MOOSEHEART *!;:gazine 18 (hand Safety for Your Money The present is the time to invest your money where it will not only be safe, but will bring annual returns which probably will not be duplicated for many years. Today’s dollar is worth but 50 cents for spending purposes, but for sound investing it is worth par. Bonds, Notes and Preferred Stocks of large business enterprises with years of demonstrated steady earning power — backed with ample assets in modern properties — can now be purchased to yield the investor from 7>¿# to 10# a year in cash return. No delays or expense fot־ collection. Among the securities we recommend[ are those of Standard Gas and Electric Co. the investments of which are diversified among water powers, electric plants, gas works, etc., serving 500 cities and towns with 2,200,000 population in 16 states of the Union—a progressive organization with a long record of success, with approximately 40,000 people interested as shareholders. Send for all facts, including a booklet of unusual interest. A post card or letter will bring Circular MO-15 H. M. BYLLESBY & CO. Investment Bankers 208 S. LaSalle St. Chicago Our Partial Payment Plan Enables the Purchase of Safe Securities at the Present Advantageous Prices Mooseheart 7 pc. Blue Bird Water Set (•¡van Six fine she11 Blasses uivcii and full-sized pitcher, handsome Blue Bird decorations. All given free for selling only 40 packs high-grade vegetable seeds at 10c per large pack. Sell easily. Write today for big sample lot. Send no money. We Trust You with seeds until sold. AMERICAN SEED CO. Box 613, Lancaster, Pa, Free i hatching Book Free eg cubator made. Built round, like hen’s nest. Takes only 3 minutes a day. 16 great features. 10,000 in use. Mail postal for free book now. Radio Round Incubator Co^61 May St. Wayne.Neb Auto Owners WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world. Made under our new and exclusive internal Hydraulic Expansion Processthatelimi-nates Blow-Out—Stone-Bruise— Rim Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a 10,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want aD agent in every community to иве and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to ail motor car owners. FREE TI RES f orYOUR 0 WN CAR to a representative in each community. Write for booklet fully describing this new process and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. DEPT. 198 PHILADELPHIA, PA. from page 12) The members of the football scjuad who won the official letter “M'׳ for having played with the team this year are as follows: L. E.—Lloyd Jenkins, Philadelphia, Pa., Lodge No. 54. L. E.—Frank LaFlamme, Attleboro, Mass., Lodge No. 463. L. T.—Victor Kuhns, Apollo, Pa., Lodge No. 201. L. G.—James Jenkins, Philadelphia, Pa., Lodge No. 54. C.—Louis Harvison, Pittsburgh, Pa., Lodge No. 46. R. G.—Philip Barto, Wheeling, W, Va., Lodge No. 67. R. G.—Robert Robertson, Austin, Pa., Lodge No. 257. R. T.—Russell Cretcher, Wabash, Ind, Lodge No. 1195. R. E.—Howard Lord, Leadville, Colo., Lodge No. 342. R. E.—William Zahmel, Union Hill, N. J., Lodge No. 765.- Q. B.—Ernest Daubenmire, Lancaster, Ohio, Lodge No. 955. L. H. B.—Elsworth Faust, Norristown, Pa., Lodge No. 213. F. B.—Richard Whelan, Butte, Mont., Lodge No. 431. L. H. B.—Walter Schmidt, Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge No. 49. R. H. B.—Capt. William Mc'Glin-tock, Johnsonburg, Pa., Lodge No. 149. Football at (Continued of unusual ability as individual and team players. They could run, kick and plunge through any line they en-encountered. The ends showed that they knew how to play the wings and they completed forward passes with much success, and they have a great defense against the aerial attack. The flashy tackles were luminaries who performed their duties brilliantly. The guards are entitled to laurels, for they paved the way for the MOOSE-HEART attack that exhausted opponents in nearly every game. The center passed intricately and accurately to the fast moving team back of him. He was able to diagnose the enemy's play and did a lion’s share in the at-attack. The great showing of the 1920 team and the good showing of teams of other years has caused the Supreme Officials to write, indelibly, that foot; ball and all branches of athletics are to get major attention. Two of the 1919 team, John Mieckle, of Dawson, N. M., made the team at the .Carnegie Technical Institute at Pittsburgh, and Wayne Wallace, of Watertown, S. D., was sub-halfback for the University of Illinois. Five of this year’s team will be graduated next June, and as all will go to a university where football is featured, you can expect to learn that they will make the teams. Three Dollars and Three Children (Continued from page 8) MOOSEHEART home and school. They cannot help but know the favorable comment their work arouses, but it is inevitable that they know many weary hours of perplexity when they need to be conscious of the support and loyalty of every Moose and Le-gionaire. They need to know that back of them stand the entire Moose membership in fullest accord and sympathy with MOOSEHEART aims and ideals.” Mrs. Pritchett has been asked to give a talk on the MOOSEHEART School Republic and the Vocational Training of that institution before the next meeting of the Parent-Teachers’ association. [Mrs. Pritchett is the wife of the Secretary of Wrangell Lodge of Moose.—Ed.] ־־־־־......