7 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Get Aboard for Toledo in June Great Preparation for Order’s Greatest Convention Now Going On. Toledo Boys Say “Come On, We Will be Ready For You.” that magnificent river is Fort Meggs. Down a little further on the beautiful bay is where Perry sent that famous notice to his chief: “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” Its parks are beautiful; they are numerous and they are large. They are covered with magnificent forests, some of them natural forests. Toledo guarantees you a good time. They say to you, we will give you one of the best times you ever had in your life. You Can Earn, IHhlhis NEW MACHINE Many are doing $3,000 a year and better with this new machine. You can too• You need no experience. We teach you FREE in one simple lesson. Start right at home. Everywhere there’s plenty of money and big cash profits waiting for ambitious men. THIS IS THE BUSINESS FOR YOU A business of your own. Requires little capi-] tal and grows fast into a real factory—a real manufacturer. Open an Automobile Tire Surgery Station with Haywood Equipment. Let the money roll in. Auto tires need mending constantly. There is your profit. Owners eager to give you their business. It means a saving of money to them, and big cash returns for you. JUST MAIL THE COUPON FOR THIS FREE BOOK A valuable guide to power and wealth. __ It gives the complete details. How to start. How to succeed. Tells all •■■■■■■a about your Op- / Haywood Tire and Shows how easy tho work can be ׳״?“'?.ient ^0.n,|,an* done. Shows the big profit in this new. field. Write ,for it Please send .. Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, ind. today. A postcard" will do.’ / 6puLs’esen¿ Get yonr FREE copy. /book as you promised to • do. This of coursfe doea 9 not obligate me in any way. 0׳ Address - COMPANY 899 Capitol Ave. INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA savins: to you. Sena no money—only tha coupon. If not satisfied, return them end you are not wife a penny. Act quick —send coupon today. Dont Sent a Pemr A shoe bargain you must not miss. A manufacturer made up a lot of these splendid Work Shoes for a big concern. The order was cancelled. Our buyer snapped up the entire lot at way below tha real value and while they last we offer them aft ONLY Pay Nothing Until Shoes _ Arrive Price Smashed Selected brown barnyard leather. Tanned to be proof against acids in manure, soil, etc. Soles are strongest, best-wearing leather. Heels extra nailed—will not come off. Stitching reinforced throughout keeps seams from ripping. Modeled on a very comfortable, broad last with plenty of toe room. Wide bellows tongues keep out dirt, snow and water. Smooth leather insoles. A wonderful work shoe. Sizes 6 to 12. Wide widths. _ Send no money—only coupon. When shoes arrive pay iVOEw only t*le l°w bargain price, $2.98. Compare with ■ w work shoes that sell for $5 and $6 elsewhere. If not satisfied, return shoes and we will refund your money. Supply is limited, so order quick. Givo your size. LE0NflRD״M0RT0r& Co7, Dept״ "״8409״Chic~ Send Work Shoe No. AX1826. I will pay $2.98 and postage on arrival. If not perfectly satisfied I will return shoes and you will refund my money. Size.......................... Name............................................... Address.............................. .......mm PHONOGRAPH ■TDITir and RECORD F Im Cl■■ Boys and Girls! This wonderful NewModeB Talking Machine, hand driven, decorated metal case, and popular record, is yours. A realTalkmgMachine with high-grade reproducer. Plays loud and clear all size diao records up to 12 inches. Given for sellinv only 24 large colored Pictures or 24 pkga. - Post Cards at 15c ea. Order your choice. fiatisiactioD guaranteed. GATES MFG.C0.DEPT*236®^®^®®j President-elect Warren G. Harding, Governor Davis of Ohio and governors of many states, as well as U. S. Senators, Congressmen, Judges, Mayors and many other celebrities including Federal Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, who is the baseball chief, will attend the convention, Toledo announces. There will be accredited delegates from every city and town of consequence in the United States, as well as from the provinces of Canada, also from London, Paris, Hawaiian Islands and South America. Included in the program will be competition between drill teams, ritualistic teams and ladies’ teams and bands. Toledo has deposited $10,000 to be given in prizes and the Board of Governors of MOOSEHEART has added $10,000 to make it an incentive to the teams to enter the competition. One feature will be the parade with floats representing every state and many cities. The convention will be a legislative one at which laws for the government of the Order will be amended and made, officers will be elected and the general future welfare of the lodges and membership are planned. The Toledo Lodge reports a wonderful increase in membership and a campaign is being conducted for the purpose of getting at least 10,000 members by the time that the convention begins. Last, but most important, the Women of Mooseheart Legion will be there. God bless them! They will have a convention at the same time. There will be a big program for the women and by the women for which elaborate and systematic preparations are being made. The trip will repay you in education and entertainment, for you will see the Golden Rule City. Some years ago a man was elected mayor who earned the name of “Golden Rule Jones.” When he took office he found that out in the poor districts, where the working men, the toilers lived, there were little children with no place to play. Immediately there was inaugurated a system of parks, with a swimming pool here, a swing there and a merry-go-round yonder. The city came to be known as the Golden! Rule City. They practiced and taught humanity, altho often criticised for the extent to which they were going. The very atmosphere became impregnated with the idea that there. is something more in life than mere piles of stone, brick and mortar. Golden Rule Jones died but the seed was