18 striking difference to me was that there were no seas and mountains. MOOSEHEART is just rolling land. However, we found the change quite a pleasant one. The weather was especially agreeable to us, for we are not fond of the cold weather. We were glad we had obtained the privilege of being MOOSEHEART students. To be MOOSEHEART students means we have all the opportunities that the Loyal Order of Moose has put before us, to learn to become as proficient and efficient men and women as are anywhere to be found. We can choose our own vocational work, and try_ two or three vocations before we finally decide on one. Among the vocations for boys, there are sheet metal, drafting, garage work, agriculture, poultry, cement work, modeling and printing•. The girls have nursing, library, office work, sewing, industrial arts, special music and cooking. Each student can take lessons on a musical instrument if he wishes. There are now a Junior and a Senior Band, a movie orchestra, dance orchestra and the Mooseheart Philharmonic Orchestra, made up of MOOSEHEART students. When we need clothing we just get an order from our Matron or Proctor and go to the store to get the articles we need. We have been here nearly three years now. We have learned a good many things that we would not have learned otherwise. Dearly as I loved my former home, I shall always be glad of the fact that MOOSEHEART is or was my home. Our Athletic Field By Frank McFate, Chester (Pa.) Lodge No. 285. MOOSEHEART has the best ath-letic field in northern Illinois. When another school wishes to have its battle fought on a good field, it asks MOOSEHEART if it can use our field for the meet. Last season it was used about three times by other schools, and they admitted that the track field at MOOSEHEART was the best. The field has a road around it, which is a half-mile in distance, and this is used for the mile run, and there Write for 25 sets of Ameri-־ can Christmas Seals. Sell for 10c a set. When sold se״d us $1.50 and keep $1.00. Neubecker, 961 E. 23rd St., Dept. 10, Brooklyn, N. Y. $1.00 EACH Wrestling Book FREE Here's y our chance to be en expert wrestler. Lear□ _ easily at home by m־ il from world’s champions■ Frank Gotch and Farmer Bums.Free book tells I men with ease. ■־ rite today. State your age. 1 £armef^3um^J22^ jRarng*^B!£gij^irnaha^lebJ CROWN YOUR TEETH Our solid gold shells look like real - dentist’s work, and give you a .׳ Golden Smile. Fool your friends. Slips right on over tooth, readily r adjusted, removed any time, without __________ ׳,trouble. Guaranteed to fit and please. Sample, only 10c., 4for 25c., 12for 50c., postpaid. » SHEF NOVELTY CO., 60Stati. Powerful lens, showing large, clear pictures. Given for selling 24 large colored pictures or 24 packages beano• i ful post cards at 16c each. Order choice today. n. BATES MF6. CO. DEPT.43a CHICAGO, WATCH & RING GIVEN 10 YEAR GUARANTEE We positively give a genuine American Stem Wind, Stem Set Watch, Beautifully Engraved Case, guaranteed time-keeper, for selling only 24 of our Large, Beautifully* Colored Art & Religious Pictures at 15c eudV Order 24 pictures. We trust you. When ■old, return $3.60 collected and tnis Watch & Hand-‘ some Stone Set Ring are yours. GAIR MFG. CO. Dept.!31 CHICAGO rAll this jewelry is your■ for selling o! Sox•• Meatho Nova Salve at 2ft cts Woi.״..-!1 for catarrh, cat*, barns, etc Order today. 1 __m ■old return $1 £6 and all 6 Pieces are your«• I . SUPPLY COMMIT, BOX 347 tfiMiuUU, Is MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE ried he would not have been late for church. After we had heard suggestions and the boy’s Matron, the vote was taken. Of course as in all cases such as this, the majority rules. So this time the Assembly decided that he should keep his demerit marks and it would teach him a lesson. After a warning from Mr. Adams he decided that it was all fair, and that he would walk on the pavement all the way, and also that he .would start for church a little earlier. The Superintendent’s Office By Louise Sauer, San Francisco Lodge No. 26. The Superintendent’s office is on the main floor of the Print Shop. It is quite large. His desk is at the farther end of the room, it is a large desk, larger than those used in small offices. There are two smaller tables in the center of the room used for meetings, such as Girls’ and Boys’ Student Council, and Governors’ meetings. Small pictures, some painted by fine painters, hang on the wall. A moose’s head, maybe once the leader of a large pack, is nailed to the wall near the door. The Superintendent’s belief is in good fresh air. There are five windows in his office, four on the west side of the room and one facing the east. This east window is very conspicuous for this reason. A visitor would look, in surprise, on entering this office at the many decorations on this one window, it happens to be beside the Superintendent’s desk. Drawings of all sorts such as birds, flowers and other things of all colors and shapes, hang in the window. These having been drawn by the smaller children of the first grade, and being proud of their work they have given them to the Superintendent. To show his appreciation he has hung them in the window. All passers by are attracted by the many drawings. Many visitors have said that there is not another superintendent’s office in the country as attractive as the office at MOOSEHEART. How it Seems to be a Mooseheart Student By Edith * Davison, Nome (Alaska) Lodge No. 1413. From the first to the twelfth year of my life I lived in the little city of Nome, Alaska. Nome is just a quiet mining town on the- Seward peninsula. On the north, east and west it is surrounded by the snow-clad peaks of a mountain range. On the south is Behring Sea. Among the population there are many Russians and Eskimos. The winters are cold, dark and long. About forty days in winter there is no daylight. In mid-summer there are no darkening shadows of night. Because of the weather being so cold no trees grow in or near Nome. I never saw a tree growing until we neared Puget Sound on our trip to MOOSEHEART. No farming is done in Nome either. Practically all of the food, clothing and other supplies come from Seattle and San Francisco. Behring Sea is frozen over all winter. This prevents all navigation between Nome and the States. For this reason much dried and canned foods are used. The arrival of the first fleet of boats in the Spring is quite an event. The dog races are the most exciting events of the winter. Most every one gathers on Front Street to see the “mushers” start. There is a Catholic and a public school, besides one used for educating the Eskimos. From all these things so different from those in the States, we came to MOOSEHEART. By saying we, I mean my brother, three sisters and I. We found MOOSEHEART to be about as large as Nome, this was the only likeness that I could see. The most FBFF42 PIECE ivLL Initial°rEmblem ART CHINA SET Here is tlie cewest creation in fine China making —a beautiful 42*piece eet made of exquisite ware. Each piece is full size, decorated with the popular Old Rose Corel design, end ed^ed with gold. In addition to these decorations each piece w:*.l be decorated withy