19 JAOOSEHEÆRT ллвлгтв pTire Prices Smashed 1/2 Tremendous Reduction in Price Saves You More Than We have just purchased a carload of fresh rubber tires. These tires formerly sold for three times our prices and were guaranteed for 6000 miles. These high quality fresh rubber tires are not to be classed with seconds and double tread. TIRE Pricer TUBE Prices No. Tires For Sale SIZE TIRE Prices TUBE $ 8 90 $2.35 96 $14.63 $3.60 9-05 2 70 150 ..34x4 14.95 3.75 11-85 2 85 32 16.85 4.35 12-85 3.20 20 17 75 4.45 13.25 3.35 8 .35x5 18.75 5.45 wed strictly New,Fresh stock. standard Makes Tubes Guaran* Send Mo Money—See Before Yots Buy Simply write us today stating the number and size of Tires and Tube9 wanted. We will ship Tires immediately Express C. O. D., with privilege of examination. You take no chances. If you are not entirely satisfied, after inspection thatthis is the greatestTire bargain ever offered, return thetires to us at our own expense. Orders will be filled promptly each day as received, until our limited supply is exhausted—so order today and make sure of the big saving. You cannot appreciate the remarkable saving you are making ori these 11res until you have seen them. We know you will be more than satisfied. You may take 5% discount if you send cash with order. Gold Seal Tire Co., 3836 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois WRIST WATCH & RING We positively give this ־ !Genuine Guaranteed Stylish & Serviceable Wrist Watch & Handsome Ring Free for selling 24 selling pictures at 15c. Order today. GAIR MFG.CO. Dept. 13BCHICAGO FREE Prepaid FEE ¿S2S EASTMAN Premo Film Pack Camera, for selling 24 large coloredpicture9 or 24 pkgs. post cards at 16c each. Order choice today. Sent prepaid. GATES MFG. CO.. DEPT. 536 CHICAGO id Ilo isiijf' Just Send the Coupon Betow. ГН Send the Glasses at Once. My large size “True Vision” glasses will enable you to read the smallest print, thread the finest needle, see far cr near. They will protect your eyes, ---- preventing eye strain and headaches. These Large size “True Vision” 10 karat gold-filled glasses, are the finest and most durable spectacles and will give years of satisfaction DOIM’T SEND A PENNY I Trust You ask you to send no money, simply your name and address. know that these scientifically ground r glasses will give you such “True VL-fe ion” and splendid satisfaction that if insist on sending them on FREE TRIAL, so you can see what a remarkable bargain I offer. When they arrive, put them on and see with what ease and comfort they will enable you to read, work and sew, see clearly at a distance or close up, by daylight or lamp light. Note how easily you can read the fine print in your Bible. You’ll be amazed and delighted. Try Thera NOW—They are SENT FREE. Sit right down this very minute and fill out the coupon. Mail it at once. Your own postman will deliver the glasses to you postage prepaid, free of all cost. They will come packed in a beautifully velveteen-lined, spring-back Pocket Book Spectacle case. Try them for 10 full days at my risk and expense. Send the coupon now. SEND NO MONEY. ►CHICAGO SPECTACLE HOUSE, Dept. A-289, 1462-64-66 W. Madison St., Chicago, III- r1» 1)[״if*?8? herewith this coupon, which entitles me, by mail, to a pair of your 10 Karat Gold-filled Large Size True Vision Spectacles complete, also a fine leatherette, velveteen-lmed, spring-back, pocketbook spectacle case, without a penny of cost to me, so I can trv them out, under your own offer, of a full ten days’ actual test. This free trial is not to cost me one cent. And if I like the glasses and keep them, I am to pay you $2.95 only But if for any reason whatsoever, I do not want to keep them (and I alone am to be the sole judge), I will return them to you without paying you a single cent for them Do not fail to answer the following questions: Lodge Notes the membership up to the 5,000 mark before the next convention. How old are you?.........How many years have you used glasses (if any) ?. Name........................... State. Post Office ......................... R• R............................. Box N.o. East Chicago, Inch, Lodge No. 1256, has acquired a splendid piece of property, which not only will make a fine club house, but will also prove to be a good investment. The lower floors will be occupied by business stores. Long Island City, N. Y., Lodge No. 485, has a splendid band. Every Wednesday evening during the summer months an outdoor concert is given free to the public. These are well attended and have proved a big boost to the lodge. The annual picnic of Davenport, la., Lodge No. 28, was a big success this year. Many of the members went to the picnic grounds by boat while the balance went by auto. This lodge is in better financial condition than it has ever been before. Sioux City, la., Lodge No. 752, is now making good progress to become a strong organization. On Aug. 22 a big picnic was held and was attended by a big part of the membership, also by many Moose from neighboring cities. Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge No. 289, held a carnival the first week in August, which was a big success. Due to the hard work on the part of the committee a clean, attractive and pleasing show was presented to the public. Many lodges in the eastern section of the country will attend the Mardi Gras at Coney Island on September 13th, which is designated as Moose Night. Both Brooklyn, N. Y., Lodge No. 14, and Coney Island, N. Y., Lodge No. 138, are preparing a great reception for the visiting Moose. Butler, Pa., Lodge No. 64, has financed a summer home and recreation resort for its members and their families during the summer months. This is located about five miles put of town and was a popular place this year. ■ as you agreed. MISSING Information as to the present whereabouts of Fred Morlett, a member of Gilroy, Calif., Lodge, will be appreciated by his sister, Mrs. Fred Riem, 1401 F St., Vancouver, Wash. MISSING Information Wanted—Howard S. Surface, who enlisted in the Marines in 1918. Address Henry Surface, 1706 East Lynn St., Anderson, Ind. Bargain to !New Customers t&Pay Postage Send only your name and address on the coupon below today—send no money —and we’ll ship you this astounding, price sreasi * Bhoe bargain, postage r paid, on approval. Se these wonderful and pliable Ice__ work shoes. Your, money back if you don’t agree " ‘ they beat any value you‘ ever seen. Brown for Black Work Shoe— Army Style SendNoMoney Crash go shoe prices ! Manufacturer’s price direct to yon. Jobber’s, Wholesaler's and Retailer’s profit eliminated. Think of it—only .c J.C3 for this super-comfort, army style, brown cr black Bluchcr work shoe made extra durable of water and acid resisting leather. Two full layers of heavy, tough extra quality leather in the eolcs. Full gram leather inner sole Triple stitched e־'d reinforced throughout against wear. Dust-proof bellows tongue. There’s nothing you ever saw ta beat it at ? ־> to $7 eise-Where. And only $2.98 on this bargain offer to new customers. Order a pair on approval пою. Send no money. Just your nnn 3, address and sizo of shoe cn coupon. Sizes 6 to 11. Wide widths. Order by No., Brown Б05, Black БС1. ш Fred’k M. Dunham, g’p?. &S"£SSib I Send me one pair of army style work shoes. I will pay the 8 8 postman only ?2.98 on delivery. If for any reason whatsoever I II am not perfectly satisfied and not sure that they are the ■ biggest value, 1 will return them at your expense and yoa В will refund my money at в _ once. I risk nothing. Sizo.. в Color: □ Brown □ Black “ I ! I Name......................... | I Addrees...................... | Allegheny, Pa., Lodge No. 47, is leaving nothing undone to present to its members one of the finest club houses in the order. The entire building is being remodeled, and will be ready for the activities of the coming season the first of September. j Actual $6.50 Value Wilmington, Del., Lodge No. 184, recently initiated two large classes of new members. At the second a large delegation came over from Baltimore, Md., Lodge No. 70. After the ceremonies were over a fine entertainment was rendered. L׳~־־------־*־ —r oner to prove k״. K/S O [&3 ^Vwepiive biggest values i BYfi L-I in clothes. Only£2.C5. h IWade-to-order, esact!y to your// 3 measure. Sntisfaction guaranteed( a ormoneyback. No money now; jusA/h | post card and we will Bendmeasure־\ ' 9 ment blank by which you get perfect a fit. Swellest style. V;e Rreoav ex-*< press. a ment cmns Dy wnicuyougetper: I fit. Swelled style. V7e prepay ex•/ | press. Hurry while low pricelasts*|״ |MiIE$25@SA¥EAl| | Coin moneyby ourwonder?ulsalesp% a plan. And get your own clothes ^ j iFKEE. We will tell you about this if | you write now. Nothing like it. if*־ | S’ ES r? |T Greatest Style Book ever V§ I ET BTa Lsa Lat shown giving• all particulars L I about plan—152 wonderful wool samples—v Waverly, N. Y., Lodge No. 1490, is going to put on a Minstrel Show on Sept. 16th and 17th, at the Loomis Opera House. The members, are busy rehearsing for this affair, in one act of which there are one hundred and fifty members. g ttouui uian-Fjz wonaertui wool samples— | magnificent fashion plates and—men lockL V hero—;the most stunning pictures of movie Lt I stars in the most tantalizing, daring posea.S״ 3 Printed in colors. Think of it, a post cardR 9 bnn״s all this. You can’t beat it. Send today.g j RELIABLE TAILORING CO. g 335 S. Peoria St. CHECAGO . FREE PHONOGRAPH AND RECORD Boys and Girls! This wonderful NewModel .talking Machine, band driven, decorated metal case, and popular record, is yours. A real TaikmgMachine with high-grade re-procucer. Plays loud and clear ell size disc records ud to 12 inches. Given for selling Satisfaction guaranteed. GATES MFG.CO.DÛPT.236^^ICAGÔ ww.w«,״* With You? PEPl NERVE! VIGOR!—GONE! 4tr.״L0bf ״I“„ *S. yoursell why your Health and Xook ot yourself la the glass, ask wnat s wrong? \\ hy are you not able to get the most out of life in the joy of living an¿ arfi* ing capacity. Do you realize the danger you are la by neglecting yourself? Is it constipation, nervousness, indigestion, insomnia, weak heart* rheumatism, rupture, physical weakness, poor memory, lung trouble, catarrh, short wind, poor circulation, round shoulders, skin disorders? Are you flat chested or round shouldered? Too־thin or too stoul/ Do you want to increase your height 6r muscular development, or just your general health. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE TRUTH? Why not come to me-as a friend und confidentand tell me what is preventing your getting the most out of life? I will write you a friendly, personal, helpful talk that will lift you out of despair und suffering. I will send it in a plain, scaled envelope. If you are a victim of any secret habits which are ruining your ambitions, endangering your future, even threatening your life, LET ME HELP YOU. Your secret is safe with me, DELAY MEANS DANGER. You can’t mend the body with OILS, PHYSICS AND PIFFLE! You must know nature’s way. This is the Strongiort way. I will show you. Send for my wonderful book. “Promotion and Conservation of Health, Strength and Mental Energy," enclosing three 2c . otamps to pay mailing expenses. It will help you to shape ׳your destiny. Be the master not the slave. Write today. LIONEL STRONGFORT Physical and Health Specialist 1335 Strangforl institute, NEWARK, N. J, STRONGFORT Ybo Period Man