SUPREME LODGE OFFICERS Executive Committee Chairman JOHN W. FORD. P. S. D. Philadelphia, Pa. E. J. HENNING. P. S. D. San Diego, Cal. M. M. GARLAND. P. S. D. Pittsburgh, Pa. Supreme Council W. A. McGOWAN Chicago, Illinois WILLARD A. MARAKLE Rochester, N. Y. FRANK J. MONAHAN San Francisco, Calif. JOSEPH G. ARMSTRONG Pittsburgh, Pa. M. M. GARLAND, P. S. D. Pittsburgh, Pa. C. A. A. McGEE. P. S. D. Oakland, Calif. ANTONIO P. ENTENZA Detroit, Mich. J. ALBERT CASSEDT Baltimore, Md. Supreme Forum Chief Justice E. E. TANNER, P. S. D. Columbus, Ohio Associate Justices EDWARD L. BRADLEY Omaha. Neb. ALBERT H. LANDER, JR. Philadelphia, Pa. NORMAN G. HEYD Toronto, Canada J. EDWARD KEATING San Diego, Calif. Supreme Lecturer WM. TRICKET GILES Baltimore, Md. Director General JAMES J. DAVIS Pittsburgh, Pa. Supreme Dictator DARIUS A. BROWN Kansas City, Mo. Past Supreme Dictator WM. F. BROENING Baltimore, Md. General Dictator GEO. N. WARDE Mooseheart, 111. Supreme Vice-Dictator JAMES F. GRIFFIN Boston, Mass. Supreme Prelate J. W. PIERSON Dallas, Texas Supreme Treasurer HARRY W. MACE Philadelnhia, Pa. Supreme Sergeant־at־Arms A. C. BALL Alliance, Ohio Supreme Inner Guard DAVID B. PETERSON Camden, N. J. Supreme Outer Guard CALEB A. HEILIG Winston-Salem, N. C. Supreme Trustees CHAS. NEWTON Winnipeg, Canada LESTER W. BLOCH Albany, N. Y. SAMUEL G. HART New Orleans La. Supreme Secretary RODNEY H. BRANDON Mooseheart, Illinois THE BABY VILLAGE Entered as Second-Class Matter January 26, 1916, at the Post Office at Mooseheart, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 8, 1918. Issued monthly from Its office of publication at Mooseheart, III., by the Supreme Lodge of the World» Loval Order of Moose. Edited and managed for the Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose, by its Executive Committee. JOHN W. FORD - Chairman RODNEY H. BRANDON - Secretary Subscription—50c per Annum. Copyright, 1021 by Rodney H. Brandon Advertising Rateg on Application We Now Have Nine Hundred and Eighty-Six Children at Mooseheart “Suffer little children.” “A little child shall lead them.” If your state has not started on its fund for a ”State building,” catch an inspiration from Pennsylvania and get busy and make a start. And let us never forget that all that we do, in any and every way, is for the little ones. HARDING SENDS GREETINGS PRESIDENT-elect Harding is one of the world’s big men, who is a member of the Loyal Order of Moose. ־ Some months ago he commended in glowing terms the work and educational program of MOOSEHEART, for the dependent, normal children of our members. On December 21st he sent his greetings to Director General Davis and expressed his appreciation of the services being rendered to the veterans of the World War in the vocational schools of ^ THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE ^ The Loyal Order of Moose is an international fraternal society consisting of more than sixteen hundred lodges in the United States, Canada and throughout the English-speaking world, having an aggregate membership in all these lodges of more than five hundred thousand men. Most of the lodges provide for sick benefits and funeral expense funds for their members. Each lodge is a complete unit in Itself, with full local autonomy. As a means for the better accomplishing their purposes the lodges have organized a central agency called the “Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose,” with headquarters at Mooseheart, Illinois. All the general activities of the Order center there and the Supreme officers in active charge have their offices there. MOOSEHEART THE SCHOOL THAT TRAINS FOR LIFE Mooseheart Is an estate of one thousand twenty-three acres of land, thirty-five miles west from Chicago on the Fox River, between the cities of Aurora and Batavia, Illinois. The title to this estate is In the Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose. Mooseheart Is a home and vocational training school for over eight hundred normal children of deceased members of the Order. The residential part of Mooseheart resembles a modern village of about one thousand inhabitants and consists of about fifty buildings of modern concrete fire-proof construction, with red tile roofs. There is a central heating and power plant, large modern print shop, a high school building, several Industrial shops, a modern farm plant and many dormitories and residences. ,, The educational features are highly vocational and prac-tlcal. About twenty-five of the most usual crafts, including agriculture, are being operated as a part of the educational work. . information as to the Loyal Order of Moose any of the lodges or units throughout the world, or Mooseheart, address the SUPREME SECRETARY, MOOSEHEART, ILLINOIS MOOSE MEAT No. 2 Mooseheart, I1L, Feb. 1921 Voi, VII MOOSEHEART GOVERNORS E. J. Henning, P. S. D. San Diego, Calif. Albert Bushnell Hart Cambridge, Mass. Darius A. Brown Kansas City. Mo. Rodney H. Brandon, Sec’y Mooseheart, Illinois Matthew P. Adams, Supt. Mooseheart, Illinois James J. Davis, Chairman Pittsburgh, Pa. John J. Lentz Columbus, Ohio Ralph W. E. Donges, P. S. D. Camden, N. J. Arthur Capper Topeka, Kansas John W. Ford. P. S. D. ״ Philadelphia, Pa. Keep your temper! Don’t get into a rut. Dare to be yourself. Get your fun out of your job. Don’t work for a cheap success. Don’t be satisfied with less than your best. Always put the stamp of a man upon everything you do. Trying to have the last word over some trifle often causes an explosion in the home more deadly than that of any bomb. A wise old owl lived in an oak; The more he heard, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why can’t we be like that wise old bird ? Faith is an invisible and invincible magnet, and attracts to itself whatever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently expects.