MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE 20 Mid-Summer Junior Order Progress development of Junior Moosedom. We give the following list of regularly appointed and acting Governors of the Juniors throughout the Order: City and State T. Vollmer, E. St. Louis, 111.... G. A. Popma, Grand Rapids, Mich.... 50 Harry Woodall, Philadelphia, Pa....... 54 Wm. C. Slaney, Wheeling־, W Ya........ 6 L. M. Kubs, Baltimore, Md............. 7׳ Frank L. Eastman, Saginaw, Mich.... 82 A. A. Miller, Evansville, Ind.... Samuel Karpeles, Meadville, Pa. C. M. Bratt, Jamestown, N. Y.......... 105 Chas. J. Gardner, Camden, N. J........ Ill W. A. Schock, Jeannette, Pa........... 114 Harry D. Folk, Mai’tinsburg, W. Va.. 120 Wm. G. Haney, East Liverpool, O.... 122 John Gething, Nanticoke, Pa........... 136 B. W. Fleming, Kittanning, Pa......... 137 C. B. Cannon, Greensboro, Pa.......... 152 G. E. Morrison, Memphis, Tenn......... 153 R. J. Stetter, Ft. Wayne, Ind......... 200 M. F. Kuehn, O’Fallon, III.......... 216 Joseph Platt, Elwood, Ind........... 219 W. H. Kuck, Hanover, Pa........... 22 W. H. Jones, Negaunee, Mich......... 231 alph G. Smith, Logansport, Ind. Wm. A. Smith, Moline, 111........ Albert A .Abel, Forest Park, 111...... 245 W. J. Gardner, Salt Lake City, Utah. Geo. J. Graeber, Morgantown, W. Va. E. M. Freyermuth, Portland, Ore.... H. W, Forsyth, Battle Creek, Mich.... E. W. Rhoads, Boise, Idaho ........... Dr. Scott E. Kortright, Leadville, Col. Joe Vargo, W. Frankfort, 111.......... Rev. Wm. Reese, New Orleans, La... M. S. Kestner, Berwind, W. Va......... J. D. Siler, Denison, Texas...... Ben A. Ross, Superior, Wis.... Harry Ortman, Hammond, Ind. E. A. Kallen, Elkhart, Ind............ Harry Leach, Lockport, N. Y........... Dale C. Loucks, Sheridan, Wyo. H. P. Thomas, Meadow, W. Va.. Frank Hulbarth, Toledo, O........ Wallace Wenzel, Marietta, O.... Charles C. Conrad, Barberton, O.... George M. Hosraer, Mattoon, 111....... Marcellas Jackson, Ch’go Heights, 111. George Gay, Zanesville, O............. W. L. C. Allen, St. Albans, W. Va_____ J. Edwin Bunting, Wilmington, N. C. J. Ray Merchant, Marion, O... Guy King, Gormania, W. Va. . R. J. Dickenson, Dante, Va.... David. A. McNeil, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Fred Berger, Mt. Vernon, N. Y......... Max H. Jech, Cuyahoga Falls, N. Y.. Wm. R. Hastedt, Norwich, Conn......... W. H. Fisk, East Las Vegas, N. M... George L. Brown, Lancaster, O.... Andrwe M. Penman, Herminie, Pa.. John Berg, Clinton, 111.............. Frank B. Little, Quincy, 111.......... Patrick Hartneady, Mauch Chunk, Pa. M. D. Clarke, Piqua, O.......... H. H. Neely, Peabody, Kan.... John F. Good, Marlboro, Mass. Wm. F. Brinker, Coffeyville, Kans_____ F. E. Brown, Glou ter, O.............. George E. Heintz, Blue Island, 111____ J. W. Erwin, Caldwell, Idaho......... C. E. Zech, Jewell idge, Va.......... F. J. Hayes, Lyons, N. Y............. A. L. Hignet, E. Chicago, Ind........ Clouis Gignac, Lebanon, N. H......... Harry Willard, Mishawaka, Ind.... J. G. Stocker, Phoenixville, Pa...... J. E. Pfeifer, Champaign, 111........ Earl S. Ramsey, Baraesville, O....... Frank C. Scoby, Edmore, Mich......... Wm. A. Osborn, Collinsville, III..... Joseph Goldner, Russellton, Pa....... Wm. Welsh, Hamilton, O............... J. W. Snyder, Charleston, W. Va... C. Marchiando, ed Lodge, Mont......... Wm. D. Corliss, Gloucester, Mass... . Richard Belch, Amsterdam, O........... L. Caporale, Cliffside, N. J.......... Clarence L. Weaver, Martins Ferry, O R. R. Silket, Ed wards ville, 111.... Andrew Koshko, Clarence, Pa.......... Florin N. Ruger, Rockville, Conn.... F. F. Fisher, Placerville, Cal........ J. P. Graf, Tipton, Ind........T...... J. P. Merrill, Circleville, O......... Fred Wander, Lancaster, N. Y.......... G. C. Hurt, Beckley, W. Va............ L. C. Price, Columbus, O.............. Frank S. Knapp, Three Rivers, Mich. George Nottage, Laramie, Wyo.......... W. S. Dyhr, Fond du Lac, Wis.......... Stephen Bettinger, Celina, O.......... Argo M. Dill, Aurora, 111....... 5:0 jo ^.2; O 41 0 o> • 9 . 0 4 66 50 60 54 6i 32 70 82 85 34 , 99 48 105 54 . Ill , 114 8 , 120 18 , 122 14 . 136 69 , 137 , 152 , 153 200 . 216 12 . 219 70 . 22 . 231 . 232 56 , 235 57 . 245 . 