satin and Georgette Crepe tunic, Betty Gordon’s latest style creation, is just the thing for Mid-Summer wear. You must see this wonderful garment and actually wear it to appreciate the ex-celientqualityof this material. Send for this advance style at once. If you are not absolutely satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded. Order NOW 1 Send No Money Don’t send a single penny. Just yonr name and address on a po !t card. We deliver Free. No transportation charges no matter where you live. ed FREE S4 to 44 Bust Measure Order by No. 6A33. Latest tunic design, with overskirt. Both are heavily beaded in a very attractive design. Round neck has beads encircling.Three quarter length georgette sleeves beaded to match. The skirt is lustrous silk satin with silk georgette crepe overskirt. Blouse has loose back panel. The waistline is defined with silk satin belt. Closing is at left side. Only our tremendous buying power makes It possible for us to offer this wonderful dress et tho amazing price of $9.89. Special Summer Colors: White, Flesh and Copenhagen Blue. (Also cornea InNavy Blue. Black. Brown. Act Now! now. Send No Money — just your name and addres onapostcard. Whenthedresa is delivered simply pay postman the small sum of $9.89. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back Sizes: Misses 14 to 20 year a. Women State Size and Color. Cordon’s Cloak House ggl^ò^EìSc•.?¿ “WONSAN AND THE NEW RACE” By Margaret Sanger This book, just published, is Margaret Sanger’s gieatest effort for the birth control movement It contains the very essence of her life’s work. It pleads and instructs the women of the world in the greatest step of their emancipation. “WOMAN AND THE NEW RACE” contains the sum total of h־־r experience—the knowledge she dared to utter and print! The knowledge, for which she faced jail and fought through every court to establish as woman’s inalienable right to know. Mrs. Margaret Sanger, the great birth control advocate, and her two sons -PART OF CONTENTS- Woman’s Error and Her Debt Continence: Is it Practicable The Struggle for Freedom Two Classes of Woman Immorality of Unwanted Large Families Cries of Despair Women who plead for Abortion _ When should a Woman avoid Legislating Woman having children? or Desirable. Contraception or Abortion? Are Preventive means certain? Battalion of Unwanted Babies Cause of War Woman and Morality Legislating Woman’s Morals Why not Birth Control Clinics America? THE KNOWLEDGE IS PRICELESS This book, “Woman and the New Race,” by Margaret Sanger, contains so much that is vital, thorough and necessary to to every married couple, that it would require a book to explain it The knowledge between its covers is priceless. THE KNOWLEDGE OF BIRTH CONTROL WILL BRING HAPPINESS TO EVERY MARRIAGE. Send $2 today for “Woman and the New Race.” and if you are not satisfied it is worth its weight in gold we will refund your money. ORDER DlREGT AND AT CNCE WHILE WE STILL HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF SENDING IT TO YOU. DON’T DELAY. TRUTH PUBLISHING CO. 1400 Broadway, Dept. 4-B New York, N. Y. Earn $250 a mo., expenses paid, as Railway Traffic Inspector, local or traveling. Outdoors. Start at $110 monthly, position guaranteed after 3 months spare time study. Write for Free Booklet, G-75 Stand. Business Training Inst., Buffalo, N. Y.