16 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE E 42 PIECE Initial°״Emblem RT CHINA SET Newest creation rose border pattern in gold each piece to be stamped ־with initial or lodge emblem in shimmering gold. Given to you absolutely free for telling your friends about KIBLER’S ALL ,ROUND OIL The perfect furniture polish and light lubricating oil. Truly named the oil of a thousand uses. To get this beautiful set simply order and sell 80 bottles at 00c per bottle. Return the $18.00 and the set is yours. SEND NO MONEY. We trust you and take the oil back if you can’t sell it. Order today giving your name and nearest express office. If your express office is different from your post office be sure to give both. More than enough free goods will be included in shipment to cover express charges. The Kibler Co., Dept. P-35 Indianapolis, Ind. E Auto Owners WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world. Made under our new and exclusive Internal Hydraulic Expansion Processthat elimi-nates Blow-Out—Stone-Bruise— Rim Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want an agent in every community to use and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to aSl motor car owners. FREE TIRES forYOUROWN CAR to a representative in each community. Write for booklet fully describing this new process and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. DEPT. 198 PHILADELPHIA, PA, fir. Car-Owner Save Money! Buy Dependable Double Tread Tires. Guaranteed for 6,000 Miles Service Dependable Tires are constructed of the highest grade material and hardly ever blow out. Order today at these low prices. Size Tires Tubes 30x3... .$ 5.50.. $1.60 30x3%.. 6.50... 1.75 31x3%.. 6.75... 1.85 32x3%.. 7.00... 2.00 31x4.... 8.00... 2.25 32x4.... 8.25... 2.40 33x4.... 8.50... 2.50 34x4.... 8.75... 2.60 34x4%.. 10.00... 3.00 35x4%.. 11.00... 3.15 36x4%.. 11.50... 3.40 37x5.... 12,75... 3.75 You’ll reorder like thousands of others—because these guaranteed tires “make good” everywhere— every time. Dependable tires are only guaranteed . for 6,000 miles, but it is not unusual for the mto give 8,000 to 10,000 miles service. Send $2 deposit for each tire ordered, __ balance C. O. D. subject to examination. f State whether S. S. or Clincher, plain or non-skid. Send full amount and save 6% discount. Order NOW. DEPENDABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3446 Ogden Ave. Dept. 103 Chicago Satisfaction GUARANTEED Reliner FREE with Each Tire. BEATS 15c GASOLINE Starts Car Easy in Cold Weather Amazing auto invention. Wonderful new carburetor. Guaranteed to reduce gasoline bills from one-half to one-third and increase power of any motor from 30 to 60 per cent. Sent on 30 DAYS’ TRIAL Fits any make of car. Put on in a few minutes. Fords make as high as 40 miles to a gallon of gasoline. Other cars show proportionate increase. Take advantage of our special 30-day trial offer. Name your car. AGENTS WANTED. ,AIR FRICTION CARBURETOR CO. Ш2 Madison Street Dayton, Ohio All These FREE .,YEAR GUARANTEED WATCH, j Watch Chain, Ring and Scarf Pin ( American Watch—fancy back, and fine ! chain, Lover’s Knot Pin and Ring, / both set with fine stones. All 4 pieces posi- r tively given for selling only 24 large colored Pictures OR 24 pkga. Fancy Post Cards at 15c each. Order choice TODAY. All sent postpaid. I GATES MF6. CO. DEPT. 396 CHICAGO{ Toledo, The Convention City one marvelled at the. system and ease with which the gigantic multitude was taken care of. The same may be said of the G. A. R. Convention when Toledo was host to fifty-three thousand people without a ripple of dissatisfaction. This same park will be used for the drill teams and track events. Arrangements can be made to take care of one hundred thousand people at this park. The hotels have agreed to take care of a minimum of six thousand eight hundred guests at a rate below their usual price, while every home in Toledo will welcome our visitors. This is the civic spirit of Toledo and if a brother, sister or visitor is held up on prices while here, report the matter to any member of No. 713 and you will have your money refunded. Brother Schrieber, our Mayor, has