259 82 . 264 24 . 291 . 326 19 . 337 . 342 . 465 58 . 477 . 513 . 530 64 . 551 . 570 . 599 21 . 617 46 . 674 15 . 675 . 713 44 . 744 . 759 79 . 803 2 1. 828 4 . 867 . 868 !. 881 . 889 6 . 894 . 895 . 904 . 905 . 918 11 . 950 . 954 20 . 955 5 . 981 50 . 984 . 986 t.1045 59 .1067 .1084 17 .1129 .1194 53 . 1235 .1238 61 .1245 .1249 92 . 1256 . 1257 3 .1262 .1273 .1288 42 .1304 73 .1340 91 .1370 9 .1376 68 .1437 .1444 87 .1454 .1471 .1495 .1527 ).1532 93 . 1565 16 .1574 M590 .1597 .1605 . 1606 .1641 65 1. 474 62 . 390 63 . 281 89 .1473 71 . 400 10 NEWS FROM THE JUNIOR LODGES Aurora Lodge No. 10, J. 0. O. M., Governor Argo M. Dill, reports No. 10 moving forward. There were twelve candidates initiated at the last meeting. Club rooms will be fitted up for the Juniors in the new Aurora Moose Temple. Since the adjournment of the great 1920 Mooseheart Convention of the Loyal Order of Moose, there has been a practical and forward movement in Junior Order affairs. Delegates at the Convention returned to their lodge and in reporting their experiences gave large space to the interest the Order is taking in the development of the Junior Moose proposition. In consequence at least four hundred Senior Lodges have taken the Junior movement to heart and are engaged in the institution of lodges or have , already joined the roll of organized lodges, under their jurisdiction. The Supervisor’s Office at Mooseheart reports that one hundred and one commissions as Governor have been issued and one hundred twenty-three commissions as Deputy Director. That means that there are at this writing-no less than two hundred and twenty-four men working on the junior proposition. The Governor of a Junior Lodge is an important factor in the Easy Money 75 to $200 Monthly All or Spare Time P. A. P.: Your spare time can be turned into dollars. Want A SALES AGENT every Lodge to introduce transparent handle Pocket Knives and Razors with this emblem of the order on one side and member’s name and address number on other side. Blades finest steel, handles handsome as pearl, clear as glass, and unbreakable. Every knife is guaranteed to he perfect. Every member will want one as a mark of identification. We can also give permanent employment to those .willing to work outside of the order. If you are earning less than $100?־ ye«riv. let, n«j show y*־v״ Do״• *n ,־׳,,•'־e mm■׳' NOVELTY CUTLERY COMPANY, 991 BAR STREET, CANTON, OHIO Moose Knife Introduction Offer—Full sized sample of this kni:'e mailed tor $1.00 and this advertisement. For 25 cents extra your name and address will be shown on knife. »Size 3% in. Jong. Bargains! 65% Off! Standard Makes! Send No Money! Our tremendous stock must be sold now, at a big sacrifice. These standard make tires a*־e practically new. They are neither double tread nor seconds. Thousands are using our tires, many get as much as 6000 miles service. You’ll get big mileage too. Take advantage of this exceptional offer. Get a year's supply of tires at these prices. The stock is rapidly thinning down. No wonder! Look at the prices! Size Tires Tubes Size Tires Tubes 30x3 ....$7.25 $1.75 32x4%.... ....$13.25 $2.70 30x3%.... 1.95 33x4%.... 2.85 32x3% 2.15 34x4%.... .....13.95 3.00 31x4 10.25 2.25 35x4%.... 14.50 3.15 32x4 2.40 36x4%.... .15.25 3.40 33x4 2.50 35x5 15.45 3.50 34x4 12.95 2.60 37x5 16.25 3.75 Tubes all fresh, high grade make, guaranteed for one year. State whether SS. or ! We’ll ship! You Order now while Cl., plain tread or non-i-kid is desired. But send no money! We’il ship! You examine on delivery. 5% special discount for cash with order. " ’ CHICAGO prices are at rock bottom! Mail your order now! KLASS-W0RTH TIRE SALES CO., 3033 MICHIGAN AVENUE, Depl. 89 Radiant Health and Strong Nerves Make Successful Movie Stars Says Beautify! SVBarjorie Daw Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York and the Westchester County Hospital, says that the accompanying article should be read by every one who ( desires to reach a fullness of health and power such as is possessed I y the leading stars of the movies. Dr. Sullivan says: “If the men and women of the stage and screen whose _ living depends largely upon keeping physically fit consider it advisable to take Nuxated Iron to maintain at all times