15 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Bi1 !JmTiPl GuaranteedSav-il ing—Order IMow Boys’ Fine Blucher Shoe While They Last UÀUJIaJUJJ Young Men’s Stylish Model Don’t send a penny—just tell us what size to send and you’ll be simply amazed at the saving this offer represents. A wonderful value in boys’ gun metal veal leather shoes. Built exceptionally strong in parts that require the most A wear. Low broad heels. Strong leather soles nailed and sewed for greater strength. Comfortable round toe. Regular $4.00 Value Today Extra special shoe bargain for young men who appreciate savings. A wonderful value priced for quick clearance. Made of fine quality gun metal veal leather just a little bit better than ¿the average shoes offered anywhere else today at $5.00 or B¿:$5.50. The young man who demands the newest style will g^^dike this splendid, stylish substantial dress shoe. Fine Gun Metal Leather The toe is the latest medium recede English k with low broad walking heels. The soles are §k strong yet flexible. Wide widths. Sizes 6 to l|k 11. Don’t send a penny with order. Pay only lllll special sale price and __ _ ״ !®postage when shoes § 33 ¡yiii arrive. You 11 be as- *r g&J §111? tonished at the saving. pT Order by No. • MA---- ־־ $6 Model Comfort Blucher How Only The ordinary dealer or mail order house asks $4.00 for shoes not nearly so well made. See what we save you here— A and how easily you can buy these shoes. & No money now— __ pay when goods gig arrive. Givesize. ggpp Wide widths. Sizes Jsjr l to 5%. Order by No. ii MA2003. Sale Price —״— w. Strap Slippers m 79 / No Money With Order Patent Leather $* 98 , Extra Fine Quality iWl HALF PRICE Act Quick Women's latest spring style rich black patent leather lace oxford. The most beautiful in finish and shape of all the leading styles. Light v/eight flexible leather soles and walking heels. They will go fast at this bargain price, so get your order in the first mail. Widewidths. Sizes2^to6. Order by No. MA162. »4 aa Sale ...* Very stylish one-strap slippers for indoor and ou tdoor wear. Made of soft black kid finished leather, with a tailored silk bow on vamp. Light weight flexible leather soles. New height Cuban heel. A stylish, comfortable slipper and a great value while they last. Better mail your order today. Wide widths. Sizes 2Y to 8. Order by No. CTO 7Q MA177. Sale price ~ Dark Brown Russia til i Y es, you must get your order« in the mail right now. Only * 4800 pairs in stock. A special ’ shoe built purposely for the Outside Business Man. & Solid leather thru and thru. | Made of extra weight durable gun metal veal leather ! over the new broad toe last. I Medium toe. Dark brown Russia^®8“^ veal leather. Wonderful value for young men. One of our newest styles for spring wear. Toe roomy yet stylish. Soles strong and durable. Low broad heels. An excellent bargain and will be sold in our big Catalog for a great deal more than this bargain price. Widewidths. Sizes 6 to 11. Order by No. MA1506. CO 7E Sale Price......... $0.13 Men’s soft brown finished leath-^^^^^^?p§§§8§^^ er comfort bluch-er for the man who has tender feet and wants soft glove fitting flexible soled dress shoes. Low broad heels. Leather inner soles. New Broadway toe. Wide widths. Sizes, 6 to 11. Order by No. MA1534. (g* aa Sale price.......■ T9O ^sjflllll'SuedcTop Patent Leather Rich black patent leather vamps and dull suede tops. Fash-ionable French heels with plate, that prevents running over. Strong flexible I 1e a t h e r soles. I! Fancy stitched tips; perforated vamps. Wonder-ful style and val-ue• Sizes 2Yz to 8. Widths D, E, and EE. Order by No. 'MA1052. Sale Price Extra fine 1 quality dark | brown Russia 1 Calf Skin Hi- S cut lace. Dazzling dreams of style and a sen-sationalbargain. Made over the new walking last with new height Cuban heels. Strong leather soles.׳ Fancy stiched i tips, vampsj and tops. Sizes Ik 2% to8.Widthfij»g D, E, and EEJ|| Orderby No.M״ MA1018.i|g| Sale Price A women’9 extra fine quality new shade Nut brown veal leather Hi-cut walking boot. Right in style and season. Fancy perforated vamps and tops. Strong leather soles. Medalliontip. New 1% inch walking heels. $6 value. Send no money— j oay on arrival. A izes 2Y! to 8. 3s ; Wide widths-1 Order by No. «52 MA444. Jm »׳rice 1/ Gun-Metal !1 Veal Leather | Lace Boot ; Women's dur-’ able gun metal veal leather Hi-cut lace shoes. Noted for their softness. Notethe Hi-cut pattern, the comfortable round toe and walking heels. Also strong leather soles, nailed and sewed. Wide •k widths. Sizes 2% R to 8. Order by & •MA1026. Sale price. For the Outside Business ,.iKliipIlipj Man Strong dou- bleleathersoles nailed and sew-•d. Low broad leather heels. Grain leather inner-soles. Strong drill lin-ing. A shoe that will out-wear two ordinary pairs of shoes. We cannot recommend this Bhoe too highly. Wide widths. ■:’־¿¡r Sizes 6 to 11» ^ Order by No. MA1S57. diO QA Sale Price.............. Doiffrfe Value Sensational Offer | Black Kid Finished Hi-Cut Lace Boots You women who appreciate shoe values—just see what a bargain we have made for you by slashing the price of this elegant Hi-cut shoe. A model that you see elsewhere marked $6.00 and more. Make this < saving while you can. Don't Delay Sending Women’s soft black kid finished t Hi-cut lace boots with fashionable J French heels. This is one of the rM season’s latest styles. Circular vamps« perforated and fancy stitched.^g Stitched tips. Strong leather soles.J|P| French heels with plates that ' prevent the heels from running over Widths D, E and EE. Sizes 2X to 8. Order by No* .MA1025. Sale price Fashionable Wave Top Women's black Veal leather work blucher. You can't find elsewhere a value like this because we \ had them constructed from our own specifications. W Wonderf ul value in black kid ¡¡§ finished Hi-cut lace boots with IPI choice of French or walking heels ||ij as illustrated in picture. Fashionable §§¡1 wave tops which are generally popular throughout the country right now. Usually found only in this grade at 111^ $6.50 or $7.00. alia. Choice of Louis or Military Style Heel The French heel model is made with a whole quarter plain toe and the walking heel style a PlaiH vamp and stitched tips just as pictured to the |g|||i||^^ left. Not only the approved style for this coming season, but a very startling bargain. Strong flexible soles that will give excellent arvice. Widths D, E and j•» EE. Sizes 2%. to 8. v TBS . Order French heel by ™ IuËT mmmmmm No. MA1071. Price . — Order walking heel by No. MA1Q70. Price We have ........ this type of shoe and have put in everything that is possible to insure comfort and service. Made with heavy oak leather soles nailed and sewed. Strong broad heels. Comfortable round toes. Strong leather innersoles, Strong drill lining. A wonderful value. Wide widths* Sizes 3 to 8. Order by Number •*MA1079. C7 7Q No Money Now—Pay on Arrival Send AU Orders from this Page to LEONARD-MORTON & CO., Dept. M, Chicago, III