5 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Mooseheart Digest of Month’s News at FIVE ATHLETES SELECT UNIVERSITIES Five of the 1920 Mooseheart High School football team will attend universities next year. Athletic directors and alumni of the major universities are trying to get the boys to go to their schools. The great showing by the Mooseheart athletic teams is winning recognition from the big schools. Four of the players have selected the schools, they plan to attend, beginning next September. They are: Louis Harvison of Pittsburgh, Pa., plans to attend Columbia University and study journalism. He starred in football and track athletics. William McClintock of Johnsonburg, Pa., captain and half back of the 1920 team, plans to attend a Pennsylvania university, where he can study medicine. Ellsworth Faust of Norristown, Pa., plans to attend the University of Pennsylvania. He played half back in football and catcher in baseball. Philip Barto, of Wheeling, W. Va., plans to attend Pittsburgh University and study medicine. He played guard on the football teams. Howard Lord of Leadvilie, Colo., has not decided which school he will attend. He won letters in three sports—football, baseball and track—every year he has been at MOOSEHEART. ASK FOR ADMISSION TO STATE BODY Mooseheart High School has made application for admission to the Illinois State High School association. Supt. M. P. Adams in making the application asks that the state association grant a special dispensation to MOOSEHEART so that it may get full credit for the work of its athletic teams. WILL PLAY IN THE EAST The Mooseheart football team will play a game every season in either Philadelphia or Pittsburgh with tiieir strongest high school team. WANAMAKER BUYS MOOSEHEART PRODUCTS The John "Wanamaker company of Philadelphia, New York and other metropolitan cities writes to MOOSEHEART, “We are considering making purchases of garden furniture for the spring of 1921. The small quantity of articles we purchased from you last year were most satisfactory. If you consider your line large enough, we will make it our business to send a representative to MOOSEHEART and make purchases from samples.” MAKE WILLS TO MOOSEHEART Two brothers, one a member of Grand Rapids, Mich., Lodge No. 50, and the other a member of Pittsburgh, Pa., Lodge No. 46, have made out their wills to MOOSEHEART. WILL ERECT CLUB HOUSE The Grand Lodge of Protection of the Loyal Order of Moose, No. 13, organized for those who reside in small towns where there is no Lodge and also for those who are traveling so much of the time that they have no permanent home, will build at MOOSEHEART a club house to cost $100,000. The club house will be used as headquarters for the Mooseheart Chamber of Commerce, where there will be a permanent exhibition of MOOSEHEART products. MOOSEHEART HEALTH RECORD No city has a health record as high nor a mortality record as low as MOOSEHEART. During the Christmas season only 11 of the children were in the Mooseheart Memorial hospital. All children ,when ill, even though the ailment is of a minor nature, are given treatment in the hospital. GREAT RECORD IN THE LAUNDRY The Mooseheart laundry during one week recently—an average period—handled 8008 pounds—-four tons—of articles at a cost of $730.59, including salaries. The work was done with $12.82 worth of soap and $10.80 worth of coal. EVERY STUDENT IN MUSIC SCHOOL Every student of MOOSEHEART is given instruction in music. They are members of the bands, orchestras, glee clubs and choral societies. It seems that almost everyone at MOOSEHEART either blows a horn or plays some musical instrument. TO ERECT $250,000 GYMNASIUM ׳A gymnasium to cost $250,000 to be given by the Illinois members of the Moose is to be located at MOOSEHEART within 18 months. It will be 300 by 200 feet. The Lodges will raise the money by giving entertainments and in other legitimate ways. MOOSEHEART POPULATION 1,100 MOOSEHEART now has a population of 1,100. The increase since 1914 has been about 22,000 per cent. COACH OSWALT LEAVES MOOSHEART Ben A. Oswalt, athletic director at MOOSEHEART since an athletic department was started, resigned and on Jan. 1 went to Tulsa, Okla., where he is manager of the Wilcox-Oswalt Oil and Gas company. Due to the phenomenal success of MOOSEHEART athletic teams, the members of which received all their athletic training and instruction from Oswalt, and the great interest manifested in athletics at MOOSEHEART, and also by the members of the Loyal Order of Moose, the