TRIAL FREE Let ns send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return r»r־, Order ^!Oday. JONES MFC. CO. 136 W. Lake St. Dept. 945 ?HltAtiQ Build This Phonograph Yourself TREMENDOUS SAVING IN COST Easy, fascinating work, with our SIMPLIFIED PLANS. We furnish blue prints, diagrams, motor, cabinet pieces, ready-built horn etc. You don’t need to be a cabinet maker. A few hours assembling; and you will have a fine instrument at one-quarter the regular retail price. AGENTS MAKE MONEY making and selling these instruments. Write today for full details and our FREE OFFER. Address;- MODERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO. 481 Springer Building 313 So. Clinton St. CHICAGO, ILL, rnrr DIAMOND 1 nLL RIN G OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds—the greatest discovery , the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond-in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.48 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Send no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 110 Masonic Temple, Chicago BIG VALUE for 10 Ct& 6 Songs, words and music; 25 Pictures Pretty Girls ;40 Ways to Make i Money; 1 Joke Book; 1 Book on Love; 1 Magic Book; 1 Book Letter Writing; 1 Dream Book and Fortune Teller; 1 Cook Book; 1 Base Ball Book, gives rules for games; 1 Toy Maker Book; Language of Flowers; 1 Morse Telegraph Alphabet; 12 Chemical Experiments; ?,Magic Age Table; Great North Pole Game: 100 Conundrums; 3 Puzzles; 12 Games; 30 Verses for Autograph Albums. All the above by mail for 10 c*•• and 53 cts. postage. gOIAh SALES CO., Box 2 1 1 South Norwalk, Conn. TO&iSOIT Made io your measure, payable after received. Perfect fit, fine goods and tailoring, $20 saving, all guaranteed or no pay. SAMPLES FREE. Every ׳ man should write at once for our ׳ beautiful free book of cloth samples * and correct fashions, explaining f everything. Write letter or postal; just say, "Send me your samples,” i and get everything by return mail FREE. Important to every man. ......... ! Write today sure. Park tailoring Company Trial Offer Schuillng Rupture Lock Endorsed by Thousands No Bands, Buckles or Springs Just a simple device that goes on and off in a second. But scientifically built to gently hold rupture in place without binding straps—without buckles, springs or harness. The Schuiling Rupture Lock has adjustable pads that may he tilted or turned to exactly fit any body formation. Will not compress the flesh or cut off blood circulation. Mail the coupon for free 32 page hook on rupture—illustrated with 21 pictures—and special trial offer telling how to get Schuiling Rupture Lock without risking any money. SCHUILING RUPTURE INSTITUTE 2612 Muryhy Bldg. Indianapolis, Ind. COUPON Schuiling Rupture Institute, 2612 Murphy Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Without expense to me send your free book and trial offer. Name __ Address City---- State. MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Accident brings famous writer great Vision From the Birmingham, Ala., Age-Herald, by Frank Willis Barnett MOOSEHEART, that school and that home, has been built and is in operation. It is located thirty-seven miles west of Chicago, and is supported by 1,600 lodge organizations, located in every state in the union, in every province of Canada, in Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippines, Cuba, Panama and the Bermudas. Between 1913, when the school was opened, to the present time, more than one thousand boys and girls have studied at MOOSEHEART, and best of all, many have been returned to re-established homes. The best thing about MOOSEHEART is its ability to prepare boys and girls to become self-supporting when they leave its doors. Twenty-two vocational operations, full academic and commercial courses for both boys and girls are features. The keynote is “Preparation for Life.” Students of philanthropy and education recognize in MOOSEHEART one of America’s greatest present-day efforts to care in a home-like and wholesome way for orphan children. The children are the hope of the nation. After all, the best investment that any man can make is to put his money in boys and girls and give them a chance through education to become the governing citizens of the future. I did not sit down to tell the story of the Loyal Order of Moose, but to dwell on some things I found out about MOOSEHEART by studying the illustrations and poring