15 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE *TVËLLS how to cul- •*־ tivateycwrmusical “bump”;to get pleasure and earn money in band and orchestra. Send post card for your copy. Free Trial of Any Instrument Try a famous Conn cornet trombone, clarinet—any band or orchestra instrument—in your own home, free. No risk.no obligation; easy payments when you buy and all exclusive Conn features at no greater cost. Highest honors a. world expositions. C. G. CONN, Ltd. 224 Conn Building Elkhart, Indiana Agencies in All Large Cities Sousa Wrote This Book with nine other world-famous musicians making big money today. They tell secrets of their success; how to discover your talen t; howto choose the proper instrument for it; how to in-crease your income in spare time; how to win success in a musical career. Interesting, informative, inspiring. Send today, fo* your copy. News From the Lodges FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Your Own “Movie” at home. Wonderful moving picture machine, complete with gas generator and 3 seta reels, .all different (96 views). PowerfullenB. showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 24 large colored pictures or 24 packages beautiful post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. GATES MFG. CO. DEFT. 436 CHISAGO Down Brings You This Dress Silk Sating Richly Embroidered Send on’y $1.00 with the coupon for this dress. Money back if you ask for it. This stunning dress is a big special bargain. Supply limited. Send coupon now. Cut Price Charming frock splendidly designer combination of Silk satin and Georgette. Waist part is fine satin, modeled in becoming circular neck effect and richly embroidered in both front and back. Sleeves and overskirt are Silk Georgette, edged with !olds of satm._ Overskirt is elaborately embroidered, while beneath is a lining of serviceable tussah silk. Dropskirt is satin ta match waist. Furnished in Navy Blue, Black, Plum or Brown. Sizes 34 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. Give color wanted, also bust, belt, hip and length measure. Order by No. S-35. $1.00 down, $3.20 monthly. Total price reduced to $19.95. 6 Months To Pay Buy the Elmer Richards way. Dress well and pay in small montnly sums. Anything in clothing and shoes for men, women and children. No charge for credit. Semd Coupon This special bargain sent on approval. Hon t miss this cut-price sale. If you don't keep it you are not cut a penny. Send coupon with a $1.00 P. O. order or a dollar bill. Mail coupon now. Il!IIlIIIll||IMIl|||II||Ug|||||||||||||||||,|I,I1,|,|,|||m|||(|(I|£ Elmer Richards Co. I Dept, 3212, West 35th St., Chicago, 111. § I enclose $1.00. Send Silk Satin and Geor• j| gette Dress,"No. S-35. Color........... § Bust...... Belt....... Hip.Length.... § If I am not satisfied with the dress, I can re- 5 turn it and get my payment back. Otherwise1 ¡5 f J!p™y special cut price, $19.95, on your terms 5 ol $1.00 with coupon, balance $3.20 monthly. = Name.. Cape Ann Lodge No. 1471 of Gloucester, Mass., is the largest Lodge of all orders in its vicinity and it is growing. They are initiating $20.00 members. The Lodge publishes a monthly magazine, which contains well-written items about the affairs of the Lodge and about MOOSE-HEART. Dictator Harold H. Parsons writes, “We will have bigger classes every month.” ture entertainments is enabling the Lodge to swell the building fund. In 1921 New York State Convention will be held in Auburn in June. The Loyal Order of Moose now has members in Africa. R. H. Dymond, mining engineer at Globe, Ariz־., reports to the Moose officials that he arrived at Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, and that he has en-(.Continued on page 18) C A VARIETIES Hardy Northern raised w w Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Pure-bred heaviest laying strains. Fowls, Eggs, Incubators all at low prices. 29th year. Large Poultry Book and Breeders Guide 5o, W. A. Weber, Bn 39 Mankato, Minn. FREE EASTMAN .