MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 18 More Winter Eggs! Let Me Send You My Wonderful Secret of ‘The Poultry Woman.1 WINTER WILL SELL FOR THE HIGHEST PRICES EVER KNOWN. The public demands eggs and will pay the price. Feed is cheaper than for four years. Corn can be bought now for less than 90 cents a bushel. IT MEANS TREMENDOUS PROFITS FOR YOU IF YOU ACT NOW! More Winter Eggs—or I Lose! I am Bessie B. Carswell, That’s my proposition to every poultry raiser. Yes—thousands of eggs instead of hundreds! Dollars instead of pennies. Never such a time as now to make big money. The high price of feed last year caused thousands to dispose of their flocks. Eggs bought during the summer for cold storage cost around 50c a dozen, which means a dollar or more a dozen this winter. FRESH EGGS THIS FREÍ My Book That Tells How—־ SEND NO MONEY! 1 Can Times Before that to 5 More Eggs This Winter Than Ever Prove from 2 Give Me 30 Days to Make Your Hens Lay Making the Most Money Out of Hens and Eggs ! By Be&sie B.Carswell The PoultrjWaman Now I want YOU to try my great secret of more winter eggs. If you act at once, I am going to send you a copy of my famous book, “Making the Most Money Out of Hens and Eggs,” ABSOLUTELY FREE! This is the book that people say brings big profits right where losses were before. It shows how to plug up the leaks, how to take the risk out of poultry raising, how to avoid little mistakes that may be robbing you of some of your good money and profits. It tells how to pick the layers from the loafers, to force egg production, to balance the ratioh with cheap feeds, to start in pure-bred poultry—how to sell pure-bred poultry and eggs by mail, to choose breeding stock, to mate breeding stock—how to select hatching eggs, to. house poultry, to prevent disease, and one hundred other things you should know. All told in plain, understandable language, written from “The Poultry Woman’s'' own actual experience. That’s why many folks wouldn't part with this book for big money. And now this amazing book can easily be yours—FREE! Mail the coupon NOW—and I will pack a copy right with your shipment of my Rockledge Egg Tonic. Then the eggs began to come. I used to get about 50 eggs a week from 300 hens. Pretty soon I was getting 50 eggs a day. Then it jumped to 175 a day—then to over 200. My best day s record during that winter was 282 eggs in one day. My tonic had changed my loater hens into layers. , . . . . _ ,___ All the neighbors soon began to wonder what happened to my hens. I always liked to help people, so I passed some of my tonic around. In every case it worked like a charm. Folks all over the town soon began to demand a supply. . ״ A . So I put up my tonic in small quantities. I sold it at just enough to cover the cost and my time. The news spread like wild-fire! When I realized what a valuable thing I had discovered, I decided to advertise. And in that way I have helped thousands of men and women poultry raisers all over the country. Some of their splendid letters I print on this page. , . . ~ T_____ Now I want you to try my great secret of more winter eggs. So I am going to make a special introductory offer to you. I am going to give you—absolutely free—my famous book, “Making the Most Money Out of Hens and Eggs." . . ״ , . . on Remember, I take all the risk! You send no money—and have 3(3 days to prove that I am right! And if you mail the coupon now my amazing book will be sent FREE. It I used up lots I discovered the I■» Bessie B. Carswell “The Poultry Woman,” 2512 Carswell Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. I Please send me one box of your famous 1—1 Rockledge Egg Tonic, for which I will pay the Postman $1 upon arrival. Folks call me “The Poultry Woman”. There’s only one thing I like to do better than raise poultry—and that is, help other poultry raisers EeMyi\ensltusedr°tot3ioaf0'in the winter time. From October to March, when the demand was greatest, I din't have any eggs to sell, started me thinking .. . . . . ״ Why should hens lay in summer but not in winter / of my time and patience working it out, and at last 86?6found out that a hen, no matter how fine the breed, cannot lay unless it is in condition to lay. It uses up all its food in rebmldmg wasted tissues, making new blood and fat. Eggs come last after the *16There *ar^ lots’ oMuicy^worms and green things in the summer, and the hens dig around all the time scratching them up. That keeps them fit But winter and moulting time and cold weather put them into poor condition. That’s why they don't lay. . Well, when I found that out. and after I had learned all about the anatomy of the hen, I decided that I would help my birds along in the winter. I carefully prepared a tonic after my own ideas, based on what That tonic worked like magic! My hens began to pick up at once. They seemed healthier.than they had ever been before! AMAZING RESULTS! FIVE DOZEN EGGS A DAY After using some of your egg tonic my hens began to lay as many as five dozen eggs a day. I soon run short of tonic and my hens stopped laying right away. I sent to you for some more tonic, and in week they had gained again to four dozen eggs a day. Mrs. A. F. Otte, Durham, Conn. GETS FIFTY EGGS A DAY NOW I was getting one and two eggs a day until I began using your egg tonic, and now I'm getting fifty eggs a day. I have impressed the fact on my neighbors, who first thought it would do no good. Mrs. Lucy Bline, Yale. 111. $20 PER WEEK FROM EGGS I have been using your egg tonic for one year, and find it O. K. My hens are doing good. They shell out $20 per week. You helped me, and I will help you when I can. Mrs. V. L. Robinson, Leonard, Mo. TEN EGGS FROM TWELVE HENS My hens positively refused to lay. Upon receiving your egg tonic we got eggs the third day. Now we get an average of 10 eggs from 12 hens. I can tell the world your tonic advertises itself. James J. Comer, Jerome, Ariz. More Eggs—or No Pay / Southwest Boulevard State Bank, and the Peoples ^ Trust Company, of Kansas City, and the Inter-States * Dn i, p T) _J״I״ TTnnQiici All of these banks Please send me six boxes of your famous Rock- Bank, oi Kosedale, ivansas. 01 mc&c lj ledge Egg Tonic״ for which ! ^ pay the Post. know me and know that I do as I say. man $3 uopn arrival. Send no money now—just the coupon or a post Jt i3 un(jerstood that if I am not satisfied after 30 days’ card or letter will do. Get in on the BIG EGG are 10 retold my moMy promptly PROFITS this winter—and get my famous ^ Kamo .....-----....-----------—--------------------- Address------------------------------------------------- book FREE! Mail coupon Now! Use my tonic for a month. Then if it is not satisfactory—if you do not get more eggs—if your hens do not look better—if you are not completely and entirely satisfied, return what is left of the tonic and you will not be out one penny. Three big banks guarantee that you will get your money back if you just ask for it. I refer you to the ____P. O. Box--------------- “Making the Most Money Out of R. F. D__________________________________ I am to receive FREE your book. / KANSAS CITY, MO. BESSIE B. CARSWELL “The Poultry Woman” 2512 Carswell Bldg.