adopted a slogan for Toledo during his administration that holds good for this convention as well as in all other matters: “Your money’s worth or your money back.” Toledo has miles of beautiful shady streets and residences; an automobile trip around the city and along the lake front will be one of the features for your entertainment. The trip along the Maumee River, viewing Port Meigs and other points of historical interest, is described in •your automobile guide as one of the principal sights in the country. We have the greatest factories in the world for those who are interested, especially in the glass and automobile industry; our railroad yards and water front are scenes of commercial activity that are a source of wonder; a few pleasant hours may be enjoyed at the Zoo or in our several beautiful parks, and the ladies in particular will he interested in our magnificent department stores; it will be a treat for those who love art to pass through our beautiful Art Museum. Features and side lines too numerous to mention await your pleasure. Watch your Mooseheart Magazine for announcements on the convention. Later on the full program will be presented, together with all details. If your “Toledo Club” is not already organized you should start at once. We have accommodations for all and we want every member to co-operate with us by offering suggestions and assuring the Convention Committee at the earliest possible time that your delegation will be large. In the spring a questionnaire will be forwarded to each Lodge and you should be ready to answer every inquiry regarding how many will be here and other details. GET BUSY. Fraternally yours, DEWIT FISHER, Press Committee. (By DeWitt Fisher) All aboard for Toledo, the home of the next International Convention, the biggest and best convention in the history of our grand Order. “Howdy Pap” will be the password to anything and everything in Toledo from June 27 to July 2. If you do not take advantage of this golden opportunity it will not he the fault of Toledo Lodge, No. 713. The Convention Committee has been very active the past few weeks and will continue so until every detail for the conveninece of our guests is taken care of. We appreciate the honor which has been conferred upon our local and will leave no stone unturned to demonstrate our thanks. You will hear more from us from time to time, but for the opening gun let us give you a small idea of what you may look forward to. Toledo is the most easily reached city for every one in the United States. We are within one hundred miles of the center of population and have twenty-three railroads, thirteen interurban lines and steamship service covering the Great Lakes, which completes a net-work of transportation of which no other city can boast. Remember we are situated on the Maumee River with beautiful Lake Erie at our door. Bay View Park, located at the mouth of the river, contains one hundred and seven acres of land as level as the pavement in your city. Twenty-seven acres of this park form a beautiful grove that will furnish shade and a place to rest while the cooling breeze from the lake makes the location ideal for the drill teams. When “Tex” Rickard was looking for a place to stage the Willard vs. Dempsey championship boxing match his journey ended when he saw Bay View Park. Contrary to the usual custom of offering three or four hundred thousand dollars for the privilege of entertaining a championship match, Mayor Cornell Schrieber, (who has been a member of No. 713 for several years), informed Mr. Rickard that Toledo would offer nothing financially, but would take seven per cent of the entire gate receipts for charity. “Tex” heartily agreed and there on July 4th twenty-five thousand people gatherd in the big arena located in the center of the park, and there was seating capacity for sixty thousand more in the arena. This enormous crowd filled but a small portion of the park. Thousands of automobiles, boats and street cars that had carried the people to the match were parked at the docks and on the grounds and there was no confusion, no trouble and not a disorder reported to the police. Thousands of sightseers