MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 20 A Complete Conservatory Course Rv Mail Wonderful home study music lessons under MJy iTiau great American and European teachers. Endorsed by Paderewski. !faster teachers guide and coach you. Lessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. The only recormiacd Conservatory of tlusic giving lessons by the UNI VERITY EZTZNCICU !:ZTIIOD. The ideal of a genuine Conservatory of Music for home Btudy based upon lessons containing t*.ie cream of the life's teaching experience of I faster I Musicians, reinforced by the individual instruction of specialists, is now attained. The instruction of a master—the individual touch cf cn accomplished teacher—is yours to commend from i..e very moment you enroll. The University Entcnsicn Conservatory, by adopting the Personal Instruction L-cihcd, has placed home music study beyond question as to results. Anyone can learn at home. Anv Write telling us course you are if-py*nutrument interested in—Mano, Harmony, Voice. Public School Music, Violin, Cornet, Mandolin, Guitar, Pan jo, or Reed Organ—and we will send our Free Catalog with details of course you want. Send now. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 182 Siegel-Myers Building Chicago, Illinois GUARANTEED Send 10o Money Positively greatest tire offer ever made ? Sensational value swecpsawayatl competition —6.CQ0 miles—or more—from ourspecial reconstruction proc* essaoubletread standara tires —•nracticaliv puncture proof. Araasong Low Prices Size Fires Tubes Size 28x3 * 6.Г5 $1.50 £4x4 30x3 6 25 1.70 33x4*$ 30x3% 6.95 1.93 34x4% 32x3% 7.85 2.15 35x4% 31x4 8.95 2.45 36x4% 32x4 9.95 2.C5 £5x5 33x4 10.45 2,75 37x5 11.15 2.95 11.45 8.1m 12.85 8.25 18.00 8.35 13.45 8.45 13.65 8.65 ReSimcr FREE with each tire {Send your oraer today—sura —whilethese lowest prices last. Statesize.alsowhetherstraighfc ____ side or clincher Remember ,you OeeQ -send no money, lust your name ana address, find tir<- j״’tKfroe refine» will ne shipper» same ׳lay. MORTON IflRE & RUBBER CO 3901 Michigan Ave.. Deptc 5J2 Chicago.Hl» АУТО OWNERS here is your opportunity to save Уч of vour tire cost by using Double Mileage Ooubla Tread TIret Uuaranteed »or 6000 Miles We lead, other* try to follof( Double Mileage Tires art constructed of the highest grade materia) and hardly ever blow out. Double Mileage Tires are only guaranteed for 6000 miles but they have run from 8000 to 10000 miles Order toaay at these low prices: Size Tires Tubes 30x3........$5 60.$1.60 30x3%........6 60..1.75 81x3%....... 6 75. 1.85 32x8%....... 7 00. 2.00 31x4........ 8 00. 2.25 32x4...... 8.26... 2-40 83x4...... 8.60... 2.60 3 1x4....... 8 76. 2.60 34x4 %....10.00....3.00 36x4%.....11.00... 8.16 36x4 %....11.60....8.40 ?7x5/.....12.76....8.7Б Refiner FREE With Every Tire 3. 1 ״״.uO deposit Jor erentire O-״-бгал. balance C.O D. Tirea shipped subject to your examination. State w.iechei S S or Cl , plain or non■ Skid la desired All same price. By eending f־׳'* amount of order you can save 5 Per cent — our ■pecial cash-with-order discount. ^ DOUBLE MILEAGE TIRE & RUBBER CD. 3245 Ogden Avenue, Dep». 82, CHICAGO, ILL. Perfect hearing is now being restored in every condition of deafness or defective hearing from causes such as Catarrhal Deafness, Relaxed or Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Hissing Sounds, Perforated, Wholly or Partially Destroyed Drums,Discharge from Ears, etc. Wilson Common-Sense Ear Drums **Little Wireless Phones for the Ears[* require no medicine but effectively rerlace what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfortable. Write today for our 168 page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. * WILSON EAR DRUM CO., Incorporated 139 Inter-Southem&ldg. LOUISVILLE, KY. Send No Money Just size, name and address. State whether ladies* Tiffany or men’s Belcher mounting. Will Bend you by return mail one of our famous **Borneo” Diamrnd 14*K Gold Shell Rinvs, g! aranteed for 20 years. When received, Morton & Company, Dept. 57 $04 s. State St.