23 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE Puritan Pattern Co., Batavia, Illinois Mooselieart Legion for Men and Women (Continued from page 10) Norfolk, Va., Chapter No. 157, according to reports coming into the Grand Regent’s office, will ho doubt make a big increase in membership during this Pall and Winter. The membership of the Men’s Lodge in Norfolk has increased very much which accordingly increases the opportunity of the chapter to get new members. The Norfolk Chapter made a very fine increase during the early months of its organization and wiil easily place inself up among the leaders in the Women’s Legion when it sets out on a big campaign. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Chapter No. 428, recently organized, was presented with a beautiful silk American Flag by _ Past Dictator Chas. W. Arkills, which the Legionaires are very proud of, and which they are very thankful to Brother Arkills for. The Poughkeepsie Chapter is one of our new organizations and is making a very fine showing. Mooseheart Chapter No. 0 has made a yery fine record under the leadership of Senior Regent Laura Kuhns, who is a Matron at MOOSE-HEART, and who has several children in the school. Legionaire Kuhns has been untiring in her efforts as a Senior Regent to promote the Legion work just as extensively as possible. Many of the Legionaires over the country will remembej• Legionaire Kuhns from Convention. Women of Mooseheart Legion The Women of Mooseheart Legion have made tremendous gains since the last Convention. The officers and leaders are entitled to commendation as well as our hearty co-operation for their interest and enthusiasm. Let us help establish in every town and city a chapter of the Legion, so that the women of all communities may be enlisted in our great work for humanity. Keep in your heart a shrine to the ideal, and upon this altar let the fire never die. FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHIL-DREN Work Well Done Brings Its Own Reward. Send 15C in silver or stamps for• our Up-to-Date FALL & WINTER, 1920-1921 CATALOGUE, containing over 500 designs of Ladies’, Misses’, and Children’s Patterns, a CONCISE AND COMPREHENSIVE ARTICLE ON DRESSMAKING, ALSO SOME POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE (illustrating SO of the various, simple stitches) all valuable hints to the home dressmaker. 4}4 yards of 38 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3344.—Dress for Work or Porch Wear. Cut in 7 sizes : 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size requires 6 yards of 36 inch material. The skirt with plaits extended measures about 1% yards. Price 12 cents. 3361—A Popular “Cover All” Apron. Cut in 4 sizes: small, 32-34; medium, 86-38 ; large, 40-42 ; and extra large, 44-46 inches bust measure. A medium size will require 6% yards of 2 7inch material. Price 12 cents. 3366— Ladies’ Dress- Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. A 38 inch size will require 4 IS yards of 40 inch material. The dress measures about 1% yard-at the foot. Price 12 cents. 3365—Boy’s Suit. Cut in 4 sizes: 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. A 4 year size will require l1,״ yards of 27 inch material for the blouse, arid 11A yards for the trousers. Price, 12 cents. 3352—Junior’s Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 12. 14 and 16 years. A 14 year size will require 3 yards of 38 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3367— Child's Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 4, 6, 8. and 10 years. A 6 year szie will require 2% yards of 27 inch material. Price, 12 cents ' 33593349־.—A Stylish Costume. Blouse 3359 cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Skirt 3349 cut in 6 sizes : 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches waist measure. To make the costume for a 38 inch size will require 7% yards of 38 inch material. The width of the skirt at its lower edge is about 1 Vs yards. Two separate patterns 12 cents for each pattern. 3354.—Girl’s Dress. Cut in 4 sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 12 year size requires 41-yards of 38 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3346— Child’s Coat. Cut in 5 sizes: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 6 year size will require 3 yards of 44 inch material. Price 10 cents. 3369—A Unique and Stylish Design. Cut in 7 sizes: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size 38 requires 6% yards of 36 inch material. Width of skirt at lower edge is about 11/2 yards. Price 12 cents. 3362.