—Ralph Waldo Trine. The curiosity of him who wishes to see fully for himself how the dark side of life looks, is like that of the man who took a torch into a powder mill to see whether it would really blow up or not. Don’t try to get out of anything which will help you, which will make you a stronger and larger man. A man who is at the mercy of his disposition can never be a leader, a power among men. “Keep sweet and keep movin’.” “He who wins by wrong doing is still a loser.” “Everyone ought to be happier than the happiest of us are now.” “We shall find nothing in the world which we do not find in ourselves.” And “genius,” properly defined, so sages all declare, Means being at the proper “when” just at the proper “where.” Resourcefulness is the star accomplishment. It is the master-key that fits all the locks of business requirements. MOOSEHEART. His _ sentiments are: “No nobler service can be rendered our boys than that of restoring them to full physical manhood as nearly as possible, and giving them the training that will enable them to be self-sustaining and independent throughout life.” He who stands still is lost. Men are great only as they are kind. A smile is the same in every language. The best way to get even is to forget. Health is a gift, but you have to work to keep it The business man is the man who gets the business. People who say, “There is no use talking,” usually keep right on doing it. Don’t forget to send your five dollars to the Endowment Fund. Cut out the coupon and mail it today. ENDOWMENT JAMES J. DAVIS, Director General, Mooseheart, Illinois. I want to Help you in this great work for children and am sending $----------------------------- for “Mooseheart Endowment Fund.” Count me in the first hundred thousand as a “Foundation Builder.” Name --------------------------------------------------- St. Address ____________________________________________ City _____________________________ State-------------:— Lodge No-------------------Legion No._____________________ IT will be a city within a city. It will be a city pf babies in the City of Childhood. Everything—the beds, chairs, tables, walks—will be of the size for babies and little children. The mother house will be in the center of this unique settlement. The baby village is the conception of the Director General and will he the gift of the Lodges of the State of Pennsylvania. It will become one of the most interesting sights as well as one of the greatest instruments for service at MOOSEHEART. Pause a moment, Brother Moose, and think of what these Pennsylvania brethren are doing. Already under the leadership of Hon. John W. Ford, P. S. D., the Philadelphia Lodge has built at MOOSEHEART and equipped a Memorial Hospital —a gift costing about a quarter of a million dollars. Now Pennsylvania, not content to give one state building to bear its name and proclaim its glory among the states represented at MOOSEHEART, Pennsylvania is building this baby village, a collection of buildings, a city within a city. There is not any man, anywhere, with a heart so hard and a nature so calloused that he would pass by, unaided, a baby on the street or on a highway. And yet there are hundreds of helpless children not to blame in any way for the mistakes or the misfortunes of their parents, children that will become the citizenship of tomorrow—the future fatherhood and motherhood of the world—:holding in their tiny bodies the seeds of life, and in their hands the destiny of the nations of the future; there are hundreds of these babies who belong to all of us, but we do not see them, we do not know where they are we cannot hear their cries for the father or the mother that is gone, and yet through MOOSEHEART we reach out and take in these helpless little ones and nurture them and train them for life. We are in a great work! We are on a high road! Our task is a holy one! Our cause is sacred! The breast of the mother and the strong arm of the father are gone, but the Loyal Order of Moose at the City of Childhood, and especially in this Baby Village, will substitute as nearly as is humanly possible Mother love and Father guidance. In our hands and under our care are the gifts of life. If we are ever to save the world we must start with the child, says Director General Davis. The Holy Writ is filled with injunctions concerning the children of the race. “Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”