MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Decide fop yourself. If you keep It, this beautiful high class watch may be paid for at less than 7 cents a day. Chain and Knife FREE A 14-kt. gold filled knife and chain absolutely free with this offer. State if yon wish a W aide mar, (shown in cut), Dickens, or ▼est chain. Less Than 7c a Day value in America, return It at ourexpense and your deposit will be refunded immediately. If you decide to buv, pen•1 ¡52.00 a taontu until $2u.60 is paid. If you are p’eas-'d when the waten comes send only $>.60 as fir t payment. Then wear the watch for ten full days. Ifyoudonot consider it the greatest Order Today —On Trial Femember, yon ore no, obligated , to buy when you / order о n trial, j Just send your | name end a׳ dress. No re! taoe or annoyance. Rta*o which chain yon wish Tl: offer limited. Act now. Send your name to Dept. «¿-О. Our 128-pcta« cota'op *how* тог» thin £000 boron 7iя xnD.nmo- da.Wn'rbs end Jewelry. Write Jor tt ¿VO IF. J.M.LYON&C0״ и«! Our special offer fow these “SATISFACTORY** reconstructed[ double trea.d tires. 6000 MILE TIRES Save One Half of regular price simply can’t be beat. No such bargain on the market. Each tire separately GUARANTEED. Cut price made possible only by our special double tread retreading, durable life-giving process• See Our Cut Prices Tires Tubes $ 8.75 $2.60 3.00 8.15 8.40 8.50 10.00 11.00 11.60 12.60 12.75 12.75 Size 84x4 84x4 1-2 85x4 1-2 86x4 1-2 85x5 86x5 87x5 Reliner Free With Every■ Tire Also a new Miller inner tube at factory price. State size, also whether straight side, clincher, plain or Non-skid. Send only $2.00 deposit for each tire, balance C. O. D., subject to examin• ation. Special 7*A% discount for full cash witl order. Order shipped day received. Order NOW—TODAY to get these lowest prices ever made on tires of high quality. SATISFACTORY TIRE <״■ RUBBER CO. 2551 Indiana At׳e. Dept 65-B_Chicago. III. Talk to Lodges By GEO. N. WARDE him rests the responsibility and duty of law enforcement, if he will insit upon proper decorum at all times, then his Lodge will not suffer from an odium that may eventually bring about the closing of the club and perhaps the Lodge. Recruiting the Membership in Instituted Lodges Under Special Dispensation for Reduced Initiation Fee From observation, it is not, in my judgment, good policy to issue dispensations for Lodges to take in members at $10.00 without the assistance of a competent Deputy Supervisor. In the past the work of procuring new members under special dispensation where the Lodge members had entire charge did not prove a success. Many Lodges have attempted the work themselves but would become convinced before the expiration of the dispensation that they could not succeed without the aid of the Organization Department. The dispensations issued to Lodges for the work to be done by a Supervisor have invariably been successful, and I think it is a fact that cannot be contradicted, that our greatest growth during the last year has been in old Lodges that were operating under the Organization Department, and more than ever before in the history of the Order, does the membership realize and appreciate the splendid achive-ments in the building of this Fraternity by the Department of Organization, and I believe that the conviction is general throughout the Order that the increase om membership of the Lodges through publicity and systematic campaigns is largely dependent upon efforts of the authorized contractor for organization. In the initiation of all candidates to membership in the Order, the Dictator of the Lodge should know that “a person cannot legally become a member unless he shall be initiated in the manner and form prescribed by the by the Initiatory Ritual of the Order.” “WE DO THE THINGS WE DO BECAUSE THERE IS A REASON FOR IT INSTEAD OF A PRECEDENT.” When your interests are involved, refer to the By-Laws of your lodge and the laws of the Order is an excellent rule to follow. Many of the problems confronting the Lodges have arisen because of their lack of information as to the true ideals of the Order and from the fact that the Supreme Lodge through its officers have not been able to get in closer touch with the general membership throughout the Moose jurisdiction. Every effort is being put forth by the Supreme Officers charged with their certain duties to help each in their own way to solve the various problems of the Lodges. One problem of many Lodges that stands out to-day perhaps more than any other, is the Club House; how can its operation be maintained without jeopardizing the Lodge funds? This question brings many letters and it is found that the answer to one query does not necessarily apply in every instance, but it does prove that each one must be treated entirely upon its own merits. All permits to operate a club expired on October 1st, and if you have not made request to have same renewed, you are operating without permit and your Lodge is subject to penalty for violation of the law of the Order. Several clubs have been ordered closed recently for failure to observe the General Laws for government of same. It will he our endeavor at all times to procure the compliance with these laws without resorting to drastic measures, but we have found it absolutely necessary to suspend the charter of a Lodge in order to impress upon the members their duty to obey the law. House Rules Certain fixed rules to govern decorum should be drafted by all House Committees. To those who have not already done so I will send approved copy upon request. The Dictator of the Lodge is the executive officer of his Lodge and upon THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE $ 20 MADE. TO MEASURE 3Fiece SUIT The most remarkable values ever offered. A postal brings you a large assortment of cloth samples, wholesale prices direct from the manufacturer, style book and measuring charts. No matter where you live or where you have been buying your clothes, and even if you do not need a new suit now, investigate at once the wonderful savings you can make by dealing direct with this large manufacturer. Long wear, fast color, perfect fit, and satisfaction guaranteed. Write today. Address your card or letter like this: Lincoln Woolen Mills Company, Department 528 , £08-214: South Green Street, Chicago, Illinois. О Л Days' Tree Trial Select from 44 Styles, ״ colors and sizes, famous Ranger bicycles. Delivered f ree on approval, express prepaid, from maker-uirect-to-Rider, at Factory Prices. Save $10 to $26 unnecessary selling expenses. !