il MOQSEHEART MAGAZINE BE A CERTIFICATED READ WHAT MY STUDENTS SAY: “When I enrolled with you I was only able to make $75.00 a month. Today, thanks to your splendid lessons, I am in business for myself, making over $400.00 a month.״—A. Schreck, Phoenix, Arizona. “Have just received my diploma, of which I am very proud. “I think your course is the most complete I have ever seen. I have received my money's worth many times, and any fellow that turns down your offer is sure going to regret it.״—Loran C. Brown, Sebring, Ohio. “Since I started to study with you a year ago I have been doing electrical work in my spare time, made the price of 2 Courses, and have increased my earning power just 100 percent. ״■— Samuel Albright, Kiverside, Wash. “During May I made about $85.00 in my spare time. I can hand you the credit, because when I started I knew NOTHING about Electricity.”— L. Bandell, Ironton, Minn. “You will he pleased to learn of my promotion to Chief Electrician. It was your course put me where I am. Although only a little over half through your lessons, I have had my wages raised from $75.00 to $275.00 a month, and expect to do better before I am through."—H. E. Wolf, Columbus, Ohio. "Electrical men here Speak very highly of your course. One—the Fresno Manager of the General Electric Company—says your, course is equal to the three years' training course at their Schenectady shops►."—E. Lirmville,. Fresno, Calif. “I want to speak a gootf word in regard to your Course and methods. It has helped me wonderfully. I passed a Journeyman’s examination with the International Brotherhoci of Electrical Workers, and am now carrying a first-class card.”—J. B. Overton, Maryville, Tenn. “When I enrolled—I knew nothing about Electricity. Today I am the highest paid workman for the Massen a Light & Power Co."—C. C. Burkhart, Massen a. New York. “You don't know how glad I am that my son has found such a man as you. I only wish other mothers knew of the interest you take in your students—their boys."—Mrs. S. Williams, Huntington Beach, Cal. "I am still hSlding the position with the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company, secured on your recommendation."—A. Swanson, Minneapolis, Minn. “In 18 months since I started to study with you I have increased my salary from $6 a day to $4,000 a year."—A. F. K’enz, State Supt. of Const., Miller-York Co., Saginaw, Mich. “Electrical Experts״ Earn $12 to $30 a Day What’s YOUR Future? Trained “Electrical Experts” are in great demand at the highest salaries, and the opportunities for advancement and a big success in this line are the greatest ever known. “Electrical Experts” earn $70 to $200 a week. Fit yourself for one of these big paying positions— “The outfit is wonderful, so much better than I expected, and I must say I am more than pleased with same.”—F. X. Droege, Covington, Ky. "Before I stiTHed to study with you I was only able to make $50 every 2 weeks. Now I am making $300 a month, and going up all the time. Your Course has put me where I am."—J. E. Sallinger, Mine Electrician, New Biver & Pocahontas Con. Coal Co., Laylsnd, W. Ya. “I would not take $1,000 and he without your course. If I did the years ahead would only be like the few that have passed.”—H. Swiger, Wallace, West Virginia. Complete Letters Sent When You Write Me _ _ 1„ L. COOKE, Chief Eng. Chicago Engineering Works, Dept. 523 1916 Sunnyside Ave. Chicago, Illinois Dear Sir: Send at once Sample Lessons, your Big Book, and full particulars of your Free Outfit and Home Study Course—all fully prepaid, without obligation on your part. Be An “Electrical Expert” Electricity—the “Electrical Expert”—who is picked out to “boss” ordinary electricians—to boss the big jobs—the jobs that pay. Today even the ordinary electrician—the “scerw driver” kind—is making money—big money. But it’s the trained man—the man who knows the whys and wherefores of $3,500 to $10,000 a Year Spare-Time Home-Study Course in Practical Elec- minute, tricity. Get in line for one of these “Big Jobs’• by enrolling now for my easily-learned, quickly-grasped, right-up-to-the- Age or Lack of Experience No Draw Back You don’t have to be a College Man; you don’t have to be offers every man, regardless of age, education, or previous a High School graduate. My Course in Electricity is the experience, the chance to become, in a very, short time, an most simple, thorough, and successful in existence, and “Electrical Expert,” able to make from $70 to $200 a week. 1 Give You A Real Training As Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works I students are now earning $3,500 to $10.000. Many are now know exactly the kind of training a man needs to get the successful ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. (Read my stu- best positions at the highest salaries. Hundreds of my dents’ letters.) Your Success Guaranteed So sure am I that you can learn electricity—so sure am under Bond to return every single penny paid me in tui-I that after studying with me, you too can get into the tion if, when you have _ finished my Course, ymi are not “big money” class in electrical work, that I will guarantee satisfied it was the best investment you ever made. Free—Electrical Working Outfit—Free I give each student a Splendid Outfit of Electrical Tools, Materials and Measuring Instruments absolutely FREE. I also supplv them with Drawing Outfit, examination paper, and many other things that other schools don’t furnish. You do PRACTICAL work—AT HOME. You start right in after the first few lessons to WORK AT YOUR PROFESSION in a practical way. Get Started Now—Write Me I want to send you my Electrical Book and Proof L essons—both FREE. These cost you nothing and you’ll enjoy them. Make the start today for a bright future in Electricity. Send in coupon—NOW. Name. Chicago, 111. L. L. COOKE, Chief Engineer, CHICAGO ENGINEERING WORKS 1918 Sunnyside Ave. Dept. 528 ’ Address. YOU CA N DO 1 l־r N