-Chicaao Supreme Dictator’s Itinerary for November Nov. 9th....................................... Topeka, Kansas Nov. 10th.................................... Emporia, Kansas Nov. 11th...................................... Newton, Kansas Nov. 12th................................... Wichita, Kansas Nov. 13th...............................Arkansas City, Kansas Nov. 14th...............................Arkansas City, Kansas Nov. 15th................................. Pawuska, Oklahoma Nov. 16th.....................................Tulsa, Oklahoma Nov. 17th.....................................Tulsa, Oklahoma Nov. 18th................................ Drumright, Oklahoma Nov. 19th.................................. Cushing, Oklahoma Nov. 20th............................Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Nov. 21st...........................Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Nov. 22nd................................ Shawnee, Oklahoma Nov. 23rd............................... McAlester, Oklahoma Nov. 24th.................................Henryetta, Oklahoma Nov.. 25th......v.. «.....................Okmulgee, Oklahoma Nov. 26th...............................Sapulpa, Oklahoma Nov. 27 th................................Coffey ville, Kansas Nov. 28th................................Independence, Kansas Nov. 29th......................................Parsons, Kansas Nov. 30th...................................Pittsburg, Kansas Dr. and Mrs. Hart Visit Phoenix, Ariz. (From Phoenix Daily Paper) Salt River Valley, that entrancing Valley cf the Nile of America. To Mrs. Hart, personally, he presented a solid silver salad fork, with an engraving of Roosevelt dam on the handle. The beautiful and impressive White Rose ceremony of the Order of Moose was performed by the officers of the local Order, in memory of their departed brothers. Dr. Hart’s subject was “Life,” and during the address he made an earnest plea for greater moral and financial support for MOOSEHEART, that Father and Mother of orphaned Moose children. He painted a vivid word picture of the _ magnanimous work being carried on in that institution, which is a lasting and living monument to the world. He urged that instead of marble, granite or stone—deaf and dumb— structures being built in commemoration of the dead, a temple be erected in which a throbbing, pulsating, a living something—a human life—is housed, trained, educated with home environment thrown about and then go forth into the world, throwing out a purifying and uplifting influence, such as MOOSEHEART is accomplishing today. Phoenix, Ariz., extends cordial welcome to Dr. and Mrs. Albert Bushnell Hart of Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Hart is one of the Governors of MOOSEHEART, 111., a home for Moose orphans, and stopped over in this city several days, en route to the Hawaiian Islands, to deliver the Moose Memorial address, Sunday, April 25th. Flowers and gifts were showered on the distinguished couple. Among numerous dinners and entertainments was a reception at the pretty country home of Mrs. Thomas E. Campbell, wife of the Governor of the State, to the ladies of the Loyal Order of Moose, Mrs. Hart being the guest of honor. Dr. Hart holds the chair of History at Harvard University, and a most appropriate'gift, eight volumes of the History of Arizona, was given by the widow of Thomas Edwin Farish, in memory of her husband, late State Historian. The books were presented by Ex-Governor Geo. W. P. Hunt, who paid a glowing tribute to the pioneers of the Infant State. On behalf of the Loyal Order of Moose, Past Dictator F. H. Swenson, in a touching farewell address to Dr. and Mrs. Hart, presented a set of views, beautifully bound, in red morrocco, of the Those seen