19 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Crepe De Chine rAll Silk This beautiful all silk Crepe de Chine tunic is just the thing for Easter and Spring wear. You must see this wonderful garment and actually wear it to appreciate the excellent quality of this material. Send for this advance style at once If you ere not absolutely satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded. Order nowl Send No Money Don't send a single penny. Just your name and address on a post card We deliver Free. No transportation charges no matter where you live. But you must rush your order In at once for this amazing bargain. Delivered FREE Latese tunic design with overskirt. Blouse has set in panel effect, and is trimmed with row of buttons of self material. The flat collar, edge of panel, cuffs and bottom of overskirt, are trimmed with beautiful combination metallic and silk twist braid. Regulation waist line with belt of self material. Blouse is fitted and lined with silk mull. Closing is on left side. Note the short sleeves which are all the rage for Spring wear. If you want the latest advance style In a real quality garment, send for this dress today. Act Now! S£_ No Money—just your name and addreaa on a Dost «.era. When the dress is delivered simply pay the postman the small sum of $9.98. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. Order nowl Comes in navy blue and brown only. Mine• Six•• U to 20 year•. Women’• Sizea S4 to U Butt Measure. State Size and Color. Order by No. 30• Gordon's Cloak House Daptuio !*!chicaio THE PUNISHMENT By WILL H. GREENFILD PRICE SIZE PRICE 34x4 .. 34x4«.. 37x5 6000 MILES ,GUARANTEED Inner Tube Free Here is the limit in tire bargains. 6000 miles—or more—from our special reconstructed double tread standard tires, and a practically puncture proof, standard make inner tub׳• FREE with a purchase of one of our Btandard make reconstructed tirea. We Risk All—You Nothing Your satisfaction guaranteed. See the Saving Inner Tube FREE SIZE 80x3 80x8#.. 82x8£.. 81x4 82x4 .. 83x4 ., Free Reliner With Each Tire Write Today! Kg״« dered. Balance C. O. D., subject to examination. 5% discount allowed if cash is sent with order. Specify whether straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain ia wanted when sending in orders for these tires. SUPERIOR TIRE & RUBBER CO. 79 East 31st St. Dept. 75 Chicago. III. WANTED E' !rain t'orters. x־o-sitions pay $150-$200 per month to start. No experience necessary. Uniforms and Passes furnished if necessary. All Roads. Mail us this advertisement, name and address and we will send Application Blank by return mail. Name position wanted. INTER-RAILWAY DEPT. 80 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. The paper was just a little too far away, and the child fell back with a disappointed look. Then she clambered up on her knees and leaned further over, raised her hand, and with a little crowing laugh brought it down upon the paper. The paper was swept aside. The man behind it half sprang to his feet, his eyes staring, his jaw fallen, his face gray with fear. At sight of the roguish little face before him he sank back weakly. “Winnie! Winnie!” cried the woman sharply. “What are you doing?” With a frightened look she reached up and dragged the child back into the sea. “I am so sorry, sir,” she said nervously, turning to apologize. But the apology was not finished; the forbidding paper was again in place. “Now, Winnie, you sit still,” said the woman severely. “Mind me.” “Claire! Claire!” shouted the brake-man. The lights of a station suddenly loomed up outside. The child pressed her face against the window, then turned and watched the passengers who passed through the car. The bell of the locomotive rang and the train moved on again. “Grandon next!” shouted the brake-man. The lights of the station vanished and the passengers settled down in their seats and the child, heedless of admonition, began to twist about again. Her eyes fell upon the paper in the woman’s lap, and a picture attracted her attention—a picture of a man, set off by startling black headlines. “Who is it?” asked the child, leaning over against the woman, one hand clinging to her sleeve, the other plumped down upon the paper. “That is a wicked man, Winnie,” answered the woman. “He has stolen money