MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 22 Auto Owners WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world. Made under our new and exclusive Internal Hydraulic Expansion Process that elimi-nates Blow-Out—Stone-Bruise— Rim Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want an agent in every community to use and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to adl motor car owners. FREE TIRES forYOU R OWN CAR to a representative in each community. Write for booklet fully describing this new process and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DEPT. 198 BRINGS A **9 Satisfactory Tire '2 Save One-Half c¡״ T;res Tubes Size Tires Tubes 28x3 $5.25 $1.50 34x4 $ 8.75 $2.60 30x3 5.50 1.60 34x41 10.00 3.00 30x34 6.50 1.75 35,41 !1,00 3.15 31x34 6.75 1.85 36 ״ !!,so 3.40 IS1 ¡5 IS S ■}» >■“ IS !3 IS is s ־ ! Special offer on ‘ SATISFACTORY reconstructed double tread tires. Eacn tire guaranteed. Reliner free with every tire, also a new Miller inner tube at factory price. . . . .. ■ State size, also whether straight side, I clincher, plain or non-skid, bend only /$2.00 deposit for each tire, balance ׳׳/ C O.D. subject to examination Orders “shipped day received. Extra 10% discount --- for full cash with order. Order NOW. SATISFACTORY TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 2941 S. Michigan Blvd.,Dept. 45 Chicago,III. AUTO OWNERS Save half of your tire cost by using Double-Mileage, Double-Tread Tires, Guaranteed 6000 Miles. We lead, others try to follow. They are reconstructed of highest grade material — hardly ever blow out. They are only guaranteed for 6000 miles, but have run from 8000 to 10,000 miles. Ordei today at these low prices: Size. Tires Tubes 30x3.....................85.60.$1-60 30x3^........... 6.50. 31хЗИ........... 6.76. 32x334.......... 7.00. 31x4............ 8.00. 82x4............ 8.26. 83x4............ 8.50. 34x4............ 8.75. S4x4K...........10.00. «:::::•:::::::::¡11:::::: 37x6............12.76. RELINER FREE WITH EVERY TIRE Send $2.00 deposit with each tire ordered, balance COD. Tiree shipped subject to your examination. State whether S. S. or Cl., plain or non-skid le desired. All вате price By sending full amount with order you can save § per cent—our special cash-with-order discount. double mileage tire a RUBBER CO ; W. Harrison St. Pep*• 82 CHICAGO^^. 1.75 1.86 2.00 2.25 2.40 2.60 2.60 3.00 3.15 3.40 3.75 _i2035j ÏW5Î5TIRES Exceptional Sale of high grade reconstructed tires—Built for 6,000 Miles Service. All with genuine !Goodyear Miller and Firestone new !Treads bought direct from the factory at smashed prices. Do not confuse these standard high grade new tread tire9 with sewed or patched ones. Our special high pressure steam curing process gives new long mileage service and new appearance. SEND NO MONEY Pay only after examination at express office. Unwrapped section for inspection. After **■*־- __I_a:_If-- ...... n.f #■■11״ CX uumapueuuccuuu *‘;‘**i ..— .. .. . ,V. amination, if you are not fully satisfied with the tremendous bargain value return Shipment and we will refund your money. 28x3 $8.00 32x4% $13.50 - 33 — ~ ־ x 4% ----- 34 x 4% 35 x 4% 36 x 4% 33 x 5 35 X 5 37 x 5 14.25 14.75 15.60 16.25 16.75 17.50 17.75 8.40 9.60 10.50 11.10 12.50 12.90 13.25 Standard-Make Tnbe , FREE WITH EACH TIRE , / Write today. Just your name and number of tires wanted. Be sure to state the Size ana whether S.S. or C.L. are.wanted. If full cash sent with order deduct 6%. Send today. Immediate shipment. HUDSON TIRE CORPORATION Peoria and Harrison Sts. 104-A Chicago, III. Talks to Lodges By GEO. N. WARDE, General Dictator IMPORTANT! Do not let your Lodge take definite action on any of the following matters without first securing permit to do so from the General Dictator, George N. Warde: 1. Incorporate Lodge. 2. Purchase or sell real estate. 3. Enter into lease or contract for home. 4. Operate club or social quarters. 5. Adopt club rules or regulations. 6. Carry over $100.00 in club account. 7. Amend By-laws. 8. Increase your dues. 9. Reduce your dues. 10. Increase sick benefits. 11. Reduce sick benefits. 12. Discontinue sick benefits or funeral expense. 13. Pay officers other than Secretary a •compensation. 14. Use beneficiary money for purposes other than provided by laws of Order. 15. Conduct bazaar, carnival or entertainment for gain. 16. Publish local magazine. The General Laws of the Order are for your protection. Secure a copy from your Secretary—read them and see that the operations of your Lodge are conducted strictly in accordance therewith. Here and There A Blossom Mr. Car-Owner interest that will make club rooms and pool halls seem tame and futile. From the standpoint of human interest it is well to make a specialty of some particular flower, shrub or vine. The many varieties of roses offer splendid oportunities for the amateur gardener. So do peonies. They are, perhaps, the best of the bulbs, because they do not have to he dug up for the winter and do not require so much cultivation and care as many of the others. Of those that must be taken up, try can-nas. Any bower, planted with care and nursed a little will give you a hundred fold return in beauty and pleasure. A bower here and there brightens life as well as the lawn. There is a special attraction about the dooryard that has flowers in it.