KlimilllllllllllClllllllllllll[3llllllllllll[]lllllllllll1n1llllllllillC׳ 22 MO OSEHEART MAGAZINE Appreciation From Brother Garland’s Daughter heard him speak so proudly of the work done at MOOSEHEART; the splendid practical education given there and the thoroughly equipped buildings quite as proudly as tho it were a creation of his own. He was not only the best of fathers to me, but a kind godfather to all the children out there. Every one seemed to know him, and he was never too busy to stop for a chat or friendly greeting. It is this memory of him, I wish his friends to have and keep alive, so that he can still move among us, in a sense, and be with us. Sincerely yours, GRACE GARLAND GILKISON. 222 Riverside Drive, New York. My Dear Mr. Davis: I wonder if it will be possible to reach those friends of my father’s, whose addresses I do not know, thru you or the Mooseheart Magazine. So many kindnesses were done by the Moose at the time of my father’s death, I feel I should like to thank the different Lodges and members especially. My father was so much interested in the Order and in regard to the work done by it; particularly in MOOSEHEART. His own enthusiasm led others to become enthusiastic. I have Memorial Services to Hon. M. M. Gar-land at Washington, D. C. Each of the speakers recalled the happiness which radiated from Brother Garland and recounted his sterling honesty and loyalty. Brothers William F. Broening, P. S. D., and Mayor of Baltimore, and Supreme Councilman J. Albert Cassidy represented the Supreme Lodge at the services. A delegation of about twenty-five members from Baltimore Lodge No. 70 also was present, as were many other members of the Loyal Order of Moose. On Sunday, February 6th, in the House of Representatives in Washington, D. C., both branches of Congress united in paying tribute to the memory of the late M. M. Garland, who had for two terms represented the State of Pennsylvania in Congress and who had been recently elected for a third term. Addresses were made by Congressmen Wingo״ Walters, Nolan, Crago, Temple, Kelly and Shreve. Congressman Thomas S. Butler of Pennsylvania presided. No More Kaa The American Woman An Fxcase For Wrinkles Pimples, Blackheads Or Superfluous Hair _ “It seems like Magic, but Helen Clare’s results, though swift, are simply Nature’s: own.” HELEN Clare’s famous quotation, “Wrinkles are the footprints of Neglect, not time,” is supported by her offer to help any and every woman who writes to her. “I removed my own wrinkles,” says M’me Clare. You will see no Blackheads, no Pimples, no Superfluous Hair on my fair skin, for in their place I brought back Loveliness, a Beautiful Figure andlong,Endearing Eyelashes. HELEN Clare’s methods are personal, simple, direct and prompt. Her results are attested by thousands of letters. Helen Clare says, “What I have done for others I will gladly do for you. Instead of Pimples, Blackheads, Superfluous Hair, let me bring' to you Beautiful Complexion, Beautiful Figure, Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows and the Blessings of Beauty and Happiness.” T TAKE credit to myself for my own TJELEN CLARE’S friends call her figure I believe in what I have done Beauty Book her Book of for myself—that much I know. I wel- Magic,” though there is no magic in come the opportunity to help any worn- it. It is a true story of Beauty-Cul- aninthelandwhowrites tome. Letmy ture sent free to any woman who is own Beauty Book tell its own story. willing to write for it. Here are some of the chapters in the Free Beauty Book How to remove dark circles uuder №e How to remove wrinkles. How to remove double oWn. How to make long, thick eyelashes and How to ha7r°and stop hair How to remove superfluous hair. How to darken gray nair a p How to remove blackheads, pimples and How lo’stop perspiration odor. freckles. Send tod־!y for Free Beauty Book to . HELEN CLARE, Suite D3!, 3311 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. the business meetings of the Juniors and it is not infrequent that the Women of Mooseheart Legion serve a little lunch after special or important meetings. Home made cake, sandwiches and coffee are always on the menu and it is small wonder that the Juniors are boosting the Women’s Legion and the Loyal Order, just as much as their own organization. They are also anxious to get into athletic contests with any neighboring Juniors, Belleville, 111., Lodge No. 120, J. 0. O. M. One of the youngest lodges, but already has the spirit and pep of an old timer. Intend to give a dance very soon and they offered their services to the Senior members in helping them build their new home. Moline, 111., Lodge No. 57. The first one of the Tri-Cities to organize a Junior Moose Lodge. Past Dictators of the Senior Lodge very often attend CORD TYPE TIRES i¡¡¡- An Honest Serviceable 6000-Miie Tire—This casing is not sewed, patched or retreaded, but if built throughout of new material. Reinforced side walls and a Standard Non-skid tread of new live rubber, same as cut. A High Grade Tube Free With Each Tire Ordered 28xS ..