in the picture, taking part in the services and presentation of gifts, are: Dr. Albert Bus’’l Hart, left center; Ex- Governor Hunt, right center; Mrs. Hart, left center, back; Mrs. Thomas Edwin Farish, right center, back. Left to right: I. T. Holland, Secretary Loyal Order of Moose No. 708; W. A. Stern, Dictator; H. Hazard, Prelate; F. H. Swenson, Past Dictator-Trustee; W. W. Davies, District Supervisor; J. W. Wagner, Vice Dictator; H, A, Davis, Deputy Supreme Dictator; W. M. Owen, Inner Guard. ׳T'HOUSANDS of Extra Dollars Profit fpr ־*■ trappers using this wonderful bait. FREE Samples — prove extra and larger catches with it than you ever had before. Only bait successfully holding scent under water or snow. Thousands of Trappers will say it’s the greatest friend they ever had. [il berma n \*n«_SONS "The House with a Million Friends" We pay Highest Prices again this year. Our grading allows full value for every skin. Prompt settlement with the Check that Satisfies. Wm. White, Danvers, Ills., says: “Thank you for liberal grading and liberal prices.” __ C. E. Lindquist says ‘‘Your check the best I received.” Mr. Newberry, Farmer City, 111., says “Thank you for your good treatment.” Mr. Youngblood, Farmington, Ills., says “You are the best fur company I ever shipped to.” 54 Years Satisfying Shippers has won for us the Trappers Seal of Approval. Write for tags and ship to Silberman. FRFF Sample of Bait, Secreta of the Woods, Bar* * g iin Book for Hunters and Trappers. Limi- ted number sent FiiEE to trappers only. 326 Silberman Bldg., Chicago, III». Reliable FfìFP tube rrfELEi Good for 10,000 Miles For a limited time only we are offering absolutely Free a tube with every purchase of one of onr famous Reliable Double Tread Tires which coura be easily guaranteed for 5,000 miles and often give from 8,000 to 10,000 miles. 2 Reasons for Buying This Bargain Otter 1— Save Money on Tuhesl 2— Save Money on Tires! Price Includes Tire and Tube Size Teres Size Tires 30x3.....$ 7.25 34x4......$3.1.33 30x3%.......8.35 34x4%.....13.00 32 X 3 %....8.S5 35x4%.....13.25 34x3%.... 11.00 3G x 4%...13.75 31x4.......10.20 33x5......14.50 32x4.......10.55 36x5......14.75 33x4.......11.00 37x5......14.90 Free Reiiner With Each Tire In ordering be sure to stato size wanted —also whether 8. 8., clincher, plain or non-skid. Send $2.00 deposit on each tiret balance C. O. D. subject to examination; 5 per cent discount if you sencidull amount with order. Rush your order TODAY• ReliabBeTire and Rubber Co. 3414 Michigan Ave• Chicago. Ill» AGENTS: $54 a Week 2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat One side dress coat, other side storm? coat. Tailored seams, sewed and strapped. Two coats for the price! of one. Brand new. First season. Not sold in stores. We control the entire output. Take orders from men and women who ob-j ect to paying present high prices. Guaranteed Waterproof ,or money back. Our men and women representatives having wonderful snccess. Right now is the big season. No experience or capital needed. You take the orders. We ship by parcel post and do all collecting. Commission paid same day you take orders. We are paying thousands of dollars to our agents taking orders for this new Reversible Coat. We have all of the latest and best styles of raincoats for men, women and children. Our new, big swatch book, 43 pages, shows all new and _ distinct patterns. Write today for agency and sample coat and make some real money this season. Parker Mf«׳. Co., 564 Storm St., Davton, Ohio CDUp WondertuI Boob Д Я w. В лТ .л Telle howto learn to mount | I .^3ada and tan Learn by mail. A necessity for and nature lovers. Quickly learned by men and women. Fascinating. Success guaranteed. Decorate your home and den with splendid art. Make big profits from your spare time. Write today f־״ i'lustrated 6 ot. It'll delight you. ״־,*tl ,^¿«-¿cnoo4odT^xlderm£ 32lsElwoodBldg., Omaha