governors announce that they will continue the high grade of athletic training, not only in the four major sports, but in addition promote games and organized play for the younger boys and girls. Oswalt, fresh from the University of Illinois school for athletic coaches, arrived at MOOSEHEART in 1914, when it was only a farm and he discovered that those who were to be given athletic instruction by him were babies. The babies grew bigger and heavier and he taught them football, baseball and track work. With only 23 boys of sufficient age and size to enable them to qualify for the 1920 football team, Oswalt built a team which scored 364 points and prevented opponents from crossing their goal line —on the ground and through the air. On account of his success, Oswalt was termed “the wizard,” and Illinois newspapers conceded to the MOOSEHEART team the right to the state championship title. MOOSEHEART tried to persuade him to remain and tempting offers were made, but he was set on a business career. MOOSEHEART SOLVES VOCATIONAL PROBLEM “MOOSEHEART’S Vocational School is the only cne of its kind,” says M. K. Mitchell of the Federal Board of Education and Vocational Training, and he further says, “MOOSEHEART’S success solves the problem of vocational training.” CLERGYMEN VISIT MOOSEHEART Many clergymen and college professors are visiting MOOSEHEART. They are paying attention to the Order on account of the great growth, the aims and purposes and the sensational success of MOOSEHEART. Many Lodges now have clergymen as members. ARCHITECTS COPY MOOSEHEART HOSPITAL MOOSEHEART’S hospital, known officially as the Philadelphia Memorial Hospital, as the members of that Lodge of 30,000 contributed the money for the entire cost, is attracting the attention of the foremost architects and builders of the United States and Canada. J. W. Rose of the Canadian Hydro-Stone, Ltd., of Quebec, who is endeavoring to get a contract at Ottawa, Canada, for the Municipal Hospital of Ottawa, Canada, has been at MOOSEHEART studying the building with a view of having Mooseheart granite and other features of the building specified for the Ottawa Municipal Hospital. His brother is rebuilding the city of Halifax, much of which was destroyed during the war, when high explosive on a boat in the harbor exploded. SUPREME COUNCIL IN THE SOUTH The Supreme Council of the Moose are visiting many cities in the southern states, inspecting sites offered for the contemplated home for the aged. MOOSEHEART 100 PER CENT “MOOSEHEART is a 100 per cent proposition throughout,” says the Rev. R. D. Ecklin, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Perry, Iowa, who recently made his first visit here. He was accompanied by E. A. Eickhoff. The Perry Daily Chief published a lengthy story about MOOSEHEART given by the men. The newspaper stated that the Rev. Mr. Ecklin would at the next Sunday service tell his congregation what he found at MOOSEHEART. JOHN MEIKLE’S GOOD SHOWING John C. Meikle, of Dawson, N. M., who was graduated last June from the Mooseheart high school, now attending Carnegie Technical Institute, in Pittsburgh, Pa., has the highest grades of all the thousands of students of that school, the president announces in a letter to M. P. Adams, Superintendent of MOOSEHEART. Both of his parents were dead when he came to MOOSEHEART seven years ago when he was 12 years old. It can be safely said that all of his education was received here. FEZ FUND TO BUILD KINDERGARTEN The Fez Fund of Mooseheart Legion of the World, amounting to seven thousand dollars, is to be used. The Regents of Mooseheart Legion have decided to build the most modern kindergarten, to be erected this year. The kindergarten is a part of the Mooseheart school course and it is for the children of the age of four and one-half years and thence until they reach the sixth year. MOOSEHEART AIDS THE GOVERNMENT MOOSEHEART is helping the Government and aiding the disabled soldiers with the Vocational School. Ninety disabled soldiers, who represent 15 states and varying in age from 20 to 43, are taking training in MOOSEHEART. The work of the disabled soldiers has drawn many distinguished visitors to MOOSEHEART. SAYS “MOOSEHEART IS WONDERFUL” “MOOSEHEART is certainly a wonderful institution and I appreciate very much being a member of the Order. Keep up the good work. It is very much needed. I can now talk intelligently about the work which is being done at MOOSEHEART.”—Harry A. Balsky, General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Aurora, 111.