and the police are hunting for him.” The child did not seem to realize the force of what the woman told her and asked, “What will they do with him when they catch him?” “Shut him up for a long, long time,” answered the woman. The man behind the paper stirred uneasily. For a moment the child seemed duly impressed; then her face brightened and she looked up eagerly. “But, mamma, s’posin’ they don’t catch him ?” “Then God will punish him,” said the woman. “How will He punish him?” asked the child. There was a shock, a crash, screams, shrieks, a blinding flash! * * Sfc sfc They found a hand-bag in the wreck next day—a hand-bag with very valuable contents. Near it a man lay crushed and dead . Build This Phonograph Yourself TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy, fascinating work, with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagrams, motor, cabinet pieces, ready •built horn etc. You don't need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assambling: and you will have a fine MODERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPY 00. 620 Springer Building 3 1 3 So- Clinton SI, CHICAGO, ILL. SAVING ON TIRES 65^ Guaranteed All Standard Makes Size Tires Tubes Size Tires $1.75 83x4.... *11.35 *2.50 8Е14Ц. $3.15 7.95 ״ 1.95 34x4.... 11.90 2.60 86Х4И. 14.50 3.40 .. 8.75 2.15 82 X 4И.. 12.25 2.70 85x5.״ 14.90 3.50 .. 9.45 2.25 83х4И.. 12.90 2.85 87x6... 3.75 .. 10.90 2.40 84Х4И- 3.00 36x4 .. 3.85 О X 3K.. Not "Double Treads” or Seconds These tires are practically new. Usually give 6,000 miles or better. Our customers everywhere. Some near yo». AD delighted with big savings—ove* half. " a take no risk! KLASS-WORTH COMPANY. 3033 Michigan Ave., Dept. 54 CHICA60 I nPHE hands of the big clock in the Union Station pointed to quarter of seven. A gong sounded, and the Portland Accommodation made ready to depart. The labored throbbing of the engine ceased, and was succeeded by a loud hissing of steam. The engineer leaned out of the cab. “’Board!” shouted the conductor, looking down the long line of lighted car windows and swinging his lantern. Farther down the platform other lanterns flashed; the bell of the locomotive clanged noisily; the engine sent out a succession of hoarse, short puffs; the great arched roof overhead echoed and rang; and the Accommodation crept slowly forward. As the train was moving out, a man with a hand-bag burst through the gateway, dashed down the platform and just succeeded in grasping the railing of the last car. The conductor lent him a helping hand, and the belated passenger swung himself aboard. And now the train was rolling on swiftly. The man with the hand-bag steadied himself, pushed open thh car door and dropped into the first vacant seat. There were not very many people in the car. The man shot a quick glance over his fellow travelers, then crowded himself against the window, pulled his hat down over his eyes, drew a newspaper from his pocket, and soon appeared to be deeply absorbed in his reading. The newspaper gradually rose higher and higher and at length entirely concealed his face. The first page of the paper seemed to he of great interest to him. For ten minutes he sat without changing his position. Then he was disturbed. “Tickets!” said the conductor at his elbow. The man started at the sound of the voice. Without lowering his paper, he reached down in his pocket and thrust the ticket up at the conductor, who punched it and passed on. The passenger drew a long breath. At the first station on the route a woman and a little child entered the car and took the seat in front of the man. He paid no attention to them, but remained buried in his paper. The woman placed the child next to the window. “Soon be home, Winnie, dear,” she said. “Be mamma’s good little girl a little while longer.” Someone had left a paper in the seat. It had slipped to the car floor, and the woman leaned over and recovered it, then began glancing it through. The child, left to her own devices, squirmed about uneasily, looked inquiringly around over, the back of the seat, and at length, rubbing some of the steam off the car window with her tiny fist, settled herself down to trying to peer out and making little defiant gurgles as if she saw all sorts of goblins and demons and monsters in the darkness outside. There