(fill -:•3Hii!iiimi[]iiii!!iiiiii[]iiiiiiniiii[3iiiHiini!i[iiniiiiiiiiiniiiiimiiii[iMiiiiimii[]ii!iiiiiiiioinimim[]iniiiiiiiii[]iiiimmii[]Himiiiiii[}iiiim Every Moose Should Read This If you find the number of your Lodge below, ask your Dictator, Secretary, or Chairman of the Auditing Committee why you are no longer a good Moose. If neither of them can tell you, write Rodney H. Brandon, Mooseheart, 111., and he will. S __ 208 226 — — 298 — 336 — 379 — — — t — 427 — V 539 555 ׳566 582 .. - 598 620 647 658 — 662 — 666 — 679 — — — ?11 714 — 717 — — — 736 — 746 — 748 753 780 — —r- — 796 — 817 — 829 ' — 836 — 850 — — — 861 — 879 — 88.5 — 911 — 919 ' ■ ' 928 — — * — 990 — 992 1004 1015 — — — — 1039 — 1043 — 1049 — 1084 — 1099 — 1102 — 1122 — — — 1170 _ . — . 1232 — 1244 — 1253 — — 1276 — 1292 — 1312 — 1305 — 1328 — — — 1348 — — 1364 — 1365 — 1371 — 1378 — Ì379 — — — — 1397 — 1401 — — — 1431 — __ — 1442 — 1493 — 1500 — — — — 1520 — 1544 — 1558 — ' 1566 — — — — 1619 — 1641 — 1568 — 1569 — Moose Knife $1.00 Introduction Offer—Full sized sample of this knife mailed for $1.“ and this advertisement. ” 25 cents extra your name and address will shown on knife. Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time P. A. P.: Your spare time can be turned into dollars. We Want a sales agent ¡» every Lodge to introduce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Razors with this emblem of the order on one side and member's name and address number on other side, les finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass, unbreakable. Every knife is guaranteed to be perfect. Every member will want one as a mark of identification. We can also give permanent employment to those willing to work outside of the order. If you are earning less than $1200 yearly, let us show you how to make more. NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO Promise little and do much. We can only be valued as we make ourselves valuable. Don’t brood over the past, or dream about the future, but seize the present and get your lesson from today. There is no kind of work that can fail to make you a better and more successful man if you work at it honestly, and loyally. And Vou Get a Tailor-Made-to-Order Suit^Z¿ Our Special Tailor-Made• to-Order Clothes are the . last word in correct style, perfect fit, fine fabrics and elegant finish. If we were not sure of our supremacy, we could not afford to make, this amazing suit offer. For only $1.00 down we will make up an elegant suit, t strictly tailor-£ made-to-order to your measurements from your selection of fabrics, and send it to you for try-on. If satisfied, pay balance on easiest terms ever offered. 6 months to pay all. If not satisfied, return suit and we refund .your dollar. Three Dollars and Three Children “It is a matter of interest to know that the father of the Osborn children paid but $3 in MOOSEHEART dues after joining the Lodge. In return his three dependent children will be cared for intelligently and kindly until they graduate from high school at which time they will be well grounded in their chosen vocation, and will be ready to go out into the world as useful, citizens, trained to make a living in one of the skilled trades in case they do not care to further their education by university work. Mooseheart a Model “But while MOOSEHEART stands as a model among institutions for children its work is not finished. The men and women in charge are planning constantly and are working untiringly for the betterment of the As Low As$l Down We are“quick actors”—no delay—no red tape. You send for our Big Free Style Book and Free Cloth Samples. Select your style and fabric, and send us only $1.00 with your measurements. We will send you a stunning suit that will surprise and delight you with its dashing style, perfect fit and dependable materials. And we will save you $15 to $25—don’t overlook that! Look no farther. This offer is the limit in liberality—the greatest clothes opportunity you ever had. FREE Style Book and Cloth ׳ our wonderful FREE Style Book and doth Samples. Filled from cover to cover with latest styles in men’s made-to-measureclothing, women’s and children’s wearing apparel, and a big collection of fine fabrics to select from. Mail coupon, letter or postal today—no charge—no obligation whatever. Stanley-RogersCo.,1015 JacksonBlVfl., Dept. Chicago Please send me FREE your new Style Book showing latest Metropolitan Styles, also Cloth Samples and full particulars of your $1 down with Six״Months-To*Pay Offer. Name.. Town..........................State.. If You C sin Tel I itfrom a GENUINE DIAMOND Send ii lack To prove our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles a genuine diamond with same DAZZLING RAINBOW FIRE, we will send a selected 1 carat gem in Ladies Solitaire Ring (Cat. price $4.98) for Hal* Price to Introduce, $2.63, or in Gents Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring (Cat. price $6.26) for $3.25. Our finest 12k Gold Filled mountings. GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. SEND NO MONEY. Just mail postcard orthisad. State Size. We will mail at once C. O. D. If not pleased return in 2 days for money back less handling charges. Write for Free C^alog. Agents Wanted«, MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Oept.Z ’Las Cruces. N. Met. (Exclusive controller« Mexican Diamond») CLOTHING PRICES HIT ROCK BOTTOM R. A. Allen, 831 W. Adams St., Dept. 1724, Chicago, manager of a large tailoring company, employing 1200 tailors, is now sending all his customers and other interested parties the new spring and summer prices on made-to-measure suits and pants. All future reductions in cost of materials and labor have been anticipated and every cent of profit sacrificed. Their prices have been reduced in one cut, all they have climbed in three years. Mr. Allen will gladly send free to any interested reader, a valuable book with many cloth samples at $15, $18, $20, $22.50, etc., per suit. Also instructions for taking measures. Every man interested in good clothes at prewar prices should write at once.