15 _ saw and hammer, learned Tire Surgery within two weeks, now has thriving Tire Surgery Station shown above. Averages $100 aweek. Always has money in pocket. Never pinched for ready cash. Doesn't have to wait for pay days. Money flows in eve^-y hour of day. Ii.׳s a proposition YOU can handle. Let me equip a SiatEcn for YOU. Learn Tire Srrgerv—the new tire repairing method. 1 he QUICK and BETTER way for repairing old, worn, ragged and torn casings. Adds 3,CG0 to 5,GOO mileage. I teach you in fourteen short days. Show yen how to be SUCCESSFUL MANAGER. Tell you how to build BIG TRADE quickly. Give you pointers thrt ir ־,״e you SUCCESSFUL from VERY START. I put you into auto industry — the bucineas that m׳Tes millionaires. Place yen in DIRECT LINE for SPEEDY RAISE in HIGHLY PROFITABLE FIELD. Nothing can stop you. Need no experience. No special qualifications. No high education. Age makes no difference, q $3,000to $5,000Year —average earnings. Many make more. Chancea^ for sensational rucccsa never better. Seven million cars swarming over the country. Twenty-eight million tires m constant use. All are wearing down, being cut, blown out, bruised and gashed hourly. Casings by thousands roll-ing into Tire Surgery Stations for repairs. Get YOUR SHARI: of this UtlOr.MCUS bus¡-ness. Start a station quick. Send coupon today and within ONE F.RIEF MONTH I'll have E2^5?AJ^to״FORTUNF'• lt’a y°ur «״a I»Iv* CHANCE! Amonoy-makin״opportunity you cannot afford to overlook! Full details only cost you red stamp. Get Facts—Fill esi Coupon Write name and address plainly. Mail it jbteresüns book by RE-TURN M AIL Read whot others have done. Read what YOU CAN DO. Find Oct how to be own boss. How to be paid for what you do— not for hours you work. Learn how easy you can get into big paying, permanent business. c°up°n—and SEND II NOW! Havwood Tire & Equipment Co., 985 Capitol Ave., Indianapolis MR. M. HAYWOOD, Pres, tfo-'wocd Tire & Equipment Co., 985 Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Intf, Dear Sir—I want to get into big paving business quick. Please send me your proposition at once. Yours truly, ALL THIS FREE High class go id plateo Secret Locket with chain. Beautiful Bar Pin set with Sparkling Erilliants ana Handsome Stone Set Ring all Free for selling 24 Beautiful Easy Selling Pictures at 15c, Oraer pictures. Satisfaction guaranteed. GAIR IMFU. CO. liep;. ,34 CHICAGO TRIAL FREE T© BOYS ____w____ Real Rugby Football r>__• 7״ .. S trong, Serviceab׳ Cover, best Rubber Bladder. FREE fo selling 2^ packages of Bingo Perfume! Ironing Wax at l°c each. Ho trouble b sell. Write to-day. Send no money Extra present if yoo order now. fiingo Co, Dspt, ¡,8 4״in^ixamion,M.li Lasae , --------GENUINE I.................... Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling 24 large colored pictures or 24 pkgs. post cards at 16c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. GATES MFG. CO., DEPT. 536 CHICAGO FREE genuine EASTMAN MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE FACTS ABOUT MOOSEHEART Written by the Students The Mooseheart Freight Let us send this fine Razor for 30 days free trial. When eatisiied after using, send $1.85 or return r**z—, Order Today. *ONES MFC« CO• 186 W. Lake St. Dept. 845 XUCAGO Wrist Watch Given !You can get this fine!Wrist Watch or ther beautiful watch guaranteedfor ,: t<■.,^years Aieo Lace Curtains. Rogers' Sllver Sets- fine l ockets, La Valliers , ,?nd many othe’׳ vaiuaole presents for J1׳' . selhng our beautiful Art and Religious pictures at 10 cts. e5>־׳h. Order 20 pictures When sold, sena the $2.00 and choose premium wanted according to big 1 is*. KAY ART CO., Kept. ־«, tiuJiuo girls work more together. The assignments are made for a period of three months and each time they are changed the _ student get a different one. This gives every girl a chance at the different parts of the hall. The noon work is practically nothing but washing dishes, and no girl objects to that So they are always willing to do it. Sometimes so willing that the girls have to divide and work in the evening and part at noon. English Classes By Phillip Barto, Wheeling (W. Va.) Lodge No. 67. (Governors׳ House). There are two prime objects