28 MOOSEHEART MAGAZ1K. With the Students at Mooseheart them, also western drama written by writers such as Zane Grey or Rex Beach. The boys from the sixth grade to the eighth like to read books such as the “Continental Boys in 1776 ”and “Dave Crocket on the Mississippi,” which I think are very interesting to them. Then the boys from the fourth to sixth like to read “Nursery Tales” and “Adventures of Brown Rabbit” or “Brother Bear.” The girls also have their kind of books to read. The girls also like to read a good northern story, for some of them are very sad, and I think that most girls like to read a sad story. So all put together I think that we are all satisfied with our reading. Public Speaking Classes My Music Lessons By Edith Davison, Nome (Alaska) Lodge No. 1413. It has always been one of my greatest desires to learn to play a violin. At home I had no opportunity to do so; therefore it remained a desire until I came to Mooseheart where I was given a violin and a lesson assignment. I. take a lesson every week from Professor Gullotta. Before I came to Mooseheart I learned to play a little on the piano. The little start I got before I came here gave me the desire to continue my piano lessons, which I did until I was given the opportunity to take violin lessons. I then dropped my piano lessons because I had not enough time to practice on both instruments. I practice every afternoon from two until four o’clock, with the exceptions of Saturday and Sunday. I am a member of the Mooseheart Philharmonic Orchestra and hope to make a success with my violin. “MOOSEHEART has a soul. It’s a living, breathing monument built around more than 1,000 precious lives; young American lives cherished and developed by nearly 600,000 men who have dedicated their hearts and souls and physical strength to the children of less fortunate brothers.”—Milwaukee, Wis., Journal. (Continued from page 27) The Reading of Books By Frank McFate, Chester (Pa.) Lodge No. 285. Books have a leading part at MOOSEHEART. I think I can truly say that every high school student at MOOSEHEART reads at least one book a week. I know that I, myself, like to read a good and interesting story. Sometimes I get a book that is so interesting that I would rather read that book than eat. Most all of the high school students like to read books of authors like O’Henry, Stevens and others, but I can’t get interested in them very much. I like a good northern story such as James Oliver Curwood and Jack London or other writers like By Philip Barto, Wheeling (W. Va.) Lodge No. 67. The chief object in the course of Public Speaking offered at Mooseheart, is to make clear and effective speakers; to develop boys and girls who can speak to a group or a large audience with as clear enunciation as if he or she were talking to a friend or to only one person. It is a bad practice to use unnecessary motions of the hands or body as a soap box orator or a politician. The idea is to speak clearly; enunciate plainly and express the main point as easily as possible. Every day, in the class, each student has to talk on some topic. The topics are usually political, mechanical or of general public interest. Talking on these topics sometimes leads to a debate in which several students take opposite sides. This gives practice in expressing one’s ideas on one’s feet. Once a week oral reading is the subject. Each student has to read several paragraphs. This is a practice mostly for enunciation and correct pronunciation. A debating class is being formed to represent Mooseheart High School in debates with other schools. English student and now you’ve gone and spoiled it all.” “Speaking of themes, that reminds me that several of you have themes due for the Senior Book. Ruth, I am going to have you write on ‘The English Class.’ ” “Why, Mr. Shufeldt, I just gave you a long theme a few days ago. I thought I was going to have some peace now.” “Why, and you know I had to fight for six weeks to get that theme. Honestly some of you people are afraid you’re going to do something. Why don’t you do like John. He hands me about two a day?” “There’s no use arguing,” from the Seniors, and they settle down to write themes. You assume r iem_______________, _. — ------------- . it back and your money will refunded. Either Satisfaction or no sale. If you decide to buy send only $3.00 monthly until the amount of $16.50 is paid The price is the same for any of the 5 rings shown. 