■ Even though one may not have flowers in his own yard, he likes to see them in other yards, and will stop on a busy morning to lean over the fence to enjoy a pretty row of blossoms. It is worth some trouble to have flowers and shrubs growing around your own door. As an investment in contentment it is unexcelled. The man whose time hangs heavy on his hands after regular working hours will find health and rest in taking care of a rose hedge and keeping neat a border of sweet alyssum. A group or two of the bulbs and a few flowering vines will fill the summer evenings with an Ouija Board Prophets whether to dig under the lightning-struck oak for treasure, he washes up his hands after supper and proceeds to ask ouija. And now a fellow can find out if a dark woman is on his trail without giving up a dollar to some Egyptian seeress from New Jersey, in gold plated ear-rings and a flowered kimona. The honest but uncertain political prophet can now get the foundation he wants for his predictions without drawing painfully on his none too active imagination. In these times of tight money and high prices it is comforting to be able to point to something that has not gone up on any account. The ouija board works at the old stand and at the same price. Everyone who has a little sensei of humor can become a profit for the asking. There is one thing to be said for the ouija board. Its results, such as they are, are cheap. It gets all the effects of the soothesayer and clairvoyant at a bargain price. It cannot he accused of robbing the suckers who patronize it. So we often think that the inventor of the painted board and its toy table must be voted a whole-sale humorist and a genuine benefactor. He has made it posible for the so-called human race to kid itself cheaply and without useless effort or unpleasant after effects. There is no brown taste in the mouth after a ouija board debauch. Come to think of it, we believe that since the vogue of the ouija hoard, there are fewer mediums, seers and fortune tellers doing business than there used to be. Now every man is his own seer, and if he wants to know Satisfaction GUARANTEED Reliner FREE with Each Tire. Save Money! Buy Dependable ‘ Double Tread Tires. Guaranteed for 6,000 Miles Service Dependable Tires are constructed of the highest grade material and hardly ever blow out. Order today at these low prices. Size Tires Tubes 30x3____$ 5.50.. $1.60 30x3%.. 6.50... 1.75 31x3%.. 6.75... 1.85 32x3%.. 7.00... 2.00 31x4.... 8.00... 2.25 32x4.... 8.25... 2.40 33x4.... 8.50... 2.50 34x4.... 8.75... 2.60 34x4%.. 10.00... 3.00 35x4%.. 11.00... 3.15 36x4%.. 11.50... 3.40 37x5.... 12.75... 3.75 You’ll reorder like thousands of others—because these guaranteed tires “make good” everywhere— 7 every time. 1 Dependable tires are only guaranteed , ,/for 6,000 miles, but it is not unusual for у them to give 8,000 to 10,000 miles service, r Send $2 deposit for each tire ordered, balance C. O. D. subject to examination. State whether S. S. or Clincher plain or non-skid. Send full amount and save 6% discount. Order NOW. DEPENDABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3446 Ogden Ave. Dept. !03 Chicago 6000 MILES GUARANTEED Inner Tube Free Here is the limit in tire bargains. 6000 miles—or more-f rom our special reconstructed double tread standard tires, and a practically puncture proof, standard make inner tub• FREE with a purchase of one of our standard make reconstructed tires. We Risk All—You Nothing Your satisfaction guaranteed. See the Saving Inner Tube FREE SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE 80x3 .. 34x4 .. 80x32*.. 34x42*.. 82x3%.. 35x42*.. .... 12.75 83x4 . 37x5 .. Free Reliner With Each Tire WriteToday! gsS£8°8K2 dered. Balance C. O. D., subject to examinatira. 6% discount allowed if cash is sent with order. Specify whether straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain is wanted when sending in orders for these tires. SUPERIOR TIRE & RUBBER CO. 79 East 31st St. Dept. 75 Chicago, III. Send No Money 6000 Miles Guaranteed _ ־> Here Is the greatest and most י^ sensational sale of the season. | Park Double Tread tires are -1 scientifically reconstructed, and H— I guaranteed for 6000miles or more. -1 LOWEST CUT PRICES Send no deposit. Pay after you have carefully examined and are convinced of their wonderful long wearing qualities. Heavy reliner free with every tire. TUBES 1.60 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.60 3.00 3.1 5 3.40 3.50 3-75 !Send your order while prices hold good. State ■size also whether S. S. or Cl. non-skid or plain tread. !Special 5% discount if full cash is sent with order. iDADftf TIDT PA 3540 Odgen Avenue, I life. l/U. Dept. 326 , Chicago, 111, SIZE TIRES 30 X 3 S 5.50 30 X ЗУ¡ 6.50 32 X ЗУ» 7.00 31 X 4 8.00 32 X 4 8.25 33 X 4 8.50 34 X 4 8.75 33 X 4*4 9.50 34 X 4У3 10.00 35 X 4% 1 1 .GO 36 X 4Уа 1 1.50 <-> 35 X 5 1 2-50 37 X 5 12-75 INNER HDHET TUBE ■ l\LL 6,00|!v Miles Guaranteed ENDNO MONEY .Here is the greatest tire goffer ever made. Never be-ifore such low prices. Brand !new Inner Tube given Free !with every one of our special reconstructed double tread tires guaranteed for 6,000 miles. We ship at once on approval. Pay only when convinced. LessThan 1/2 Price 28x8 .$6.15 84x4 .$10.95 30x3 . 6.95 33x4%. 11.15 80x32*. 7.85 84x4%. 12.50 82x3%. 8.90 85x4%. 12.95 81x4 . 9.95 86x4>*. 13.75 82x4 .10.40 86x6 . 13.95 83x4 .10.75 87x6 . 14.50 ilso Free Reliner with each Tire VitnTnHnv No money now-just MIC I uua j your name and number of tireB wanted. Pay on arrival. -----.*»amine and judge for yourself. If not ____d return at our expense ana your money immediately •funded. Be sure to state size and whether clincher or straight $de. Don’t delay—send now. Immediate shipment. Seven Piy Tire Co., 115E. 39th St., Dept.130 Chicago