23 The Julietté Richly Eraisi'oidei'ed UNENE mSS Special Adver- tising Oiler During This Sale Only because we secured several thousand during the manufacturers'■ slack season can we offer this beautiful Juliette Linene dress at such an amazingly low price. The bewitching beauty of this newest style dress is impossible to describe — that’s why we send it to you without a penny in advance—on approval. This is the'kind of dress for which you would expect to pay about double this special advertising price. An ex-duBiveDavid Strong model — perfectly stunning—with rich looking embroidered % panels on waist and V skirt. AH the rage this \ season. Only a limited \ number can be sold at thi• ׳ amazing bargain price. He one of the lucky ones by sending the coupon quick. No money now, just your Send Dress No Money “The Juliette״ is made of medium weight linene — very popular—rich looking, suitable for all occasions and extremely serviceable. Launders perfectly. Cut along full loose youthful lines so popularwith women of every age. Beautifully embroidered with fine white mercerized floss. Collar, turn-back cuffs and vestee of white pique. Belt has attractive celluloid buckle. Opening on left side. Favorite three-quarter length sleeves. The most striking, charming dress of this type we ht-ve ever seen. Women’s _ sizes, 34 to 44 bust measure. Misses sizes 14 to 18. Colors: Alice blue and rose. STATE COLOR AND SIZE. WRITE QUICK! i&TS-gafc no money now. Deposit $4.98 and postage with postman on arrival. Try on and examine carefully. If then not convinced it is the most beautiful linene dress you ever saw and that you have saved at least $4, send It back and your money will be quickly returned to you. a DAUID STRONG COMPANY Dept. M124 Same Management Since 1885 CHICAGO DAVID STRONG COMPANY, Dept. N1124 If not satisfied will send it back and you will return my money. Bust..........in. Color...................... . State......... Address. City.... AEROPLANE ‘ Boys, we have a real Aeroplane for you. Modeled after famous war monoplanes. Called the Eagle We pay postage Now Buys Lion Brand Work Shoes No. 116•A, Direct the Maker, Wear Ihem'JU Days -andThen Decide WE will send you any pair of Lion Brand work shoe m on tnaJ. Give them 30 days of the hardest weai treat them rough. Test them in the barn yard. Wea them out if you can. Then if you don’t think they ar the greatest shoe bargains you ever had-send ther back and we il refund your money instantly. Write tor Free Booklet f?nfe^heo־a“ ihZ,so'“nS.V'ii yourt ־hoe biil3 tof-h°״“SS cin ¡id” !?ia'lent’fteo’w^thout obHga(don^°Send^or'it^roW* b00,<,e, Harsh g, CKapIrae Snoe Co., Dept. 3214 . Milwautee, Wi ft • — _ ¿yLFactorv Prices The powerful motive power carries ib right off the ground. Looks fine sailing in the air. Strongly built, will last long time. Length 28 in. Wing spread 21 fn. Free for selling 24 packages Bingo Perfumed Ironing Wax at 10O each. Order today. Send no money. Co. Dept. 163Binghamton,N.V« Wrist Watch Givei ^ You can get this fine Wrist Watch o iotherbeautiful watch guaranteedfo jj5 years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers ״ Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Vallier and many other valuable presents fo selling our beautiful Art and Religiou pictures at 10 cts. each. Order 20 picture wnen 8om, send the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, aecorriin, to big list. liiS AliT CO., Bept. 6, CniCAO( MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE The Junior Order of Moose (Continued from page 12) petmg with local and Chicago teams, has an enviable record. They already have a good start toward a prize trip to MOOSEHEART or Toledo.—Grube. Mascoutah, Illinois, No. 109. An impromptu joint meeting was just as successful as a pre-arranged one because Secretary Aberle of the Juniors personally interviewed and invited all the young men to attend, and a big majority were on hand. They are already talking baseball down here and are anxious that a number of Junior Moose Lodges be instituted in their neighborhood in order to establish a Junior Moose athletic league. They are conducting their meetings in a first class manner and initiations are held regularly.—Grube. Elwood, Indiana, No. 70. A visitor in Elwod can be assured of meeting all the Moose of that town if Brother Dudley, Governor, can take him in tow. Lately a dandy joint meeting was held, followed by an oyster supper and entertainment the following night, and these managed to bring the Junior Order of Moose to the atten-tion of everyone. Junior members are joining the ranks of the Loyal Order Band and great things are expected of them.