MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 30 % Official Prize List For the 1921 Convention at Toledo, O. For the best exemplification of the Ritual, with Degree Team: 1st Prize ...........................$750.00 2nd Prize............................ 500.00 3rd Prize ........................... 300.00 4th Prize ........................... 200.00 5th Prize ......................... 100.00 6th Prize ............................ 50.00 7th Prize ........................ 50.00 8th Prize ............................ 50.00 $ 2,000.00 For the best rendition of the Ritual, seven individual prizes will he awarded each to the Dictator, Vice-Dictator, Orator, Prelate and Past Dictator, as follows: 1st Prize .............................................$100.00 2nd Prize............................................. 50.00 3rd Prize ............................................. 40.00 4th Prize .............................................. 30.00 5th Prize ............................................ 20.00 6th Prize____........................................... 10.00 7th Prize ............................................... 5.00 $ 1,275.00 Prizes will be awarded for Uniformed Marching Clubs, as follows: To the Lodge coming the longest distance and participating in the parade and having the most members in line. 1st Prize .......................................... $750.00 2nd Prize ......................................... 500.00 3rd Prize ............................................ 200.00 4th Prize ......................................... 100.00 $ 1,550.00 To the best appearing Marching Clubs: 1st Prize .......................................... $500.00 2nd Prize................................'............ 300.00 3rd Prize............................................. 200.00 4th Prize..............................................100.00 $ 1,100.00 Band Prizes: (All members of? the bands participating must be mem- bers of the Order.) 1st Prize ............................................. $750.00 2nd Prize............................................. 500.00 3rd Prize .............................................. 200.00 4th Prize ............................................... 50.00 $ 1,500.00 To the Lodges best exemplifying the Ritual. 1st Prize ............................................. $500.00 2nd Prize............................................... 400.00 3rd Prize ............................................ 300.00 4th Prize .............................................. 200.00 $ 1,400.00 For the best Drill Team of Moose Defenders. 1st Prize ..............................................$500.00 2nd Prize............................................... 400.00 3rd Prize ............................................ 300.00 4th Prize.............................................. 200.00 $ 1,400.00 Total............................................$10,225.00 Women’s Legion Prizes Exemplification of the Ritual, with Degree Team of from nine to seventeen, inclusive. . ■ 1st Prize ...............................!..$300.00 2nd Prize................................. 200.00 3rd Prize ..........-........................ 100.00 $ 600.00 Best rendition of Ritual, five individual prizes, Senior Regent, Junior Regent, Past Regent, Chaplain as follows: 1st Prize ...................................$ 50.00 2nd Prize................................... 40.00 3rd Prize .................................. 30.00 4th Prize ................................ 20.00 5th Prize ................................... 10.00 $ 600.00 Exemplification of Ritual, without Drill Team, seven officiers only, with or without uniform. 1st Prize ............................................$150.00 2nd Prize............................................. 100.00 3rd Prize .............................................. 50.00 $ 300.00 Cost of free trips to Mooseheart as per contest, approximately ...........................$1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Total..............................................$ 2,500.00 SEND NO MONEY -i — _i _1*1.1 — ——Гмиi4- 1т1плл ohwihhûrw* foi* ixrhîta- Now is the time you need a good, reliable sprayer for fruit trees, vines, shrubbery; for whitewash!^¿ barns, chicken houses, hog sheds, etc. Here’s a sprayer that will do the work thoroughly Tod onieklv and pay for itself in increased profits. Prove it at our risk. Just send coupon-no monew-and we will ship sprayer promptly. Use it 15 days free. If you then decide to keep it, make money ana w grBt gmall payment;balance in 5 small 30-day payments, giving Full ~ — -----------------—״ All- U ht BUltm pajiucuiijuaiaiivc ill <-׳ omo״ ‘"»“»“i o- ■ ■*■o Nearly 6 Months to Pay MAJESTIC Purpose Sprayer This hand sprayer is just what you want if you haven’t enough work to keep a power sprayer busy. Working parts made of brass. Specially constructed pump with high grade 4־ply rubber tubing. Automatic shut-off nozzle with non-clog spring cap. Light, convenient. Easily taken apart for cleaning. Contents kept continually and thoroughly mixed. Sprays to the last drop. 9 MTK9 arr Bio Bargain Catalog JP® gSHE |My The great free 392-page Catalog offers you B B K1 mama Bum amazing bargains in furniture, rugs, lino- f amazing bargains i___ -w . leum, stoves, watcheB, silverware, dishes, washing machines, sewing machines, aluminum wear, phonographs, gas engines and cream separators, etc.