9 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Brings This Gold Decorated 110-Piece Martha Washington Dinner Set important! Hartman guarantees that every piece in this set is selected, inspected and perfect; absolutel y f irst quality. Don’t confuBe this with .seconda” or “run of kiln” dishes which show bubbles, crazing and other imperfections. Ask any other house if they will give such a guarantee as this. This is a standard or “open” pattern. Replacement pieces can be purchased from us for three years, as we shall have this pattern in stock. Only $1 and we ship this superb Dinner Set—yours to use for 30 days before you decide whether to keep or return it at our expense. Special offer made because you must actually see and use these magnificent dishes to if11#«■™If*»»«»•*» realize what beauties they are. Snowy white, with glistening gold decoration, WWOrMU CLjfiiffffJffJfjt? and your initial in gold surrounded by a wreath in gold on every piece. Artistic in L■ *trf f shapes which give most exclusive appearance. A set that will make your *" table admired by all. Of course you will be astonished at our bargain price— you would expect to pay much more and we guarantee that nowhere can these dishes be bought for less. Your Initial Monogram in Gold Complete lit every feature. Entertain company at dinner and have your table appear ae elegant a■ the most critical judge of service could desire. You can do it with this superb gold decorated set which comprises 12 dinner plates, 9 in.3 12 breakfast plates. 7 in.; 12 soup Flates; TX in.; 12 cups; 12 saucers; 12 cereal dishes, 6 in; 12 individual bread and butter plates, 6% in.; 12 sauce dishes; ^ ¿2± f platter, 1SX in,; 1 platter, 11% in.; 1 celery dish, 8% in.; 1 sauce boattray, 1% in.; 1 butter plate, 6 in.: 1 vegetable dish, 10X in., with 5 lid (2 pieces); 1 deep bowl, 8% in.; 1 oval baker, 9 in.; 1 small deep bowl, 6 in.; 1 gravy boat, 7% in.; 1 creamer; 1 Bugar bowl ^ with cover (2 pieces). Shipped from Chicago warehouse. Shipping weight about 90 lbs. Cn• Order by No.327CMA19. Prlceof completesetof llOpieces, $34.95. Send only $1 with coupon; balance $3 per month. Î^S*â HARTMAN SEIgR¿ 3913 Wentworth Avo. Dept. 3039 Chicago, III. I enclose |1.00. Send 110-piece Golden Martha Washington Dinner Set No. 827CMA19. I am to have Ï0 days׳ trial. If not satisfied will ship it back and you will refund my $1 and pay transportation both ways. If I keep it I will pay $3.00 per month until price. $34.95, is paid. Address.................................. ; K F.D...................................Box No.. Town...................................State...... Gin Initial Wanted (Any One Letter)............... BP iT Bargain A IlLL Catalog Millions of people have furnished their homes luxuriously on the Hartman plan without feeling the cost. The great free 432-page Catalog shows you how to make any home beautiful and more comfortable and how to save money. It gives you the opportunity to secure the choicest styles and amazing bargains in furniture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges, watches, silverware, dishes, washing machines, sewing machines, aluminum ware, ]phonographs, gas engines and cream separators, etc.—all on our easy monthly payment terms. Get this book with hundreds of articles to select from—30 days’ trial on everything. See how conveniently and economically you can buy from Hartman. This bargain catalog is free. Post card or letter brings It by return mail, 4'Let Hartman Feather Your Nest.״׳ 30 Days’ Free Trial Only the coupon and $1 is all you send now and we will send you this complete set of 110 pieces—full size for family service—for 30 days’ use in your home. If not satisfied return the Bet in 30 days and we will return your $1.00 and pay transportation both ways. If you keep them, pay balance on our easy monthly payment plan. Don’t let this offer pass. You risk nothing and this is a simply amazing money-saving bargain. Get your order in now. Immediate delivery. W• nr• In a position to assure Immediata shipment upon receipt of yourorder. No waiting. No delays. HARTMAN Furniture & Carpet Co. 3913 Wentworth Ave. Dept. 3039 Chicago, III. ¡hi••*• eepjrrlfffated, 1911, by Hartmaa'e, Chi••*•