19 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois CATALOGUE NOTICE Send 15c in silver or stamps for our Up־to־Date FALL & WINTER, 1920-1921 CATALOGUE, containing over 500 designs of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating 30 of the various, simple stitches) all valuable hints to the home dressmaker. 3J/4 yards of 36 inch material. Price 12 3452-3383—A Smart Coat Suit. Coat 3452 cut in 6 sizes: 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Skirt 3383 cut in 7 sizes: 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 inches waist measure. For the entire suit in a medium size 6% yards of 44 inch material will be required. The skirt with plaits extended measures about 1% yard. Two separate patterns, 12 cents for each pattern. 3443—Misses’ Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. An 18 year size will require 4% yards of 44 inch material. The width of the skirt at the lower edge with plaits extended is about 1% yard. Price 12 cents. 3439—Ladies’ Apron, Dress and Cap.—Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40. 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 7 yards of 27 inch material. The cap will require % yard. Price 12 cents. 3441—A Set of “Short Clothes.” Cut in 5 sizes: 6 mos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 years. A 2 year size will require 3% yards of 27 inch material for the dress, 1% yard for the slip, and 1 yard for the drawers. Price 12 cents. 3448—A Pleasing Apron. Cut in 4 sizes: Small, 32-34; medium, 36-38; large, 40-42; extra large, 44-46 inches bust measure. To make the design for a medium size will require 41/¿ yards of 36 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3462—Ladies’ Dross. Cut in 6 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 61/¿ yards of 44 inch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge is 1% yards. Price 12 cents. 3473—A Good School Costume. Cut in 4 sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. A 10 year size will require 21/« yards of 42 inch material for the skirt, and 2% yards of 42 inch for the blouse. Price 12 cents. 3436—Boys Blouse and Knickerbocker Trousers. Cut in 5 sizes: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. A 10 year size will require 1% yard of 36 inch material for the Blouse and 1% yards for the Knickerbockers. Price, 12 cents. 3442—A Youthful Gown. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A medium size will require 4% yards of 44 inch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge with plaits extendde is about 2 yards. Price 12 cents. 3454—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes : 4, 6, 8, and 10 years. An 8 year size will require 3% yards of 36 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3465—Junior Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 12, 14 and 16 years. A 14 year size will require 3% yards of 38 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3434—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes : 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 10 year size will require In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT, PURITAN PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps. m C A VARIETIES Hardy Northern raised w W Chickens, Ducks, Geese. Turkeys, Pure-bred heaviest laying strains. Fowls, Eggs, Incubators all at low prices. 29th year. Large Poultry Book and Breeders Guide 5c. W- A. Weber, Box 39 Mankato, Minn• U• S. COMPANY, Box 36, Greenville, Pa. The letters of the alphabet are numbered: A is 1; B 2; CS; D4, and so on. The figures In the little squares to the left represent four words. (20 Is the letter “T”). What are the four words? Can you work it out? If so, send your answer quick. Surely you want this fine, new Ford auto. Send no money with solution. SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars in cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines, something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize of some sort. There are no losers. Nothing difficult to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new !921 Ford Auto free. Why not you? Address FORD WILLSON, 141 West Ohio Street, Dept. 102 Chicago, III, SOLVE THIS PUZZLE. WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 715 20120 8 9 (19 3 1 |00 !tH is B, 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell three words. Send the three words on a slip of paper wixn your auu address quick if you want to win. I have given away many Autos and scores of other prizes. My plan is so simple it is easy to win prizes and cash rewards. Thousands of Dollars in Other Grand Prizes and Cash Rewards Besides the New Ford Car I am going to give away Superb Cabinet Phonograph, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Kodaks, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest way imaginable. Don’t let anyone in your neighborhood beat you to it. The quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me your answer to the puzzle with your name and address, without delay. DUANE W. GAYLORD, 537 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 25 CHICAGO, ILL. ÌP; E P 42 PIECE £ I«ITI4L»"EmB1ER !ART CHINA SET Furniture route Lubricant Leather Drettiflg Rml rrcftatn« /Here is the newest creation in fine China making —a beautiful 42-piece eet made of exquisite ware. Each piece is full size, decorated with the popular Old Rose floral design, end edged with gold. In addition to these decorations each piece will be decorated With your personal initialinpuregold,or the ^emblem ef any fraternity. Masonic, Odd . Fellows, K. of P.,Woodman, Elks, Moose, etc. This accomplishment Is ahsolntely new fa fine china making, and gives your set an added personal value-handsome and exclusive as an heirloom• Just think, we give it to yon absolutely free for telling yoor friends ¡M KIBLER’S ALL !ROUND OIL"8»״0״¿־• It ffl trnly the perfect surmron polish, cleaner end brightener, rust preventive and leather preserver. It’s the national standby. Takes the drudgery out of cleaning—makes cleaning a pleasure in over two million homes. It is so well known that it sells on sight. To get this beautiful dinner set—or cash commission —simply order and sell SO bottles of this wonderful oil at CO cents each. Return the $18*60 collected and the dinner set is yours. Or you may have choice of Silverware, Rugs, Lace Curtains, etc. _ ^ SEND NO MONEY. We trust you and take the oil back if you cannot sell it. Order today, giving youi nearest express office. Be the first to enjoy the luxury of theso new. novel and beautiful dishes. THE K1BLER COMPANY, DEPT. P-33 INDIANAPOLIS. IND. No More Kas The American Woman An Excase Fer Wrinkles jSeaiWMieaJi/' moufwtinwi-¿/' one/dwtlimg'foAy' Pimples, Blackheads Or Superfluous Hair “It seems like Magic, but Helen Clare’s results, though swift, are simply Nature’s own.” XJ'ELEN Clare’s methods are per-sonal, simple, direct and prompt. Her results are attested by thousands of letters. Helen Clare says, “What I have done for others I will gladly do for you. Instead of Pimples, Blackheads, Superfluous Hair, let me bring to you Beautiful Complexion, Beautiful Figure, Beautiful Eyelashes and Eyebrows and the Blessings of Beauty and Happiness.” HELEN Clare’s famous quotation, “Wrinkles are the footprints of Neglect, not time,” is supported by her offer to help any and every woman who writes to her. “I removed my own wrinkles,” says M’me Clare. You will see no Blackheads, no Pimples, no Superfluous Hair on my fair skin, for in their place I brought back Loveliness, a Beautiful Figute andlong,Endearing Eyelashes. HELEN CLARE’S friends call her “Beauty Book” her “Book of Magic,” though there is no magic in it. It is a true story of Beauty-Culture sent free to any woman who is willing to write for it. I TAKE credit to myself for my own figure. I believe in what I have done for myself—that much I knonu. I welcome the opportunity to help any wom-aninthelandwhowrites to me. Letmy own Beauty Book tell its own story. Here are some of the chapters in the Free Beauty Book How to remove dark circles under the How to remove wrinkles. eves How to develop figure. How to remove double chin. How to make long, thick eyelashes and How to build up sunken cbeeks. eyebrows. . How to darken gray hair and stop hair How to remove superfluous hair. falling. How to remove blackheads, pimples and How to stop perspiration odor. freckles. Send todsry for Free Beauty Book to HELEN CLARE, Suite D23 , 3311 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.