15 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE The Burlington SMASHES All Watch Competition— The New Burlington is now ready!—and at record adjusted to temperature positione and isochronUm •! Jewels Adjusted to the second Send today ״-״_____׳״״. iOgram i—--------* -- - , It first. Then decide whether yon will purchase, for free booklet about our great watch offer. 9500 a Month month for the raaa- /And all of thlB for $5.00 — only $5.00 --— --- — -— terpiece or watch manufacture—yon pay only rock-bottom price— es, *‘bed rock-bottom price”—the lowest price at which a Burling• t is sold. Think of the high-grade, guaranteed watch we offer her• such a remarkable price. tods▼ for new igton Watch Book, be able to steer Send for FREE Watch Booh Ä absolutely free and prepaid. You will know a lot more about watch buying when you read It. You will 1 clear״ of the over-priced watches which are no better. Write today for our new watch book and our oiler. BWHngton Watch Ce.. 19th St. & Marshall Blvd.. Dept. 4011,Chicago — Can. Office: 888Portage Are... Winnipeg. Maa^^J Wrist Watch Given I You can getthia fine Wrist Watch or !otherbeautiful watch guaranteedfor ,5 years. Also Lace Curtains, Rogers' Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Valliera and many other valuable presents for selling our beautiful Art and Religioua pictures at lOcts. each. Order 20 pictures when sold, send the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, according to big list• BAT AKT CO., Dept. 6־, CJIICACO I ASSES ON TRIAL Sspd No Money Just Send the Coupon Below. I’ll Send the Glasses at Once. My large size “True Vision” glasses will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see far or near. They will protect your eyes, preventing eye strain and headaches. These Large size “True Vision” 10 karat gold-filled glasses, are the finest and most durable spectacles and will give years of satisfaction. DON’T SEND A PENNY v I Trust You I ask you to send no money, simply your name and address. know that these scientifically ground! glasses will give you such “True Vis־fi ion” and splendid satisfaction that lT insist on sending them on FREE TRIAL, so $rou can see -what a remarkable bargain I offer. When they arrive, put them on and see with what ease and comfort they will enable you to read, work and ^ew, see clearly at a distance or close up, by daylight or lamp light. Note how easily you can read the fine print in your Bible. You’ll be amazed and delighted. Try them NOW—They are SENT FREE. Sit right down this very minute, and fill out the coupon. Mail it at once. Your own postman will deliver the glasses to you postage prepaid, free of all cost. They will come in a beautifully velveteen-lined, spring-back Pocket Book Spectacle case. Try them for 10 full days at my risk and expense. Send the coupon now. SEND NO MONEY. Chicago Spectacle House, Dept. A-425, 1462-64-66 W. Madison St., Chicago. III. ^B^-CHICAGO SPECTACLE HOUSE, Dept. A-425, 1462-64-66 W. Madison St., Chicago, III.• __ I enclose herewith this coupon, which entitles me, by mail, to a pair of your 10 Karat Gold-filled Large Size “True Vision” Spectacles complete, also a fine leatherette, velveteen- ■ lined, spring-back, pocketbook spectacle case, without a penny of cost to me, so I can try | them out, under your own offer, of a full ten days’ actual test. This free trial is not to ■ cost me one cent. And if I like the glasses and keep them, I am to pay you $2.95 only. But if, for any reason whatsoever, I do not want to keep them (and I alone am to be K the sole judge), I will return them to you without paying you a single cent for them ~ ■ as you agreed. Do not fail to answer the following questions: How old are you?.........How many years have you used glasses (if any)?.......... State. N ame...... Post Office R- R........................... Box N.o. terly reports for the quarter ending December 31st will have come to the Legion Office and it will be interesting to note the change in the ten largest Legions in the world. According to the reports received in the Grand Regent’s Office on new members initiated in the various Legions during the past theree months there will be some new faces in the list unless some of the present big ten have held Frolics which the Grand Regent’s Office knows nothing about. The ten largest Legions in the world are as follows: No. 3—Philadelphia.......,... 1816 No. 11—Mecca................1672 No. 27—Hoosier Heart.........1122 No. 18—Fort Wayne............1019 No. 1—Pittsburgh............. 963 No. 62—Progress.............. 693 No. 137—Davenport............ 575 No. 123—Kanawha Valley....... 519 No. 7—■Western Reserve....... 503 No. 34—Liberty............... 501 TEN LARGEST WOMEN’S CHAPTERS The ten largest Chapters in the Women’s Legion remain with the •same Chapters in the race with the exception of Aurora, 111., which was crowded out by the addition of Water-bury, Conn. By mistake Waterbury was not entered last month and they have 204 Legionaires. They are tied with Niagara Falls. Indianapolis which was in seventh' place last time has jumped to fifth place. The quarterly report from Indianapolis Chapter was slightly late in arriving at the Grand Regent’s Office and the membership of the preceding quarter was Used last month. According to the monthly reports which have come in from the various Chapters since the last quarterly report was sent to Mooseheart there will be quite a change in the present list. Apparently some new Chapters will be in the list while some already in the list will move higher. The next issue of the Magazine will show the January 1st reports and it will be very interesting to compare with this list. No. 