in the teaching of English at Mooseheart, (1) to get the_ habit of using good English in writing and speaking; (2) , to establish an appreciation of good ' literature. In the ninth and tenth grades the student gets his just knowledge of good literature. In these classes rhetoric is the chief topic. In this study the student learns to make correct phrases and correct sentences• The reading of novels and plays in these grades consists of reading Scott’s “Ivanhoe,” Elliot’s “Silas Marner,” and Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice.” In the eleventh grade novels and plays of a higher and harder type are read and studied, such as Chaucer’s “Prologue,” Dicken’s “Tale of Two Cities,” and Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” English Literature is also taught. This is a study of all the English novelists, poets, historians and their works. This study gives the student an opportunity to learn• how countries of that time were governed, how writers were inspired and the condition of their lives. In the twelfth grade American Literature is the leading subject. This is a study of American writers and their works. Novels and plays are also read in this grade but of a higher type, such as Shakespeare’s “McBeth,” Barrie’s “Little Minister.” Any student who has completed the English courses at MOOSEHEART will have completed a course which will enable him to appreciate good literature at all times. . There are all types of cheap novels m circulation. All these cheap novels are discarded from the shelves in the MOOSEHEART Library. The only novels that a student gets to read are of a higher class. Office Work By Buriel Solomon, G-een Bay (Wis.) LodKe No. 35.9. (Wisdom Hail) T have been working in the office about a year полу and have found a lot of enjoyment in־ my work. There is quite a lot of work at times, such as the beginning of every month when the final reports for the parents and lodges are to be made out and when charges are made in the different halls. In regard to the hall changing there is a lot of work for there are so many lists and cords and every time a change is made we have to go through every one. We also have the high school report cords to gather up each month and make duplicate cards to deposit in the file in the office. When the alphabetical list of all the children at MOOSEHEART are made out I generally re׳־d the names to the stenographer. There are also lists of the children in every hall to be made out at the beginning of every month for the matron and proctor to put the hall grades on. There are many things for which I have to go to the different rooms and in that way I come in contact and know all the other teachers beside my high school teachers. At promoting time, or every half CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE By Howard Lord, Leadville (Colo.) Lodge No. 342 (x^aKe Camp). Each afternoon about 4:15 a shrill whistle is heard coming into MOOSEHEART. If a person didn’t know what it was they might think it was an old threshing machine engine. The same engine has been used (974) to pull the five or six cars into MOOSEHEART for the last six or seven years. The cars usually contain coal, lumber, construction supplies, food, or farm machinery. The railroad company claims that some day they will have passenger trains running into MOOSEHEART. We all hope that when they do they first get a new engine and straighten out the rails. Girls Work in Various Halls By Myrtle Lord, Leadville (Colo.) Lodge No, 342. (East Legion). In giving a girl an assignment there are several things that must be taken into consideration, such as the size and age of the girl, ability to do certain kinds of work, the disposition and desire of the girl herself. If a person ever experienced making out what the students term as “hail assignments” they will know that it isn’t a small job to handle if handled in the right way. If the things listed above are not taken into consideration the girl is sure to fail in her work in some line or another. If she doesn’t care for it, she will become slack; if her disposition is such that she is hard to get along with, then it is almost impossible to have her placed with other girls. If the assignment is a large one there are two or three girls given it to work with together. If the girls decide they wish to have the work divided between them they generally do it themselves, but the one in charge holds all the girls responsible for the one assignment and that makes the U Slo'd Liniments?