MOO SEME A RT MAGAZINE 18 Men—look here! No need for i to wear ready mades. No 1 for you to stand for high prices and pay all the money down for made-to-measure clothes. America’s big tailor shop will make you a i suit or overcoat of fine fabric in latest style to your exact measure, guarantee the fit and send it on approval for $1 down. Get our big Style Book and see for yourself that we are world beaters on style, quality, reasonable prices and liberal terms. The free Style Book explains our plan and shows how you get the snappiest styles and save money. Cloth samples also sent free. i Months to Pay Yourcredit is good here. We trust you. Wear the suit or overcoat while paying for it. ■ffkB* No risk to you. If not satis- [: fied return the clothes and we L. W&l €£4■ /8test refund your $1. That shows that our garments and work ^ '• Sa must be best—otherwise weMMii« O Wf» could not make Buchan Could any house be more 1; Yes, you keep $15 to $25 (or more) in your g, pocket when you or- /§ der a suit or overcoat from us. See our stunning styles and classy tailoring and learn how to save a lot of money. Get in on this now, and save that cash for yourself. 35 You send only $1.00 and | your measurements and tell us which cloth you want. Wemakethesuif and ship quick—no delays. Send clothes back if not all or more thar you expect. FREE¡ Style S®@k Send for your copy of our wonderful FREE StyleBook. Shows pictures of latest styles in Buits and overcoats and a big collection of fine cloth samples to select from. Mail coupon, letter or postal today—no charge—no obligation whatever. Stanley-Rogers Co., 1015 Jackson Bl., Dept. 1010 Chicago Please send me FREE your new StyleBook showing latest Metropolitan Styles,also Cloth Samples and full particulars of your $1 down with Five-Months־To־Pay Offer. Name Address % MOVIE MACHINE FUEE !1 Have Tour Own “Movie” SSitl■ LfI at home. Wonderful moving picture machine. Jr/Ja complete with gas generator and 3 sets reels, fTTr3 all different (96 views). Powerful lens, enow-j Lj fng large, clear pictures. Given for selling 24 W large colored pictures or 24 packages beauta-pg> f ul post cards at 15c each. Order choice today. GATES MFG. CO. DEPT. 436 CHICAGO L B. Reeder has developed a highly artistic concert band at Mooseheart. He gives much, of the erf it to Conn Instruments with which his organization is equiped. Liven Up Your Lodge With a BAN! or SAXAPHONE QUARTETTE A. all occasions; get prestige for your lodge. Saxophone trios, quartets or bands go over big. Let Conn help yoti as we’ve helped hundreds of others. A Guarantee Bond With Every Conn All Exclusive Conn Features at no Greater Cost. Awarded Highest Honors at World’s Expositions. « «1 ^S^tsSsUnR Conn Bldg. ElWutUnA Agencies in all large cities WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE BXNT) AND OR-CHESTR.A INSTR.UMENT9 C. G. CONN, LTD., 1024 Conn Bldg., Elkhart, lnd. Gentlemen: Please send your free book, also information on how to form a band—orchestra—saxophone band, (check organization.) Name _____ Street or R. R._ City or State ____ Lodge Lodge Notes A reunion of all the lodges in and around Boston, Mass., was held at Silver Lake. Many attended the affair and had a good time. Camden, N. J., Lodge No. Ill, will soon have raised the $6,000 which is its quota for the erection of a New jersey State Building at MOOSE-Heart. Granite City, 111., Lodge No. 272, after a very successful campaign, closed its charter. This lodge has been in existence eleven years and progressed steadily. Frank Higgins, the District Supervisor for Michigan reports good progress on the Michigan lodges, He'ex-pects to double the membership in the state during the next year. Johnson, Pa., Lodge No. 48, had an unusually large attendance at a meeting held on Aug. 12th. A class of forty was initiated, after which a lunch was served in the cafeteria. The Wisconsin State Building at MOOSEHEART is assured. A resolution was passed at the convention of the Wisconsin State Moose Association to provide a $30,000 Building. Ponca City, Okla., Lodge No. 1031, has all preparations made to dedicate its new home on September 28th. The contractor guarantees completion of the building on September 15th. Shamoldn, Pa., Lodge No. 1149, will have a real time at the formal opening of its club house on Sept. 11th. In connection with this event there will be held a big carnival during the week. On August 1st over 300 members of Kalamazoo, Mich., Lodge No. 88, made a journey to Allegan, Mich. Lodge No. 1140 to help initiate the largest class ever admitted into the Order there. Hoquiam, Wash., Lodge No. 910,^ is a small and progressing organization and boasts of having a band. This band was organized in July and consists of twenty-five members, who are busy rehearsing. East Moline, Iowa, Lodge No. 1627, was the host to five different lodges in that section of the country at a big stag held on Aug. 15th. A large part of the program was taken up by athletic contests and good eats. Clarksville, Tenn., Lodge No. 1027, conducted two excursions on the Cumberland River on Aug. 10th. One trip was made in the morning and one was made in the evening. Both trips were well attended. Hamilton, Ohio, Lodge No. 1437, is striving hard to reach the 3,500 mark. Only 125 more new members are necessary to attain the goal. _ This will make this live lodge of Ohio the second largest in the state. Marion, lnd., Lodge No. 253, closed its charter on Aug. 20th, with the initiation of a large class of candidates. After the ceremonies some entertainment was provided and refreshments were served. A large number of the members of Hamilton, Ont., Lodge 1142, heard the stirring addresses of Dean J. A. Rondthaler and Father J. J. Laffey of MOOSEHEART on Aug. 12th, in that city. Toledo, Ohio, Lodge No. 713, is putting on a big campaign at the present time under the direction of H. C. Meuth. It is expected to bring -------------------------------—~* New Time Saving Methods in Business They result from the purchase of an UNDERWOOD BOOKKEEPING MACHINE It will demonstrate how office can cut down its over-head. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc. 37 South Wabash Avenue Chicago, Illinois Splendid Opportunity for Moose. $2,500 to $3,600 a year easy profits if you become my agents and spend part or all your time taking orders for Comer Raincoats, raincapes and waterproof aprons. Maher made $51 one afternoon. Cooper $4,200 last year. Easy, Pleasant and Dignified Work No experience is needed—no capital. I finance you. All you do is take orders from the thousands of people who are ready and anxious , to buy. If Daniels could make $95 in 6 -days surely you can. You can do as well as McClary of Georgia who made $4,175 in a year. The Chance of a Lifetime I am offering you, yes, you an opportunity to simply take over and run a business for yourself that will make you more profit than the average bank cashier, doctor or lawyer. It’s your chance. No Delivering, No Collecting The new Comer plan, the plan that has put hundreds on the road to prosperity and happiness permits you to spend all your time making money. We do all delivering and collecting. Write Now for this Liberal Offer I’ll give you free a fine coat to wear.. I’ll give you rich samples of 65 beautiful fabrics, style book and complete outfit. Mail the CouponT0^ctdelr״w.Dowritw־ait your name on the coupon and mail it at once for the details of this liberal offer. This will be worth thousands of dollars to you if you act quick. THE COMER MFG. CO. Dept. V-121, Dayton, O. Please tell me how without investing a penny I can become your agent and make $50 to $100 a week. Also send me without charge your offer of free raincoat for myself. Name. Address Postoffice-------------------State- HAILTHIS COUPON-HOW