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Thousands of Married Folks Are Nervous Wrecks—Leading A Regular “Cat and Dog” Life As a result of the devitalizing weakness caused by PALE, THIN, WATERY BLOOD —without ever suspecting the real cause of their trouble—IRON STARVATION. THE PICTURE BELOW OF HUSBAND AND WIFE IS MORE OR LESS TYPICAL OF THOUSANDS OF CASES; WHILE ACTUAL PHYSICAL FORCE MAY SELDOM BE USED THERE ARE SQUABBLES, FUSSES AND QUARRELS. Both husband and wife loved each other when they were married and they both really love each other today, but iron starvation of the blood has made them peevish, nervous, irritable and easily upset—both are ready to “fly into a rage” over nothing—yet these same people often quickly become most charming, pleasing and agreeable and get along splendidly when their starving blood is supplied with iron. IRON STARVATION OF THE BLOOD HAS WRECKED THE HAPPINESS OF THOUSANDS OF HOMES. Thousands of married people are CROSS, CRABBED AND GRUMPY, with each other all the while—READY TO FLY OFF at the slightest thing, when it isn’t their fault at all. IRON STARVATION OF THE BLOOD has sapped their nerve force and left them nervous wrecks so that they have no control of themselves and they therefore “GO ALL TO PIECES” on thé slightest provocation. A New York Physician says that MORE THAN ONE-HALE THE POPULATION OF AMERICA PERISHES BEFORE MIDDLE AGE and that one of the chief contributory causes of this terrible waste of human life is the devitalizing weak-nes brought on by lack of iron in the blood. THERE ARE 30,000,000,000,000 RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES IN YOUR BLOOD AND EACH ONE MUST HAVE IRON. An enormous number of people who ought to he strong, vigorous and in the prime of life are constantly complaining of weak nervous headaches, pains across the back, disturbed digestion, shortness of breath, heart palpitation, a general “run-down” condition, melancholy, bad memory, etc., when the real cause of all their suffering is in many cases more or less than IRON STARVATION OF THE BLOOD. your blood has become, how much more robust and vigorous you feel; see how the color has come back to your cheeks, how much steadier and stronger your nerves now are. Over 4,000,060 people annually are using Nuxated Iron. It will not injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach. Your money will be refunded by the manufacturers if you do not obtain satisfactory results. Beware of substitutes. Always insist on having genuine organic iron—Nuxated Iron. Look for the letters N. I. on every tablet. At all druggists. proximately equivalent (in organic iron content) to eating one-half quart of spinach, one quart of green vegetables or half a dozen apples. It’s like taking extract of beef instead of eating pounds of meat. To prove to yourself what Nuxated Iron will do, get your doctor to take a speciment of your blood and make a blood count of your red blood corpuscles, then take Nuxated Iron for a month and have a new “blood count” made and see how your red blood corpuscles have increased, how much purer and richer The proof of this is shown by the fact that when organic iron is supplied to their blood, that all their cultitude of symptoms often quickly disappear and the very men and women who were formerly so complaining now become strong, healthy and vigorous with even dispositions and a sunny cheerful nature. When* your blood is starving for iron, no more tonics or stimulants can put you right—starving blood must have iron the same as a starving person must have food. Without iron your blood loses its power to change food into living tissue and nothing you eat does you the proper amount of good— you do not get the full strength out of it. Nature put plenty of iron in the husks of grain and the skin and peels of vegetables and fruits to enrich your blood, but modern methods of cookery throw all these things away—hence the alarming increase, in recent years, in anaemia—Iron-starvation of the blood with all its attendant ills. If you are not willing to go !jack to nature then you should eat more such iron-containing vegetables as spinach and carrots and reinforce them by taking a little organic iron from time to time. But be sure the iron you take is organic iron and not metallic iron which people usually take. Metallic iron is iron just as it comes from the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron and is therefore an entirely different thing from organic iron. Organic iron is like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. It may be had from your druggist under the name of Nuxated Iron. Nuxated Iron represents organic iron in such a highly condensed form that one dose of it is estimated to be ap- )1 ENRICHES THE BLOOD-GIVES YOU NEW STRENGTH AND ENERGY