Send Us Voui• Mama and We’ll Send Von a Lachnato _ We will mail it prepaid ri״h־, to your home. When it comes merely deposit i 4.7? w‘<־h the postman and wear the ring for 10 full days. you, or any of your friends can tell It from a diamond, send it back and we will return your deposit. But if you decide to buy it—send us $2.50amonth until $18.75 has been paid. Write Todav s7”? yoVI nomo nowj^Tel,1u?,wf3Ich *r iuc x uutij׳ solid gold ring you wish (ladies or men's). Be sure to send your finger size. Harold Lachman Co., 204 So. Peoria St, Dept 3218 Chicago ,GUARANTEED Inner Tube Free Here is the limit in tire bargains. 6000 miles—or more—from ou r special reconstructed double tread standard tires, and a practically puncture proof, standard make inner tube FREE with a purchase of one of our standard make double tread tires. We Risk All .You Nothing ! Your satisfaction guaranteed. Seethe Saving inner Tube FREE SIZE 30x3 30x3^.., PRICE SIZE 34x4 ... 34x4}־*)... PRICE 81x4 32x4 ... 83x4 .. 37x5 ... Free Reliner With Each Tire __ Write Today! cjered. Balance C. O. D., subject to examination. v% discount allowed i f cash is sent with order. Specify whether straight side, clincher, non-skid or plain ia wanted when sending in orders for these tires. SUPERIOR TIRE & RUBBER CO. 79 East 31st St. Dept» 75 Chicago. Ilf. CORD TYPE TIRES Puncture Proof M Q g W" Inner Tube fit EE oooo Mile Guarantee We are introducing a new reconstructed, reinforced cord type anti-skid tire in one design only. Perfectly moulded with live snappy rubber and all tires are true and uniform (not sewed or seconds). These carry the usual guarantee, and in addition as an appreciation of your first ord־׳r we will include with every tire one standard tube FREE, fcvery car owner should send for a trial order, they give by far the most miles per dollar spent and a Id attract'on to every car. WRITTEN GUARANTEE IN EVERY TIRE 30x3....— $ 7.85 32x4 K._______$12.40 33x4 M_____ 12.95 34x4 ■4_____ 13.60 35x4 K_____ 13.85 36x4 X_____ 14.35 35x5_______ 15.35 36x5_______ 15.45 30x3 ¡4-__ 8.95 32x3 li s s 9 55 31x4....“10.80 ״ 32x4_____ 11.15 33x4..... 11.60 34x4______ 11.95 State whether you want straight side or clincher, plain or non-skid, bend S2.00 deposit for each tire ordered, balance C.O.I). subject to examination, or 5 percent discount if full amount ¿3 sent with order. DURABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. Dept. !09^2431 W. Chicago Ave. _Chicago, 11!. _ CPOWERFUL AIR GUN AND SOO BUCK SHOTS ^rig 3 l-inch lever-action rifle, fine walnut stock, free for selling ¿24 large colored Picmreu or 24 pkt׳s. post Cards at 15c. «/rder your choice. BATES MF6. CO. DEPT. 836 CHI CABO Mr. Car-Owner Save Money! Buy Dependable Double Tread Tires. Guaranteed for GgOOO Miles Service. Dependable Tires are constructed of the highest grade material and hardly ever blow out. Order today at these low prices. 30x3!/׳,___ 31x3Vz_____ 32x3 Vi____ 31x4. 5.50„ $1.60 1.75 11.50... 3.40 32x4..-. 33x4.... 34x4... r 3.75 34x4-,*.—.- 35x41/2___ 36x41/2—: 37x5______ You’ll reorder like thousands of others-because these guaranteed tires “make good" everywhere— every time. Dependable tires are only guaranteed for 6,CC0 miles, but it is not unusual for them to give 8,000 to _ 10,000 miles service, iciu cf u Send ?2 deposit for each tire 16th St. State Bani* ordered, balance C. O. D. subject to examination. State whether S.S. or Clincher, plain or non-skid. Send full amount and save 5% discount. Order NOWa DEPENDABLE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 3446 Od~en Ave¿ Dept. 302 Chicago, r«VCs\ JAOOSEHE/IRT MAGAZINE Mooseheart Has Crack Foot-Ball Team West Aurora High School Defeated 51 to 0 reer. Some people have the idea that the MOOSEHEART students play for many years an the MOOSEHEART teams, but it is not true. The State High School rules are followed to the letter. The Aurora Beacon-News said of their own home team:—“They were outclassed from the start.” The fact is that MOOSEHEART training and MOOSEHEART life, good food, clean living¡ hard work and enough play builds stalwart, up-standing, two-fisted manhood. The lineup of the MOOSEHEART team on Saturday, October 2nd, was as follows: L E—Wm. Zahmel—Unionhill, N. J., Lodge No. 765. L T—Victor Kuhns, Apollo, Pa., Lodge No. 201. L G—Jas. Jenkins—Philadelphia, Pa., Lodge No. 54. C—Louis Harvison—Pittsburgh, Pa., Lodge No. 46. R G—Philip Barto—Wheeling, W. Va., Ldoge No. 67. R T—Russell Cretcher—Wabash, Ind., Lodge No. 1195. R E—Howard Lord—Leadville, Colo., Lodge