had not been many people in the car when the train started, but after several stops had been made it began to fill. The man with the paper picked up his hand-bag and placed it on the seat by his side, as if to digeourage other occupancy. Now and then he would glance stealthily over the top of his paper at the other passengers. He did not look up at them, however, as they were filing in or out of the car. Whenever the train began to slacken speed and the brakemen shouted out the name of the station, he would sink lower down in his seat and almost bury himself from sight. The little girl in the seat ahead grew tired of peering into the darkness, and turned her attention within the car. She twisted around and looked over the back of the seat at the forbidding newspaper, regarded it silently for a minute, then mischievously stretched her arm out toward it. FREE For lO Days Wear Most amazing offer ever made on precious gems. Toquiekly in• troduceour beautiful II FNITE GEMS—we will send them out absolutely on trial for 10 days' FREE wear. Only 10,000 Tifhite Gems On This Offer Send coupon. We'll send your boice of these splendid rings. No. 2. Ladies’ Solid Gold Ring, [as guaranteed genuineTIfniteGem ׳ ta carat In size. Price,$12.50; . .18.50 upon arrival. Balance $8 :a month. f No. 3. Men’s Tooth Belcher Solid Gold King. Six-orong tooth mounting. Guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem almost a carat ‘n si/e. Price, 812 50; ooly 83.50 upon arrival. $8.00 per month. No. 1. Men’s Flat Belcher Solid Jold Ring; 8-claw mounting; flat ¿wide band. Almost a carat guaranteed genuine Tifnite Gem, $12 50; (only $3.60 upon arrival. Balance 1.00 per month. Afteryou receive the dazzling gem and handsome solid gold 1mounting, notice its fine, pure .white color, wonderful bril-[liancy, cut and polish. Stand■ !every diamond test-fire, ecld and diamond file. IPricesReduced !Same now as before the war. ■Most liberal, easy terms. ■Send no money—no references. JNoobligation. Just mail coupon. »*[■For ring size send strip of paper i !!■fitting end to end around see-5Ui^ond joint of finger. State choice ■of styles on coupon and pay only f$3.60 when ring arrives. Then Swear it for 19 days FREE. If you decide to keep it, pay balance on small easy term■ mentioned In description of each Item, Otherwise, return it within 10 days and any money paid will be refunded. THE TIFNITE CO., Dept. 1344 511 S. Plymouth Cl. Chicago, Illinois Send me Ring No.....for 10 day■ wear I will pay $3.50 on arrival and if I keep it will pay balance $2 00 a month until price, $12.50, is paid. If not satisfied. I will return ring m 10 days and you will refund my money. if You Can Tel I it ־from n GENUINE DIAMOND Send it laclJ To prove our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles a genuine diamond with same DAZZLING RAINBOW FIRE, we will send a selected 1 carat gem in Ladies Solitaire Ring (Cat. price $4.98) for Half Price to Introduce, $2.63, or In Gents Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring (Cat. price $6.26) for $3.25. Our finest 12k Gold Filled mountings. GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. SEND NO MONEY. Just mail postcard orthisad. State Size. We will mail at once C. O. D. If not pleased return in 2 days for money back leas handling charges. Write for Free Catalog. Agents Wanted• MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dept.'« Las Cruces, N. Mex. (Exclusive controllera Mexican Diamond•) AFTER DEATH- WHAT HAPPENS Do you know the ,,inside” ot the undertaking business—How undertakers treat bodies—co?t of caskets— undertakers* pcodts, etc ? IIow to correctly arrange for a funeral, what to have done, and what to pay? There is much to be told—and you ought to know. •THE CONFESSIONS OF AN UNDERTAKER,” wriiteu hy an undertaker oi 25 years’ experience in the central states. Is a remarkable Hook that tells ail this and much more. ISot a fiction but absolute facts. The book is well bound in cloth with gold stamping; Sent postpaid in Plain wrapper for $2.00. Circular giving further details sect FREE. Death is certain. Be posted. Tear this out and send to-day to the BERG PUBLISHING COMPANY, Deat. 33: 1055 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. BLANK CARTRIDGE PISTOL PRICES ' 50c. ״®$1 appearance alone