MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 16 The Flaming Torch tor General Davis to the editor. “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm,” said Emerson. Meredith Nicholson writes “America was founded by enthusiasts, and her security and prosperity were won and preserved through the faith of devoted men and women who passed on the flaming torch from generation to generation.” Every man should be identified with some great cause or mighty movement, that is leading to the realization of higher ideals and greater happiness for all mankind. There is a something that you can’t see or analyze, that makes one man stand out distinctive and different from all his fellows. It is a fire that burns, and never dies, driving him on and on until he sees every dream come true. He conquers difficulties, he surmounts obstacles! When others waver, he keeps the faith! When some stop, he goes on, perhaps a little discouraged, but never entirely disheartened and the divine fire in his heart, enables him to strive the best he can, and then when mortal breath fails, and he must lay down this life to take up another, he passes the flaming torch of enthusiasm, of unconquerable spirit, of undying faith,—he passes this flaming torch on to other hands, that will hold it high, and follow it devotedly, until they too, like those before them shall pass it on to those that come after, who will hold it even higher with stronger hands and firmer faith and truer vision. At MOOSEHEART heads, hearts and hands are being trained to take up the work of this generation, our ideals and lofty purposes, and write them in their minds and practice them in their lives, when they graduate from MOOSEHEART and go forth to do their part of the world’s work in the economic field, and to assume their share of the world’s political and social responsibilities. Don’t be passive, inactive Moose. Don’t go to sleep! Wake up! Do something! Be somebody! A real fraternalist must not only be friendly, but also busy! You can’t help people just by thinking about it! Wanting to do something isn’t doing it. Intending to doesn’t get you anywhere. You thought about sending five dollars for the Mooseheart Endowment Fund, but you just thought about it. You intended to speak to that fellow who works next to you at the shop and who needs MOOSEHEART protection because he has three little boys and two girls. But you haven’t spoken to him! Don’t go to sleep, Brother! The Moose needs that friend of yours, but he needs the Moose more. Tell him to get in the defending circle, so that if he should drop out, the gap would be closed by loyal brothers, and the children protected and safeguarded, and given the greatest thing that men can give to men—an education—so that the child can be helped to help himself. Be sure that when the flaming torch drops from your hands and falls into the keeping and care of your children, that they will be strong enough, and well trained enough to carry it high, and courageously and successfully through the keen competition, and the complicated problems of this modern world. Strawberry FREE JAMES J. DAVIS, Director General, Mooseheart, Illinois I want to help you in this great work for children and am sending $------------------------------ for “Mooseheart Endowment Fund.” Count me in the first hundred thousand as a “Foundation Builder.” Name St. Address State. City: Lodge No------------------------ Legion No.. To introduce our PLANTS 1־ IVLti Pedigreed Ever• bearing strawberries we will send 25 fine plants free. MASON NURSERY CO., Piedmont, Mo. Guaranteed standard makes, fully inspected, strongly rebuilt, 85.00 down, 6 months to pay balance. Send us your address ' and we will mail you at once details of the® Most Startling Offer in typewriter values. Don’t miss this genuine opportunity to secure your machine at a price you’ll gladly pay. International Typewriter Exchange Oept. m H 177 North State Street, Chicago Wrestling Book FREE Be an expert wrestler. Learn at home by mail. Wonderful lessons prepared byworld's champions Farmer Burns and Frank Gotch. Free book tells yon bow. Secret holds, blocks and tricks revealed. Don’t delay. Be strong, healthy. Handle big men with ease. Write for free book. State age. Farmer Burns R212 Ramg-e Bldg., Omaha, Neb. $tyOO DOWN INNER TUBE F R E E 6,00 Odiles Guaranteed Jurist Walck Guaranteed time keeper GIVEN for selling only 40 packs vegetable seeds at 10c per large pack. Easily sold—EARN BIG-MONEY or premiums. Get sample lot TO-DAY. Send no money. We trust you till seeds are sold. AMERICAN SEED COMPANY 154 Lancaster, Pa. Handsome 3 pint pitcher and 6 tumblers — cut in popular Vintage" design, with 8 clusters on pitcher and 2 on tumblers. Nothing finer than genuine cut glass. Retails for at least $3.50. We give it free for selling 20 packages beautiful postcards at 15c a pkg. Cards sent postpaid. Order now. SUN MFC. CO., Oept.236 • CHICAGO ENDNO MONEY Here is the greatest tire \offer ever made. Never before such low prices. Brand !new Inner Tube given Free with every one of our special reconstructed double tread tires guaranteed for 6,000 miles. We ship at once on approval. Pay only when convinced. LessThan 1/2 Price 28x3 .