8 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Mooseheart Legion for Men and Women Women's Legion Successful in ‘New Chapter Drive The Women’s Legion has been very successful in the new drive which they have been making for chapters. The drive is only in its infancy, but wonderful progress has already been shown which is a good indication that a large number of new chapters will be instituted within the next few months to reward all Legionaires for their efforts. Over one hundred lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose have already signified their intention of starting a chapter at once which will be the official women’s auxiliary to their lodge. Many more are making such arrangements each week. The present chapters in the womens’ Legion are anxious to have the chapters spread as thickly as posible throughout the country so that they may be considered a more important factor in fraternal circles in their various states, and so that they may have the volume and force in their main organization to co-operate with the lodges of the Loyal Order of Moose in a very effective way when their help is needed. The_ Grand Regent is now conducting this campaign for the women’s Legion by getting in touch with all lodges, requesting each lodge to appoint their own eommitee to start a chapter in connection with their lodge. Therefore, all mens’ lodges which have not settled on this matter should get in touch with the Grand Regent’s office as soon as possible so a chapter may be organized and in operation as close to the first of the year as possible. All information and literature will be furnished by the Grand Regent’s office for the organization work in each case. Many of the lodges are asking the assistance of some of the Legionaires in the adjoining cities to organize chapters in their cities and it has been very successful. These Legionaires from adjoining chapters are always ready to offer their assistance in instituting these new chapters when they are ready which is a great help in getting them started by someone who is experienced in the work. Women's Lesion Notes Attica (Indiana) Chapter No. 23 and Crawfordsville Chapter No. 445 are two new chapters very close together who will be able to give each other plenty of assistance when these two organizations will no doubt visit frequently and combine at times in giving big social affairs. New Rochelle (N. Y.) Chapter No. 59 is still progressing as one of our finest Chapters in the women’s Legion. This Chapter has always made good, but there is no doubt but what they will show a larger increase in membership during the fall and winter. Good renorts come from the New Rochelle Chapter and we are sure they will keep it up. Waterbury (Conn.) Chapter No. 79 has been very active recently in an endeavor to increase their membership. Deputy Margaret Dahl has been assisting in getting several new Chapters organized in that particular part of the east. Waterbury Chapter has visited several of the neighboring Chapters and have promoted a spirit of friendship and co-operation which could well be followed by all our Chapters. Beloit (Wisconsin) Chapter No. 56 is one of our many chapters which showed a very large increase in membership during the free trip to MOOSEHEART contest last year and as a result it has benefited them many fold. They now have an organization which is of considerable size and (Continued on page 28) The Past Regents of the Women of Mooseheart Legion residing in that part of Illinois covered by Mecca Legion No. 11, which is the men’s Legion, have formed a Past Regent’s organization which intends to hold a big Legion meeting each time the men’s Legion holds a Frolic. Both meetings to be held in the same city but in different hall3. Although the Past Regents will be in charge of the affairs, any woman of the Legion will be invited to the meetings, in fact all will be requested to attend. This system allows each Legionaire to take his wife with ' him but both will be busy at their own meetings. A plan similar to this is being followed in several other Legion districts over the country and is very attractive. The women will also arrange for a banquet to take place about the same time the men hold their banquet. The Past Regent’s Club was organized at Chicago on October 8th with twenty Past Regents present. The world pays a higher price for smiles than it does for irowns. best frolics recently which they have ever held in that district. Forward Legion, however, always holds good frolics, so if these boys feel that this particular one was the best, then it must have been a real one. Great North Moose, Norton J. Williams, and Herder Fred H. Rogers are bound to make Forward Legion a winner. Hiawatha Legion No. 60 will hold a big re-organization frolic on November 14th at Syracuse and it is expected that there will be a record-breaking attendance. Hiawatha district has been given more territory so that it may now take a place as among the leading legions of the country. Brother Jas. Lynch assisted by Deputy Grand Regent Willard Marakle, of Rochester, N. Y., is promoting the re-organization of this big district. They will no doubt be assisted at the big meeting by Grand Regent Brandon, of MOOSEHEART. People who are busy striving for success are never very bad, because it requires time to plot mischief. The Ten Largest Legions in the World In the list shown below are the ten largest legions in the world. These records are taken from the June 30th reports which means that when the next issue of this magazine appears showing the September 30th report, there will be several changes. The records’ in the Grand Regent’s office show several legions that have initiated big classes of candidates since