4 HAVE YOU EARNED A TOMORROW7 “As you close your eyes in slumber, Do you think that God will say:-— ‘You have earned one more tomorrow, By the good you’ve done today׳?” to see the light of another day? Do you want to be alive to know the companionship of your friends, the love of. your family, and the joy of life? If you are a normal man, you want another tomorrow, and many others afterward. But suppose we had to earn each day the right to live another day? How many of us each day would really deserve another tomorrow? Of course, we have our “good days” when things go well, and we wear a smile, and are kind and decent, and brotherly and neighborly. But some days we are “grouches”. We don’t talk right to our friends, or wife, or children. Let us live each day as if we had to earn a tomorrow. Let us think that a tomorrow won’t be given us, unless we deserve it. Do you think a man really deserves another day if he has failed to provide for his loved ones? Do you think a man has done the right thing if he has neglected to protect his loved ones against the day when he may be gone ? There was a time when this was difficult. All men cannot leave great sums of money when they die. Life insurance was a gocd thing and still is a good thing. But S9metimes money left behind will melt away. But since Mooseheart was founded, and since the Moose are everywhere in the civilized world, there is no excuse for any man not affiliating himself with this great fraternal and protective order, unless there is something in his life or morals which would keep him from membership. What church, or lodge, or insurance society, or insurance company or organization of any kind, other than the Moose, can any man name that will take the dependent normal children of deceased brothers and care for them until each child is equipped with a high school education and a trade ? There is none other! The man who will not provide “Mooseheart Protection” for his children does not deserve another tomorrow. And you, brother Moose, if you know of a neighbor or friend or acquaintance at the shop or store or office who does not know of the purposes and work of our fraternity, have YOU done YOUR DUTY today, if you have not told this friend or acquaintance about the Moose and Mooseheart ? The Almighty Father of men, perhaps, is not a very strict bookkeeper. Undoubtedly He is more merciful than just. It surely is from mercy rather than justice that many of us, as we lay down the burdens and leave the opportunities of each day, are graciously permitted “another tomorrow”. Think of the other fellow—put yourself in his place, be the place high or low—and you’ll find you will be more charitable.—William Marion Reedy. THE IDEAL OF MOOSEHEART ____ they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave. It is not teaching the youth the shapes of letters and the tricks of numbers, and then leaving them to turn their arithmetic to roguery, and their literature to lust. It means, on the contrary, training them into the perfect exercise and kingly continence of their bodies and souls. It is a painful, continual and difficult work to be done by kindness, by watching, by warning, by precept, and by praise, but above ail—by example. Better bodies by play; better hands by work; better minds by study; better souls by prayer—this is the heart of Mooseheart.—Rodney H. Brandon. At twenty years of age the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; at forty, the judgment. He who never eats too much will never be lazy., Hear no ill of a friend, nor speak any of an enemy. There are lazy minds as well as lazy bodies. MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE MOOSEHEART TRINITIES Purity, Aid and Progress. Head, Heart and Hand. Man, Woman and Child. Morning, Noon and Night. Dusk, Midnight and Dawn Sun, Moon and Stars. Love, Hope and Faith. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Work, Worship and Play. All these are Mooseheart Trinities! A wise man does not need advice, and a fool will not take it.—Elbert Hubbard. CAR LOAD OF JOY THE MOOSE believe in the Christmas cheer in “carload lots.” A freight car, loaded with six hundred and fifty-four boxes of the famous Boise and Fayette Valley Idaho apples have been shipped to Mooseheart. They are worth Twenty Thousand Dollars. They are the gift of the Idaho brothers of Caldwell Emmett, of the Boise and Nampa lodges. This is the real ‘Western spirit” and the real Moose spirit. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Samuel Charles Jones, D. D., Minister New Martinsville, West Virginia November 24, 1920־ Editor Mooseheart Magazine, Dear Sir and Brother: The editorial, “Has Christianity Failed?” and the article by Dr. Adams on Table Manners are certainly most timely. Last Sunday I used the editorial in my morning service, giving Mooseheart Magazine credit of course, and it became the talk of the 'whole community. Will you kindly express to those interested in making up the magazine my very great appreciation for these articles, and also for many others of great interest to us here in West Virginia. With sincere wishes, I am, Most truly yours, SAMUEL CHARLES JONES, Vice Dictator New Martinsville Lodge No. 931, New Martinsville. THE REVOLVING FUND MOOSEHEART has a fund, made up of contributions from