MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois CATALOGUE NOTICE Send 15c in silver or stamps for our Up-to-Date PALL & WINTER, 1920-1921 CATALOGUE, containing over 500 designs of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating 30 of the various, simple stitches) all valuable hints to the home dressmaker. inch material, the petticoat % yard, and the combination % yard for an 18-inch doll. Price 12c. 3424—Ladies’ Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A medium size will require 5 V2 yards of 44 inch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge is about 1% yards. Price, 12c. 3430.—An Up To Date Style. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 41/s yards of 54 inch material. The width of the dress at lower edge is 1% yards. Price, 12c. 3422—Ladies’ Lounging or Rest Robe. Cut ™ 4 sizes : Small, 32-34 ; medium, 36-38 ; large, 40-42; and extra large, 44-46 inches bust measure. A medium size will require 6% yards of 38 inch material. Price, 12c. 3438—Two Dainty Aprons. Cut in one size, medium. No. 1 will require % yard of 36-mch material, and No. 2 will require 1XA yards. Price, 12c. ־8״0״34,״Ladies’ House Dress. Cut in 7 sizes: 34,36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inch bust measure. A 38 inch size requires 6% yards of 36 inch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge is about 2 yards. Price, 12c, 3405—A Stylish Gown. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 51/¿ yards of 36 inch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge with plaits extended is about 2 yards. Price, 12 c. 3411— Girl’s Coat. Cut in 5 sizes: 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 years. A 10 year size will require 31/2 yards of 44 inch material. Price 12c. 3412— Girl’s Dress. Cut in 5 sizes : 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. An 8 year size will require 3% yards of 44 inch material. Price, 12c. 3423—Misses’ Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. A 16 year size will require 4% yards of 36 inch material. The width of the skirt_ at the lower edge is about 2 yards with plaits extended. Price 12 cents. 3429—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes : 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. A 6 year size will require 31/2 yards of 36 inch material. Price, 12c. 13410—Junior’s Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 12, 14 and 16 years. A 14 year size will require 4 yards of 44 inch material. Price, 12c. . 2273—A Dainty Set for Dolly. The pattern includes all styles illustrated, is cut in 6 sizes for dolls: 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 inches in length. The dress requires 1% yards of 27־ In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT, PURITAN PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps. News of the Chapters (Continued from page 8) . Chicago, 111., Chapter No. 43 which is drawing to the close of a very successful year reports that the progress in the Chapter has not laid up during the present year for one moment. The officers serving in this Chapter have served well and have promoted the prosperity of their Chapter at all times until now their organization is one of the best in Illinois. Chicago Chapter has found that the system of giving entertainments and social functions during the year is one of the most popular methods of growing, and interesting people. The Chapter will hold a “Children’s Party” on December 21st. News of the Legions (Continued from page 8) reports arrive at the Grand Regent’s Office promptly. Monthly reports on new members will not be considered. It will be interesting to watch for the coming issue of the Magazine to see whether there have been any noticeable changes in the line-up. S°• -3I Philadelphia..........1816 No. 11, Mecca................ 1672 No. 18, Fort Wayne............1018 No. 1, Pittsburgh............ g22 No. 27, Hoosier Heart......... 768 No. 62, Progress............” 545 No. 34, Liberty............... 540 No. 123 Kanawha Valley........ 519 No. 7, Western Reserve........ 503 No. 167, Wild West............ 494 Valley Legion No. 17 which was recently re-organized at Flint, Michigan, started off in great style by having a big number of former Legion-aires in this district present and initiating sixty new candidates. Another frolic will be held in the very near future for which plans are now being laid and it appears that Valley Legion will take its place along side of the other two big Legions in Michigan. . Toledo, Ohio, Legion No. 30 is looking forward to the big Moose convention which will be held in Toledo next year, and is now making more or less preparation for the big Legion Frolics which will also be held at that time. The Legionaires will remember the line Frolics held at MOOSEHEART last Convention by Mecca Legion, which is in the Mooseheart District. Toledo Legion hopes to outdo these Frolics and they are wisely settling their plans now. They are admitting many new members in this District. Warren G. Harding, president-elect, is a life member of the Legion. Governor Jas. M. Cox was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose and we believe 1c would also have become a member of the Legion had he been victorious. 