—Grube. Indianapolis, Indiana, No. 25. A rousing joint meeting and smoker gave the Juniors of Indianapolis much of the spirit of Moosedom that pervades the Senior Lodge. Indianapolis Seniors have so many first honors among the Loyal Order Lodges that it is little wonder their Juniors have determined to gain first honors in the membership campaign. Many splendid talks by members of the Loyal Order in Indianapolis and the fine enthusiasm that already prevails is due to the mutual co-operation between all branches of the Moose family. Evansville, Indiana, No. 38. Such pep! Such co-operation! Evansville is afire with the spirit of Moosedom. A voluntary contribution by the members of the Senior Lodge at the joint meeting held recently for the purpose of offering cash prizes to the Juniors to carry on their campaign for more members is only one example of the help that the Juniors are receiving in Evansville. Now that District Supervisor Perrin and the Dictator of the Junior Lodge have kissed and made up, their amicable difference is nil. All four branches of the Moose family were represented at the recent community fair in Evansville and Governor A1 Miller had his young men busy spreading the gospel of Junior Moosedom.—Grube. Junior Moose in Canada , Since the first of January a number of Junior Moose organizers have been appointed for various localities in Canada. In Medicine Hat, Alberta; Sarnia, Ontario; Lethbridge, Alberta; Toronto, Ontario, and Hamilton, Ontario; with Ladysmith, B. C., and Victoria, B. C., active operations are proceeding and in next month’s Mooseheart Magazine we shall be able to publish institutions of the majority of these. Just before going to press a letter comes in from Wallace A. McGowan, Supreme Councilman, who is working the great Moose proposition in Montreal, in which he gives most promising assurance of a Junior Lodge in the jurisdiction of Montreal Lodge No. 1111, L. O. O. M. Mr. McGowan indicates that if he can get the proper assistance he will be able to put a lodge of two hundred and fifty Juniors into Montreal. What Brother McGowan thinks he can do is always done. “double the membership.” Have best basketball team in Junior Moosedom. Have won all games played this season. A crack bowling team rolling with the Senior Lodge and making them all step. A dance given with great success. Drill team which will make them all step at Toledo Convention. Fine support and co-operation from Senior Lodge. Huntington Lodge No. 114 instituted January 14th. Governor Ulrey writes: “We have a very enthusiastic bunch of boys, twenty-eight in number, and they tell me they are going to have one of the strongest Junior Orders in the State.” Junior Lodges of Indiana will please take notice. Norwalk, Ohio, Lodge No. 100 unanimously and enthusiastically passed resolutions to double the membership by June 1st. They will do it, because Governor Costello has offered the Lodge a free trip to Toledo on the Norwalk Moose special train, provided the Lodge will increase its membership to 75 by June 15. Collinsville, Illinois, No. 9׳. Although the Lodge has had to slow up temporarily because of universal business depression it is out to win one of the Free Trips to MOOSEHEART. Several recent graduations from Junior to Senior Lodge have freshened up interest and every member of both Orders is boosting the Juniors. Each candidate for office for the new term has put the “learn the ritual” plank in his platform.—Grube. Vallejo, California, Lodge No. 102. Governor Leonard O. ^ Hall writes, “Since we are the first"”Junior Lodge to be started in California, it is up to us to show by our efforts that a fraternal order for boys is a blessing to the young men of America.” Physically Vallejo Lodge leads off in weight and height. It has initiated a Junior weighing two hundred and twelve pounds in his shirt sleeves,— a healthy nineteen year old youngster. They have several Californians over six foot in height who look like a group of young “piano movers.” Baltimore, Md., No. 34. New members initiated every meeting night. Bowling league started and preparations made for dances. Governor Kube has divided up his Lodge for team work on the contest proposition. Every member is committed to “talk to every hoy he meets between the ages of sixteen and twenty, in factory, office, home or street, and if worthy, allure him to sign application for membership in No. 34.” New members initiated at every meeting night. Bowling league started, and preparations making for dances. Elkhart, Indiana, No. 33. One of the fortunate Lodges that survived during the war. Their conduct of the meeting easily demonstrated the thought that the young men had given to their ritual. The Club House has a gymnasium and a Junior Moose basketball team, and has been having wonderful success this season. This Lodge is another shining examnle of the result of the kindly interest that the Loyal Order in any town should give the Junior members in their jurisdiction.