23 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois ^WA׳S T 3392 Z300 CATALOGUE NOTICE Send 15c in silver or stamps for our Up־to־Date FALL & WINTER, 1920-1921 CATALOGUE, containing over 500 designs of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating 30 of the various, simple stitches) all valuable hints to the home dressmaker. yards of 42 inch material. Price 12c. 3396—Chld’s Dress. Cut n 4 szes: 2, 4, 6, and 8 years. _ A 6 year sze wll require 3^4 yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 3401—A Dainty Frock. Cut in 4 sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 10 year size will require 4% yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 3409—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. A 10 year size will require 4% yards of 36 nch materal. Prce, 12c. 3400—An “Easy to Make” Apron. Cut n 4 sizes: Small, medium, large and extra large. A medium size wid require 2% yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 2300—An Attractive Set of Toy Animals. The patterns are cut in one size only. It wil require % yard of flannel for the sheep, % yard for the dog, and % yard for the pig. Price, 12 cents. 3399—Dress for Home or Business. Cut in 7 szes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 nches bust measure. A 38 inch sze requres 6% yards of 36 nch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge is about 1% yards. Price, 12 cents. 33923381־—An Attractive Costume. Waist 3392 cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Skirt 3381 cut in 6 sizes: 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches waist measure. It measures 1% yards at the foot. To make this costume of one material for a medium size will require 10% yards of 36 inch material. TWO separate patterns 12 cents FOR EACH pattern. 3378—Boys Suit. Cut in 5 sizes: 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 years. A 4 year size will require 3% yards of 27 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3376—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 fizes: 2, 4, 6, an l 8 years. A 4 year size will require 2% yards of 36 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3385— A Pretty Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. A 20 year size will require 5% yards of 4 Oinch material. The width of the skirt at lower edge is. 1 % yards. Price, 12 cents. 3386— Chld’s Play Garment. Cut in 5 sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. A 2 year size will require 3*4 yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents. 3373—Girl’s Coat. Cut in 3 sizes: 12, 14 and 16 years. A 14-year size will require 3% Legion Notes (Continued from page 8) whenever they start out to hold any sort of social function they are able to promote it on a large scale. This Chapter will grow even greater during this winter. Our Chapters in Alaska are still very active and we are sorry that they are not closer to the states so that they might be visited more frequently by representatives from the Grand Regents' office. Good reports are coming from each, however, and although a trip to these chapters has been delayed because of the great distance it is hoped that a representative may be sent there soon. The chapters now operating in Alaska are Nome Chapter No. 78, Anchorage Chapter No. 139 and Juneau Chapter No. 439. A new chapter will be instituted soon in Spokane, Washington. This chapter was organized by Mrs. Maud Wallace, a matron at MOOSEHEART, and also a mother of children here, who has found it necessary to go to the western climate for a time. Mrs. Wallace is a member of the MOOSE-HEART Chapter No. 0 and is thoroughly acquainted with the womens’ Legion. Spokane Chapter is very fortunate in having Mrs. Wallace as their Deputy, as this new Chapter is sure to be started correctly. Has it ever occurred to you that practically every self-made man has made himself by profiting from observation of other men’s mistakes? 100,000 People at Coney Island More than a hundred thousand people made the opening night of the Coney Island Mardi Gras a great success. Over two thousand Brothers were in the parade on Moose night. Moose Hall on Surf Avenue, the home of Coney Island Lodge No. 138, was beautifully decorated. There was a large sign reading “qod Bless MOOSEHEART.” Brothers Donohue, Thayer and Ger-ety were especially praised for the great success of Moose night. Brother Dick Brown made the ball a great success. The Womens’ Chapter acted as the reception committee. Silver loving cups were awarded to Women’s Chapter Stamford for costume; Jersey City Chapter for greatest number in line; Hoboken, a small lodge, for the greatest percentage of members in line; Long Island City Lodge band for the best music. Know what you want to do; hold the thought firmly; and do every day what should be done; end every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.