various brothers, which is used for the higher education of Mooseheart High School graduates. Mooseheart gives each student a High School education and a trade. After graduation, many of our young people are ambitious to carry on their educational work in other and higher institutions of learning. Mooseheart graduates are now attending the following schools: University of Illinois, University of Chicago, Lewis Institute, Chicago; Carnegie Technical School, Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh University, and Boston University. You may delay, but time will not. Your neighbor is the man who needs you Weep not peeling other people’s onions. Don’t criticise your Lodge officers—help them! Before you condemn others, stop and think how what you say would sound to you, if somebody said it about you. Send five dollars to Mooseheart for the Endowment Fund! The Ten Million Dollar Endowment Fund means Mooseheart immortality. HAS CIVILIZATION FAILED? MODERN civilization has failed, some men say. Clarence Darrow, well known Chicago criminal lawyer and sociologist, says that civilization has absolutely broken down and that the great mass of men and women are unhappier today, than at any other time in all the history of the world. _ Clarence Darrow says, “There is no progress in the world; it is the nature of life to change, move, out and in, and up and down, and forward and backward, restless, forever, with no beginning and no end; a ship on the sea, tossed by every wave and by every wind; a ship headed for no port and no harbor, with no rudder, no compass, no pilot; simply floating for a time, then lost in the waves.” We doubt very much if Mr. Darrow really believes this. And if he does, then something has happened, not only to rob him of all hope, but also to take away that instinct that most men of all times have had, that life is not in vain and that after this there is another chance and another life. It is true that there are many injustices, evils, oppressions and wrongs left in the world. The Progress of Men But Jet us review, briefly, the long way that men have come, and the many superstitions, miseries and handicaps that they have left behind. There is a steady growth toward improvement in all human affairs. This has been noted by all who grasp the wide reaches of history. Ever since the Stone Age mankind has been going forward in the March of Civilization. Often the going has been slow; sometimes there have been apparent retreats; but every century finds some ground covered. The milestones marking progress on the broad path are apparent. Slavery is dead!. Alcoholism has been checked! Dueling has practically disappeared. Private wars, and that condition of perpetual fighting which prevailed in feudal times, and which bred the soldier class, have been swallowed up by modern nationalism. War Is Going All war is going! The last great war brought about .the idea of a world-pact of nations, which, with some changes, will do for mankind as a whole, what nationalism has done for the great nations of the earth. The gigantic cruelties of witchcraft, inquisitions and judicial torture have gone. Plagues are disappearing. Pestilence, wide spread disease that swept thru whole nations, unchecked, and destroyed millions of lives—all this is under the control of modern science, surgery, sanitation and medicine. For the insane, who at one time were allowed to run loose, and were pointed at as “possessed with the devil,” we have builded great sanitariums and hospitals. The Work of Prevention Modern civilization is not only interested in curing the sick, but also in preventing. disease. Today we are not only taking care of the old, but also educating and protecting the young. It is better to form than reform! It is better to prevent than to cure! By taking care of the, dependent ones of today, Mooseheart is preventing some of the poverty of tomorrow. Poverty and ignorance are twins! Where you see one, you usually find the other. Filth and disease is another pair of twins. Superstition, selfishness and sin are triplets! The City of Childhood Mooseheart is a “City of Childhood,” where no child is rich and no child poor; where every child has enough and none, too much. It was the only City in the world where on Christmas morning there was not a single child’s stocking empty, and not a single child’s hear broken. By fhe Side of Road Mooseheart is a city by the side of the road, where the race of men pass by. “Bluff” and “Greed,” “Pomp” and “Pride” ride by, but up the sheltered, shady, rock-bound drive there is another world. This is not far from the big world of markets and gold, and strife and struggle, but it is a different world, with an idealism and a spirit of service that is one of the many signs, and sure indications that the world is getting better, and that mankind is making progress. If you want to feel better, if you want a rebirth of faith in man, and love for children, and hope for the race, visit Mooseheart. i Here in the City of Childhood, in the school that trains for life, in the home for the children of our deceased brothers, where every child gets a high school education and learns a trade; where Moose train the “Head, Hand and Heart”; you will get a vision that will send you forth a bigger, broader, better man.