Full Room your choice of these two days’ free trial in your home. Both are seamless, worsted face Brussels rugs of stunning beauty and superb quality. They are of equal quality—some prefer one pattern, some the other. Use the rug you select for 30 days. If not more than delighted with the rug and the amazing value return the rug to us. We will refund your $1 and will pay transportation charges both ways. Y ou won’t be out a cent. If you do decide to keep the rug, take nearly a year to pay the smashed price on our easy monthly credit terms, j» m apes ■ Send today for one of these magnificent worsted face seamless Amazing Rug Bargains How beautiful the pattern, how rich the colorings. Note how fine the quality of the worsted and how J||L ^^*^Catalog strongly woven. Then consider the slashed price. It means a saving that is almost unbelievable. And the liberal credit terms are made so easy that the money you pay will hardly be missed. Read the descriptions. Then make your choice for the 30-day free trial offer at our risk. \ n______Af_ Exceptionally elegant “Urn- HIa O Magnificent beyond description is this \ flllO IWO• B balla״ Tapestry Brussels. ffffff IW%P• seamless Tapestry Brussels Rug. It it UK Seamless—with fineworsted ASA«|4ff ia firmly w ° ve n of, fin® Quality OlClfVryffI0 face. One of the most pleas• rBOrcll IwBCfSiia״ worsted yarns. The handsome color- Hi/aw ingdesignsevershown.This ft re^♦ green, brown and tan ®paw¿. «. % *JwwSr STea a tea Ml •s the popuiar all-over pat- ■ monthly. Address Furniture & Carpet Co 3913 Wentworth Ave. CUar&mm ’a,' Chicag'/ Dept. 3213 Chicag Tow■ B jin־■ mma iriii f cjs psjp&y mm • . v■■׳:■■׳ f F ; Li¿dJm/d ij. y k¡ 'mm Tm WM - wmtm¿ w№& wtwJWiv׳ w₪0₪M WwM■ jgpj®// mi fmijg/f fSiiii