*1 is always ready to ease rh.eu.m.aiism. AT the very first twinge, down comes my bottle of Sloan’s; then quick relief, •without rubbing, for irs stimulating and scatters congestion. The boys use it for stiff muscles, and it helps Sally’s backaches, too." 35c, 70c, $1.40. viunume io-!7״l9-21 Jewel Elcin^ Waltham, Howard, I or any Watch you want, send for 112 Paces Wonderful Values Diamonds, watches rings, jewelry, np-to-date designs. Buy the Ware Way, yon will never miss the monev. Liberty Bends accepted. !ALFRED WARE C0.״ Oept.7־25׳ Let us prove »«. St. COufs, Me. DEALS SQUARE Gold Filled BIRTHSTOME RING FREE. friends and Introduce our Magazine and Ring Bargains, send 20 cts for a year’s subscrip-tio i, and this Ring, your size, set w'thyour Birth, st ine.w’llbe sent FREE, postpaid M. McPtlll• 615 W. 43d St., Dept. 7-s¿ New York. BIG CAMERAEDfC \ Genuine Eastman I II bC I Film Pack Camera. Takes snap shots or time exposure pictures 2H x 3J4. Has finder & handle. Sent_prepaid for selling I 24 beautiful, easy selling pictures at 15c. GAIR MFG. CO. Dept. 133 CHICAGO £0 s S 19 6 15 n 4 .1 21 £0 15 6 S 5 5 The letters of the alphabet are numbered: A Is 1? B 2; C3; D4, and so on. The figures In the little squares to the left represent .. four words. (20 is the letter “T”). What are the four words? Can you work It out? If so, send your answer quick. Surely you » ¡¡j¡** want this fine, new Ford auto. Send no money with solution. !״£hi SEND ANSWER TO-DAY We not only give away this Ford auto, but hundreds of dollars in cash and scores of other valuable prizes. Bicycles, Guns, Watches, Talking Machines, something for everybody. Everyone who answers this can have a prize of some sort. There are no losers. Not.-.ing difficu't to do. Everybody wins. Someone gets this new J920 Ford Auto free. Why not you? Address FORD WILLSON, 141 West Chio Street, Dept. SSp Chicago, 111. Don’t Buy a Phonograph-BUILD IT YOURSELF Trill !•flic You can do it easily. You don’t need to ^ be a cabiret maker, or have any special tools, with our Simplified Plans and building instructions. You can cut the regular retail price at least two-thirds. Hundreds Now Building the Mahafone Everywhere right in their own homes and enjoying the instruments they proudly tell their friends they built themselves. You can do the same. You can’t fail. Four beautiful models to chocse from. Play all records. Finest of equipment throughout. SATISFIED DUILDZZS SAY: “Wonderful tone.“—Mr.yworfh, Tampa, Fla. **All that can be desired.“—V/eikheiser, Stroudsburg, Pa. “Built Makafone without experience — perfect success.“—Cole, Camden, N. J. \Vrite today for FREE OFFER to phonograph builders. „ A F.*cf־ATI$ • Our attractive plan of startln,״ n businees of your own, Í The Makafone _Lj_z>e.Cll • without capital, canvassing cr hard work, will apncr.l to you as ’ it has to others. Make $200 a v״'״k. Write today and berrín to make money—real money. MODERN PHONOGRAPH SUPPLY CO., 376 Springer Bldg., 313 S. Clinton St., CHICAGO Easy Money $75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time A. P.: Your spn״e tine can Le turned into dollars. Want A SALES AGENT in . , .... every Lodge to intro- duce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Raz-0_- ™ ,01’^ w*th th.3 emb.ern of the order on one side ^ Pi»/־״ V ? an,d r,dc3reS3 number on other side. HTid ,, 3toGM st^eI׳ handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass, 5Wpi\va״tkJ.leoa Every !kniie-is guaranteed to be perfect. Every — manert !■nni ■■!,. ♦ (״? as ^™ark of identification. We can also give per-earning™ , t®£.P ?i " o vi?nS10®° Wlllin£ to work outside of the order. If you are Wn״FT rr״T BDV 1״ll“ sh°w you ho־v to ™ke mn-e. CL.LERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO Moose Knife Introduction Offer—Full sized sam pie of this knife mailed for and this advertisement. 25־ cents extra your name and address will be