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FHILIPSB0RNS DEPARTMENT 799 CHICAGO Happy As An Old Negro Sinner Noted Mayor from Dixie says he wanted to shout at Mooseheart. wonderful institutions of the great Order; for I shall spend every available moment in spreading the gospel of the Loyal Order of Moose, and I hope all men ״־ho have the interest of their own municipalities at heart may do likewise. I am a member of other fraternal Hon. John W, Martin, Serving His Fourth Consecutive Year as Mayor of Jacksonville, Fla. and secret societies, I have noted features in all of them that are commendable; but I cannot help but feel that, though many years older, many of them have much to learn from the Loyal Order of Moose. I went to MOOSEHEART a “doubting Thomas,” I left there a convert. The Moose have certainly accepted the Biblical teachings and their noble slogan is well taken, “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.” “MOOSEHEART is one of the great big human things of this country. Educators from all parts of the world have come to investigate the MOOSEHEART system of teaching,”—Pee-Kay Magazine. The day he conquers fear, the day he decides he can hold his own with anyone—is a red letter day in a man’s life. How may happiness and content be found? Only by helping others find these! If you would HAVE happiness in abundance, GIVE IT AWAY in abundance. The man who spends his time in idleness usually has nothing else to spend which anyone wants. The man who is preaching equal division of the wealth of the world is usually a man who has nothing to divide. Juneau, Alaska, Lodge No. 700 recently had a house-warming in their remodeled club rooms, to which the public was invited. The new hall and general club rooms is the result of the fraternal spirit of the 300 members. The excavation of the basement was done by members who donated their labor. When one handles a pick and shovel and then uses the wheelbarrow to cart away the dirt, etc., giving his labor free, it shows the right sort of fraternalism. Individual members showed their zest by loaning to the Lodge $5,000 which was required to furnish the rooms. Florida. The fact that the MOOSEHEART Assembly is the gathering of the students at the end of their day, and that in the Assembly they arrange the things they believe will help them in their school life, gives a man, especially a man who has been active in politics, a new line of vision. He sees the future American citizen, learning self-government and actually practicing his privilege of the right of franchise just as much as the citizens of all the great cities of this republic. I wish I could transport all the people of Florida to the׳ great MOOSEHEART Institution, I wish I could put them in the seats in the great Roosevelt Auditorium, I wish I could let them look into that sea of tiny, but eminently happy faces, I wish• I could take them to the homes of these children, these heirs of departed Moose, I wish I could just let all the country know of the work of the Loyal Order of Moose. If I could preach this gospel of Moosedom and make all the converts that should be made, I feel that there would be no need of or fear of Bolshevism in our great land. I would like to take all the contented and all the discontented, I would like to have them undergo the same experience I did. For I want it known that while I supposed the Moose were managing some sort of a home and orphan asylum, I just naturally supposed that it was like many such places I had seen before, and I had only agreed to be one of the visiting party because the people of Jacksonville told me that I owed it to them to help represent my city before the members of the Supreme Council of the Loyal Order of Moose when they gathered at MOOSEHEART to consider places suitable for the location of a home for the aged, which is really a new MOOSEHEART. So, I am frank, I went to MOOSEHEART without any previous knowledge of what I was to see. I did have some inkling that it was a big place, and I remember that I was told that there were more than eight hundred children there, but I thought most of the glittering language of the genial Charlie Raphun, the Moose Supervisor in Florida, was his enthusiasm for his own pet brand of philanthropy; but now, I know that he was modest in all his statements, he did not color the topic at all; MOOSEHEART is greater than even the word painting of an artist could probably portray. MOOSEHEART is, to my mind, the greatest school in the world. I visited the living quarters of a group of children. Neither the little fellows or their Matron expected any visitors. Our party just happened in, and the wholesome surroundings made me actually envy the kids who had so much advantage over other boys and girls. The home atmosphere is everywhere evident, and the cheerful observance to rules and order was most noticeable at the Assembly; for, a we entered the auditorium, there was almost an uproar of childish voices, laughter and play. Then, Superintend ent Adams simply raised his hand and said in a very ordinary tone of voice, “The Assembly will please come to order,” and before his voice had died away on the last words of the request, the entire hall was in silence, the children in their seats and not a sign of inattention anywhere. I consider the rule of love as applied at MOOSEHEART the greatest example of proper control I have ever seen. I owe the people of Jacksonville thanks for having been permitted to visit the home of the Moose. I shall never forget the impressions made upon me, and I fervently hope Florida will be blessed with some one of the If I could live a thousand years, I am sure I could never again experience the thrill I felt when I stood on my feet in response to the introduction given by Hon. John J. Lentz before the MOOSEHEART Assembly on the afternoon of October first. A mayor usually becomes accustomed to talking in public—some mayors talk entirely too much when they talk to the public, but I am willing to admit that, for several seconds, I could not find words to say to those young ladies and gentlemen composing the students’ Assembly. Tears welled in my eyes, my throat filled, and I just felt as happy as an old negro sinner with his first real taste of religion at an African Meth-otist revival. I wanted to shout! I am going to tell every good man I meet about the wonderful work the Loyal Order of Moose is actually accomplishing at that great Home, MOOSEHEART, “The School That Trains for Life.” Mr. Lentz said I came from the land of the alligator—and so I did, and I intend that the children of MOOSEHEART shall have some of the over supply of Florida alligators, as well as some of the citrous products, although MOOSEHEART children have about as many oranges and grape fruit in their usual menu as we in Using Tobacco Perhaps you’ve tried to stop using tobacco only to find that the habit has such a hold on you that you gave up trying. You know, better than anyone else that you ought to etop because, sooner or later, it is bound to undermina your health. Heart trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, nervousness, insomnia, poor eye sight—these and many othei? disorders, can often be traced directly to the use of tobac*» .CO. Besides it is an expensive, utterly useless habit• EabSt Baulslied Let Us Help You No matter how firm a grip tobacco has on you—no matter whether you’ve been smoking cigars, pipe or cigarettes or chewing plug or fine cut for a month or 69 years—Tobacco Redeemer will positively remove alfi craving for tobacco in any form in a very few days. It does its work so quickly that all tobacco "hunger” is gone almost before you know it. The desire for a smoke or a chew usually begins to decrease after the very first dose,. Tobacco Redeemer contains no habit-forming drugs of any kind—it is in no sense a tobacco substitute. It does not NEWELL FHARMACAL CO. Dept. S72 St. Louis, Me. Send, without obligation to me fn any way, proof that Tobacco Redeemer will positively free me from the, Tobacco Habit or my money will be refunded. „J \