over the reading matter. I was glad to see so much attention given to play and to sports. Every normal child needs recreation. I was delighted to find that gardening, farming and dairying was featured. It was heartening also to know that vocational training in the arts and crafts was made much of. It was to be expected that the usual academic instruction should have its part. It was fine to read that the children are given an opportunity to make money and are encouraged to save, in order to have a nest-egg when they graduate. MOOSEHEART has its own department store, confectionery and barber shop, and if the children who work wish to buy things that are permitted, I confess I like this chance given them both to make and spend money. It keeps them from being institutionalized. It’s wise to guide, hut not to hamper the students in the full expression of their individualities, and in the strengthening of their self-reliance. I am glad that by the merest accident the booklet fell into my hands, for it informed me about a great school and home about which I knew absolutely nothing at all. I hail it as a worth-while effort to solve the problem of dependent children by serious minded and charitable men. MOOSEHEART has passed the experimental stage and is now one of the outstanding philanthropies of the United States. The big-hearted men of Aberdeen, S. D., Lodge No. 590 at their last meeting by unanimous vote adopted in the name of the Lodge an Armenian orphan and also voted to appropriate Lodge funds to cover the expense. Through this action the Lodge will provide a home for one Armenian child and guarantees for its support and education, through a period of years. The Moose text “I am My Brother’s Keeper,” causes the members to know no national boundary lines, when people of foreign lands are stricken as a result of famine and war. The Lodge proposes to have the name of its Armenian protege upon its rolls and also to have a picture of the child for its archives. How wonderful is MOOSEHEART, the only city in the world where every child received a Christmas present. Election night, before the news began to come in with any “pep” in it, I was lounging in the news room and, seeing a handsome booklet in one of the desks, I picked it up and soon was engrossed in it. The title was catchy, for it read “Truly a Home and More.” Now, this is like saying a person has “personality plus.” I had no idea that it was gotten out by one of the secret orders, but before I had glanced over many of the pictures or read much of the text, I saw it was about MOOSEHEART, the school in Illinois that trains for life, the pride and joy of the Loyal Obder of Moose. I am not a member, and therefore this “boost” is from a rank outsider. I think if a merchant, manufacturer, corporation, school, city, or lodge gets out a booklet that it ought to show caste in its cover, judgment in the selection of the paper, care in the printing, art in the illustrations, and wisdom in the reading matter. If dress goes a far way in the first impression that we get of people, I’m sure that we judge a firm or institution by the printed matter it sends out. My attention was called to this in a striking manner just a few days ago. A large envelope with a Paris postmark and French stamps was left at my door. It created some comment when the postman left, but no one opened it till I came home. It proved to be a catalogue from one of the greatest department stores, but the cover, paper, printing and illustrations were such that my oldest boy remarked that the Parisians were not in it with our American publishers. Having disclaimed all special knowledge about the secret order I have under notice, I’ll have to confine myself to the obvious things set out in its beautiful publication. As a matter of fact, while a member and in sympathy with certain orders, I must confess that I never was much of an enthusiast over ritual, and that the ceremonial words somehow never seemed to stick in my memory. I suppose this accounts for the fact that I have never been a devoted lodge man. But the exquisite brochure is not so much about the order as it is about MOOSEHEART. It is all about children, children without father or mother, and sets out how more than 750 orphans are cared for and educated. I like one of the slogans, which says: “Every child is entitled to at least a high school education and a trade,” for if it falls heir to these it will have a good