12 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Junior Order of Moose A Page Devoted to the Interest of the Juniors Edited by Dean J. A. Rondthaler, Supervisor. 15— McKees Rock, Penn., Lodge No. 88, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of McKees Rock Lodge No. 61, L. 0. 0. M. 16— Huntington, Ind., Lodge No. 114, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of Little River Valley Lodge No. 837, L. O. O. M. Mattoon, Illinois, No. 2. A new location for the club rooms with enthusiasm for a baseball team this year promises to put the Mattoon Juniors among the leaders in Illinois. This team will add another to the Junior League now being formed in their neighborhood. Red Lodge, Montana, No. 93, is far along on “double the membership” drive. Ten new members listed and initiated since the drive began, and ten more ready for next meeting, and the whole Lodge “real busy trying to win that contest to the Toledo Convention.” Rochester Lodge No. 26 should have been far up in the list of ten largest lodges reporting in last month’s Magazine. According to late advices by 'letter it has run up its membership to_ two hundred and seventy-five and still making progress at the rate of forty and fifty a month. Has fine club quarters, doing business in a real business way. Mishawaka, Indiana, No. 42 was inactive for some time, but with Brother Grube’s inspiration decided to re-organize with every prospect of large accessions, based principally upon the cordial co-operation of the Senior Lodge and the continuance of Governor Harry Willard at the helm. Quincy, Illinois, No. 74. ׳ With the impetus of unusual encouragement from the Senior Lodge and the Woman’s Legion, Quincy Junior Lodge was organized February 18th. With the leadership of Governor Little, assisted by the general Quincy Moose men and women, the Lodge immediately starts out to “double its membership.”— E. M. Peak, Organizer of Jackson, Michigan, Lodge No. 90, made an unprecedented record in gathering his charter members. Within ten days after receiving his commission as Organizer he sent in an order for outfit and charter list with request for dispensation for organization. This is the quickest ever. Clinton, Illinois, No. 59, recently started weekly dances, and the first one indicated great success. Their baseball team expects to beat MOOSEHEART team if a game can be arranged. Under Governor Dal-rymple the Lodge will undoubtedly “double its membership” by June 1st. —Grube. Camden, New Jersey, Lodge No. 8. As in almost everything else, Camden Lodge is always ahead of the game. It anticipated the “Double the Ord§r campaign” and doubled its membership within the last six months. While the Lodge is not ready to enter the contest it is not going to stop the work of securing new members. We are pretty confident that Camden Lodge will remain at the top. Kendallville, Indiana, No. 117, was instituted by Ft. Wayne Junior Lodge No. 12. This is the kind of missionary work that tells. An active Junior Lodge like Ft. Wayne is not satisfied to increase its own membership, but believes in preaching the gospel of Moosedom out beyond its bounds and establishing its own kind of Lodge in all the region that it can reach. Ft. Wayne, Indiana, No. 12 will (Continued on page 23) J. O. O. M., under jurisdiciton of Hampton, Virginia, Lodge No. 1141, L. O. O. M. 9—Richmond, Indiana, Lodge No. 27, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of Richmond, Indiana, Lodge No. 167, L. 0. 0. M. 10—New Bedford, Massachusetts, Lodge, No. 36, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of New Bedford, Massachusetts, Lodge No. 914, L. O. O. M. 11— Athens, Illinois, Lodge No. 99, J. 0. O. M., under jurisdiction of Athens, Illinois, Lodge, No. 643, L. O. O M 12— Jackson, Michigan, Lodge No. 90, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of Jackson, Michigan, Lodge No. 156, L. O. O. M. 13— Rock Springs, -Wyoming, Lodge No. 98, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of Rock Springs, Wyoming, Lodge No. 469, L. O. O. M. 14— Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge No. 122, J. 0. O. M., under jurisdiction of Milwaukee Lodge No. 49............. of Ironton, Minnesota, Lodge, No. 607, L. O. O. M. 2— Cincinnati, Ohio, Lodge No. 22, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of Cincinnati, Ohio, Lodge No. 2, L. O. 0. M. , 3— Dante, Virginia, Lodge No. 23, J. 0. O. M., under jurisdiction of Dante, Virginia, Lodge No. 895, L. O. O. M. 4— Norwalk, Ohio, Lodge No. 100, J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction of Norwalk, Ohio, Lodge No. 1248, L. O. O. M. 5— Staunton, Virginia, Lodge No. 30, J. O. 0. M., under jurisdiction of Staunton, Virginia Lodge No. 1635, L. 0. 