—• Elbert Hubbard. Special Train for Bemidji Bemidji, Minnesota, Lodge No. 1452 chartered a special train to take the Moose members and their friends to International Falls for a big initiation. They were accompanied by the Union Band of twenty-four pieces. It was a big night and a splendid program followed the initiation. During the afternoon many availed themselves of the courtesy extended by the Minnesota and International Power Company to inspect their huge industrial plant. Visitors From Florida On Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2, a delegation of citizens from Jacksonville, Florida, visited MOOSEHEART. The party included Mayor John W. Martin and Messrs. Chas. A. Brown, Jr., John J. Ahern, Ernest L. Hill, B. R. Kessler and Capt. C. M. Raphun, District Supervisor of Florida. In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT, PURITAN PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps. DDntMaPanr Only Coupon NOW! We want you to see this beau• tiful dress. So do not send a cent no w—only the coupon—and the dress comes right to your home. We are so sure you will be amazed at this tremendous value that we are glad to send the dress for examina- 'V¡¿; tion and trv-on. _ Not the slightest risk on your part—if you are not fatisfien V, end delighted with its smart style or if you don’t consider it a splendid bargain return it. No nsk to you—bend today Embroidered Dress Better than mere words, the picture shows you the smart lines end bewitching style of tbie pretty frock. Made of good quality durable serge !none piece, *fathered at waistline and encircled j by beautifully embroidered belt Waist part designed with panel front and vestee of contrasting material trimmed with dainty pearl buttons. Round collar handsomely trimmed with two-tone soutache braid. Sleeves finished with cuffs of tan cloth to match v״stee. Skirt has large braid trimmed patch pockets. Colors, navy blue, green or black. I,auies* sizes, 34 to 46 bust measure; length about 40 inches. Misses’ sizes, 32 to 38 bust measure; length, about 38 inches. The very latest, most fashionable model. Send At Once cent- coupon brings it. When dress arrives pay only $4.98 and postage. If not satisfied that this is an amazing bargain and just what you want, return dress mid back goes your money to you. Put X in [ J to show color wan tod and givs your size. leonard”o"rton"& ca" Dept. 7956 Chicago, Send the pretty embroidered Serge , Dress indicated by X in square below. When dress arrives I •will pay the bargain price, §4.98, and post-age. If not satisfied after examination and try-on, I will return it and you will refund my money. Coupon to Show Color Wanted Ladies* Bust Size....... Misses* Bust Size..... □ No. BX846 n No. BX847 r־| No. BX849 Navy Blue LJ Green LJ Black Name... Address. Pnr־r DIAMOND r nLu ring offer Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian i־n. diamonds—the greatest discovery , the world has ever known. We will send absolutely free tMs 14k gold f. ring-, sot with a I-2k Kawa’ian im. diamond-־in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.'8־ C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10,000 given away. Pend no money. Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept.-lR) Masonic Temple, Chicago U.S. COMPANY, Box36, Greenville. Fa. door by tiie postman. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a $12.00 s arf for $6.98. Our price is amazingly low. Compare it with others and see for yourself. A Fashion Necessity Every stylish woman Is wearing a fur scarf with her coat, suit, dress or waist. It is appropriate for every occasion. This scarf is made of a genuine Manchurian Fox, which has long, soft, silky hair. It 13 j i»*e an*nfal shape scarf with head at one end a-n *h ! other. Lined throughout with an all- silk lining; also has silk ruffle around the neck. Very large and graceful. A fur of this kind will wear for years. Colors: Black, Lucile Brown or Taupe Gray. Qanfl Naui **nst your name and address —no vCslU tlUW money. When the fur scarf arrives, pay the postman $6.98. We have paid the trans portetion charges. Wear the scarf—if you don't find it all you expect, return it and we will cheerfully refund your money at once. This is our risk, not yours. Be sure and give color. Order by No. 19. Walter Field Co.3188. „,®;A“ ch.«,. ______The Bargain Mail Order House