June 30th, but inasmuch as all legions have not reported we are taking the standing only for June 30th. It will be very interesting to watch this list next month to see the individual progress made by each legion. It will be noticed that those in the middle and on the end of the list are very closely grouped and any change made by one of them will change its position in the list. Hoosier Heart Legion will bear watching because they have been holding some big meetings in that district. Wild West Legion will also have to be watched by those ahead because they have been very active on the coast. Golden Gate Legion, which does not appear in this list, has held a big meeting which will throw them among the big ten unless some of the tail-enders show a good increase. It is true of course that all legions in this list will show some increase, but it is a question whether they will show sufficient increase to hold their places. The list is as follows: Mecca Legion No. 11 .............1567 Philadelphia Legion No. 3........1460 Ft. Wayne Legion No. 18..........1018 Pittsburgh Legion No. 1...........822 Hoosier Heart Legion No. 27 (Indiana) ....................... 768 Progress Legion No. 62 (N. Y.,) 545 Liberty Legion No. 34 (Ohio).... 540 Western Reserve Legion (Ohio). 533 Wild West Legion No. 167 (Washington) ..........................494 Davenport Legion No. 137 (Iowa) 482 Men’s Legion Notes Pike’s Peak Legion No. 156 held a rousing frolic at Colorado Springs on October 16th. A good class of candidates was initiated and they all had a good time. Squirtum was there and they say he was very active. Victory Legion No. 48 instituted at Hammond, Ind., held a big frolic on October 3rd at Hammond. Herder J. C. Becker reports that Squirtum did himself justice at all times and became very well acquainted with some of the candidates. At this writing there is a plan on foot to consolidate New York Legion, Brooklyn Legion and Newark, N. J., Legion to be known as the Metropolitan Legion. Such a legion would easily start off with 1000 members and would very soon become the largest legion in the world. Grand Regent Rodney H. Brandon will meet with these legions during the latter part of October in New York. Golden Gate Legion No. 15 held a big frolic at Pittsburgh, Calif., recently and initiated a class of 124 candidates and contributed a Fez Fund collection of $70.00. The Golden Gate Legionaires not only initiate many candidates, but they bring their liberality with them also. With this big class this legion will no doubt break into the “Big Ten” next report. Regent Vander Naillen, Jr., is making every effort to place all California legions among the “Big Ten.” The officers of Forward Legion No. 191 instituted at Madison, Wis., and which is one of the best legions in the Order, report that they had one of the Seven of the Prize Winners in the recent Big Free Trip to Mooseheart Contest held by the Women of Mooseheart Legion. Three of the winners were net present fer picture, but are as follows: Mrs. Margaret Dahl, Water' ury, Conn., Chapter; Mary Klunke, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Chapter; Margaret Sullivan, Marshfield, Ore״ Chapter. Beading left to right: Anna Gallaher, Englewood, 111., Chapter No. 221; Mrs. Elizabeth Lego, Lima, Ohio, Chapter No. 52; Theresa Jess, Davenport. Iowa, Chanter No. 106; Hattie Shirley, Apollo, Pa., Chapter No. 127; Lucinda Tarr, Maricopa, Calif., Chapter No. 252; Mrs. C. N. Carter. Missoula, Mont., Chapter No. 243; Affie Haggerty, Napoleon, Ohio, Chapter No. 15S. BENEDICTION Delivered by Rabbi Rudolph I. Coffee at Open Meeting of of Toledo Lodge September 13, 1920 MOOSEHEART—which houses almost one thousand of Thy dear, sweet, innocent children. Almighty Father, make these children soldiers of tomorrow; rear these hoys and girls to realize that Thy glorious religion does not teach killing, but helping a Brother and Sister. Grant unto them the knowledge that religion does not spell hate, but mercy, tenderness, and love. May these boys and girls—our citizens of to-morrow—fight for Thee and not for human king or ruler. Their battle is not against men and women, but against disease, poverty, against evil and corruption which must be overcome that we may be perfect in Thy sight. Because this beloved Order preaches and teaches this lesson of Thy perfect day, be with these men and women. Guide their deliberations at all times. Permit us, the citizens of Toledo, to realize, to the fullest extent, the great opportunity presented to us next June. Let us receive these fine, noble-hearted Fraternal Brethren with a welcome worthy of their pilgrimage. Bless them and bless us all, now and forever, AMEN. Almighty and Heavenly Father, we invoke Thy divine blessing on this assembly and all the people of this great city—Toledo. Grant unto this fine commonwealth the vision of a newer and better day. Make Toledo spiritually worthy to receive that noble body of men and women which will enter our city walls next June, to plan and deliberate for increasing the power and strength of this fine Fraternity— THE LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE. Be Thou with this Organization which stands for the interpretation of true and genuine Holy religion. Strengthen these men and women to preach Thy doctrine of love, and not hatred, toward their fellow men. Especially do we invoke Thy divine guidance upon Thy son whose wonderful words of wisdom meant so much to us to-night. May he be spared in the full maturity of his fine strength to labor many years for the welfare of this Order. We also pray for Thy servant whose gloribus dream has written another chapter in idealism, whose penetrating vision paved the way for that blessed institution—