$7.15 31x4 ..$10.80 32 x 4%. .$12.40 36 x 4%. 30 x 3 .. 7.85 32 x 4 .. 11.15 33 x 4%.. 12.95 35 x 5 .. 15.35 30x3%.. 8.95 33 x 4 .. 11.60 34x4%..l H2 37x5 ••15'45 90 r oi¿ q kjj 34 x 4 . • 11.95 35 x 4%. . 13.85 . . Stale straight side or clincher. Send $2.00 deposit with your order. Tire will be shipped C. O. D. with section left unwrapped for examination. If not satisfactory on arrival, return tire and advise at once. Deposit will be promptly returned as soon as tire 28I5M Wabash Ave., Chicago. III. durabuTtire AND RUBBER CO. Annaul Picnic of Blooms burg Pa., Lodge No. 623 :on..........................................................iiiHmiMiiiiiHitiiniiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiDiiimiiiiiiniiiiiii•: Every Moose Should Read This If you find the number of your Lodge below, ask your Dictator, Secretary, or Chairman of the Auditing Committee why you are no longer a good Moose. If neither of them can tell you, write Rodney H. Brandon, Mooseheart, 111., and he will. 714 _ 780 — 796 — 861 — 911 — 928 — 1039 — 1043 1084 — 1170 — 1292 — 1378 — 1520. lOiiiHimiinimiiiimi[׳ ;«HIHHHII1HII WATCH, KNIFE CIVEN AND CHAIN VII V fell Real American Watch, 5 year guarantee, fine case, looks and wears like gold. Just sell 12 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve (Wonder Menthol Ointment). Return the $3 and receive watch according to our Premium Book, or choice ol 147 otherpremiums free. Order today. W U. S. CO.,watch Dept, 83 Greenville,Pa. fjï JTREE /*©vairone 1« ulks, whittle». laagha, «nco. El«* *tt musical instruments especially the banjo. Hand operated, metal caao finely finished SeU 12 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve, erea* for cuts, burns, catarrh, etc. Return #3.00 ■pH machine is yours. Satisfaction guaranteed. Records free. Order today. Addresa U, S. Co. Jazz 599 Greenville. Peon* i Thousands Are Nervous Wrecks Cross, Crabbed and Care-worn From Weak, Thin Watery Blood without ever suspecting the real cause of their trouble—Iron-starvation. A New York Physician says that MORE THAN ONE-HALF THE POPULATION OF AMERICA PERISHES BEFORE MIDDLE AGE and that one of the chief contributory causes of this terrible waste of human life is the devitalizing weakness brought on by lack of iron in the blood. THERE ARE 30,000,000,000,000 RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES IN YOUR BLOOD AND EACH ONE MUST HAVE IRON. An enormous number of people who ought to be strong, vigorous and in the prime of life are constantly complaining of weak nerves, headaches, pains across the back, disturbed digestion, shortness of breath, a general “run-down” condition, melancholy, bad memory, etc., when the real cause of all their suffering is IRON STARVATION OF THE BLOOD. comes from the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron and is therefore an entirely different thing from organic iron. Organic iron is like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. It may he had from your druggist under the name of Nuxated Iron. Nuxated Iron represents organic iron in such a highly condensed form that one dose of it is estimated to be approximately equivalent (in organic iron content) to eating one-half quart of spinach, one quart of green vegetables or half a dozen apples. It’s like taking extract of beef instead of eating pounds of meat. Over 4,000,000 people annually are using Nuxated Iron. It will not injure the teeth nor disturb the stomach. A few doses will often commence to enrich your blood and revitalize your wornout, exhausted nerves. Your money will be refunded by the manufacturers if you do not obtain satisfactory results. Beware of substitutes. Always insist on having genuine organic iron —Nuxated Iron. Look for the letters N. I. on every tablet. At all druggists. The proof of this is shown by the fact that when organic iron is supplied to their blood, that all their multitude of symptoms often quickly disappear and the very men and women who were formerly so complaining now become strong, healthy and vigorous, with even dispositions and a sunny, cheerful nature. Nature put plenty of iron in the husks of grains and the skins and peels of vegetables and fruits to enrich your blood, but modern methods of cookery throw all these things away—hence the alarming increase, in recent years in anaemia—iron starvation of the blood, with all its attendant ills. If you are not willing to go back to nature then you should eat more such iron-containing vegetables as spinach and carrots and reinforce them by taking a little organic iron from time to time. But be sure the iron you take is organic iron and not metallic iron which people usually take. Metallic iron is iron just as it ENRICHES THE BLOOD-GIVES YOU NEW STRENGTH AND ENERGY NUXATED IRON