MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 16 Bargain to !New Customers Brown ,or Black Work Shoe— Army Style SendNo Money Crash pro shoe prices ! Manufacturer’s price direct to you. Jobber’s, Wholesaler’s an־l Retailer's profit eliminated. Think of it—only ?2.98 for this super-comfort, army stylo, brown or black Blucher work shoe made extra durable or water and acid resisting leather. Two full layers of heavy, tough extra quality Rather in the soles. Full grain leather inner sole Trip'e stitched and reinforced throughout against wear. Dust-proof bellows tongue. There’s nothing you ever saw to beat it at $5 to II elsewhere. And only ?2.98 on this bargain offer to new customers. Order a pair on approval now. Send no money. Just your name, address and size of shoe on coupon. Sizes 6 to 11. Wide widths. Order by No., Brown 512,. Black 501. 1 г Fred’k M. Duniiam, g!®?. 2Я" £E£Z 1־ l am not perfectly satisfied and not sure tnac they a>־e the ■ ‘ ' ־ I will return them at your expense and you I ny money at ״ othing. Si I. . ״«. . --- Colors □ Brown □ Black I Name.............................. I Adirete. K48JÚ*Í)tl Free Trials We wi l send iron any cf the i״» P t Phonograph# with your own 8 ,eeti'on of Pa.he Records without a y down. Vest them for 1 days. If you d cide PS7 the lowest cash ■11 penny d 1 fulc to buy. pay.... In «mall monthly Easy Terms Paths Phonoftrap a are known and loved by million# on two ccntip־~nt#. It is the acknowledge stands־ of the world. In It# libra are over 75,00. selections ־ and It pla7# all other record#, too. No needles to chanjre. It cost# no more than the ordinary phonograph. ^ Pathe Book Free The Standard Phonograph Co. 202 Soniti» Peoria Street Dept.3214 , Chicago, HI. Standard cfthe World ' .. YOU Canto a Ford FREE Wi'hout a Dollar of Cost You don’t have to pay for it—not even the freight. ■1״,««״««-• Not a dollar of your money is required. The ISgl man shown in the car an-swered our ad. Now lie’s ,m*. riding in the car we gave him. You can get one too. Don’t send a cent—just your name and address— that’s all. Do it now. A post card will do. I want to send you a dandy auto also. G. WOODS, Mgr., 207 Capital Bldg., TOPEKA, KANSAS BIG VALUE for 10 Gts. 6 Songs, words and music; 25 Pictures Pretty Girls ;40 Ways to Make Money; 1 Joke Book; 1 Book on I*ove;l Magic Book; 1 Book .Better Writing; 1 Dream Book and Fortune Teller; 1 Cook Book; 1 Base Ball Book, gives rules for games; 1 Toy Maker Book; language of Flowers; 1 Morse Telegraph Alphabet; 12 Chemical Experiments; fMagic Asre Table; Great North Pole —— Game; 100 Conundrums; 3 Puzzles; 12 Games; 30 Verses for Autograph Albums. - All the above by mail for IQ cts. and ets. postage. £01AL SALES CO•» Box 133 Soatb Norwalk, Conn« ?«0toTHE MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS ^RN BIGMONE^ m '!¡i CATALOG FREE^R Vo Experience Needed, rofessional machine and nplete outfits sold on easy aents. Openings every-•e. Start now. MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. Dept. 548 420 Market, St. Louis, Mo. year, I have all the duplicate cards to file and the high school cards to add up each subject to see if the child is capable of going on in that subject. Every week when the teachers hand in their personal appearance sheet for their room either the stenographer or myself puts the marks in hall order and then adds them up to see which hall gets the highest percentage. Sometimes Mr• Adams calls up and wants to see some of the children down at his office. I have to learn what room every child is in so that I don’t have to waste so much time trying to find them. It is also interesting to listen to the children when they protest a demerit mark which their teacher has given them. The mail comes to the school for the teachers and I Irnve the pleasure of giving that out. We also give out supplies at the office and when we run out I have to go to the stock rooms along the stair way to get whatever is needed. There is a lot of running up . and down stairs but I have gotten used to it so that I don’t get tired so quick. The NScosehesrt Depsrtment Store By Mable Lee, Miami (Okla.) Lodge No. 1479. (Progress Hail). If anyone who had never visited visited MOOSEHEART should hear someone speak of the MOOSEHEART Department Store they would probab-ably picture it resembling some store in a small country town where the grocery store, the shoe store and the dry goods store are all in one. It is true that they are all combined at MOOSEHEART but not as it would be pictured to an outsider or a stranger. As you enter the store you see a long aisle. In the center of the aisle there is a square room where the children deposit their money in the bank. On the right hand side will first be seen the sewing department where six or seven women are kept busy making clothes or darning stockings. Farther down but still on the right hand side is what might be called a general clothing store where all requisitions are filled. Still farther down is the shoe department. Upon looking at this one would think it was not much of a shoe department but that is because only part of the shoe shop is visible. By going back through the door in the north side of this department and seeing where the shoes are mended, one’s ideas about the shoe department would change. Further down on the left hand side supplies are kept. On the right hand side the first thing to be seen is the tailor’s shop and then the grocery department where supplies are kept for over seven hundred children. To see the barber shop it is necessary to leave the department store