15 MOOSEHEART MAGAZINE [BANISH-—Sample 'Free I —= m w־ Dr. Elders’ Tobacco Boon ban- i & v i §»ishes the injurious and offensive ! ___ tobacco habit in 3 to 4 days.Easy If /& fJIT/, f f to take. No craving for tobacco I alriaj>Ji. A •in any form after first fewdoses I Spnri Hn Money Simply send name for Free Saxn-i aeon wo muiiey pIe *nd convincing proof. . 1 DR. H. WILL ELDERS, Dept,514 St.Joseph, Mo. CROWN YOUR TEETH Our solid gold shells look like real dentist’s work, and give you a Golden Smile. Fool your friends. . Slips right on over tooth, readily adjusted, removed any time, without __________ ' trouble. Guaranteed to fit and please. Sample, only 10c., 4 for 25c., 12for 50c., postpaid. * SHEF NOVELTY CO.,60StatioaD,Dept.514,NewYork,N.Y. I have never had a policy; I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came.—Abraham Lincoln. To be a Moose means that you have faith in man, love for the child, and hope for the race. Both Pair for Price of ONE Here is the Offer that Broke the Shoe-Trust Market 15 и IBÍS This Work Shoe—the best tan, toe, double-strength, double-value —.34. Full leather. Sounds impossible, and yet we do it, and you don’t send one cent to prove it. Thou־ buying daily. «2 Work Shoes Work - Shoe—Tan Soft toe, flexible uppers, guaran-teed doable strength medium• weight sole, acid-proof, wet-proof, rot-proof. Fall leather—well sewed. Genuine Manson Army Last. Good bon• est shoes. Full $5 value; our price ?2.34. Now sold only tinder this $7.98 offer. This Dress Shoe, genuine calf, gun metal finish—■think of . $5-64. It's the biggest bargain ״. . , ......•«* years — and yet with every pair of Dresa Shoes sold we will Beil a pair of Work Shoes for $2 34. A combination price, that reads like a dream—but it’s true. At’a total co-?i which !s less than the value of the Dress Shoe, you will have both pair at once. . . Don’t Send One Cent 08״ii*13” *7i?8• Fv!us po8tag.e f,ee^ when the big package, comes. U > • ®*ee them and try them on. And if oot satisfied return them and we •t once refund your money, including postage. " Dress Shoes Dresa Shoe—Black. Absolutely genuine calf, gun metal finish. This shoe is hign quality, hand- | somely made, best workman- j ship. Wi last. Easy heel. Extra value; our price $5.64. Now sold only under this $7.98 double pair offer. Wo Positively Cannot Sell Either Pair Separately. You can order different sizes if you wish. « ___.. _________________________ BROTHERS-LAW COMPANY FOREMANBROS. COMPANY. Dept, 817, Franklin and South Water Streets, Chicago, Illinois 1 I-Kioto—With Every Purchase—Our SPECIAL ILLUSTRATED BULLETIN oi Shoes (or the Whole Family. I l?ssa Brief Facts For Busy Moose The British bought 16,000,000 pounds of American honey in 1918. There are 63,000 steam locomotives now operated in the United States. There are now eight hundred and fifty-two children at MOOSE-HEART Los Angeles is now the largest city in the world west of the longitude of St. Louis. We will have to harvest at MOOSEHEART fifty-two acres of barley, two hundred and ten acres of ^orn, one hundred and sixty-four fccres of oats, thirty-seven acres of tye and one hundred and sixty-six acres of hay. Seventy per cent of Germany iron ore in 1914 was in that part of Lorraine which has since been annexed by France. A National Radium Bank has been established in New York with a capital of $375,000—consisting of three grams o! radium salts We have now at Mooseheart fifty-eight purebred and twenty-one graded Holstein cows, which are regularly given the tuberculin test and are free from the dreadful plague. The first cafeteria ever, seen in ¡Paris was thrust upon the innocent public last month when a new Y. W. C. A. opened in that city. Under the ruling of the post office, children cannot be sent by parcel post —not even if they are under the weight limit and are U. S. males. There are at MOOSEHEART eight hundred and fifty hens, six hundred and eighty-five little chicks, nine Em-den geese, twenty old ducks, fifty young ducks, and fifty pigeons. With 6 per cent of the world’s population an¿ 7 per cent of the world’s land area, the United States produces: 20 per cent of the world’s gold. 25 per cent of the world’s wheat. 40 pee rent of the World’s iron and steel. 60 per cent of the world’s cotton. 