4—Philadelphia, Pa........640 No. 18—Fort Wayne, Ind........304 No. 119—Rochester, N. Y.......301 No. 77—New Haven, Conn........228 No. 11—Indianapolis, Ind......226 No. 1—Pittsburgh, Pa..........219 No. 28—Hamilton, Ohio...........217 , No. 17—Niagara Falls, N. Y....204 No. 79—Waterbury, Conn........204 No. 221—Englewood, 111........188 MEN’S LEGION NOTES C. C. Rhyan Legion No. 90 held a big Frolic at Terre Haute recently and initiated a good sized class of candidates and collected a big Fez fund. The ritual was well exemplified and the enthusiasm ran high at this meeting. The Legion is expecting to make a big growth during the coming months. From all appearances these boys are expecting to place their Legion among the “big ten”. Mt. Lassen Legion No. 172 has broken all records again. This Legion was instituted at Westwood, Calif., and since the day they were instituted they have held the “Fez Fund” record. They have made several large Fez Fund donations during the past year, .,but just before Christmas these Legionaires mailed a warrant for $300.00 to the Grand Regent’s Office at Mooseheart, stating that the same represented more Fez Fund donations. This extreme liberality coming with such consistency from the smallest Legion in the world is indeed a record breaker, and the Legionaires representing that district are certainly to be congratulated for the fine spirit they show toward the chijdren of Mooseheart in creating this large fund, which goes to wards purchasing Christmas gifts for our Mooseheart children. You win not by shirking difficulties, but by facing and overcoming them. a step backward by dropping from 540 Legionaires to 501, which places them in tenth place in the list. This crowds out Wild West Legion No. 167 which has 494 members. By the time the next issue of this Magazine comes out the new quar- SEEDS tnA Full of L!f• ,,SPECIAL OFFER Mod* to build Now ■tisine•«. Atrial \ 111 make you our permanent customer.! r PRIZE COLLECTION worth 15c; Lettuce, 12 kinds, worth 15o; .. Tomatoes, 11 the finest, worth 20o; Turnip, J 7 splendid, worth lOo; Onion, 8 best varieties, »worth 15c; 10 Spring Flowering Bulbs, i 7 worth 25c. 65 varietie* in all; worth $1. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE y; mention this paper. 10 CENTS e and packing and re•• !able «'•!lection ©f »eeds^ , together with my big in , besutlfnl Seed and Plant 1 about Buokbee’sJ ” Seed*. Plant», i H.W.Buckbee! Rockford. Seed Farms Farm• 36 Rockford. Ш. ¿ ?365i§ ONE DAY! Ira Shook of Flint Did That Amount of Business in One Day Making and Selling Popcorn Crispette• with thi• machine. Profit• $269.00. Mullen of East Liberty ־ bought two outfits recently, •nd is ready for third, iwata, Calif., purchased outfit Feb. 1920. 6ince, has bought 10 ■ore—his profits enormou«. J. R. Bert, Ala., wrote; "Only thing I ever bought equaled advertisement.**!. M. Pattilo, Ocala, wrote: "Enclosed find money order to pay all my notes. Getting along* fine. Crispette businessall you claim •nd then some.’* John W. Culp, So. Carolina, writes: Everything going -lovely. The businesa section of this town L cover• two blocks. Crispette wrappers laying everywhere. It*« at rood old world after •11!”^ Kollos $700 ahead end of second week. Mexiner, Baltimore, 250 in on• day. Perrin, 880 in one day. Baker, 8.GOO ״?packages, one day. WESTART YOU IN BUSINESS Little capital, no experience. Furnish 6ecretformuls Build A Business Of Your Own The demand for Crispettea ia enormous. A delicious food confection made without sugar. Write me. Get facts about an honorable business, which will make you inde* pendent. You can start rig-ht in your own town. Business will grow. You won’t be scrambling and crowding fora job. You will have made your own place. Profit* $1000 A Month Easily Possible Send post card for illustrated book of facts. Contains en• thusiastic letters from others - shows their places of busi-ness, tella how to start, when to start, ana all other in• formation needed. It’a free. Write now. LONG EAKINS COMPANY 150 High Street Springfield. Ohio _ »POWERFUL AIR GUN _ AND 500 BUCK SHOTS ^ ״III, 81-inch lever-action rifle, fine walnut stock free for eellin, 24 large colored Pictures or 24 pkgs. Post Cards at 15c. ^ Order your choice. GATES MFG. GO. DEPT. 836 CHICAGO Wrestling Book FREE* Be au expert wrestler. Learn at home by mall. Wonderful lessons prepared by world's champions Farmer Burnsand Frank Gotch. Free book tells youhow. Secret holds, blocks and tricks revealed. Don’t delay. Be strong, healthy. Handle big men with ease. Write for free book. State age. Farmer Burns 1 Range Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. MDDCCng Most Profitable chick-D li b b U d ens, ducks, turkeys and geese. Choice pure-bred, hardy northern raised. Fowls, eggs, incubators at low prices. America's great vouUrv farm, flfcth year. Send 5 c forlarge valuable book ana catalog. R.F-NEUBERTCo.,Bo?867Mankato,Migo. FRPR Wonderful Book A ^ 9 «E ■f Tells how to learn to mount fir as, animals, game-heads and tan shins. A Learn by mail. A necessity for hunters^ ~ and nature lovers. Quickly learned by men X and women. Fascinating. Success guaranteed. Decorate your home and den with splendid art. Make big profits from your spare time. Write _____ today for illustrated book. It’ll delight you. School of Taxidermy^21iEl^ood Bid¿.. Omaha FREE This CANISTER SET is given to you for selling only 40 packs “Quality Brand Garden Seeds” at 10c per packet. Order to-day. SEND NO MONEY. WE TRUST YOU. Wien sold return $4.00 collected and the Canister Set is yours. Cash commission if preferred. Many qtlier valuable presents. Catalogue with order. NATIONAL SEED CO., Dept. 90, Lancaster, Pa.