were in Toledo and every A Mooseheart Float In Parade at Bemidji, Minn. Saves $16 to $26 on the mod el you select from 44 Styles, colors and sizes of Ranger bicycles. ׳ Delivered free on approval express prepaid direct from the Makers for 30 DaysFreeTrial.We pay return charges If not satisfactory In every way. f »Months toPay Mmm once on our liberal year to pay plan. Any boy or girl can save tbe small monthly payments. wheels, chains, parts ■ ** V IS and equipment at half V ״“'r *usual prices. BIG RANGER CATALOG FREE, with marvelous new prices. SO day trial offer and terms. Ask for special Rider Agent plan to earn ] Cycle-Company in spare'll V Dept.Mi« Chicago time■ sx^smr Made to your measure, payable after received. Perfect fit, fine goods and tailoring, $20 saving, all guaranteed or no pay. SAMPLES FREE. Everyman should write at once for our beautiful free book of cloth samples and correct fashions, explaining everything. Write letter or postal; just say, “Send me your samples,” and get everything by return mail FREE. Important to every man. _ ! Write today sure. Park tailoring company Dept D406-3 CHICAGO, jLL»__ BIG VALUE for 10 Cts. 6 Songs, words and music; 25 Pictures Pretty Girls ;40 Ways to Make I Money; 1 Joke Book; I Book on 1 IyOve;l Magic Book; 1 Book better Writing; 1 Dream Book and Fortune Teller; 1 Cook Book; 1 Base Ball Book, gives rules for games; 1 Toy Maker Book; language of Flowers; 1 Morse Telegraph Alphabet; 12 Chemical Experiments; f Magic Age Table; Great North Pole ----w Game; 100 Conundrums; 3 Puzzles; 12 Games; 30 Verses for Autograph Albums. All the above by mail for 10 c*«, and » cts. postage. BOXAL SALES C0.a BOS 284 South Norwalk, Conn, Japanese Rose Bushes Five for lOels. TheWonder of tlie World ) Rose Bushes with roses on them in 8 weeks from the time the seed was planted. It may not seem possible but 'we Guarantee it to be so. They will BLOOM EVERY TEN WEEKS Winter or Summer and when 3 years old will have 5 or 6 hundred roses on ___ each bush. Will grow in the house In the winter as well as in the ground in summer. Roses All Tlie Year Around. Package of seed with our guarantee, by mail, Only Ten Cents• Japan Seed Co., Box »781 South Norwalk, Con■• NEW VEGETABLE CREATION . of great value. Everyone wants it! My new Seed Book describes it, also hundreds Choice Varieties of Tested Vegetable and Flower Seeds. I have been in business 34 years, can furnish best of Tested Seeds. My prices are lower than others as my expenses are less being located on one of my Seed Farias. Don’t fall to send for Seed Book before you buy your Seeds-It*s free Send for it. L Packet Crisp-As-lce Lettuce, very 4,v־A?iA\\ rare,eentfree with Seed Book. F.B. MILLS, Seed Grower M| Box 40 , Bose Hill,N.Y, ■Ï Ц TRIAL I (L У GROUNDS f! BEAUTIFUL HAND CARVED CLOCK Guaranteed time keeper. This practical and ornamental wall clock will be given free to you for selling 40 packets of our Big Value Garden Seeds at only 10c per Mammoth packet. Seeds easy to sell—3 to 4 packets at every home. You can earn this beautiful clock in a few hours. No money needed. We trust you. Write for it today. HAWKEYE SEED COMPANY InriAnAnrf.nn. Iniui rnrr DIAMOND F Pi C.C. RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds—the greatest discovery ״ the world has ever known. We will sand absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, s ;t with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond—in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C.O.D. charges to cover 1-itage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size or nnger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 110 Masonic Temple, Chicago W KB fc ■ Wristwatches, docks, cameras, tol״ ־> - .. \W let articles, mirrors, safety razors, knives, fountain pens and other ;riven for selling only 40 packages Penn Seeds a6 10¿ each. Seeds from Lancaster C°-Richest farm county in U. S. Seil on sighfc Everybody wants them. Send name and address today for the big premium list and BeedB. PEHN SEEP COMPANY. Manhe.m. Pa■ —Dept, m rh power air rifle for selling о !es Mentha-Nova Salve at 25c es ------- - ... ^ s. COMPANY, Box 36, Greenvil e, Pa.