—A Comfortable Negligee. Cut in 4 sizes: Small, 32-34 ; medium, 3638־ ; large, 40־ 42 ; and extra large, 4446־ inches bust measure. A mdium size will require 9% yards of 27 inch material. Price 12 cents. 3347— A Stylish Dress. Cut in 3 sizes: 16, 18 and 20 years. A 16 year size will require In Ordering Patterns sign your NAME and ADDRESS very plain and be sure to give SIZES you want. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS—Write your name and address in full. Send 12 cents in cash or two-cent stamps for each Pattern you want. Address order to PATTERN DEPARTMENT. PURITAN PATTERN CO., Batavia, Illinois. Send money, if possible, but if more convenient, send two-cent stamps. There is a spirit at MOOSEHEART that inspires and influences everybody that works for, or in, or around the “City of Childhood.” At the banquet held in early September, Brother John Evans, MOOSEHEART farm advisor and his assistants, not only brought in a splendid report, but also made a proposition that sets a good example for all of us. These men take great pride in their work, because they know that it is of benefit to the children. They know that the crops which they sow, cultivate and harvest, furnish directly and indirectly, food for our eight hundred and fifty-two children. At the September banquet Brother Evans and his farm assistants made a suggestion, that they would cultivate vacant land, and work extra hours, in order to raise money to build a cottage for the Mooseheart children. While our regular building program is being carried out as fast as present conditions will permit, and the various states are making plans to build buildings at MOOSEHEART, we know of no more inspiring thing than this proposition of the men who work here being willing, in fact being so imbued with the Mooseheart spirit and the love for children that they themselves have made the proposition that they will construct this hall, which very appropriately will be dedicated to our efficient farmers. DontSendaPenny Act promptly if you want these two stunning garments at the price of one. A wonderful Skirt at a truly sensational bargain price, with the beautiful and dainty Voile Waist absolutely free, if you order ai once. Not a penny in advance, remember! Just • your name and address brings both garments for ex-amination and try-on. But don’t delay as the supply • of waists is limited. Stylish SERGE SHIRT Of exceptional qual-ity_ serge, full cut, |2|p artistic design poclr-ets, button-trimmed and handsomely or- ISs namented with silk L®*5»׳ fringe, Has sepa- : rate belt, lined with good quality sateen and trimmed with four large buttons. Back has soft shirring. This is a skirt that you would naturally expect to pay at least $7,50 or $8.00 for, but you get it for only $4.98— and the waist free• Order Navy Blue by No. B X 1074; Black by No. BX1Q75. All sizes. Give waist, and FREE Fine Voile Waist length. Order Our Risk ׳ See if you can • match this ¡•;splendid waist ^anywhere for / less than $2.25. / Made of 6 n e quality voile with wide fancy . shaped collar fin- _____________________________j. ished in front with several rows of pin tucks and trimmed all around with Venise lace. Sleeves finished with dainty cuffs. Closes in front with pearl buttons; hemstitching each side of front adds to stylish effect. Elastic waistband. White only. Sizes, 32 to 46 bust. Be sure to st-atesize. Only one freo waist to a customer and the supply is limited. Com,»§ no money. Merely your name, address and size. Pay only $4.98 on arrival for skirt—nothing for the free waist. If not positively delighted with your splendid bargain, return goods to us, and we will refund your money LE0NARP-M0RT0N & CO. Depft. 7691 Chicago FLANNEL $ SHIRTS SEND N0 MONEY ־Sss 1 cu- x , „ Broadcloth Flan- nel Shirts—only $3.69. Direct from factory No middlemen's profits. Would cost $6 or ׳ more elsewhere. Perfectly tailored. Cut extra full. Comfortable fitting. Winter weight. Coat Front fctyle. Soft turn down collar. Two extra strong large button-down flap pockets. Double stitched throughout. Thoroughly shrunk. For work or semi-dress. An amazing bargain. Send no money. Pay postman only $3.69 plus postage after arrival. Then try them on. If not Pleased, return at our expense; your money relumed at once. Order by number, 132 F S. Mate size. Specify gray or blue. Only two shirts to a customer on this special offer. Warewell Co., Dept. I32FS, Philadelphia, Pa. BIG CAME, RA CftCt Genuine Eastman i IlCC Film Pack Camera. Takes snap shots or time exposure pictures 2% x . Has finder & handle. Sent prepaid for selling 24 beautiful, easy selling pictures at 15o. GAIR MFQ, CO, Dept. I3C CHICAGO