21 yMO OSEHEAR Г MAGAZINE $100 Down Brings You This Smart Velour Plush Coat Send only $1.00 with coupon for this stunning, rich-looking imported model coat. Money back instantly if you return coat. The supply is limited. Send coupon now. Contrasting Collar This extremely stylish ladies’ coat is made of fine quality rich velour plush. Handsome Beavertex collar in contrasting color gives charming, fashionable touch and at the same time is very becoming. Collar may be worn open or buttoned high around the neck, bmart all-around belt is ornamented with a handsome buckle in the back. Latest curved pockets. Coat is lined throughout with lustrous, durable, fancy mercerized sateen. Colors: your choice of Burgundy, Blue or Rich Green. Sizes 34 to 44 and Misses 16 to 20. Order by No. F-44. Terms $1.00 with coupon, $4.65 monthly. Total$28.75. 6 Months to Pay Learn to buy the Elmer Richards way as thousands are doing. Dress well and pay in small monthly sums. See our sptendid values and bargain prices in clothing and shoes for everybody. No charge for credit. One price only. Seud Coupon This splendid coat sent on approval. See it. Try it on. If you don’t keep it you are not out a penny. Send the coupe:! with a ?1.00 P. O. order, or a dollar bill. Mail coupon now. -‘-׳SS Elmer Richards Co., Dept 3217, W. 35th St., Chicago, 111. I enclose $1.00. Send Smart Velour Plush Coat No. F-44. Color.......Size. If I am not satisfied with the coat, I can return it and payment back. Otherwise I will pay advertised price, $r your terms of $1.00 with coupon, balance $4.65 monthly. every meeting night. Competing' teams have new membership campaign and are making good showing. Hearty co-operation from Senior Lodge, the most important factor in Junior Order progress. Piqua, Ohio, Lodge No. 17, en־joys the hearty favor of Piqua Lodge No. 1067, Loyal Order of Moose. The Senior Lodge allows the Juniors the use of their club rooms every Monday evening for their social evening and meeting. The boys also have the hall one night a week for a benefit dance. The Senior Lodge will also let the boys have two rooms in the new Home that is being built, for club rooms and the Juniors are going to furnish it themselves. Norwich (Conn.) Lodge No. 20, J. O. O. M., Wm. R. Hastedt, Governor, is in the midst of a membership campaign Prize of $5.00 in gold offered to the member securing the greatest number of applications. New contest to be opened September 13th and $10.00 in gold prize to be awarded October 3rd. Expect to reach century mark in membership. Ten Juniors will shortly graduate into the Senior Lodge. Senior Lodge is most hospitable to Junior Lodge. Junior Moose Lodge No. 25, Indianapolis, Indiana, not yet on the map, but in tremendous process of creation. “Hoosier Moose,” published under the auspices of Indianapolis Loyal Order of Moose, promises charter list of at least two hundred. If this is reached it will be phenomenal in the history of Junior Moosedom. Two organizers, Mackey and Magsam, are at work and the '“Hoosier Moose” fills its first page and several inside columns to boost the Junior Moose proposition. Write for our free Bargain Catalog of men’s, women s and chil-d re n’s clothing and shoes.Everything on small monthly payments Elmer Richards Co. ... Dept. 3217. W. 35th St., Chicago,III. Wrist Watch Git V״״ _IIU:. . . ... . ^ You can get this fine Wrist Wai :antherbeautiful watch guarante 05 years. Also Lace Curtains, R, ׳־ Silver Sets, fine Lockets, La Vt ¡III‘- and many other valuable Dresen ....־ . selling our beautiful Art and Reli 111 < . ״,,tT ^ Pictures at ]Octs. each. Order 20 ni< When sold, seiiu the $2.00 and choose premium wanted, acco to big list. KAY AUT CO., Dept. '6, CHIC. DOLLARS IN HARES We pay $7 to $18.50 and up a pail• and express charges. Big Profits. We furnish guaranteed high grade stock and buy all you raise. Use back yard, barn, cellar, attic. Contract and Illustrated Catalog Free. Standard Food & Fur Ass’n, 409F Broadway, New York. ÆÊÊr .¿Ж Grand Rapids, Mich., Lodge No. 60, J. O. O. M., G. A. Popma, Governor, initiated twenty-nine since the first of June. The Juniors are enthusiastically working toward a two hundred membership by the first of December. The Juniors enjoy great privileges in Moose Temple. Governor Popma writes, ,“We have a nice, clean-cut bunch of young men and it would do your heart good to see them. I think it is the best thing, or rather one of the best things, the Loyal Order of Moose ever did, when they started the Junior Lodge.” SUGAR - i te^ourwS up to 20 cent־. I 1 order listed here which actually saves you $1.20. Send forlt quick^nd w^wilTalan * Sen£ right now for the trial ■ I I I 1 POUND If You Order NOW -*״־״-“ ' ™“ht away- Remember that with your first order you get a free copy of our big wholesale , purchases. Here are Mail Coupon Now I Our low prices merely indicate what you can now save on all your groceries, a full line of which is listed in our Wholesale Catalog—The Big Money Saver. This catalog sent to customers only. A free copy will be sent with your nrst order. Send this coupon NOW—Today. f־ TRIAL ORDER COUPON־־־־ | Big 4 Co., Dept. 1248 112-118 N. May St., Chicago,*)!. Gentlemen—Enclosed find $1.99 for which se\d Catalog Bargains catalog which s°״oa — ״״״--״— just a few catalc Flour Jriai Order tifo. 17 catalog which saves you money on all your trrocerv* just^a few catalog specials. ^Sold in wonderfui money-^vlnTcomblnatTons'i Per Barrel _ _ $7.98 4c Uneeda Biscuits 9C<> Every purchase a real Ï2 Packages for----- "ЭЭС rock bottom barsTÎTT. 1 HSISh yoSw"ÎÏEÎÎmanve0f ״Йр1е8а!е ет<*егу catalog in which . youwmimmnany of the most startling grocery bargains ever offered. S - References iYur bai™tV?rem,m Sdln ״Wt?leB?!e С״¡־•»*״Chicago. ■ me at once your Trial Order No. 17 and 1 Lb\. institution in Chicago׳,^arite?fyot?aboutSus^ankm^ C°"״ ^ I ‘be goods at yourerpense satisfied, I may return the goods at your expense and you will return my money at once. Name............................. I Address . I i; I Post Office., il Express Office.. BIG 4 COMPANY L 124R 1 ■־ O l 40 hi ■J__ _ Big 4 Wholesale Prices 2 pounds Granulated Sugar $0.09 I bar FeU Naptha Soap . . .02 1 bar Sweetheart Soap . . . .04 1 package Big 4 Brand BestTea .35 1A pound pure Cocoa ... .13 1 pound pure Baking Powder .45 14-02. Bot. Vanilla Flavor Extract . 52 1 box Powdered Bluing (equal to about 1 gallon average best bluing) . . .29 1 box Majic Dye Soap Flakes .10 Total (YOU SAVE $1.20) $L99 1 Lb. Granulated A 14-kt. sold -filled knife and chain absolutely tree with this offer. State if yon wish a Waldemar, (shown in cut), Dickena, or Teat chain. Less Than Tea Day value in America, return it at our expense and your deposit will be refunded immediately. If you decide to buy, send $2.00 a month until $22.50 ie paid. Remember, yon are not obligated j to buy when you order on trial. Just send your name and address. No red If you are p’eas׳'d when the watch comes send only $5.50 as first payment. Then wear the watch for ten full days. Ifyou do not consider it the greatest Order Today —On Trial __ tape or annoyance. Sta»־e which chain you wish. This offer limited. Act now. Send your name to Dept. 42• £[ Our 128-page catalog sh-ows more than 2000 barpa ns in Diamonds, Wa*ch-s end Jewelry. Writ• for it NO W. J.M.LYON&CO. , NewVwkAv! A SPECIAL Factory Cut-Price II. S. Officer's Shoes Hand sewed, first grade factory, cut-down price. Direct to ■you at*>nly or Made of the best «?«•OeJ Waterproof Mahogany calf leather. If these shoes are not just as we say, send them back, You do not lose a cent. Retail price of this shoe is $10.00. Built for work and dress at the same time. If you are sending money order or check do not include postage. Pay only for shoes. We pay postage. U. S. Army Marching Shoes First grade factory, cut-down price. Direct to you at only $5.15. Retail price of these shoes is $5.00. Made of the best elkskin waterproof leather. U. S. NATIONAL MUNSON ARMY SHOE CO., Inc. Dept, 820 Westfield, TKass. A fraternalist is a man who does all the good be can to all the people he can, and then leaves the rest to God.—Hugh Chalmers. I I I I_____________ 1■ ^ Dept. 1248 !ТЕгха N. May StrëetT'cMcago, I if You Cars Tei a it.-From tf; GENUINE DIAMONDfendiibad1 •W1/oen..d a 6-616^0״L1 £arat £em in Ladies (Cai,* P״ce 34.98) for Half Price io ln-Jp® xUCOt or in Gents Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring tSS; rrTT A f?VwU^lx3£5^Uxrr>fionest 12k GoId Filled moun- SEND NO MONEY. Just O D piftrd,or *1V3 *£־ St-ate Size• We Will mail at onceC. hand■;״״ Pleased return m 2 days for money back less Freo Catalog. Agents Wanted. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dept, "z Las Cruces, N. Mex. ( Exclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds) AGENTS:»$60 a Week #2 in 1 Reversible Raincoat Positively guaranteed water-proof. Something new. Not sold in stores. Two coats in one. One side a handsome black raincoat, reverse side fine dress coat. Latest style. For business men, clerks, farmers, teamsters, truck drivers, miners—every man a prospect. Make $3,000 a Year Binford sold 26 coats in 5 days. Easy seller on account of two coats in one. xtight now isthe season. Be first in your territory to introduce this new reversible coat. Get this big money maker Quick. Write for agency and sample. THOMAS RAINCOAT CO. 620 Jane St. Dayton, Ohio > FAST SALES. Every owner buy« ; Initials for his auto. You ebac^« ); make $1.35. Ten orders daily eaav A"•־ Particulars aart free samples. ־־* AMERICAN MONOCRAM OO. Dept. 69. Glen Ridga, N. J. BIG MONEY HI