85 per cent of the world’s automobiles. oo Down Brings You the Famous “Winter King 16-in. Men's High Cut Shoe Just send the coupon and $1.00 and v/e will send you this splendid high cut shoe on approval. If you are not delighted when you s״e the shoes, send them back and your money will be returned instantly without a question. You take no risk. See fer yourself the strength and tremendous wearing quality that are built into these shoes. The stock is limited. Send coupon now. Chrome Tan Leather Throughout 16 inches tall. Every Inch selected, softest, pliable, tough, storm proof, solid dark chrome tan leather. The best wearing leather in the world and at the same time pliable and easy on the feet. Full oak tanned double soles. Solidlcather heels. Bellows tongue, same superb quality tan leather. Full Vamp, runs all the way under toe cap. Leather counters. Leather insoles. Back scam reinforced. Two straps and buckles. Positively the best shoe in the world for work or hunting. Sizes ft to 11. Order by No. F-i. Be ture to give your size. $1.00 cash, $2.35 monthly. Total $U.95. Six Months to Way Learn to buy the Elmer Richards wav as thousands of well satisfied men are doing. Six full months to pay in low monthly sums so small you will never notice them. No charge for credit—not one cent dis-for cash. These shoes are a "big special bargain, miss this chance; send for pair on approval now. Senef Don't be too late. The stock is limited. Send the coupon now with a dollar bill or a_ fl.CO P. O. order. .You take no nsk. Money back instantly if you ask for it. Send coupon now. Elmer Richards Co. Dept. 9217 W. 33th Street, Chicago Solid pliable high- grade chrome tan leather Write your name and address here. Cut it out and mail it ׳., Dept. 9217 West 35 th Street, Chicago, Illinois if , ״־,״״— Haarnr , Please send Men’s 16-inch Hi״h Cat Shoe, No. F-4. Size............ nt.f.ui .d y^?■1 receive tne shoes, I can return them and get payment back v/ith charges. Otherwise, I will pay advertised terms, $1.00 with coupon, $2.S5 monthly. Total price, $14.95. Elmer Richards Co Gentlemen — I enclose $1.00. Name. Mr. Car-Owner Save Money! Buy Dependable Double Tread Tires. Guaranteed for 0,000 Miles Service. Dependable Tires are constructed of the highest grade material and hardly ever blow out. Order today at these low prices. Sin 30x3... T.il*•* 31x3%—, 31x4 34x4 -,1 10.00 3.00 35х4У2 36x4 V2׳ 37x5 _L- 12.75 3.75 You’ll reorder like thousands of others—because these guaranteed tires “make good” everywhere— everytime. Dependable tires are only guaranteed for 6,000 miles, but it is not unusual for them to give 8,000 to — 10,000 miles service. ef!!5Sr i Send $2 deposit for each tire lotn 5t. 5tote BanH ordered, balance C. O. D. subject to examination. State whether S.S. or Clincher, plain or non-skid. Send full amount and save 6% discount. Order NOW DEPENDABLE TIRE & RUBBER £0. 3446 Odgen A vs. Dept. 302 Chicago Auto Owners WANTED! To introduce the best automobile tires in the world. Made under our new and exclusive Internal Hydraulic Expansion Processthat eliminates Blow-Out—Stone-Bruise— Rim Cut and enables us to sell our tires under a !0,000 MILE GUARANTEE We want an agent in every community to use and introduce these wonderful tires at our astonishingly low prices to a!ll motor car owners. FREE TIRES forYOUROWN CAR to a representative in each community. Write for booklet fully describing this new process_and explaining our amazing introductory offer to owner agents. Hydro-United Tire Co. DEPT. 198 ____PHILADELPHIA, PA. SUITS шуалоо, ш\ Made To ’ Measure A wonderful offer that you !e.We decide to keep it. FREE should investigate at once. .. ^ ship on approval — delivery ШШ charges prepaid — for you to (y ״*׳ try and examine before you4* decide to keep it. A big lot of^ Cloth Samples from which to choose—all fast cpk>rs and guaranteed quality — the finest, most durable and beautiful patterns that money can buy. The meet wonderful tailoring bargains in America. Send ns a card at once. AGENTS American tailoring Ufan».j is easy to sell. No ” “n*"a experience is needed. Start in your spare time. New/ -Mexico man did $7,000business in*׳ — fivr months; Georgia man, $486 the first month. Send a card or letter today for our special offer sample suit to agents to wear and show their friends and our big new sample outfit with full instructions— all free and prepaid. American Woolen Willi Co., Deni, 1841 , Chicago, Illinois 20 th CENTURYM0DEL WATCH $3.25 f״r™i;« 3 01־.Boys׳ popular 16size perfect time keeper j5^־• .Highly polished thm model silveroid case open face, ?״®ir\-wind. 3Du set, position adjustment, fully tested. This is a real time piece. Guaranteed not to be a clock or rebuilt movement. 53H5 ^ ^-qo We Pay A written Guarantee with every watch. Send no money. Simply pay Watch and Dresent is vours. Satisfaction No Experience Needed. Professional machine and complete outfits sold on easy payments. Openings everywhere. Start now. MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. Dept. 548 420 Market,St. Louis, Mo.