a— ' iSISKIF ,i F 1I1 L*1 "11iîli»1 v *PTvX/i MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Guaranteed Aluminum Set Here ia an amazing offer for every housewife who takes proper pride in her kitchen! This splendid, complete, lustrous 42-piece Aluminum Set sent for only a dollar down; balance of low bargain price on HARTMAN’S famous long-time credit terms. Think what these wonderfu 1 up-to-date utensils—ono f or each ki ichen purpose—will mean, not only for today, but for years of service in your home, the big saving in work—the greater ease o: cooking—the added pride you’ll take in supplanting your heavy, hard-to־clean, old-fashioned kitchenware with this convenient. Sanitary, fuel-saving, silver-like set. How can any woman resist this sensational oner—the greatest ever made on aluminum kitchenware? s greatestt This complete, guaranteed 42-Piece Pure Aluminum Set, as shown above, yours at our bargain price and only $1 to send now. If you don’t find this set everything we claim, and a wonderful bargain, send it back after 80 days’use and we will refund your dollar and CornpMe Outfit 0a!Sv$18.88 № * pay transportation both ways. You risk nothing end you have a full year to pay. Our guarantee, backed by $12,000,000 capital and 65 years״ record of fair dealing, protects you absolutely. Study the illustration above. Consider carefully the completeness of this great outfit—its time, labor and fuel-saving features—the lasting satisfaction it will bring you to enjoy the best in kitchenware at a price so low and on such easy terms that you’ll hardly know you’re paying, This remarkable 42-piece “Longware” Aluminum Set is made from heavy gauge pressed steel aluminum. Absolutely seamless. Guaranteed be a very serviceable set of aluminum ware. Will not crack, corrode, chip or peel. Set consists of : Nine-piece l HARTMAN Furniture & Carpet Co. 1 3913 Wentworth Avo. Dept. 2942 Chicago, Illinois ■ pay transportation ootn ways, tz i seep it i win pay *z.w per montn nntu price, I §18.89, is paid, | Name...................••••»•••••••••••••........................ | Address................•••••••................... ,.״m I City..................................State.......... ........... ( combination double roaster with two outer shells; inside pudding pan; 6 cusrard cups with perforated pan holder. (Two outer shells make an excellent roaster for chicken, steaks or other meats. Using perforated inset and small pudding pan. it is a combination cooker and steamer. The 3 pans are also used separately over the fire as a cake pan, bake dish, pudding pan, or for any purpose where open pans are used.) 7-cup ־־־־ P lates; l־qt. and 2-qt. pans over the fire aga cake pan, bake dish, pudding pan, or for any purpos. _ ״ coffee percolator with inset (2 pieces); 6-quart preserving kettle; 2 bread pans; 2 pie pla־_ . . lipped saucepans; 1 ladle; 2 jelly cake pans with loose bottoms (4 pieces); 1 castor set; salt and pepper shakers; toothpick holder and frame (4 pieces); 1 measuring cup; 1 combination funnel (6 pieces); 3 measuring spoons; 1 strainer; 1 sugar Bhaker; 1 grater; 1 cake turner; J lemon juice extractor. Shipped from Chicago warehouse. Order by No. 415BBMA18 Price, complete set of 42 pieces, $18.89. Send $1.00 now. Balance $2.00 monthly, f fl f A* call ran Sent free on request—a post card brings it. Bargain after bargain^ thousands of them, In lino- 'LPO&di/CSCf leum, furniture, rugs, curtainB, stoveB, ranges, dishes, silverware, jewelry, phonographs, clocks. m washing machines, sewing machines¿ baby carriages, kitchenware, gas engines, cream separators, general farm equipment, etc. 80 Furniture & Carpet Co. 3913 Wentworth Ave., Dept. 2942 CHICAGO Copyrighted 1S2Q by fiartmae’e, Chicago — WOOiuiJK luatuiucD, Dcniu|5iuai.iuutD, uau/ boiiiagca, a days* free trial. Get this great 432-page catalog. Mail postal today. HARTMAN!