sown, the seed of human love, brotherly love, kindness to humanity. That magnificent work was carried on by Brand Whitlock and by the present Mayor, Cornelius Schreiber. Toledo is historical in all the word implies—right there is the beautiful Maumee, flowing through the city, navigable for the largest boats on the lake. In the suburbs of the city is Fort Miami, where Kentucky men gave their lives to the end that this country might be wrested from a foreign power. Down a little further on Toledo, chairman of the housing committee. The Hotel Men’s Association, working with the Toledo Lodge housing committee, will publish a pamphlet containing a list of all available rooming places in the city in preparation for the international convention of the Moose. All persons with rooms to rent will be listed. A tent city may be erected in Bay View park. There are already many requests for rooms and Toledo newspapers announce that the city is preparing for the biggest convention ever held there. t To give you an idea of the interest the Lodges are taking in the convention we will mention some of the early reservations made: Bellefontaine, Ohio, Lodge, Brother E. C. Curry states, expects that every member of the Lodge will attend the convention. Fort Wayne, Ind., Lodge is trying to organize a Marching Club of 3,000. Philadelphia Lodge wants 200 rooms. Greater Chicago Lodge has asked for 500 rooms. They will also send a glee club of 50. Cincinnati Lodge, through Secretary Frank Anderson, has engaged 150 rooms and has hired a Toledo band. Pittsburgh, through Fred Jones, has engaged 250 rooms and has hired a 65-piece Toledo band. Johnstown, Pa., announces that it will be represented with a uniformed marching club and that it will have a snug amount of money to spend on the trip. Meriden, Conn., Lodge will send a good delegation who are members of the MOOSEHEART club. The Toledo Lodge, through Frank Saxton, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce; Dewitt Fisher, Secretary to Mayor Cornelius Schreiber, and Dictator A. L. Rafter of Toledo Lodge visited MOOSEHEART recently and submitted plans of entertainment, etc., to the Board of Governors of MOOSEHEART, who O. K.’d them. The Toledo spirit is evident and all the leading citizens are responding to the call of the Chamber of Commerce and the Labor organizations . They want visitors to say “Toledo is a real city and one of hospitality and good will.” The finance committee announces that it has met with such success that it can see the vision of the hilltop to finance the convention. The members of the finance committee are. Mayor Cornelius Schreiber, Judge O’Donnell, Chris Wall, Morris Ko-bacher, Clarence Benedict, William Savage, Judge Austin and Paul Wreath. It will be a gathering of wholehearted fellows filled to the brim and running over with welcome greetings and hearty laughs. Toledo is planning entertainment widespread in character and something will be offered every minute. There will be celebration-and gaiety, not of the time-worn kind, but something new, so that after you leave Toledo you will talk about the city and will want to return. Mooseheart Alumni Association New England, New York and New Jersey. This meeting will be held early in 1921 and will take the form of a farewell to Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, Mooseheart Governor, who will sail for France to exchange with a professor of a French college for a period of several months. Director General James J. Davis, president of the Mooseheart Alumni Association is preparing for a number of meetings qf this Association in various sections of the Moose jurisdiction. Probably the first large meeting will be held in New York City when the Alumni will assemble from The thirty-third annual convention of the Loyal Order of Moose will be held in Toledo, Ohio, June 27-July 2. Make your hotel reservations early as the Toledo hotels will have only 7,800 rooms available for the delegates, members of drill teams, ritualistic teams, bands, members of lodges and their families. The Toledo Hotel Men’s Association has had a meeting and promises to take care of 7,800 persons and guarantees no increase in prices. They have quoted prices to Chris F. Wall of f ...1 send your name and address, size and color, and I will send this sweater and pair of trousers to you. You don’t pay one penny until they are delivered at your door by the postman. Trousers alone are worth more than $2.98, so you are getting the sweater absolutely FREE. Send your order now. Men!! Pants and Sweater Both S for The trousers are made of a very strong and durable gray striped worsted material. They have customary pockets and belt straps. All Beams are double stitched and guaranteed not to rip. These trousers would ordinarily sell for more than $2.98. Color: Oxford gray strips only. Sizes: SO to 44 inches waist measure. The sweater is made of heavy commercial yarn, woven in slip-over style, with round neck and sleeveless. Fits snugly to body. Colors: Khaki or navy blue. Sizes: 34 to 46 chest measure. Remember, one ---------- sweater and one pair of trousers for $2.98• will not be sold separately. nsliusKU Cpaa Just Bend your name and ad־ UcllYci Jr Iloc dress —no money. Be sure to give size and color. When the sweater and trousers are delivered at your door by the postman, pay him $2.98 for them. We have paid the delivery charges. Wear both articles and if you don’t find them all you expected, return them and we will cheerfully refund your money at once. Order by No. 42. L. 1 1 1 O Walter Field Co. 318 8. Michigan Ave״ Chicago! WHY NOT PRESENT YOUR WIFE daughter, sister or sweetheart with a biography of the first President she voted for— “WARREN G. HARDING, THE MAN” By JOE MITCHELL CHAPPLE “The Author who understands the genius of American government emphasizes in this biographical sketch THE MAN.—Boston Transscript. Every woman who voted for Harding will appreciate this book as a souvenir. Handsomely bound, colored cover and 100 pages, illustrated. Price $1.00. At book stores or sent by mail. Chappie Publishing Company, Ltd. Boston 25, Mass.