MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 18 Two Special Values Take Your Pick of These Wonderful Sweater I Bargains Pay Nothing M Till Goods m [ Arrive I Prices Are fp !Guaranteed \ II Lowest in 9 United States Linene Middy Blouse Good quality washable linene blouse with 1,־■־ *»׳״״”- Cotton Flannel Middy Tailored in middy style with large sailor collar,finished with white braid. Set-in sleeves; cuffs trimmed to match collar. One sleeve trimmed with emblem and chevron. New yoke effect and breast pocket. Bottom of middy trimmed. Has all-around scalloped cuff, button trimmed. Fine grosgrain b'lack sailor bow. Women's sizes, bust 34 to 46 inches Misses’sizes, bust 32 to38 in. Navy blue only. Or- V 2! der by No» .MBX785. &₪L and Post’g blouse with large sailor collar trimmed with three rows of braid. Set-in sleeves, cuff trimmed. Breast pocket trimmed to match collar. Front laced closing. White with rose collar. Women’s sizes, 34 to 46 inches. Misses’ sizes, bust 32 to 38 in. Order by No. AA and MBX793. U(|4fc Post-Price...........W WWa8e Middy blouse of good wearing jean twill; unbelted slipover style. Sailor collar of navy blue trimmed with white braid. Dicky of white jean trimmed to match collar. Breast pocket and blackpoplintie. Comes in white with navy blue collar only. Women’s sizes bust 34 to 46 inches. Misses’ sizes bust 32 to 38 inches. Give O gM BO size. Order by V T® ^+2 No. ״MBX731. A and Post’g Exclusive design middy of fine quality flannel. Cut extra full. Large sailor collar with three rows of braid. New yoke effect. One breast pocket. Set-in sleeves, cuff trimmed to match collar. Finished with attractive black grosgrain bow tie. Women’s sizes, bust 34 to 46 inches. State size. Misses’sizes, bust 32 to 38 inches. Comes in color gray only. Order gM /k Q by No. MBX- V Tg 789. Price.......... bSi and Postage Popular Rack Stitch Sweater Cardigan Stitch Sweater Coat Medium weave yarn wool mixture. Sailor collar, patch pockets,all-around belt. Snugwoven cu ff 8 . Sizes bust 34 to 46 in. Order Copenhagen blue by No. MBX620. Order rose by No. MBX621.Price Striped Silk gppj| Crepe Shirt IJ; Big Value for Boys ■a Fine Flannel \ ',Blouse See how we have cut the price! ft■־ The best value in years. This shirt | is made of a fine quality silk striped fc: crepe cloth known for its hard wearing qualities and excel- | lent appearance. Well made, cut f extra full. Full length sleeves |; with French cuffs. Coat style, closing with pearl buttons and t? buttonholes. Colors, assorted £ striped. Sizes 14 to 17 inch neck- x: band. Mention size. Order by No. ^ A VMCX404. 9 O M Price.......... and Postage ■■■ Made of fine quality cotton flannel, known for wear, service and warmth. Cut extra full; double stitched seams. Attached collar and breast pocket as shown. A blouse that cannot be duplicated at our low price. Sizes, 6 to 15 years. ! State size. L Order gray by No. MCX112. I Order navy blue by 1No, ' MCX113. and ,Postage Slipover Sweater High grade wool yarn, rack stitch weave. Dutch collar trimmed in woven white stripes. Bottom trimmed to match collar. Cut extra full in blousy effect. Women’s sizes, bust 84 to 46 inches. Misses sizeB, bust 32 to 38 inches. Be sure to state Bize. Order Copenhagen blue by No. .MBX630. Order rose by No. MBX§31. Order green ByNoi MBX632. Price $^98 »nd V- --—- postage Fine Grade Chambray Wonderful bargain of selected light blue chambray cloth; double stitched seams. Breast pocket and attached collar. Shirt is cut full for service as well as appearance. Color, blue only. Regular sizes, 14 to 17 inch neck band. State size. Order sizes 14 to 17 by No. * MCX450. Price £ jgj <2 and Postage j£| Chambray Work Shirt Biggest bargain ever offered in a chambray work shirt. Made of finest quality dark blue chambray, well sewed and stitched. Two large breast pockets and durable attached collar. Full length set-in sleeves, French cuff8, reinforced buttonholes. Bargain in a chambray work shirt at this price. Sizes, ■dk 14 to 17 inch neck band. El jfc State size. Order No. ₪ MCX462. Price .... I WW and Postage Dressy Percale Polka Dot Work Shirt Cardigan Stitch Sweater Coat Woven extra full of fine wool mixed yarn in famous Cardigan stitch. Shawl collar, worn snug around neck, or as shown. Two patch pockets. Full length sleeves with closely woven wristlets. Front closing with fine quality buttons and reinforced buttonholes. Sizes 34 to 44 inches, breast measure. State gf, Bize. Order oxford gray by 3)^ ffl ¿7*3 No, .MCX310; maroon by — No. ׳MCX311; navy blue A■ by No. ’ . MCX312. Price, and Postage Coat Sweater Biggest value work shirt, made of an excellent quality blue with white polka dot stifel cloth. Full cut, well stitched seams, large breastpocket, durable attached collar. Exceptional washing and wearing qualities. Colors blue with white polka dot only. Sizes 14 to 17 inch neck band. State size. WE Bl a Order No. ״MCX460. gland Postage Men! Here is a big bargain for you. Shirts of fine quality striped percale. Attached soft collar. Breast pocket. Pearl buttons and strong buttonholes. Comes in assorted percales. Sizes 14 to 17 inch neckband. Remember don’t send a penny with your fgm Bhirt order; just state WE ~# a size. Order by No. ■B ffl I. IMCX449. Price......V I V Every man or young man should take advantage of this splendid value at our low price. Well made of medium weight mixed yarn, cut extra full. Rolling shawl collar. Full length sleeves finished with closely woven wristlets. Two roomy patch pockets. Front closing with buttons and reinforced buttonholes. Color, oxford m a gray. Sizes 34 to 44 inches a V *S-cf breast measure. State EIEE size. Order by No. ■■ *MCX322. Price, and Postage Astonishing Value Dress Shirts Combination Bargain i ffff && Don’t delay ordering this splen-№ jar did assortment of dress shirts, p? Remember—no money now. Just r jOT state size and pay nothing till Jar goods arrive. Fine grade percale 3$j shirts. Sleeves finished with the Jgf latest French cuffs, button trimmed. $j|F Buttonholes are exceotionally well made,the buttons are of fmestquality pearl. A perfect fitting shirt that Bga may be worn for dre39 or business. J Sizes 14 to 19 inch neckband. Order & shirts one-half size smaller than collar j§9 you wear. State size tf; A f / desired. Sold in as- Hr sortments of three !■■■■■ ! only. Order by No. MCX401. Price 3 shirts, assorted pat- Leonard ־ Morton’s big money saving special consisting of three wonderful shirt values. Note par- wonderful shirt values. -- ticularly the Percale Dress Shirt, * made of fine percale, coat style. \ French cuffs. Blue Polka Dot Shirt made of extra fine stifel cloth known for its serviceability. Cut extra full width and length. Seams well stitched, reinforced. Breast pocket; attached collar. Chambray Work Shirt cut extra full. Large breast pocket and attached collar. Sold in sets of three only. Sizes 14 to 17 0* A inch neck band. » ■g j Order by Number M MCXIOIO. «2 Price......O I Or«■ and Pc Shirts for Shirts Send Ail Orders' from This Page to LEONARD-MORTON & CO., Sept, m Chicago, III.