—all on our easy monthly payment terms. 30 days free trial. Get this FREE bargain catalog. Post card or letter brings it. *‘Let Hartman Feather Your Nest.’* &Flkin coupon today for this sprayer. Take 5 months to pay <31.fWU if you keep it. Return at our expense If not satisfied. the Mima¡( cb7 Send Sprayer No. 453CMA40. If satisfactory I will pay $2.00 in 15 days, balance in 30-day payments until price of $6.95 is paid—4 equal payments of $1.00 and final payment of 95c. Otherwise I will return it in 15 days and you will pay transportation both ways. Name.............................................. Address........................................... R. F. D...................................Box No., ....................................State . Copyrighted, 1921, by Hartman's, Chicago Town.. Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time P. A. P.: Your spare time can be turned into dollars. Moose Knife $1.00 Introduction Offer—Full sized sample of this knife mailed for $1.00 and this advertisement. ” 25 cents extra your name and address will be shown on knife. WWant A SALES AGENT in * ’ e it am, every Lodge to introduce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Razors with this emblem of the order on one side and* member’s name and address number on other side. Blades finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass, ___ unbreakable. Every knife is guaranteed to be perfect. Every member will want one as a mark of identification. We can also give permanent employment to those willing to work outside of the order. If you are earning less than $1200 yearly, let us show you how to make more. NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO GIVEN AWAY COLVE this puzzle, win Ford Auto votes free. The letters of the ^ alphabet are numbered: A is 1, B Is 2, and so on. The figures In the little squares to the left represent four words. (201s the letter “T”.) What are the four words? Can you work It out? If so, send your answer quick. Surely you want thlB fine, new Ford auto. Send no money with solution. I have already given away many autos. SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars in cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines, something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize. There are qo losers. Nothing difficult to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new, latest model Ford Auto free. Why not you? Write today and be first. (ZÖ W J\ Щ 6 15 IS 4 J_ 11 10 15 6 IS 5l 5 Chicago, 111. FORD WILLSON, 141 W. Ohio Street, Dept. 3044 TOURING CAR GIVEN SOLVE THIS PUZZLE. WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 is B, 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell three words. Send the three words on a slip of paper witn your name and address quick if you 00 5 1815 25 15 21 1118 5 want to win. I have given away many Autos and scores of other prizes. My plan is so simple it is easy to win prizes and cash rewards. Thousands of Dollars in Other Grand Prizes and Cash Rewards Besides the New Ford Car I am going to give away Superb Cabinet Phonograph, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Kodaks, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest way imaginable. Don’t let anyone in your neighborhood beat you to it. the quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me your answer to the puzzle wim I your name and address, without delay. DUANE W. GAYLORD, 537 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 2b CHICAGO, ILL. GUARANTEED S%EÏ TUBE FREE 16.000 Tires bought during the recent tire panic and now offeree.’ to you at greatly reduced prices. This lot includes tires that are rebuilt throughout, slightly used cord a:«.d fabric tires and reconstructed tires that were guaranteed by the manufacturers for 5,000 miles. A Standard Make Tube Free with Each Tire Ordered 28x3 ..$5.75 31x4..$9.00 32x4!4. .$10.25 36x4 >4. .$11.90 30x3 ..6.35 32x4.. 9.10 33x414.. 10.50 33x5 ..12.00 30x3J4.. 7.15 33x4.. 9.50 34x4j4.. 10.70 35x5 ..12.25 ,32X3K.. 7.60 34x4.. 9.75 35x4K-.H-40 37x5 .. 12.75 JVo Special Discounts to Dealers or Agents Buy your summer tires now. Order today and save money. State straight side or clincher. Send $2 deposit with your order and tire will be shipped balance C. O. D. Orders will be filled promptly until our 1 united supply is gone, so order today, before it is too late. Chicago Tire Sales Company 23 Vincennes and 39th St* Chicago