1 hope that we may have the presence of the president-elect when the big Frolic opens at the Toledo Convention next year. Senator Harding has already signified his intention of being present and we must all try to hold him to it. Mt. Lassen Legion No. 172 which was instituted at Westwood, California, and which has come into prominence as being the smallest Legion and meeting in the smallest Moose Club in the world is going to have to guard itself very closely or it will lose its particular identity because they are growing in spite of themselves. This Legion also holds the record of contributing the largest fez funds, and it is very doubtful about them losing that record inasmuch as their membership's growing. Westwood, California, is a lumbering community, and the Legion consists mainly of those boys who are connected with that work. There must be something about the lumber-jack business which increases one’s liberality. The Herder of Mt. Lassen Legion has advised the Grand Regent’s Office to be on the lookout for a big fez-fund at Christmas time. §aie# send your nan*e wtSdl and address, size and color and I will send this sweater to you You don’t pay one penny until it is delivered to your door by the postman. Army ^Javy«* For Men or Women This is a real heavy winter Bweater, made of heavy mixed marino yarn. Slip-over style, with V neck and full length sleeves. •lust like picture. Will give excellent wear Sizes to fit Ladies or Men 84 to Colors, khaki or navy blue. P**4-Reduced to* I- No one has ever reduced price to this extent. It is the biggest money-saving bargain ever offered. We will sell only two to a customer and will not sell to merchants or wholesalers. Dolit/AKV Just send your name w ■ ■ w j? a u and address, no mon- ey. When the sweater is delivered at your door by the postman, pay him $1.98 for the sweater. We have paid the delivery charges.. Wear it. If you don’t find it all you expect, return it and we will cheerfully refund your money at once. Order hv No. 72. Walter Field Co.31SS. .XSai«, I CARAT $107 1 BLUE-WHITE li? I . SOLITAIRE Wonderfully sparkling diamonds, glowing witl a fiery radiance unsurpassed at double oui price. Choice of man’s oi woman’s 14 Kt. solid gold ring of finest workmanship, free with diamond. Fractions of caral tt . ., . priced proportionately. Valuable premium free if cash accompanies order. Our guarantee protects you. Money back aftei 30 days trial if not satisfied. Ask for RI47. Including § solid gold • bracelet. The Bargain U( «■״ Lifetime! Guaranteed ’ 30 days free trial at this phenomenal price perfect timekeeper On if you order from this adv. Send For New Bargain Cat¡log—Full of surprises’ii diamonds, watches and jewelry. This 132 page bar gain book will save you up to 100%. Thousandds o selections shown B. GUTTER &. SONS, Wholesal. 1 Jewelers, 172 Nassau St., Div. 147, New York Ask for WBI47 Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trun several years ago. Doctors said my only hop of cure was an operation. Trusses did me n. g°od. Finally I got hold of something tha quickly and completely cured me. Years hav passed and the rupture has never returned although I am doing hard work as a carpenter There was no operation, no lost time, n. trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will giv lull mrormation about how you may nd a com plete cure without operation, if you write t< me, Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 58G Mar cellos Avenue, Manasauan, N. J. Better cu out this notice and show it to any others wh< are ruptured—you may save a life or at leas stop the misery of rupture and the worry an< danger of an operation.—Adv. FREE MOVIE MACHINE Have Tour Own *‘Movie’״ _________ at home. Wonderful moving picture machine, 0״mplete with gas generator and 3 eeta reels, .all different (96 views). Powerful lens, showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 24 large colored pictures or 24 packages beauti-fuj post cards at 15c each. Qrdercboice today, BATES MFC. CO. DEPT. 436 CHICA60 WRIST WATCH & RING m k We positively give this ,^Genuine Guaranteed —--— Stylish & Serviceable Wrist Watch & ■V״ Handsome Ring Free for selling 24 easy selling pictures at 15c. Order today. GAIB MFG.CO. Dept.j32 CHICAGO Prepaid Ffaa th,s NOVA-TONS 1 I CC TALKING MACHINE Case Mahogany finish, enameled parly, no motor to get out of order, excellent reproducer, enjoyment for all. Sell l¿ boxes Mentho-Nova Salve, great for cuts, bums, influenza, etc. Return $3 and the machine is yours. Guaranteed. ,Records free. Order today. Address, U. 5. Co., Box 599 Greenville,* Pa, TRIAL Let us send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When satisfied after using, send $1.85 or return r*z—, Order ^{!oday. JONES MFC.CO.136W.LakeSt.DepL 845 3UICAG0