No. 342. Q B—Ernest Daubenmire—Lancaster, Ohio, Lodge No. 955. L H—Ellsworth Faust—Norristown, Pa., Lodge No. 213. R H—Wm. McClintock, Johnson-burg, Pa., Lodge No. 149. P B—Richard Whalen, Butte, Montana, Lodge 439. Substitutes: Lloyd Jenkins—Philadelphia, Pa., Lodge No. 54. Robert Robertson—Austin, Pa., Lodge No. 257. Frank LaFlamme—Attleboro, Mass. Lodge No. 463. Fred McConihay—Toledo, Ohio, Lodge No. 713. Thos. Bowen—Harrisburg, Pa., Lodge No. 107. The MOOSEHART boys football team has opened the 1920 football season, and at the time this magazine closes has won its first two games of the schedule. The first game was won from Rochelle High School by a onesided score of 134 to 0. On the following Saturday MOOSEHEART defeated West Aurora High School of Aurora, Illinois, which is nearby MOOSEHEART, and is one of the biggest schools in the northern part of Illinois. The West Aurora boys outweighed the MOOSEHEART lads about 8 pounds to the man, but were no match for our boys in speed and football skill. The MOOSEHEART players got the jump on the Aurora boys on every play. Our line, although outweighed, outplayed their opponents at all times and our hacks skirted the ends for long runs and went through the line for many big gains. The MOOSEHEART backfield performed in good shape, showing plenty of speed and dodging ability during the game which dazzled the West High heavyweights. Daubenmire and McClintock made a number of spectacular runs, while Whalen tore through the holes in the line with regularity. Harvison and Cretcher also played a strong game in the line for MOOSEHEART. West Aurora High School is always represented by a first-class football team and the MOOSEHEART boys are deserving of great credit for the decisive manner, in which they defeated them. _ The MOOSEHEART team will be in hard training from this time on, in an effort to keep their slate clean during the remainder of the season. The MOOSEHEART team plays its games under the same rules that all other high schools in Illinois compete, namely, that all players must be high school students, who are passing in their studies, and furthermore, that a player is only allowed to compete during his four year high school ca- What’s everybody’s business is nobody’s business. Let’s forget that which we feel to be the other fellow’s duty and commence doing that which we KNOW to be our individual duty. Young man, if you want to amount to something, get an idea of your own, stick to it and put all your heart and soul into it every day.—Alexander Bell. Secretary and Treasurer Resign receive the chair of West Moose, the highest honor the Legion can bestow upon a member equivalent to the rank of Past Dictator in the Lodge. Brother George J. Burkes’ career also began as a Trustee in 1911. In 1912 he was elected Vice Dictator to succeed Brother Aloysius McMahon at the same tinle held the office of Supreme Deputy for the State of New Jersey. Upon the enforced resignation of the then Dictator and Secretary, Brother Burke was elected Dictator as a “harmony candidate” to fill the unexpired term and during the six months that he served succeeded in bringing the discordant elements into harmony. At the end of his term his health being broken down he absolutely refused to accept another term and filling out his term as Junior Past Dictator retired from active work for one year. Upon his return in 1915 he was elected Treasurer and has been re-elected every year since. He is also a member of Newark Legion No. 2. If You Can Tel B itfrom a GENUINE DIAMOND Send it back ,To prove our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles a genuino diamond with same DAZZLING RAINBOW FIRE, we will send a selected 1 cr.rat gem in Ladies Tiffany Style Ring (Cat. price $4.9S) for Half Price to Introduce, $2.63, or in Gents Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring (Cat. price S6.2C) for $3.25. Our finest 12k Gold Filled mountings. GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. SEHD NO MONEY. Just mail postcard orthisad. State Size. We will mail at once C. V. D. If not pleased return in 2 days for money bock less toandling charges. Write for Free Cat-^og. Agents Wanted• MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dept/¿־ las Cruces, N. Ken. (Exclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds) Warranted Watch to introduce our watches. Thin model, beautifully polished isilveroid case. Men’s and women's size. Fitted with high grade movement, fully tested. Stem set and stem