MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 20 Uncle Sam and Vocational Training By JAMES P. MUNROE, Vice-Chairman Federal Board for Vocational Training ward and has indicated in its willingness to appropriate as much more as may be necessary to give every handicapped, honorably discharged soldier or sailor a fair and full chance to reestablish himself industrially. It is a splendid undertaking made possible, not only through Wise generosity of Congress, but through the intelligent co-operation of the thousands of institutions and of industrial plants in which, at Government expense, the work of training is being carried on. MOOSEHEART has done and is doing its fair share, and the Federal Board is very grateful to the School for its good service and fine spirit of cooperation. School Houses to be Used to House Delegates at Toledo The Toledo, Ohio, school board plans to permit the use of the school buildings for lodgers in Toledo during the international supreme convention of the Loyal Order of Moose to be held June 27-July 2. The board has been told that hotels will not be able to accommodate all the crowds. It will take all available hotel accommodations, a camp at Bay View park and temporary barracks in public school buildings to house the visitors, DeWitt Fisher, secretary to Mayor Schreiber, announces to all civic organizations and he appeals to them to help get rooms. The hotels of Toledo have already furnished the rates they will charge during the convention. There will be no over-charging. Contracts have been signed with the Cleveland & Buffalo Transit company for an excursion to Cedar Point and Put-in-Bay on June 28. On June 30 arrangements have been made for a week-end trip to Buffalo for the accommodation and pleasure of the convention visitors. This trip will be made via Cleveland and the wonderful ship See and Bee, the largest and •best equipped boat sailing on fresh water. From Buffalo visitors may go to Niagara Falls, thus affording them the opportunity of seeing one of the great sights of the east. It is also planned to run an excursion from Toledo to MOOSEHEART, so that the delegates may spend one day at the City of Childhood. Home-Made Happiness Charity is not the only thing that rightfully begins at home. All the human and friendly virtues have their origin beneath our hands, and among them the virtue and the art of being happy. We have heard of the pursuit of happiness, but the phrase is misleading. Nobody ever attained happiness by scrambling for it. Happiness does not lie at the end of some mad chase. Like heaven, it lies all about us. Happiness is peculiarly a home virtue. It is proverbial that it does not exist in palaces or upon thrones; in glittering mansions or in servant burdened halls. The modest cottage, with its friendly smoke curling from its chimney is rightly its symbol. If happiness abides not in the homes of a nation, the future of that nation is dark, indeed. The man or woman who goes forth from home seeking happiness, can hope to find it only in another home. All happiness, therefore, is homemade, and arises from the people and things with which we are daily familiar. It is not to be found by pursuit but by persistent love and service in the home. Homekeeping hearts are happiest. the Vocational Rehabilitation Law may take training for greater efficiency along the lines of his former occupation; or, if he had no occupation before enlisting, or if his disability prevents his carrying on in the old line, he may be trained for some new occupation. The Federal Government pays all the costs of his teaching, and, in addition, gives him ample maintenance pay and supports his dependents while he is taking training. Big as is this nation-wide university, with its 70,000 students, it ought at once to have at- least thirty thousand men in addition who have been found eligible for training but who, for one reason or another, decline to take it. Every one, and especially every disabled man in training, who knows of ex-service men who are not accepting the Government's generous offer should take pains to urge them to come in. Another great group that should be having training is the so-called Section 3 group who, under existing law, can have free tuition and books, but can not receive maintenance pay. JAMES P. MUNROE It is hoped Congress will find it possible to broaden out the law, as it has been asked to do by the Federal Board and by the various soldier organizations so that a large number of these Section 3 men also can receive vocational rehabilitation. The work of vocational education and soldier rehabilitation is administered by the Federal Board of Vocational Education made up of the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce and Labor, and the Commissioner of Education, ex officials, and of three members appointed by the President, one to represent agriculture, one industry and commerce and one labor. The annual Federal appropriation for vocational education will soon rise to $7,000,000, this sum being more than matched by the states. Moreover, by a recent act, Congress has given the Board further responsibility of cooperating with the states in carrying out for men and women disabled in industry the same general scheme of rehabilitation which is being applied to the needs of disabled ex-service men. The largest immediate responsibility of the Board is, of course, this soldier rehabilitation work placed upon it by act of Congress in June, 1918. Thus far the Congress has appropriated $129,000,000 for carrying the plan for- Here are two of the many good things that MOOSEHEART is doing. It is promoting on a generous scale and in an excellent spirit the work of vocational education and is loyally assisting the Federal Government to train a fine group of men disabled in the military and naval service of the Country. In both these admirable activities MOOSEHEART is an important part of those larger enterprises which are doing so much to strengthen the world position of the United States and to pay, in some measure and in the right way, those who suffered in doing their patriotic duty during the World War. The first of these large enterprises is that of developing vocational education so that young men and young-women may be prepared to make the most of themselves as efficient and useful citizens of the United States. Not very many years