11 MOOSEHE/mr MAG/IZIK. Brings this Complete 42-Piece ALUMINUM SET Here withoufrdoubt is the greatest bargain ever made in aluminum ware. A challenge to the world on value giving. See for yourself at our risk. Only $1 now and we ship the complete set—42 pieces—and give you 30 days’ free trial. Money back if you don’t say that this is the most wonderful aluminum set you ever saw and the most sensational bargain. See offer below. Don’t miss this. You risk nothing. No need to tell you how superior good aluminum ware is to any other kind of cooking utensils. You know how much more quickly it takes up the heat and gets the cooking done. Then, too, it actually safeguards health, because there are no chips and no corrosion or rust to get into the food and irritate the stomach as from iron or enamel ware, and it also beautifies your kitchen. You will find that your cooking is more uniform, more delicious—better in every way. Try This Set for 30 Days FREE— and You Will Never Part With It This remarkable 42-piece “Longware’ ’ Aluminum Set is made from heavy gauge pressed steel aluminum. Absolutely seamless. Guaranteed for life. Will not crack, corrode, chip or peel. Set consists of: Nine-piece combination double roaster with 2 outer shells; inside pud-. , . , , ding pan; 5 custard cups with perforated pan holder. (Two outer shells make an excellent roaster for chicken, steaks or other meats. Using perforated inset and small pudding pan, it is a combination cooker and steamer. The three pans are also us^d separately over the Areas a cake pan, bake dish, pudding pan, or for any purpose Order No. 415C№jA19. Complete Set, Pay $1.00 now. Balance $1.50 monthly. x iciiiwij juiv;c cAWiuibui. omppeu irum umcagu wareu . Bargain Price, $14.85 SBOSs COUBSOSt HffTISA/ This complete, guaranteed 42-piece Pure Aluminum Set, as shown above. m yours at our bargain prjce and only $1 to send now. n״l־ ״. f״,״ ■ HARTMAN Furniture & Carpet Co. 3913 Wentworth Ave. Dept. 3038 Chicago, III. Enclosed is $1.00. Send the 42-piece Aluminum Set No. 415CMA19 I am to have 80 days’ trial. If not satisfied, I will ship it back and you will refund my $1.00 and pay transportation both ways. If I keep it l will pay $1.50 per month until price, $14.85, is paid. _ _ — TJ¥ , , ״ yours at our bargain price and only $1 to send now. Only a few cents a Vay Pays th§ balan.?,e״ /f y°u don't find thls set everything we claim, and a wonderful bargain, send it back after 30 days use and we will refund your dollar and pay transportation both ways. And remember, we guarantee this set for life. If at any time it corrodes, cracks or chips, you get all your money back for the asking. Very Important! Immediate shipment assured upon receipt of your order. No waiting. No delays. Millions of people have furnished their homes elegantly and luxuriously on the Hartman plan __ without feeling thecost.Thegreatfree 132-page - ■ ;---------------any home beautiful and more comfortable and how to save monty. . Wonderful pictures show just what the articles look like—many pictures in color. It gives you the op- portunity to secure the choicest styles and amazing bargains in furniture, rugs, linoleum, stoves, ranges, watches, silverware, aisnes, washing machines, sewing machines, aluminum ware, phonographs, gas engines, farm implements and cream separators, etc•. on our easy monthly payment termB. Get this book with hundreds of articles to select from—30 days' trial on anything you sena tor. bee how conveniently and economically you can buy from Hartman. This bargain cat»!nt? is frPP Rn«t card nr latter brings it by return mail. It is the key to home happiness. ״״Let Hartman Feather YOUR Nest, Name . Address.... ״*״״« 7■ ■׳- ־«.UIBIC oiuimicui a99UlCU upuil receipt Ol FUFF Bargain Catalog ™ mlvm moss Catalog shows you how to make any home beautiful Send post card today. ״..Box No״.. . State.. R. F. D... Town...... u A HTM A N Furniture & Carpet Co. nr4sa ■ mnn »•„«.ai», chi..,. ______________________________ Copyright, 1921, by Hartman's, Chicago ^Ajv^VWW^vA^Vv^VV/vw\Awvyvl-AA_-AA-A/-■ AÀ ■ A A ■AA ■ A A ■ K A ■AA • AA ■M1 AA ■׳BPAA ■KA'.KA. \T? >