$6.15 34x4 .$10.95 30x3 . 6.95 33x4M. 11.15 80x33*. 7.85 84x41*. 12.50 32x33*. 8.90 35x43*. 12.95 81x4 . 9.95 36x43*. 13.75 82x4 .10.40 85x5 . 13.95 88x4 .10.75 37x5 . 14.50 ilso Free Reliner with each Tire ,ritnTnrlflV No money now—just ■ lie ■uuoj your name and num-of tires wanted. Pay on arrival. „famine and judge for yourself. If not ______d return at our expense and your money Immediately Rsfonded. Be sure to state size and whether clincher or straight tfttfafied r !!funded_______________________________________ «de. Don’t delay—send now. Immediate shipment. Seven Piy Tire Co., 115E. 39th St., Dept. 97 Chicago 3 The letters of the alphabet are numbered: A Is 1; B 2; C 8; D 4, and so on. The figures in the little squares to the left represent \ four words. (201s the letter “T”). What are the four words? Can •־¡. you work It out? If so, send your answer quick. Surely you want this fine, new Ford auto. Send no money with solution. SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars in cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines, something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize of some sort. There are no losers. Nothing difficult to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new !921 Ford Auto free. Why not you? Address FORD WILLSON, 141 West Ohio Street, Dept. H7 Chicago, 111. Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time Moose Knife $1.00 P. A. P.: Your spare time can be turned into dollars. We Want A SALES AGENT in every Lodge to introduce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Razors with this emblem of the order on one side and member’s name and address number on other side. Blades finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass, unbreakable. Every knife is guaranteed to be perfect. Every member will want one as a mark of identification. We can also give permanent employment to those willing to work outside of the order. If you are earning less than $1200 yearly, let us show you how to make more. NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO Introduction Offer—Full sized sample of this knife mailed for $1.00 and this advertisement. For 25 cents extra your name and address will be shown on knife. 1; ■ F E P 42 PIECE k 1NITIiL«” Em BLEU ¡ART CHINA XET Kibler's *,׳Here is the newest creation in fine China making —a beautiful 42-piece set made of exquisite ware. !Each piece is full 6ize, decorated with the popular Old Rose floral design, and edged with gold. In addition to these decorations each piece will be decorated With yoar personal i nitia 1 in pare go Id, or the emblem ef any fraternity. Masonic, Odd _______.... _ . . . . .----—----—----—— •Fellow», K.of P.,Woodman, Elks, Moose, etc. This accomplishment Is aheohitety new to fine china making, and gives your set an added personal value— handsome and exclusive oe an heirloom• Just think, we giro it to yon absolutely free for telling your friend# KIBLER’S¿ ALL,ROUND _ I® i® tfnJy the perfect turn ¡rare polish, cleaner and brightener, mat preventive and leather preserver. It s the national standby. Takes the drudgery out of cleaning—makes cleaning a pleasure in over two million homes. It is so well known that it sells on sight. To get this beautiful dinner set—or cash commission --simply order and sell 80 bottles of this wonderful oU at 60 cents each. Return the $!8»GD collected and the dinner set is you«, ©r yon may have choice of Silverware, Bugs, Lace Curtains, etc. % SEND NO MONEY. We trust you and take the oil back if you cannot sell it. Order today, giving yout nearest express office. Be the first to enjoy the luxury of these uew. novel and beautiful dishes. THE KIBLER COMPANY. PERT. P-34 INDIANAPOLIS, IND. TOURING CAR GIVEN SOLVE THIS PUZZLE. WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 is B, 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell three words. Send the three words on a slip of 71 5 20 20 8 9 19 3 1 18 paper wun your name and address quick if you want to win. I have given away many Autos and scores of other prizes. My plan is so simple it is easy to win prizes and cash rewards. Thousands of Dollars in Other Grand Prizes and Cash Rewards Besides the New Ford Car I am going to give away ¡Superb Cabinet Phonograph, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Kodaks, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest way imaginable. Don’t let anyone in your neighborhood beat you to it. The quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me your answer to the puzzle with [your name and address, without delay. DUANE W. GAYLORD, 537 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 25 CHICAGO, ILL.