and go to the next door to the south in the same building. After a walk through the department store a visitor no longer compares it with the department store of a small town. Mooseheart Protestant Sunday School By Elsie Johnson, Now Castle (Pa.) Lodge No. 51. (Purity Hall). In the beginning of MOOSEHEART there was not any Sunday School services held on the grounds. The students went to Batavia, a small town near MOOSEHEART, where they attended Sunday School and church of their denomination. The Catholic children attended mass at Aurora■ As the number of students increased the need of a Sunday School at MOOSEHEART became more pressing. In 1915 a Union Sunday School was started for the Protestant children. The Catholic children continued to go to Aurora. During the winter months the Sunday School was conducted in the basement of South Loyalty Hall and during the summer months in a large tent situated where the present Winter Camp now stands. The teach- YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE BUT YOUR NOSE? p wb- f} ir r After Permit no one to see you looking otherwise; it will injure your welfare[ Upon the impression you constantly mace rests the failure or success of your life. Whim is to be your ultimate destiny? My new Nose-Chaper, “TRABOS” Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation, quickly and permanently. Js p’easa’־>t and does not iiue־■ e״o with one’s daily occupation, being worn at night, correct ill-shaped noses without cost if not satisfactory Before IN THIS DAY and AGE attention to your rppear-ance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of life. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible, for your own self-satisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your ‘ looks,” therefore it pays to “look your best” at all times. Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to M. TEILETY, Face Specialist, 1446 Ackerman Bidg., Binghamton, N. Y. FORD TOURING CAR BRAND NEW 14 5123 3 1 18 6 18 5 ־5 SOLVE THIS PUZZLE. WIN FINE PRIZE The figures in the squares represent corresponding letters in the alphabet. Figure 1 is A, 2 is B, 3 is C, and so on. The ten figures spell three words. Send the three words on a slip of paper with your name and address quick if you want to win. I have given away many Autos and scores of other prizes. My plan is so simple it is easy to win prizes and cash rewards. Thousands of Dollars in Other Grand Prizes and Cash Rewards Besides the New Ford Car I am going to give away superb Cabinet Phonograph, Bicycles, Gold Watches, Kodaks, Traveling Bag, Chest of Silverware, Dinner Set and Cash Rewards. No experience is required. You don’t put up a penny or do any hard work. Just an opportunity to realize your ambition to have an Automobile all your own and a chance to get it in the easiest wTay imaginable. Don’t let anyone in your neighborhood beat you to it. The quicker you act, the bigger your winnings. Send me vour answer to the puzzle with your name and address, without delay. DUANE W. GAYLORD, 537 S. Dearborn St., Dept. ¿5 CHICAGO, ILL. BEST WATCH MADE FOR EVERY TRADE JEWELS 21 Perfect Jewels Adjusted to Position Adjusted to Temperature Adjusted to Isochronism Adjusted to the Second Thin Model—All Sizes Guaranteed fora Lifetime Buy The Best Watch Right It’s Easy to Own a Santa Fe Special famous * A PI0KTH RAILROAD WATCH MARVELOUS BEAUTY A Railroad Man is always a good judge of watches. And all along the line, from the engineer and the dispatcher to the telegrapher and the track-walker, whenever you find a railroad man carrying a SANTA FE SPECIAL you will find him satisfied with it. This watch has enabled me to boast that I have customers who are boosters in every section of the United States. Why shoudn’t I be so proud of it that I will advise you to buy no other? If you need a watch for yourself, or are thinking cf buying one for a friend or relative, let me tell you about this wonderful timepiece and explain my eary payment plan before you buy. I will give you the greatest guarantee of service and satisfaction that can be made. Christmas orders and orders for special occasions should not be delayed. Don’t wait— Send in Your Order Today I ALONZO S. THOMAS, Pres. Santa Fe Watch Co. The Standard Railroad Watch that is GUARANTEED FOR A LIFETIME CF SATISFACTORY SERVICE. These watches are now in service on practically every railroad in the United States and in every branch of the Army and Naval Service. Thousands of them are distributed around the world. Your name and monogram and any emblem you may desire, will be engraved on the case to suit your own ideas. Write to-day for my Free Watch Book— make your selection. Save One-third to One-half of Your Money —Most Liberal Offer Ever Made Our “Direct־to־you” low wholesale terms and Extra Special Distribution Plan i3 fully explained in the New Santa Fe Special Booklet just off the press. The “Santa Fe Special” Plan means a big saving of money to you and you get the be t watch value on the market to-day. Watch sent for you to see without one penny down. ^ILIINOISI SantaTëSoeeial 2Í JEWEL’ STANDARD ACCURACY Mail Coupon Today The Santa Fe Watch Co. Dept. B23 Thomas Bldg. TOPEKA. KANS. Home of the Great Santa Fe Railway A letter, postal card or this coupon will bring my Free Watch Book. SANTA FE WATCH CO., Dept. B23, Thomas Bldg., Topeka, Kansas. Please send me your New Watch Book with the understanding that this request does not obligate me in any way. Name__________________________________ Address ______________________________ State----------------------------------