¿Months toBay *■■and use on our liberal llasy Payment plan. Parents often advance first deposit. Energetic boys eern the small monthly payments thereafter. for big free Ranger Catalog, marvelous prices And terms. Special Rider Agents offer for those Vfnn/i Cycle Company J>l.VuU Dept. Ц14 Chicago'׳ To make application and join that great Lodge, The LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE. Oh, wonderful MOOSEHEART, we love thee, You’re the city of childhood’s dream, You’re the city on which the sun shines bright, And the stars of heaven gleam. Daddie tells me a wonderful story, And I know that he says to be true, Of a wonderful city called MOOSE-HEART. That is builded for me and for you. He says that when God calls upon him To leave mother and me all alone, That he has there made provision For dear mother and me for a home. There are thousands of good men behind you, With every dollar that is loose, To see you achieve still greater things, That’s the LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. (Written by Brother J. it. Watson, Boise, Idaho, and recited by his daughter.) <«amii!iimt2iiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiwwc]iiiiiiiiiiii[]iimiiiimc]iiiimimitiimiiiimi[iiiiiiwim[3timii!iii!t]nmmminiimiiimtE2imiwimuim!in•« He says he knows I will love it, As so many good children are there, Who are governed by love and affection, Receiving motherly care. I always appeal to my playmates, That when their daddie finds a dollar that’s loose, j yrgpEvery Moose Should Read This I 1 IF YOU FIND THE NUMBER OF YOUR LODGE BELOW, ASK 1 g YOUR DICTATOR, SECRETARY, OR CHAIRMAN OF THE AUDIT- I | ING COMMITEE WHY YOU ARE NO LONGER A GOOD MOOSE. 3 s IF NEITHER OF THEM CAN TELL YOU, WRITE RODNEY H. 1 I BRANDON, MOOSEHEART, ILL.. AND HE WILL. I I 349 — 380 — 392 — 532 — 539 — 540 — 594 — 750 — 773 jf 1085 — 1170 — 1232 I 1 ׳ .1658 964 — 966 — 1016 14591559 — 1644 I 789 — 911 — 960 1 1344 — 1365 — 1433 DontSendsPnin Not a penny now and you get this etartling bargain. Send cou-pon-no money Work Shoe Bargain Specially tanned to resist acid in manure, milk, ____ etc. Strong, durable leather Boles nailed and stitched. Heels that won’t come off. Durable grain leather insole9. Guaranteed counters. Bellows dirt-excluding tongues. Copper riveteo seams and vamps. Sizes 6 to 12. Wide widths. Bargain price $2.45. Special purchase that brought these shoes to U9 at an unequalled wholesale bargain price let9 us make this great offer. And here i9 somethin? more -a stunning Dress Shoe value. . Read how you get these I shoes at a bargain on our | great combination offer. Sensational value. Only 1 $4.84 to pay for this j stunning dress shoe. Fine !quality black gun metal 1 veal leather.Hi*toeBlucher. A Strong leather soles. Low k broad heels. New Broadway last. Sizes 6 to 12. Wide widths. We defy competition on this shoe. See if you can equal it anywhere. Don't miss With •very pair of these Dr< Shoes at $4.84 . get the Work Shoes put in at $2.45—total only $7.29—both pairs for one price—a record *mashing bargain. Send Coupon No money now. Just send' coupon. Pay the bargain price, $7.29, and postage when both pairs arrive. Then if not satisfied, retui . both pairs of shoes and we refund your money. Send coupon now. Give size on both pairs» We positively do not sell either pair separately. LEONARD-MORTON & CO. Dept. 7957 Chicago Send me Men’s Dress Shoes and Work Shoes, i will pay $7.20 and postage for both pairs on arrival, and examine tbeia earefully. If I am not satisfied, will send both pairs back you will refund my money. Order No. AX996» 6ize, Work Shoes.........Size, Dress Shoes. Name... Addr«n, DoatMiPeiv A beautiful skirt with all the snap and style of much higher priced garments• Made of good quality serge in the most stunning design of the season. Two deep cut novelty pockets at sides, trimmed with odd tabs of self material and metal buttons—a smart effect. Skirt is shirred all around waistline to fall gracefully over hips. Belt lined with excellent satine and button trimmed to match pockets. Comes inNavyBlueonly. Waist measure, 22 to • 3 inches. Lengths, 84 to 42 inches. You must not miss this startling bargain. Don’t delay— No money now—just the coupon and we send thia Smartly tailored skirt on approval — just to show you what Leonard-Morton values really are. A start-— ling bargain at our special price and you pay nothing —not a cent—until skirt arrives. If you don’t want to keep it,send it back and your money is returned at once. You risk nothing. Navy Blue SERGE SKIRT fct _ . ״. J ust send coupon FBQW or letter. Pay | on|y the bargain ;price, $1.69, and postage jr—~־ when skirt arrives. Com- S' pare with skirts at $3.00 or .60, and if not satisfied that is is a bargain that you aim-ist not miss, send It back and wa will refund money, wait—send coupon today. Give your *lie. LEONARD-MORTON & 00. Dept. 7955 Chicago Send me the handsome Serge Skirt No. 4X1400. 1 will pay the bargain price, $1.69, and postage on arrival. If aot satisfied, 1 will return skirt and you will refund my money. Length, Waist. Name... ▲ddresa