wind► EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED $295 1921 Model $9,95 C.O.D. Send us your name and address plainly written, at once. We’ll send this beautiful watch by return parcel post. Pay postman only $2.95. Test this 1921 time keeper in every way. If n׳>t satisfied return it. We'll refund your money. Send your order TODAY» Spec:al offer gold filled chain $1.00 extra Combrldge Watch Co., 1127 Cambridge P,Jg., Cbbago Agents: 90c an Hour Introduce “Sodereze.” A new wonder. A pure solder in paste form. Works likemagic. Stops all leaks. For mending water buckets, cooking utensils, milk pails, water tanks, tin roofs everything including granite ware, agate ware, tin, iron, copper, zinc, etc. (From the Jersey City Moose Bulletin) We regret to announce that our Secretary, Brother Harry Jeffers, and our Treasurer, Brother George J. Burke, have tendered their resignations to take effect August 1st. Brother Jeffers is now in partnership with Brother Archie Elder in the Hudson County Motor Sales Co., located in North Bergen, and finds it impossible to give the office the time it requires. Brother Burke has a new position with the Pennsylvania that involves much night work and traveling about and cannot find time to attend meetings. Both Brothers have been in the service of the Lodge continuously since its institution. Brother Jeffers was first elected to office in 1911 to succeed Brother Leon C. Sutton as Trustee. In 1912 when Brother Chas. Clarke resigned as Treasurer to take a position with a bank in East Orange, Brother Jeffers was elected his successor. In 1913 upon the resignation of Brother Wm. C. Schirmer as Secretary he was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy and has held the office ever since, being reelected without opposition in 1916 and 1919. He is a past Dictator. In Newark Legion No. 2, Mooseheart Legion, he has served respectively as Guiding Moose, East Moose, South Moose and is now Great North Moose, as the presiding officer is called . In the expiration of his term he will undoubtedly Quick Sales—Nice Profit Everybody buys. Housewive, mechanics, electricians, jewelers, plumbers, tourists, automobilists, etc. No __ leak too bad to repair. Just apply a little “Sodereze,” light a match and that s all. Put up in handy metal tubes. Carry quantity right with you. Write for sample and special proposition to agents. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CD., 3863 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio GROCERIES AT y2 PRICE KauJ.8tbhaen5¡ j Sugar, Flour, Soap, Canned Goods, Lard, I I Tobacco and everything. Write at once for I j our “Special Get Acquainted Bargair _ists,’’I also send names of five friends and ve will | mail them a free copy with your compli-I ments. Tell them about it. We positively I I assure big savings. Order anything־־“ no re- | I strictions—orders shipped same day rec’vd. ALLIED GROCERS, Chicago, III., Dept. 158-2 FVoffl THIS nova-tons 1 £ CC TALKING MACHINE Case Mahogany finish, enameled parly, no motor to get out of order, excellent reproducer, enjoyment for all. Sell 12 boxes Mentho-Nova Salve, great for cuts, burns, influenza, etc. Return $3 and the machine is yours. Guaranteed, ,Records free. Order today. Address, U. S. Co., Box 599 Greenville, Pa, High School Course in 1 Years You can complete this simplified High School Course at home inside two years. Meets till requirements for entrance to college and the leading professions. This and thirty-six other practical courses are described in our Free Bulletin. Send for it TODAY. ־׳ American School of Correspondence Dent. . CHICAGO, ILL. $4 or $5 \YJLL°LAJY A Standard, Guaranteed TYPEWRITER With Every Modern Writing Convenience Write Today For Illustrated Circular Explaining Try-Before- You-Buy Plan HARRY A. SMITH,603 218 N.Wells St.. Chicago, 111. |end Today S-IIZ filled witb beautiful pictures of our sanitary Feather Beds and Pillows. Oar dire c t Factory - to - Home prices will open your eyes. ' •2nd.. pa,£Dle °* feathers. Agents ——_ Wanted Everywhere. AMERICAN FEATHER Ci PILLOW CO.. Desk 42,Nashville,Tenn. " FREE PHONOGRAPH AMD RECORD 5»: Bo™ and Girl«! This wondorfnl N.wModel talking Machine, hand driven, decorated r?etal.S,a,:ei an.d Ppputar record, is yours. A realTalKingMachine with high-grade re-procucer. Plays loud and clear all size disc recorua up to 12 inches. Given for selling only 24 large colored Pictures or 24 ״i־־— Post Cards at 15c ea. Order your e (Satisfaction guaranteed. GATES MFfi. CO.DEPT.236^ICAG0