No.S-35 No.S-43 .6 Months to Pay- Send only $ 1 with the coupon for your choice of these special sale cut-price bargains. Money back if you ask for it. Supply is limited. Don’t delay. Buy the Elmer Richards way. Dress well and pay in small monthly sums. Anything in clothing and shoes for men, women and children. No charge for credit. Send the Coupon These special bargains sent on approval. Don't miss this cut׳ price sale. If you don't keep it you are not out a penny. Send coupon with a $1 P.O. order or a dollar bill. Mail coupon now. Elmer Richards Co., [Dept. 3213 West 35th St., Chicago, Ill.i£ Elmer Richards Co. Dept.3213 West 35th Street, Chicago I enclose $1.00. Send me the special bargain marked below. If I am not satisfied I can return it and get my payment back. Otherwise, I will pay the monthly terms until special cut price is paid. I 1 Silk Satin and Georgette Dress No. S-35. Color............. ‘—' Bust..........Belt.........Hip...........Length........... Terms $1 with coupon, $3.20 monthly. Total cut price now $19.95. □ Special Wolf Lynx Silk Lined Fur Scarf No. S-43• Color: Black□ Brown□ {Check which color wanted) Terms $1 with coupon, $2.35 monthly. Total cut price now $14.95. □ Silk Satin Dress No. S-42. Color............................ Bust..........Belt......... . Hip........Length... .... 5 Terms $1 with coupon, $3.70 monthly. Total cut price now $22.95• Name___ Address . Silk Satin Richly Embroidered Thi9 splendid dress is a copy of a very expensive model. Material is a good grade of Silk Satin. Dress is cut in straight line effect with narrow, all around belt at waistline which ties in sash effect in front. Waist part in front and back and entire bottom of overskirt are richly embroidered in beautiful designs. Drop skirt is same satin with a good grade of tussah silk beneath overskirt. Colors: Navy Blue or Brown. Sizes 34 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. Give color wanted, also bust, belt, hip and length measurements. Order by No. S-42. Send only $1 with the coupon Terms $3.70 Monthly Total Cut Price NOV/ $22.95 Silk Satin and Georgette Richly Embroidered Charming frock splendidly designed in a combination of Silk Satin and Georgette. Waist part is fine satin, modeled in becoming circular neck effect and richly embroidered in both front and back. Sleeves and overskirt are Silk Georgette, edged with folds of satin. Overskirt is elaborately embroidered, while beneath is a lining of serviceable tussah silk. Dropskirt is satin to match waist. Furnished inuNavy Blue, Black or Brown. Sizes 34 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. Give color wanted, also bust, belt, hip and length measurement. Order by No. S-35. Send only $1 with the coupon Terms $3.20 Monthly _______Total Cut Price NOW $19.95_ Write for our free Monthly Bulletin of men’ 8, women'b and children's clot hi ng and shoes. Everything on small monthly pay -menta Wolf Lynx Fancy Shirred Silk Georgette Lining Spring and Summer Fur This lovely fur scarf, for all seasons' wear, is made of genuine Manchurian pelts, specially selected for large size and exquisite quality. One end trimmed with a pretty head while the other has bushy tail and paws. The lining is a flowered background covered with silk Georgette crepe, neatly shirred to give rich, dainty effect and finished with convenient handkerchief pocket. Has silk niching at neck. Colors: Black or Brown. Order by No. S-43. ,Send only $ 1 with the coupon Terms $2.35 Monthly Total Cut Price NOW $14.95 4