dozens of samples of materials used in these coats and everything you need to start this prosperous and profitable business. If A. N. Weckerly of Ohio made $74 in four days spare time, ^ and Cooper averages $4,000 a year, ” think what an opportunity this presents to you. There is no chance of failure. Hundreds are successful, and you can be just as successful as any of them. Just write your name and address on this coupon with a pen or pencil, a tear it off and mail at ^il once. ___________״״״. y ACT RIGHT NOW. THE COMER MFG. CO. V-122 DAYTON, OHIO a MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE %u Can Make ft00‘»30 During your spare Time IF YOU want to add $10 a day to your income, this is your opportunity. I will pay you $300 a month for taking a few orders each day for Comer raincoats. Experience is not necessary. No capital is needed. My splendid new line of models and fabrics is now ready. Thousands of people in all parts of the United States are ready to buy. And I offer to pay you from $50 to $100 a week for a little of your spare time. $100 A Week Is McCrays Record in. a single day, and he only Last year I paid McCrary a net profit of $5,218. He often makes from $20 to $ works a few hours each day. And you can make just as much or more than he does. Your income can be bigger than a banker’s, lawyer’s, merchant’s or doctor’s. Millions of dollars are going to be spent within the next few months for raincoats. Thousands of orders are waiting for someone to come and get them. I want you to help in getting these orders. Think what an opportunity this is. George Garon of Massachusetts just wrote “Yesterday morning I started on a new job, and in the evening I found I had made about $40 commission. I think that’s a pretty good start.” You don’t have to be a smooth-tongued salesman. Comer raincoats are all high-grade and wonderfully attractive in style and fabric. The prices are so exceedingly low that they sell on sight. Every man, woman and child needs a raincoat. We also give our representatives the agency for our water-proof aprons and raincapes. On every call there is the opportunity to make from $2.00 to $20.00 net profit for yourself. If you take only three average orders a day during your spare time you will make $2,500 a year. Many of our agents make twice that much. I Offer Thousands of Dollars in Cash Mail the coupon, and I will tell you hoy you can earn big cash prizes in addition to your regular commissions and income. The Comer plan makes it possible and easy for you to make an extra hundred dollars the second month you work for me. It doesn’t cost you a cent to get started, so act now. I want you to understand that a Comer agent makes real profit. You get the cash, and you get it right away. There is no waiting, no delay, no delivering and no collecting. If you have confidence in yourself there is no limit to what you can make. NOW GET STARTED Don’t send any money. I want you to simply mail the coupon and I will send you all the details of this wonderful proposition. It is actually worth thousands of dollars to you. People are buying raincoats by the thousand. I Tell You Where to Go, What to Say and How to Make Money We manufacture our own coats. The Comer Manufacturing Company is the largest business of its kind in the world. We stand back of our agents. We help you. We show you exactly what to do in order to make big profits for yourself. We furnish everything and we finance you. That is why A. McDonough of Washington made $1,-509 in three months and Barnes cleared $523 in 30 days. Full Equipment Free to You I give all of my agents a beautiful raincoat so they can show their customers the fine workmanship, wonderful style and great values. I will give you your choice of the coat you want to wear, and I will also furnish you with 41,005־ CASH FOB SIX MONTHS PART TIME That’s the record of C. E. Ray of New York. He only devoted his spare time to this work and he added $13 a day to his income. You can do as well. Write at once for my offer. $ 1,060 CASH FOR THREE MONTHS SPARE TIME A few hours now and then devoted to this proposition gave Carl Rowe a net profit in three months of over a thousand dollars. I offer you the same proposition. THE COMER MFG. CO., Dept. V-122, Dayton,Ohio Please tell me how without investing any money I can become your agent and make from $50 to $100 a week. Also send me without charge, your offer of a free raincoat for myself. Name. Address. p. O____________________________________ State.