fighting chance to care for itself and play a man or woman’s part in the battle of life. I have not always been in agreement with David Starr Jordan, president of Leland Stanford University, but I am in hearty accord with him when he says: “If ever you wish to go in for philanthropy; if ever you wish to be of any use in the world, do something for the little children. If ever you yearn to be truly wise, study children. We can dress the sore, bandage the wound, imprison the criminal, heal the sick and bury the dead, but there is always the chance to save the child. If the great philanthropists ever exterminate sin and pestilence, ever work out the race’s salvation, it will be because a little ‘child has led them׳.” From .what I gather the organization hack of the MOOSEHEART idea, was of small consequence until 1906, but in that year James J. Davis, a tin plate worker, joined it and undertook its development, gathering about him some of America’s strongest fraternal talent, until now over a half million men are banded together for mutual help. Six years ago these men decided to pay a dollar a year into a fund to build a great school and home for such of their children as, through the loss of their parents, might need such a service. 10 * Dont Positively the season’s most astounding pants bargain. Prove this entirely at our risk! Send for a pair to examin and try on. i~ row. Just th that'• all — an mail these pants—then it i to keep or rett Just see the! then decide! Amazing PANTS Bargain! Such a wonderful pants saving as this comes in mighty handy at any time. It will pay you to lay in a pair or two, as these pants go well with any coat. Made of very substantial, closely woven worsted cloth, designed for either work or dress. Do u ble sewed throughout; full sized side, hip and watch pockets, neatly finished ana well with any color coat. Sizes: 80 to 42-inch waist; 30 to 84-Inch inseam. Order tio. CX735. Be sure to give size. Quick! Don’t Make sure • one pair of these . markable bargain trousers before they are all taken. Send pS'«Sy $ 1.595 meet taem cr,nra,.y - ot them on -compare with pants selling up to $5.00 and if not the greatest pants bargain—return to us and we will Drompt-ly refund you, money. — LE0NARD-M0RT0N & CO., Dept. 8410 Chicago Send me Trousers No. CX735. I will p,w!W-9*.«J for trousers on arrival and examine them caremUy. it nos satisfied, will return them and you will refund my money. !Size—Waist,............ I Name ...................... 812 FULL LENGTH HIP BOOTS GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY These SlS.OOr.S.Army Hip Jfcubl>er Hoots were left by cancellation of government orders. Every boot is new and bears official stamp of the U. S. Gov’t Inspector. Send now before it is too late. Why not save money by ordering 2 or 8 pairs? NOW OJ\ LY $5.50a pair. Pay on arrival. TTou risk noth• , - »*/"»,*iirw in«■ If you are not per-^END NO MONEY fectly satisfied,we will re- ■iwt«■«■ {;urn your money at once. ;nee Rubber Boots $4.75 ltubber Boot Socks, 45c !how tills wonderful Offer to your friends. Write, or mail coupon, as you prefer. EAST BOSTON MAIL ORDER HOUSE 5 Maverick Sq., Dept. 67, East Boston. 28, Mass. Send U. S. Gov’t. Hip Rubber Boots, C. O. D. My money back if not satisfied. Name____ Address.. To prove our unbeatable values and get your steady trade, will make 3-piece suit consisting of coat, pants and vest to your measure for only $15.00. Style shown in the picture or any one of 185 style combinations to select from. One year's satisfaction guar an teedoreverypennyback—quick NO EXTRA CHARGES You pay just what we Bay, not one penny < extras for anything. We even pay all postag end express. You save one-half—like befoi the war. Earn $60 Cash Weekly home. Friends and neighbors buy on sight. Youngs Fred Green m ado SEND W0 CASH. FREE $174.50 in seventeen days. - BIG SAMPLES ________New samples show latest styles end 80 real cloth samples. Buy at inside Wholesale prices. Write now for Big Free Outfit, e' SPENCER MEAD COMPANY Wholesale Tailors Dept. 415__________Chicago P״„ . THIS NOVA-TONS lice TALKING MACHINE Case Mahogany finish, enameled part,, no motor to get out of order, excellent reproducer, enjoyment for all. Sell 12 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve, great for cuts, burns, influenza, etc. Return $3 and the machine is yours. Guaranteed. , Records free. Order today. Address, U. 5. Co,, Box 599 Greenville! Pa»