—Grube. East Chicago, Indiana, No. 3. A Junior Orchestra, Junior Moose trio and Junior Moose speakers entertained an overflowing audience recently which rivalled the Senior party of the following evening. Dancing and plenty of refreshments for everybody left the wish that the Juniors would entertain their friends often. Their basketball team, com- Name. Instant Bunion Relief Prove It At My Expense i TIRE | SURGERY—^ i the NEW and 1 BETTER tire re- , I pair method is mak* I lngmenRICH!Chas.",, I Evans, carpenter, past 60, now MAKING 1 - . , $100.00 a week in shop , shown here. Gibbard of Mich., age 62, learned l TIRE SURGERY, has shop in small town,! 1 writes: Cash receipts for May, June and July, 1 1n20, $30,000.00.” 1 I m learn. I will teach you In two weeks. , V Within thirty (laya yoa’re started on road to fortune. Car j ■ owners EVERYWHERE demand this NEW repair meth-P od, as It DOUBLES life of Tires. 28 million tires wear-ling down DAILY. ONE THOUSAND MORE Tire Sur- 1 »T?״?iV0Rs needed badly. ANY MAN can succeed , t QUICKLY. It’s a SHORT. EASY step into automo-. A bile industry — the field tnat baa made men rich. It 1I put $6,000.00 In bank for John W. Blair, Ohio, in 12 V months; got $8,000.00 for Fleming, of New Zea-^land. within 1 year; and has ^tdone same for hundreds of ,^others. There’s money In -this business for YOU. . Investigate! Get de- 1 ׳ .tails. Send coupon at once for the *־ FREE book. I Mr. Haywood, Pre«., H«ywood Tire & Equipment Co. ■ ^ Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. I E Dear Sir: Send full details of Tire Surgery, as I want I to get into big paying busineas quickly. Don’t send me one cent~-just let me prove it to you as I have done for over 72,500 others in the last six months. I claim to have the most successful remedy for bunions ever made and I want you to let me send you my “Fairyfoot” treatment Free. I don’t care how many so-called cures, or shields or pads you ever tried without success—I don’t care how disgusted you are with them all— you have not tried my remedy and I have such absolute confidence in it that I am going to send it to you ah- /¡gs!^ ! solutely FREE. Itisawon-derful yet simple home i remedy which relieves you I almost instantly of thepain; 1 it removes the cause of the bunion and thus the ugly deformity disappears—all this while you are wearing tighter shoes than l ever. Just send your name and ad-; dress and "Fairyfoot" will be sent FOOT REMEDY CO., \\ 2207 Mulaid avb. , Dep. 7 Chicago! If Ruptured Try This Free Apply it to Any Rupture, Old or Recent, Large or Small and You are on the Road That Has Convinced Thousands Sent Free to Prove This Anyone ruptured, man, woman or child, should write at once to W .S. Rice, 1014 Main St., Adams, N. Y., for a free trial of his wonderful stimulating application. Just put it on the rupture and the muscles begin to tighten; they begin to bind together so that the opening closes naturally and the need of a support or truss or appliance is then done away with. Don’t neglect to send for this free trial. Even if your rupture doesn’t bother you what is the use of wearing supports all your life ? Why suffer this nuisance ? Why run the risk of gangrene and such dangers from a small and innocent little rupture, the kind that has thrown thousands on the operating table? A host of men and women are daily running such risk because their ruptures do not hurt nor prevent them from getting around. Write at once for this free trial, as it is certainly a wonderful thing and has aided in the cure of ruptures that were as big as a man’s two fists. Try and write at once, using the coupon below. Free for Rupture W. S. Rice, Inc., 1014 Main St., Adams, N. Y. You may send me entirely free a Sample Treatment of your stimulating application for Rupture. Name ............................... State .................................. Address ................................