0. M. 6— Quincy, Illinois, Lodge No. 74, J. 0. O. M., under jurisdiction of Quincy, Illinois, Lodge No. 986, L. 0. O. M. 7— Cliffside, New Jersey, Lodge No. 123, J. O. 0. M., under jurisdiction of Cliffside, New Jersey, Lodge No. 1527, L. O. O. M. 8— Hampton, Virginia, Lodge No. 80, The The Junior Order and Mooseheart Everything in Moosedom centers in MOOSEHEART. MOOSEHEART is the inspiration of all Moose activity and progress. So it comes to pass that the Junior Order since its revival has also been taught to think of MOOSEHEART, to learn about it, to love it, to believe in it, and give it every aid and support in its power. Thus very early in this revival of the Junior Moose eighteen months ago it was generally agreed that the great privilege and enjoyment of aiding and supporting MOOSEHEART should be laid upon the responsibility of the Junior Order, and we of the Organizing and Sustaining Department accepted for the Juniors the responsibility of founding and building a Junior Moose Hall here at MOOSEHEART. Already over $1,000.00 has been subscribed for the fund. You see the Junior Moose are .not waiting until they are fully equipped in every respect, fat and flourishing, before they engage in the great expansive movement of the whole Order, but like energetic young boys of a family that get to earn things for the benefit of the family while they are still in their growing years, so the Junior Moose in their scholastic years are becoming assets to Moosedom by their building project at MOOSEHEART. The Contest and the Double-the-Order Proposition. These two special activities are interlocked in the prophecies of the next three months of Junior ,Moosedom. A special letter was sent out to each Lodge on or about the first of March, asking its cordial co-operation in the campaign to “double the membership” by June 1st. Cordial acceptances of this proposition are coming in and we have indications that every Lodge will at least make a genuine Moose attempt to accomplish this great end. If we do, the Junior Order of Moose can congratulate itself upon being the first to accomplish this thing. When we consider the very short time that is given to reach this extra five thousand new members, it will be an unprecedented record in the history of any organization, so far as our knowledge goes. Juniors, you can do it! Let no business conditions in the way of depressions affect your activity and enthusiasm. Some of the Lodges in localities most affected by business depressions are really the most enthusiastic in their efforts. Read the News Column Everybody that gives any attention to this Junior page in the Magazine is requested to make a review of the News Column, both the Grube articles, as well as the items gathered from correspondence in the Supervisor’s office at MOOSEHEART, give pointers of the progress that the Junior Order is making throughout Moosedom. The readers will notice how frequently the lodges making progress give as one of the main causes, the hearty co-operation and countenance of the Senior Lodge. The items will also be suggestive to lodges as to different ways and methods of holding the interest of the Juniors, and as arguments for securing new members. We want to make this News Item Column a general exchange opportunity between lodges that they may learn from one another and be encouraged because of their association with such an active organization as the Junior Order of Moose. NEWS OF THE LODGES Junior Lodges Instituted Since January 1st, 1921 1—Ironton, Minnesota, Lodge No. 121 J. O. O. M., under jurisdiction % AT PRESENT WRITING THE TEN LARGEST JUNIOR ORDER LODGES, ACCORDING TO LAST REPORTS, ARE : No. 8—Camden, N. J.................................536 No. 32—Philadelphia, Pa............................236 No. 12—Ft. Wayne, Ind..............................139 No. 25—Indianapolis, Ind. .......-־.............134 No. 26—Rochester, N. Y...................... 125 No. 86—Hamilton, Ohio .............................110 No. 60—Grand Rapids, Mich.. ......... 96 No. 7—Chicago, 111................................ 90 No. 9—Collinsville, 111. ........................ 81 ׳#= No. 106—Buffalo, N. Y................................. 77 TELEPHONE HOAD 7*10 European R.elief Council HERBERT HOOVER, Chairman 42 Broadway, Na~w York City "National Collection” For the Suffering Children of Central and Eastern Europe January 24, 1921 NATIONAL DEPOSITORY GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY 140 BROADWAY AMERICAN FRIEND*« SERVICE COMMITTEE AMERICAN RED CROSS AMERICAN RELIEF ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL COUNCIL OP THE CHURCHES OP CHRIFT IN AMERICA Jewish joint Distribution committee KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS YOON© MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION young women's Christian association To the Children or Mooseheart care of Mr. J. J, Davis, Mooseheart, 111. Dear Children: Due to your generous aotion, seventeen helpless European children have been assured a chance of life and health from now until the next harvest. You may feel a great satisfaction, both now and throughout your lives, that you have.entertained these helpless ones as invisible guests at your tables at Mooseheart. I should like to express to all of you the hearty appreciation of both myself and ray colleagues for your help in this great service which the American people are giving. Faithfully yours, HH-P.C.