ago, education meant nothing but book learning, and those who did not care for books or who could not use book learning to earn a living were not given a fair chance. Particularly neglected were youth between fourteen, when most of them left school, and eighteen when, and usually not till then—a boy or girl becomes really employable in a worth-while occupation. During those four most important years, the great majority of youth were not in school and many of them were not employed; while those who were, frequently drifted about from one casual job to another, learning little or nothing of real value. Some of the States began years ago to take care of this neglected group of citizens by establishing schools for teaching vocations. But many of the States did practically nothing until after the passage of the Vocational Education Law in 1917, since which time they have made extraordinary progress in furnishing, with the help from the Federal Government, sound education along the lines of agriculture, the trades, and home economics for hundreds of thousands of boys and girls, men and women. Some are in day schools, others in part time schools, where the youth works a portion of the time and goes to school the rest of the time, and still others are in evening classes where older men and women are given opportunity^ to make up their educational deficiencies. The development of effective vocational education is greatly helped by such privately managed schools as Mooseheart, where a good many new things may be done and a good many wise plans worked out more freely than is possible in the usual public school. Moreover, such _ a school as Mooseheart can do more in the way of education than can a public school, because it has the boy or girl under school influences during practically every waking hour. Those interested in the right development of vocational education are therefore looking to such schools as MOOSEHEART toi be leaders. The second enterprise of which MOOSEHEART is an important part is that of rehabilitating, through vocational training education, such of the disabled ex-service men as care to avail themselves of Uncle Sam’s generosity. MOOSEHEART is one unit among about 2000 schools and colleges and about 9000 industrial plants which, together, make up a vast ex-service men’s university extending from Maine to California and spreading over into Porto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska. It has on its rolls already about 70,000 men with five or six thousand more coming in every month. In this great university, the disabled ex-service man found to be eligible under __ J? amazing: offer ever ■ mad eon precious gems. To quickly introduce our beautiful TIFNITE GEMS —we will send them on trial 10 days' FREE wear* Only 10,000 Tifnite Gems On This Offer Send today. We’ll send your choice of these splendid rings. No. 2. Ladies' Solid Gold Ring. Has guaranteed genuineTifniteGetn almost a carat in size. Price, $12.60; only:$3.60 upon arrival. Balance $3 a month. No. 3. Men's Tooth Belcher Solid Gold Ring. Six-prong tooth mounting. Guaranteed genuine Tlfnita Gem almost a carat in size. Prico. *12.60; only $3.60 upon arrival. $8.00 per month. ״ . . ״ No. 1. Men's Flat Belcher Solid Gold Ring; 8-claw mounting; flat wide band. AlmoBt a carat guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem, $12.60; only $3.60 upon arrival. Balane® $8.00 per month. , PricesReduced Same now as before the war• Most liberal, easy term•• Send no money—no reference•. No obligation. Just name and address. For ring size send strip of paper fitting end to end around second joint of finger. State style and pay only $3.60 when ring arrives. Then wear it for 10 days FREE. THE TIFNITE CO., Dept. 1438 SI X S. Plymouth Ct. Chicago. Illinois rnrr 42 PIECE r KCL Initial°״Emblem ART CHINA SET Newest creation rose border pattern in gold each piece to be stamped with initial or lodge emblem in shimmering gold. Given to you absolutely free for telling your friends about KIBLER’S ALL ,ROUND OIL The perfect furniture polish and light lubricating oil. Truly named the oil of a thousand uses. To got this beautiful set simply order־ and sell 30 bottles at 60c per bottle. Return the $1S.00 and the set is yours. SEND NO MONEY. We trust you and take the oil back if you can’t sell it. Order today giving your name and nearest express office. If your express office is different from your post office be sure to give both. More than enough free goods will be included in shipment to cover express charges. The Kibler Co., Dept. P-36 Indianapolis, Ind. Fielder’s Gloie and High Grade Ball GENUINE REACH ALL LEATHER with Horsehide Cover. Guaranteed. ALL FREE for Belling 80 packages Bingo Perfumed . Ironing Wax at 10c a package. Easy to Bell. Big demand. >e> Order today. V BINGO CO., Dept.202 Binghamton, N.V. 7-PIECE GENUINE Cut Glass Water Set Tall 8-pint pitcher and 6 stylish bell-shaped tumblers —real hand cut, thin blown clear crystal glass. Beautiful, popular "Vintage” design. Retail Value $4.00 at least. A set you would be proud to have. Given for Belling only 24 large colored pictures or 24 packages of beautiful post cards at 16c each. Order your choice. DO IT NOW GATES MFG. CO. Dept. 736 CHICAGO TRIAL FREE Let us send this fine Razor for 80 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.86 or return raz**-» Order today. JONES MFC.CO.136W.LakeSt.Dept. 945 7H1CAGO WATCH,KNIFE l/PM AND CHAIN W Real American Watch, 5 year guarantee, fine case, looks and wears like gold. Just sell 12 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve (Wonder Menthol Ointment). Return the $3 and receive watch according to our Premium Book, or choice oi 147 other premiums free. Order today. U. S. CO., watch Dept,38־ Greenville, Pa, JAZZ SILK HANDKERCHIEFS Miniature pair lady’s bloomers worn as a handkerchief. Fool your friends. Causes a laugh every minute. Sample 50 cts. prepaid or combination set of 2 costs $1. Good proposition for live agents. Gustave W. Cohen &. Bro., Dept. 21 744 Broadway, New York. ARFNT^QUICK SALES! 350% PROFIT H VA L.11 I U KLEAN-RlTE Magic Washing Compound Washes clothes without rubbing. Sells for 26c-you mak• 19c. Sale of every package guaranteed, Distributing samples free. Exclusive territory. Write quick for proof and Free Sample. _ BESTEVER PRODUCTS CO,. 3253-OA, Belleplaine, CHICAGO YOU'LL BE SURPRISED