־mi Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling 241 arge colored pictures or 24 pkgs. post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. GATES MFG. CO., DEPT. 536 CHICAGO S HANDSOME GENTS WATCH GIVEN FREE for selling only 35 packets of vegetable seeds at 10c per large packet. Easy to sell. Cash commission if pre "erred. Many other valuable premiums. Send no money. We trust you with seeds until sold. Everybody will want seeds, so order early. FEDERAL SEED CO- Pent. K. LANCASTER. PA. Write for our latest free MonthlyBul• letin of men's women’8 and chi ldren’8 clothing and ehoea. Everything on small month- y payments East Chicago Lodge had a big meeting August 10th. Initiated a large class of candidates. Director General Davis and Past Supreme Director Henning gave good talks. Penny collection $13.52. Webster Jordan, Dave Cohen, Hiquet and our Abe will make any Lodge go. More than 3,000 attended the Chrsit-mas party given by the Davenport, Iowa, Lodge No. 28. Deputy Supervisors John H. Galvin and Charles Pross are conducting successful campaigns in New York cities. Brandon, Manitoba, Lodge No. 870 held an entertainment recently and had the pleasure of receiving the cooperation of Brandon Chapter No. 442 for the first occasion since the institution of the Chapter. The program included a whist drive, refreshments, music and singing. “Brooklyn FOURTEEN”—that’s the way they say it—has started the ball rolling for six thousand new members. They’ll get ’em. Halloween night was celebrated by Columbia Lodge No. 126 of Washington, D. C. The Women of Mooseheart Legion assisted materially in making the affair a success. Columbia Lodge meets every Tuesday evening at 7th and G Streets N. W. Visiting brothers will be welcomed. Davenport, la., Lodge No. 28 is planning to hold the annual Christmas entertainment Dec. 29. The largest hall in the city is to be used. Reading, Pa., Lodge No. 155 played Santa Claus to several hundred children. Although it was their first Christmas party, it was a great success. At a recent meeting in Indianapolis, Ind., three hundred new members were added to the roll. Addresses were made by Brothers William Anderson, D. D. S.; Rev. Roscoe C. Smith, and Dr. John Nichols, physician at MOOSEHEART. Endowment amounted to $164.19. Topeka, Kan., Lodge No. 524 conducted a successful campaign to get 200 members in 10 days. A $50 cash prize was offered to the member getting the most candidates who were initiated. Hudson, N. Y., Lodge No. 1184 is growing. With Brother Charles A. Primper as organizer, there were classes of 27 and 54 and there were 41 candidates to be initiated at the following meeting. Albany 909 Degree Team with Supreme Trustee Lester W. Block presiding, exemplified the work. Boise, Idaho, Lodge No. 337 plans for a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, about which will gather the children of members and also children of families whom Santa Clause would otherwise miss. Fort Hamilton Lodge, No. 1437, Hamilton, O., celebrated the seventh anniversary of the Lodge on Nov. 12 with a banquet embellished with talks upon MOOSEHEART and Moose topics. There was a program of refined vaudeville. The speakers predicted a club house for the Lodge to cost about $400,000. New York City Lodge had a big meeting. Admiral Doctor Stokes, formerly of the U. S. Navy, and a life member of New York Lodge, together with Director General Davis, were the principal speakers. The banner day in the history of the Paterson, N. J., Lodge No. 553 was on New Year’s Day, when this live-wire organization of good fellows marched into their new home and club house. There was a program with many features. Jersey City had a wonderful meeting on October 21st. Hall packed— hundreds unable to get in. Governor Edwards, Director General Davis and a host of visitors were present. Jersey City Moose Band furnished the music—Brooklyn Degree Team put on the work. Congratulations, Dictator Madden, you are there! Memphis, Tenn., Lodge is completing plans for getting a permanent home and for financing the project. The MOOSEHEART band will play a concert there on Jan. 6, and a committee has been working• to make the affair a grand success. Baltimore, Md., Lodge No. 70 initiated 400 candidates at the Nov. 16 meeting. It was the largest class ever admitted in the home city of Past Supreme Dictator Wm. F. Broening. Supreme Lecturer W. Trickett Giles spoke. Widespread publicity about accomplishments at MOOSEHEART was given during the membership drive. MOOSEHEART pictures were shown. Baltimore, Md., No. 70, recently initiated three hundred candidates in their big drive for an increase of five thousand in their membership. Watch Baltimore, they are going to do things locally, and they will do something big for MOOSEHEART. Dictator Charles L. Dennis, of Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge No. 289 was recently elected to the Connecticut legislature. The Lodge reports a big increase in members. A series of fea- GROUP OF MEMBERS OF SPRAY LODGE NO.