READ What My Students Say: “Mr. Cook can, and will, get you a job. but tliat part is unnecessary, because, if you study, he will make you proficient, and then there will be any number of jobs LOOKING FOR YOU/' —0. W. Chamberlain, Little Eagle, So. Dak. “Have just received my diploma, of which I am very proud. “I think your course is the most complete I have ever seen. I have received my money’s worth many times, and any fellow that turns down your offer is sure going to regret it.”—Loran C. Brown, Sebring, Ohio. “Since I started to study with you a year ago I have been doing electrical work in my spare time, made the price of 2 Courses, and have increased my earning power just 100 percent.”—Samuel Albright, Riverside, Wash. “During May I made about $65.00 in my spare time. I can hand you the credit, because when I started I knew NOTHING about Electricity.”— L. Randell, Ironton, Minn. “You will be pleased to learn of my promotion to Chief Electrician. It was your course put me where I am. Although only a little over half through your lessons, I have had my wages raised from $75.00 to $275.00 a month, and expect to do better before I am through.”—H. E. Wolf, Columbus, Ohio. In the past ten years I’ve been doing a lot of studying, both by correspondence and through text books, but never before have I been able to learn as I have with you.”—J. B. Ham, Chief Electrician, Albright Coal Co., Tunnelton, W. Virgin, ai “When I enrolled with you I was only able to make $75.00 a month. Today, thanks to your splendid lessons, I am in business for myself, making over $400.00 a month.”—A. Schreck. Phoenix, Arziona. Electrical men here speak very highly of your course. One—the Fresno Manager of the General Electrical Company—says your course is equal to the three years' training course at their Schenectady shops.”—E. Linnville, Fresno, Calif. “I want to speak a good word in regard to your Course and methods. It has helped me wonderfully. I passed a Journeyman's examination with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and am now carrying a first-class card.”—J. R. Overton, Maryville, Tenn. When I enrolled—I knew nothing about Electricity. Today I am the highest paid workman for the Massena Light & Power Co.”—C. (’ Burkhart, Massena, N. Y. “You don’t know how glad I am that my son has found such a man as you. I only wish other mothers knew of the interest you take in your students—their boys.”—Mrs. S. S. Wilhams, Huntington Beach, Cal. I am still holding that position with the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company, secured on your recommendation.”—A. Swanson, Minneapolis, Minn. “In 18 months since I started to study with you I have increased my salary from $6 a day to $4000 a year.”—A. F. Klemz, State Supt. of Const., Miller-York Co., Saginaw, Mich. The outfit is wonderful, so much better than I expected, and I must say I am more than pleased with same.”—F. X. Droege, Covington, Before I started to study with you I was only able to make $50 every 2 weeks. Now I am making $300 a month, and going up all the time. Your Course has put me where I am.”—J. E. Sallinger, Mine Electrician, New River & Pocahontas Con. Coal Co., Layland, W. Va. “I would not take 1,000 dollars and be without your course. If I did the years ahead would only be like the few that have passed."—ll Swiger, Wallace, W. Va. Complete Letters Sent When You Write Me BE A CERTIFICATED ELECTRICIAN ÄI I WILL TRAIN YOU AT HOME Say Fellows—Read Facts - . . . ., . ... , » -r T T'TXTrvn ATI H/rr\־N.TT7»־V־ Ol AID POSITIONS WORTH. ALL KINDS OP MONET-—SIMPLY LYING LOOSE^ast WAITING for you to fill them. Let me qualify you. It won’t take long by my Spare Time. Practical and wonderfully successful Home Study Course. Is there much call for trained Electricians in this old U. S. ? Is there ? Say, there’s millions of dollars’ worth of work waiting for you to fit yourself to do. Positions by the thousands—at the highest rates of pay ever known— Your Success is Guaranteed honest, fair and square, and practically. Why, you ought to be making in a few weeks, MORE MONEY EVERY \V EEK than the small sum you pay me monthly for teaching you. Both newcomers and experienced electrical students have increased their income several times over— often months before their courses were finished. I guarantee your success in the study of my condensed, simplified, get-down-to-business, Home Course, with a Cash Bond. You take NO chances. I’m here to make good —and I will—and do—make good. YOU WILL ST O- OEED.I know it—because you love this grand profession, and your heart tells you you can win if you are trained My Course Has World-Wide Approval easily understand. It’s a live man’s course—speedy and fast—yet thorough, so complete, so up to date, that my students rise rapidly and capture the fancy jobs, or DEVELOP FINE BUSINESSES OF THEIR OWN. It covers every thing, including the latest auto and marine electricity. I’ve made Electrical study vastly interesting. My course will hold you. It grips red-blooded chaps. They see money in it. It quickly gets them moving onward and upward. It isn’t high-brow—nor mushy. It teaches practical stuff, with the college-trimmings left off—in language you can a veteran—and send you out with your Certificate, CONFIDENT IN YOUR ABILITY TO MEET ANY DEMAND. My boys are often called “Wizards.” I’ll teach you electricity—I’ll teach you E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C-I-T-Y,from AtoZ. I Have Been Through the Mill help you for years after you graduate. 1 DO THINGS FOR MY STUDENTS no one else does, and some things that I don’t even tell you about before you enroll. Proof in Plenty I Work for You I am a practical man. I have made a big success. I am chief engineer of the Chicago Engineering Works, the finest institution of its kind on earth. I KNOW what youneed to know—and I will tell it to you—and train you in it like I shall take a deep, personal interest in you. I prove this by deeds not words. ! GIVE YOU THE BEST COURSE ON EARTH for less than half others charge. I Employment Service—FREE Mv men are usually well placed before they are through the course. But every graduate should keep in touch j, with me, for I know of splendid openings practically all the time. Big employers are continually asking me ^ x‘־־־ men, and I am always GLAD TO ASSIST MY STUDENTS IT) .SECURE 1HESE GOOD POSH IONS. Fine Electrical Outfit—FREE I give each student a SPLENDID FREE OUTFIT OF ELECTRICAL TOOLS, Material and Elec-trical Measuring Instruments for home experim ental and study work, and besides this, I imovicle them with other practical supplies which I haven't space to describe here all the best ox their and designed to help YOU make rapid, practical progress. Get Going—Write Me—NOW I never made a cent hanging back, and neither will you. Write me today for full particulars. Details will cost you nothing but a stamp and you 11 enjoy reading my big book. Tear off the coupon—mail it—and get a copy—FREE. No Students under “ yrs. accepted. L. L. COOKE, Chief Engineer Chicago Engineering Works Dept. 90, 1918 Sunny side Ave., Chicago, 111. L. L. COOKE, Chief Eng. Chicago Engineering Works, Dept. 90, 1918 Sunny-side Ave., Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: Send at once Sample Lessons, your Big Book, and full particulars of your Free all fully prepaid, without obligation on my part. Name Address