13 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 5ïÿZë Seasonc No matter how fastidious you are 1 about footwear these shoes will please you ^ for there is no smarter style at any pric.e. Not only are they beauties, but they are by far the biggest bargain of the year. To realize what an astonishing value they are we want you to compare them with any $5.00 shoes you can buy elsewhere today. Made A of extra quality brown or black kid finished leather J with stunning wave top, newest toe and low walk-/׳§ ing heel. Fancy stitching and perforations add Jp an irresistible touch of elegance. Flexible leather soles—just right for style and service. Sizes mm 3 to 8. Widths D and E. JSsfB ¥ FREE Shoe and Hosiery Catalog So sure are we these shoes will please you we will send them to you without onecent* in advance. Just send us your name, ad- J dress, the size and color wanted, and we /3. will mail them at once, POSTPAID. When they arrive pay your postman_SRp $3.45 and if you are not more than /jLw) pleased return them and we , refund your money. Order brown gfk No. 6T46. Order black No. 6T47. ' We deliver free. Pay &$־ I «tt? It con tains wonderful bar-gains in foot-\ wear for |\ every mem-11^ ber of the family. Address 1m Dept. ¡¡fell GT State size. ----- your postman only Great Offer ftastcmStore ГЫсайр III «»STATE. MP.DISON вШ DEARBORN тай ST R E ET S jag CJ R CZT A 46-PIECE FULL SIZE HANDSOME DINNER SET NO MONEY NEEDED. WE PAY FREIGHT. Sell Only 13 Boxes of Soap, each box containing 7 cakes fine Toilet Soap and vrith every box. givo as premiums to each purchaser all of the following articles, a Pound of Baking Powder, Bottle Perfume, rr.i__-r, ״ a rr״ d״ ״;״i jrouna or JoaKing •rowuer, noitie rerrumo, Box Talcum Powder, 6 Teaspoons. Pair of Shears and Package of Needles and this artistically decorated Dinner Set is Yours. Many other equally attractive offers and hundreds of useful Premiums or rashCom mission ,for your time. BIG PRICE REDUCTION ON ALL. GOODS. Special Extra Present of a High-Grade Granite 10 qt. Dish Pan, 3qt. Sauce Pan and 3 qt. Pudding Pan FREE of all cost or work of any kind, if , you write at once. You advance no money. We trust you. You have nothing to risk. Write today for our Big: FREE Agents Outfit. Don't delay. THE PERRY G. MASON CO., 630 Cr.nal & Main, Cincinnati, Ohio. Est. 189?, On April 30th, 1921, I am going to give away a new Ford Touring Car, fully equipped, with electric lights and starter, to some one who answers my Ad. and is the most successful in carrying out my simple instructions. In this contest I will also give away a new Model Ford Roadster, fully equipped and thousands of dollars in Cash Rewards, Motorcycles, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Diamond Rings, Phonographs, etc., etc., and in case of a tie I will duplicate the prize tied for. In the picture are a number of hidden faces. See how many you can find. Some are looking right at you, some turned sidewise. You will find them upside down and every wav. Mark each face you find with a pencil and mail to me with your name and address. If you find as many as five of the hidden faces I will enter you in this contest with 1.000 votes to your credit and send you full particulars. The two leaders will get these cars. Why not you.2 Write today SURE. D. W. BEACH, Contest Mgr., Dept, 562 Spencer, Indiana TWO FORD CARS GIVEN AS PRIZES APRlL3