Entered as Second-Class Matter January 26, 1916, at the Post Office at Mooseheart, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Accept¡ provided for in Sec. N03, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 8, 1918. Issued monthly from its office of publication at Mooseheart, Loval Order of Moose. Edited and managed for the Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose, by its Executive Committee. JOHN W. FORD - Chairman RODNEY H. BRANDON - Secretary Subscription—50c per Annum. Copyright, 1921 by Rodney H. Brandon Advertising Rates on Application We Now Have Nine Hundred and Forty-Six Children at Mooseheart r\ THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE The Loyaj Order of Moose is an international fraternal society consisting of more than sixteen hundred lodges in the UH-ted States, Canada and throughout the English-speaking world, having an aggregate membership in all these lodges of more than five hundred thousand men. Most of the lodges provide for sick benefits and funeral expense funds for their members. Each lodge is a complete unit in itself, with full local autonomy. As a means for the better accomplishing their purposes the lodges have organized a central agency called the “Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose,” with headquarters at Mooseheart, Illinois. All the general activities of the Order center there and the Supreme officers in active charge have their offices there. MOOSEHEART THE SCHOOL THAT TRAINS FOR LIFE Mooseheart is an estate of one thousand twenty-three acres of land, thirty-five miles west from Chicago on the Fox River, between the cities of Aurora and Batavia, Illinois. The title to this estate is in the Supreme Lodge of the World, Loyal Order of Moose. Mooseheart is a home and vocational training school for over eight hundred normal children of deceased members of the Order. The residential part of Mooseheart resembles a modern village of about one thousand inhabitants and consists of about fifty buildings of modern concrete fire-proof construction, with red tile roofs. There is a central heating u•. ..power Plant, large modern print shop, a high school building, several industrial shops, a modern farm plant and many dormitories and residences. .. iTheA2du2aiionaI f®atures are highly vocational and prac-t!cal. About twenty-five of the most usual crafts, including agriculture, are being operated as a part of the educational work. ♦ Jfor,f,u״ *nf°rmation as to the Loyal Order of Moose any of the lodges or units throughout the world, or Mooseheart, address the SUPREME SECRETARY, MOOSEHEART, ILLINOIS Mooseheart, III., Jan. 1921 MOOSEHEART GOVERNORS E. J. Henning, P. S. D. San Diego, Calif. Albert Bushnell Hart Cambridge, Mass. Darius A. Brown Kansas City, Mo. Rodney H. Brandon, Sec’y Mooseheart, Illinois Matthew P. Adams, Supt. Mooseheart, Illinois James J. Davis, Chairman Pittsburgh, Pa. John J. Lentz Columbus, Ohio Ralph W. E. Donges, P. S. D. Camden, N. J. Arthur Capper Topeka, Kansas John W. Ford, P. S. D. Philadelphia, Pa. THE NEW YEAR ONCE again we enter the portals to a New Year. A New Year means a new deal! It presents a new chance. What is done, is done! Yesterday is gone; tomorrow isn’t here, today we have to use, and make the best of. Let us have no regrets for the past, and no fears for the future, but active minds and busy hands for today. As individuals, we should be thankful that in spite of some misfortunes, life has been spared, and we have the new chances of a New Year. As Moose, let us be very thankful and grateful for the achievements of the past, and let us work hard for Mooseheart and childhood. Voi, VII SUPREME LODGE OFFICERS Executive Committee Chairman JOHN W. FORD, P. S. D. Philadelphia, Pa. . E. J. HENNING, P. S. D. San Diego, Cal. M. M. GARLAND, P. S. D. Pittsburgh, Pa. Supreme Council W. A. McGOWAN Chicago, Illinois WILLARD A. MARAKLE Rochester, NY Y. FRANK J. MONAHAN San Francisco, Calif. JOSEPH G. ARMSTRONG Pittsburgh, Pa. M. M. GARLAND, P. S. D. Pittsburgh, Pa. C. A. A. McGEE, P. S. D. Oakland, Calif. ANTONIO P: ENTENZA Detroit, Mich. J. ALBERT CASSEDY Baltimore, Md. Supreme Forum Chief Justice E. E. TANNER. P. S. D. Columbus, Ohio Associate Justices EDWARD L. BRADLEY Omaha, Neb. AJLBERT H. LANDER, JR. Philadelphia, Pa, NORMAN G. HEYD Toronto, Canada J. EDWARD KEATING San Diego, Calif. Supreme Lecturer WM. THICKET GILES Baltimore, Md Director General JAMES J. DAVIS Pittsburgh, Pa. Supreme Dictator DARIUS A. BROWN Kansas City, Mo. Past Supreme Dictator WM. F. BROEXIXG Baltimore, Md. General Dictator GEO. X. WARDE Mooseheart, 111. Supreme Vice-Dictator JAMES F. GRIFFIN Boston, Mass. Supreme Prelate J. W. PIERSON Dallas, Texas Supreme Treasurer HARRY W. MACE PhiladelDhia, Pa. Supreme Sergeant-at-Arms A. C. BALL Alliance, Ohio Supreme Inner Guard DAVID B. PETERSON Camden, N*J. Supreme Outer Guard CALEB A. HEILIG Winston-Salem, N. C. Supreme Trustees C1IAS. NEWTON Winnipeg, Canada LESTER W. BLOCH Albany, N. Y. SAMUEL G. HART New Orleans La. Supreme Secretary RODNEY H. BRANDON Mooseheart, Illinois MOOSE MEAT Forget petty quarrels! Put behind little differences! “GREATEST FRATERNAL ACT” Industry pays! Innocence is its own defense. Better slip with foot than tongue. Drive your business, or it will drive you. A good example is the best sermon. He that won’t he advised can’t be helped. Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble. Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling himself a slave to it. Work as if you were to live 100 years, and pray as if you were to die tomorrow. A man may be down, but he is never out. It seems significant that Harding, the first. Baptist ever elected president, went in on a flood. One today is worth two tomorrows. He that has a trade has an office of profit and honor. Necessity never made a good bargain. Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead. Benjamin Franklin says, “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas.” God heals, and the doctor takes the fee. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Wish not so much to live long as to live well. Keep :your, eyes - wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards. The noblest. question in the world is, “What good may I do in it?” Don’t forget to send $5.00 to the Mooseheart Endowment Fund. Beauty and folly are old companions. The doors of wisdom are never shut. Ignore fancied or even real grievances! Get your lodge together! Let us not only preach fraternalism, but also* practice it. A fraternalist should not only be friendly, but also busy. Don’t forget the penny collection! Don’t forget the Endowment Fund, the State Alumni Association, the State Buildings, the Junior Order, the Legion and the Toledo Convention. Work with your officers! To have friends, you must be one! To deserve help—you must give it! To have the best Mooseheart, and to do the greatest work, we must have Moose with real brotherhood in their hearts, with the true vision of the high mission and noble task Moose have in this modern world. Start the New Year right! Get together! Work together! Stay together! Give us the man who sings at his work. Be his occupation what it may, he is better than any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent sullenness. He will do more in the same time—he will do it better—he will be happier!—Thomas Carlyle. |illllllllllllBIIIIIIIIIIII[3№;, *2mil>lllll|[]lllinilllll[n JAMES J, DAVIS, Director General, Mooseheart, Illinois. I want to help you in this great work for children and = am sending $-------------------------------- for “Mooseheart = Endowment Fund.” Count me in the first hundred thousand as a “Foundation Builder.” C Name --------------------------------------------------------- ^ •I a = St. Address ____________________________________________________ = 3 |j City --------------------------------_ State__________________ i| 3 S Lodge No... ...... Legion No....—.—........ = ^}umiiimiuiiiiiiimiiumiiiimiinimiiiimioHiiimmioiiiiiiiiiuiEJiiiimHinuiiiiniiiiiiE.l “rriHE greatest fraternal act ever recorded.” X James J. Davis, our leader, wrote these words on a receipt. The receipt was handed to Brother John W. Ford, P. S. D. Philadelphia Lodge has contributed a quarter of a million dollars to Mooseheart. The Philadelphia Memorial Hospital stands not only as a blessing for humante, but also as a monument to John Ford and hisloyal and untiring-co-workers, who have built up and, so far maintained the largest Moose lodge in the world. Philadelphia is the big star in the Moose firmament! Philadelphia is in the “Big League.” Philadelphia has a real place on the Moose map. The “City of Brotherly Love” not only provides all the benefits, does all the work, and makes all the contributions that all other lodges make, but also has given over two hundred and fifty thousands of dollars to Mooseheart. This has been a voluntary contribution. This magnificent gift has come from willing givers. They know the meaning, have caught the vision, and have written in their hearts and practised in their lives, such golden words as: “Suffer little children.” “Forsake them not.” “Feed the hungry, clothe the naked.” “Care for the widow and for the orphan.” “Bind up their wounds.” “Heal the sick, bury the dead and minister to the suffering.” God bless Philadelphia. God bless John Ford. God bless the memory of his boy, now in the Eternal Lodge, and in whose memory Brother Ford has fitted and dedicated a “Memorial Room” in the Philadelphia Hospital. God bless all lodges everywhere, and the state organizations building, or preparing to build “State Buildings” at Mooseheart. God bless Mooseheart, and all the children here, and all the men and women everywhere, struggling and working to offer “Mooseheart protection” to the world, and make this a better happier, finer place to live. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year find you a better man.—Benjamin Franklin.