an abundance of energy and vitality, then the average person might well follow their example in build'ng up health and strength.” Lancaster (Ohio) Lodge No. 5, J. O. O. M., George L. Brown, Governor, is making fine progress. There is an initiation of new members almost pie who watch us in our pictures know of the hard work, the long hours and the great strain upon the nerves that the taking of even a single picture involves. When I feel myself getting tired out, nervous and with no reserve strength to draw upon, I turn to Nuxated Iron for relief and would gladly recommend it to anyone.” Miss Caw’s opinion is strongly supported by the statement of Miss Dorothy Dalton, brilliant star of the New York Production “Aphrodite” and considered one of the most beautiful women of the screen, who says: “In my picture work and on the stage which at times is very strenuous I have found Nuxated Iron a great help. It has wonderful building powers and makes rich blood.” It is surprising how many women who are weak, tired-out and nervous, suffer from iron deficiency and do not know it. If you are not strong and well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength and see how much you have gained. Manufacturers’ Noteu Nuxated Iron, which is recommended above is not a secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists everywhere. TTn-tike the older inorganic iron products it is easily assimilated and does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach. Each tablet of genuine Nuxated Iron is stamped as follows—TT-!-. and the words Nuxated Iron are stamped into*U§iq each bottle, so that the public may not be led 1■ into accepting inferior substitutes. The manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund your money. It is dispensed by all good druggists in tablet form only.—Advertisement. MISS MARJORIE DAW When Beautiful Marjorie Daw became tired and careworn from the effects of long hours and hard work for the screen it was to Nuxated Iron she turned to rebuild her wasted strength and forces and give her renewed energy and power. van referred above, she says: “To win and retain public favor, the men and women engaged in motion picture work must at all times keep themselves physically fit and able to undertake the most difficult roles that are demanded of them. Radiant health and strong nerves make successful movie stars and I believe that if more people in any walk of life realized the important part health plays in making them successes or failures, more peo- Screen Star Explains How She Used Nuxated Iron to Rebuild Her Wasted Forces When Long Hours and Overwork Had Sapped Her Strength and Energy. Night after night there are thousands who sit in the many moving picture theatres and admire the energy and power of the men and women who play the leading parts on the screen, yet little do they realize how these movie stars must constantly strive to keep health and strength to the highest degree. In the words of Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Weschester County Hospital, “These people might never achieve such great success were it not for the fact that flowing through their veins is pure, red blood, rich in iron.” Dr. Sullivan continued: “I have been es- pecially interested in the statement of Miss Marjorie Daw, whose notable screen triumphs have, within a very short time, given her widespread popularity. In the roles which Miss Daw has played great courage and daring have been required and were it not for the possession of unusual strength and endur-ance I feel sure that she would never have been able to give evidence of the abundant vitality which has helped to make her such a success. That she has turned to Nuxated Iron as a means for building herself up at a time when she became weak and run down is in itself convincing evidence of how highly this preparation is regarded as a means for creating red blood, strength and endurance. I am convinced that if the average woman would use the same means as Miss Daw for keeping her blood rich in strength-giving iron, there would be far less numbers who would find themselves tired out and nervous when they should be strong, energetic and filled with vitality.” In Miss Daw’s statement to which Dr. Sulli-